Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 10

by Piper Stone

  “He said he has a business venture, including investors who were at the club the other night.”

  Michael narrowed his eyes. “He didn’t approach me, but then you are the face of Club Darkness.” He winked, forcing me to see the exhaustion on his face.

  “Our father must have handled the reins tightly.”

  “Trust me, brother. I know he did. As far as what’s happening now, I believe someone wants to make certain particular information won’t see the light of day. Lots of talk lately about shifts in power within the city. There would seem to be some kind of operation going on that is worth blackmail, extortion, and murder.”

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked, surprised he seemed more in touch than usual.

  Grinning, he lifted his glass. “I have my sources as well, brother. Our father did teach me a thing or two about being ruthless. Bottom line. We need to find out the person behind the deposits before it’s too late.”

  “Agreed. I’ll have a discussion with the good senator,” I said, hissing afterwards. “Maybe when Christopher talks to his informant we’ll know more.”

  “I hope like hell we do. I’ll continue to try and find out as much information as I can about the cash deposits. In the meantime, I’m having every account moved while still leaving the currents ones in place but having them red flagged. We certainly don’t want to raise any undue attention.” Michael took another sip then eased the glass onto the table. “You know, you were always Pop’s favorite. He said that you were a dreamer, a free spirit, the kind of person he’d always wanted to be, at least before he became power hungry.”

  “When this bullshit is over, I think it’s time you told us more about our father’s legacy.”

  He lifted his head, giving me a haunted look. “Some things you might not want to know.”

  “We shall see. In the meantime, I called in a favor with one of members of law enforcement.”

  For the first time, he smiled. “Excellent. For a dreamer, you certainly are cunning.”

  I held my breath, fighting the instincts crawling along my spine. “That’s what I learned from our father, Michael.”

  “Be careful of the woman, Gregory. I saw the look in your eyes. I can tell how much you hunger for her. If she’s an undercover officer, even though our business is entirely legit, there is no way you can be with her. While I want you to be happy, starting a life on a lie isn’t the way to do it. You and I both know that from experience.”

  I watched as he walked up the stairs, his usual powerful stance somehow shaken. Even families kept their secrets buried deep inside. Was it to stop the pain or for protection from something else entirely?

  Perhaps I’d never know.

  Chapter Seven



  Now she would truly become mine.

  As I’d anticipated, she’d returned, her attitude just as provocative as ever.

  My beast was now fully awake, famished for a taste of her.

  I hadn’t been able to get her off my mind for hours, the vision of her remaining from the night before alongside the uneasy feeling that she was some sort of catalyst.

  However, I was no fool and refused to be caught in some act of betrayal. From what I’d learned, she had little to hide. That kept the red flag raised. No one was devoid of secrets and sins, lies that perhaps they wanted to believe but were sordid in nature, useable as blackmail.

  Valentina was no different.

  However, she was no cop.

  The sergeant had checked every record for anyone with her description finding no one. He’d even called in a favor of his own, able to search the data banks of the FBI and CIA, also finding nothing. If she was a cop, she was working for some out of state entity, which I found hard to believe.

  That left working for one of the members, a complete possibility, although much harder to pin down.

  He’d also been unable to find any ongoing case against the club or the Dunmore name. However, I wasn’t convinced there wasn’t under the radar activity. At least the sergeant knew better than to keep me uninformed. His pretty little wife would hate to find out about his sadistic desires.

  The damn informant hadn’t been any more helpful to Christopher. Yet. If I knew my brother, he was helping the dealer understand he really should open up. I laughed at the thought. Like father, like sons.

  I’d found Valentina easily enough, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  In fact, I’d stood outside of her apartment for fifteen minutes, the unassuming building in the low rent district nothing special, but her car had been parked in front of it. Even her vehicle had the mark of playing pretend, far too beaten up, tires long overdue to be replaced. I’d debated knocking on her door, confronting her, but what purpose did that serve? She was allowed to have a life outside of the job.

  I’d even followed her to the grocery store, keeping my distance in an effort to simply learn more about her. Nothing had given me any indications of additional red flags. Everything had seemed normal. It was possible she was actually running from a horrible past, something I could understand.

  But the gnawing at my gut continued.

  I hadn’t anticipated seeing her on stage, the costume even more sensual than the one the night before, the dance routine provocative. She was on fire, her buildup to an explosive climax impressive as hell. The girl was pulling out all the stops. My mouth watered at the thought of keeping her locked away in a cage.

  Training her.

  As before, I’d remained mesmerized, watching her as my cock ached, the memories of the night before providing far too many sadistic ideas and desires. As I stood off to the side, my thoughts shifting to how I wanted to deal with her, I scanned the crowd, noticing we had a packed house, including several members of congress as well as prominent judges. One in particular caught my eye. Judge George Needham was an arrogant bastard, finding joy in providing stiff sentences. He’d also been caught with his pants down years before by my father, taking far too many liberties with the prosecuting attorney on an unsavory murder case. He’d remained loyal to the club as well as to my father after that. At least so it seemed. He’d even defended the reopening of the club.

