Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 24

by Piper Stone

Snorting, he seemed to relax. “You haven’t. If you had, you’d have started off the exact way your father did, at the jugular. I’ll be damned.”

  “The question you should ask yourself is how does this perpetrator have any idea what to blackmail you with?”

  He opened his mouth, a strangled hiss coming out. “I don’t know, but he had pictures that he sent me.”

  I shoved the thought into the back of my mind.

  I shifted the barrel once again, making certain he understood I wasn’t here to play games. “When is this asshole supposed to contact you again?”

  “I don’t know if he will.”

  “And why is that, James?”

  Once again, he seemed nervous, shifting his eyes toward the floor.

  “James. I suggest you be honest with me. If you want to live, I need to be able to trust you.”

  James sniffed, dragging his tongue across his lips before looking me in the eye. “Because whatever is happening is going down today and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

  “Then talk to me. Tell me about the asshole behind this. And tell me why.”

  While he continued to shake, he spouted off a story that made my blood boil.

  And drove my need for retaliation into overdrive.

  I prided myself in being able to determine when someone was lying, and I could easily see that he was telling the truth.

  So, I did what any self-respecting Dunmore would do before leaving.

  I pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Could I freaking trust Busfield or was the asshole simply attempting to throw me off? If I made the wrong move, I could shove our club straight into the bowels of hell. I needed more proof, something tangible.

  I stormed into Michael’s office, knowing Christopher would be there as well. If what James had told me was true, we had little time before our privacy would be disturbed.

  “What the hell were you doing?” Christopher demanded. He looked like shit, his face covered in bruises. It would appear his informant hadn’t gone down without a fight.

  “Having a chat with Senator Busfield,” I answered as I glared at him. “I see you were rolling in the shit.”

  Christopher bristled, taking several steps in my direction.

  Michael huffed as he threw out both hands, his eyes locked on mine. “You didn’t kill him, did you?”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Just made certain he’ll remember who his friends are from now on.” The blanks I’d used had still had a deep effect on the man. When I’d left, he’d been cowering in a corner.

  “Did you find out anything?” Michael asked in a reserved voice.

  “He was blackmailed into helping this asshole by coordinating the deposits.” I moved toward the bar, needing something to calm my nerves. “He tried to tell me he didn’t know who was responsible.”

  “You have to fucking be kidding me,” Christopher snorted.

  “I got it out of him, or at least who he wanted me to believe is behind this.” I poured a half glass of scotch, my thoughts shifting to Valentina.

  “But you don’t believe it,” Christopher said, shaking his head.

  “I can’t be completely certain.” I thought about how Busfield had issued the name, the smell of fear entirely real.

  “Who the hell are we talking about?” Michael demanded.

  “A man you’d least expect,” I said, laughing.

  Christopher hissed. “This isn’t a game, brother. You need to tell us.”

  I swirled my drink, thinking about all the nasty ways I was going to deal with the information. “That’s where you’re wrong, Christopher. It is a game, the cops tipped off early to initiate the asshole’s plan.”

  “And Valentina?” Michael’s voice held a hint of sadness. The poor man had lost two fiancées over the years. One because of his work ethic. The other to cancer. We’d both suffered but for entirely different reasons.

  “I am forced now to believe she was undercover.” I heard the level of angst in my voice and cringed.

  “That means you took care of her,” Christopher piped in.

  I slowly lifted my head in his direction. “She’s handled.”

  “Good,” Michael said. “I hope you were careful. Now tell us who is behind this.”

  “I already told you,” Christopher snapped. “The Gasini family.”

  “That’s crap,” Michael snarked. “They have been partaking in aspects of Club Darkness for years.”

  “Until you were so damn stupid as to toss out Roberto’s son from the club and spread filthy little information about his sexual appetites.” Christopher gave me a dirty look after spouting off the statement.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” I huffed.

  “You haven’t heard?” Christopher barked. “Oh, that’s right. You were too busy interrogating the senator.”

  Michael growled. “Stop it, both of you. This isn’t getting us anywhere. Universal dropped the kid from the big movie he was working on here. It would seem that the studio, his agent, and just about anyone else he’s worked with were emailed some pretty dicey pictures. Was that you?”

  “You have to be kidding me?” I held my breath, no longer finding the scotch appealing. Was there another entity behind this as well?

  “Answer the question, Greg. I want to know,” Michael asked again.

  “No. You know damn good and well that’s not my style.”