  Or so I’d been told.

  While the majority of men hungered for a taste, the expression on his face was far more carnal.

  Everything about his actions bothered me. When one of the waitresses was flagged by the judge, I watched curiously, bristling when the waitress made her way in my direction.

  “Mr. Dunmore, Judge Needham would like a private dance from Valentina. He would also pay for the opportunity to discipline her.”

  While the request wasn’t out of the ordinary, the timing was far too coincidental. When the judge glanced in my direction, even lifting his glass in reverence, I took a deep breath. While he’d once been a frequent flyer, he hadn’t spent much time in the club. Obviously, crimes were up. I thought about the situation, realizing that if our lovely Valentina was indeed working undercover, he would certainly recognize her.

  Even in her obvious disguise.

  The game of cat and mouse was getting juicier. What the hell.

  “I’ll allow it, Marla. Please prepare a room and escort the judge. Make certain he’s comfortable and has everything he needs. I’ll bring Valentina in a few moments.”

  “Yes, sir.” Marla seemed antsy, as if the request troubled her. While the judge was known for his rather disturbing preferences, he’d also been warned on two occasions. Three strikes and he’d never set foot in the establishment again.

  I remained where I was until the information had been relayed, the judge’s smile pissing me off. I’d been on edge all day, unable to get what Michael had said out of my mind. While he’d handled the business as discussed, although without finding any additional information, none of us would relax until we could ascertain the perpetrator.

  Maybe things were looking up. Then again, maybe the lovely Valentina had more than one identity
up her beautiful, short skirt. I was in a dark mood tonight, bothered by the fact my thirst for her hadn’t abated. Maybe I should take my brother’s warnings seriously.

  I found Valentina in the back, chatting with a few of the other dancers. At least there were no latent rumors about Valentina’s identity that had formed. She seemed very good at playing her part, perhaps even enjoying her foray into the forbidden.

  “A word, Ms. Foster,” I said with clear authority. There was no question as to whether she would follow. Even the other girls scattered away, likely fearful I’d call on them next.

  She froze as she always did around me, but I could see in the reflection of the mirror her anxious expression, the same nervous tic that I’d noticed more than once. Tonight, she seemed afraid of me. What had transpired between us had lasting effects.

  Perhaps for both of us.

  “Of course, sir,” she said with such trepidation in her voice, as if I was going to punish her. Although her timid actions surprised me given she’d been such a wildcat earlier. Maybe she’d begun to understand that her needs were just as dark as I’d suspected.

  Or maybe she was continuing to push my buttons on purpose.

  I took her out into the hallway, crowding her space as I pushed her against the wall, wrapping my hand around her throat. “You returned.”

  “I told you that I would. Sir.” She offered no smile, no reaction of any kind except for the shimmer in her eyes.

  I wanted to strip her down right here, taking her in a brutal and unforgiving way.

  “You heard what I said to you. Make no mistake, Valentina, you now belong to me. You will do as I say, no matter what I ask. You will take every command without question. And I will take you when I want and how I want. That was our deal. Any infractions and your penance will be significant. Do. You. Understand?”

  I wasn’t certain what to expect or how she would react. When she lowered her head out of respect, I was impressed. When she issued the two little words I’d longed to hear, I was insatiable with hunger.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Excellent,” I whispered then rubbed her jaw, delighting in the surge of electricity. She was mine in every way. Whoever she was working for no longer mattered. I would crush them like a bug. I lowered my head. I shouldn’t allow myself a single taste. Inhaling, I was filled with another round of vile thoughts, the desire to shove my cock into her mouth almost impossible to resist.

  She pressed her hands against me, digging her fingers into my chest. Her breathing was shallow, her eyes darting back and forth across mine.

  Growling, I captured her mouth, holding my lips in place for a few seconds before thrusting my tongue inside. The taste of peppermint was almost an assault in comparison to the sweetness I’d expected. I yanked her hands away, dragging her arms over her head, slamming them roughly against the wall. As I pressed the full length of my body against hers, she whimpered into the kiss, undulating her hips in a far too seductive manner.

  She had no idea the beast that had been awakened, one she should fear at all costs. But this woman, this feisty and vivacious woman seemed to crave pushing boundaries. The warmth of her body and the way my throbbing cock pressed into her belly was indicative of how I wanted her.

  Chained and waiting.

  Hungry and ready.


  I finally eased back, nipping her lower lip before releasing my hold and turning away. The thought of offering her up to another man was blasphemous but necessary.

  “You have an assignment for tonight. It would seem that your seductive dances have caused quite a stir, as well as desire amongst several of our customers. One of them would like to have some private time with you. I assure you that fucking is out of the question. Our clients can touch, spank, engage in asking you for a private dance, but nothing else. The judge has asked for a private dance as well as the opportunity to discipline you. He is paying very well for the honor.”

  When she said nothing, I shifted to study her reaction.

  She bit her lower lip, only nodding again. I lifted her chin, staring into her eyes, able to catch a hint of fear. If she was concerned a judge would be punishing her, there was no indication.

  “I assure you that nothing will happen to you.” Not on my fucking watch. I wasn’t going to leave the judge alone with her for long, no matter how much he’d paid for the opportunity.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I will take you to the room then I will check later that you are complying with his requests. Anything else will result in harsh punishment.”

  “I understand, sir.” Her rebellious tone had returned.

  My thoughts drifted to the desire to cage her.

  I took her by the arm, leading her through the crowd and toward the private rooms. When we neared the one prepared, I hesitated, wanting nothing more than to refuse the judge’s request. I loathed the fat pig, his drunken episodes often initiating an escort out of the building. Hissing, I opened the door, leading her inside.

  “Judge Needham,” I said casually as I studied the man. While he didn’t seem intoxicated, it was obvious that looks could be deceiving. “This is Valentina. She will be honored to provide you with a dance as well as submit for a round of discipline. However, please keep in mind the rules of the club.”

  After giving me a dirty look, the judge smiled as he walked closer, giving her the kind of heated gaze that further pissed me off. However, there was zero recognition. “She is a lovely creature and would make a wonderful pet. What a shame she isn’t for sale. Or maybe she is, Gregory. Just name your price.”

  “No, Judge. She is not for sale, nor are any of my other employees. Keep in mind that my lovely employee is new to the art. Treat her accordingly or there will hell to pay.” I gave him a hard glare before tipping my head once again in her direction. “Follow his rules, Valentina. Make certain you give him a safe word and I assure you that he will follow it.”

  I could feel her eyes trailing me as I walked to the door, cognizant that this was the last thing she wanted to do. While I also knew this was a very good test as to her actual loyalty, the beast inside of me didn’t want to share.

  With anyone.

  Yet I walked away, my hunger only increasing.

  During the next several minutes, I realized that while I had several character flaws, many of which suited me well in feeding my ruthless nature, one was something I hadn’t anticipated.


  But not just for a warm body to fuck and feast on. I hungered for something I’d lost, the ability to spend time with someone else, fulfilling more than just my sadistic needs. I craved much more than was possible to achieve.

  I wanted her absolute submission.

  I wanted her to only serve my needs, those of no one else.

  And I wanted her respect.

  I exhaled at the thought, moving toward the bar in order to study the crowd. Within seconds, my mind was a blur, the awakening within my blackened soul something I hadn’t expected.

  My instincts were biting, pulling me back toward the room. As I headed in that direction, the slight commotion coming from one of the tables required my attention. Snarling, I headed toward the table where three men were arguing.

  “Gentlemen, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” What I hated more than anything were prima-donna actors, the kind of men who believed their shit didn’t stink and that any woman would be lucky to be on their arm. I didn’t have to motion for the bouncers, two of them already advancing.

  “We’re fine, asshole. I suggest you get the hell away from us,” one of the guests had the audacity to say.

  The little prick truly thought he was something special, especially since his father was Roberto Gasini, reputed crime lord with a sick sense of brutality.

  I heard the deep exhale of one of my bouncers, the man knowing exactly how I would react. And I didn’t waste any time, my hand wrapped around his throat within two seconds. The gasps from a few of the tables around us only
fueled my fire. I shoved him over the table, leaning over until I was able to glare into his eyes. “I suggest you learn some manners.”

  The jerk shoved his hands against my chest in an awkward attempt to get out of my hold. “Fuck. You.”

  I smiled as I dug my fingers deeper, pinching off his carotid artery. “Bruno, why don’t you and Shaun escort our two other guests to the entrance. I can handle this... asshole myself.”

  Bruno shifted closer, his experience with my anger’s hairline trigger often a benefit. He was considered the cleanup man. “If you think that’s wise, Mr. Dunmore.”

  “Don’t worry, Bruno. A little punk like this I can handle with ease. Isn’t that right, Bart?” I leaned further over, enjoying the gagging sounds coming from the jerk’s mouth. “I think that we need to get something straight. Don’t you agree?”

  Bart’s eyes were bulging as he clawed at my hand. While he attempted to answer, little more than saliva oozed from his mouth.

  “Now, if I let you go, you are going to assure me that you’ll be a very good boy. Correct?”

  Another flurry of his fingers attempting to yank my hand from its position was all the answer I needed. I jerked him up, releasing the pressure while still keeping my fingers attached to his neck.

  “I didn’t hear an answer from you,” I said in a casual tone, eyeing the other guests until they looked away one by one.

  “Fine... Yes...”

  It was funny how Bart’s words were almost inaudible. I could see Christopher approaching, chagrin on his face. I waved him off, preferring to enjoy my task alone. I let go, taking a single step away and brushing my hands down my jacket. “Now, you’re going to follow me like a good little boy to the entrance.”

  After a coughing spell, he gave me a single nod.

  “Excellent. You will be able to return to my club but only escorted by your daddy, and I’m not talking about Don Gasini,” I chided, knowing his reputation. He preferred big burly bikers to any of the leading ladies he’d been photographed with. While I might be pushing my luck given his father was one big bad mobster who controlled a good portion of the East Coast, I quite frankly was tired of playing games.


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