  “Several people heard you saying something,” Christopher countered. He moved toward the television in Michael’s office, grumbling under his breath.

  I thought about the crowd that had formed at the door that night, all curious to see what I’d do. “This is just another part of the game and nothing more. If the police don’t arrest us, the Gasinis will make certain we pay for hurting the baby boy of the family.”

  Michael sucked in his breath and eased behind his desk. “Fairly ingenious and you walked right into that portion of the ploy.”

  “Maybe so, but the man behind the scheme made a senator nearly crumble.” I watched as he picked up a piece of paper, fingering it several times.

  “Then out with it, Gregory,” Christopher demanded.

  “Does this have to do with the fact Pops and his buddies were judge and jury?” Michael asked. “I think there are a number of people in this town who want to make certain that doesn’t happen again.”

  I tried to pay attention to what he was saying even as the television distracted me. “You know, I always thought our father was king of the jungle.”

  “Oh, he was, but he brought in a few of his buddies to help keep the peace. Again, that’s something Pops told me over drinks. He’d never been boastful before and I found it difficult to believe all the tall tales at the time.”

  “Does that mean you do now?”

  Michael lifted his gaze. “Let’s just say that I think our father was trying to prepare us for his passing, reminders of who could and couldn’t be trusted.”

  “What. The. Fuck?”

  Christopher’s dark voice drew our attention, both Michael and I walking toward the television.

  “And in shocking news, some prominent members within the world of politics have been arrested in a sting operation involving sex trafficking...”

  I drowned out the rest of what the reporter was saying as I stared at the men being brought out of their offices. My entire mind shifted to two nights earlier.

  “Jesus,” Michael breathed. “All club members.”

  “And all captured on film by Valentina,” I added.

  “What?” both Michael and Christopher asked at the same time.

  I drifted back toward the desk, finally gulping the entire glass of scotch. “I caught her with a camera and took it away from her. She’d only taken a few photographs, but those men were the ones she’d captured. With one exception.”

  “Do we want to know?” Christopher chortled.

/>   “Busfield.”

  “He’s obviously protected because of helping whoever is behind this.” Michael rubbed his eyes.

  “Not necessarily. Look.”

  As Christopher drew our attention toward the television, a cold chill shifted down my spine. Busfield’s office was being raided. “Fuck. The bastard is cleaning house.”

  “Wait a minute,” Michael huffed. “If Valentina is working for the police and she took those pictures, then how did the asshole know?”

  “Where is the threat you mentioned before? I want to see it,” I demanded as the adrenaline rushed into my system.

  “There was a second one that came in just minutes before you arrived, but it doesn’t make any sense to me.” Michael moved quickly, yanking the piece of paper from before off his desk and handing it to me.

  I learned a long time ago that something so precious is to be cared for, kept secure and protected against monsters no matter the cost. Even if it’s suffocating. Even if others call it a weakness. Perhaps the thought is something for us all to keep in mind.

  And something that you forgot.

  Now you’re going to pay with something equally as precious...

  “Fuck.” The information Busfield provided was correct.

  As the realization settled in, my skin began to crawl.

  “Where are you going?” Michael demanded.

  “Busfield is right. Be prepared. The cops are going to arrive. The bastard is cleaning up loose ends and that includes Valentina.”

  * * *


  There was no hesitation, no reason to try to stay undercover any longer. I knew exactly who was behind the subterfuge and I wanted to know why. I stormed into the precinct, heading straight for the captain’s office. It seemed that every single person who remained in the oversized room was watching me as I took long strides, pushing past anyone who stood in my way. I wasn’t just angry.

  I was livid.

  The moment I threw open his door, his shocked face confirmed my answer. “Detective. What the fuck?”

  “That’s what I need to ask you, Captain Snelling. What the hell do you think you’re doing and what did you get me in the middle of?” The only thing that threw me was that he wasn’t wearing a peach shirt. Of course, he had others working with him.

  Huffing, he glanced out the door, likely seeing gawkers then moved to shut it behind me, even taking the time to close the blinds so others wouldn’t see.

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you just blew your cover.”

  “Why, because there some dirty cops on the force? Members who don’t mind playing with the mob?”

  “You don’t think that there are several cops who are members of that damn club? What are you talking about as far as the mob?”

  “That damn club has nothing to do with this. There is no sex trafficking going on. None. This is all about some kind of revenge, which is exactly what brings me to you,” I snapped. “Does the Gasini family ring a bell? Or are you simply trying to clean up several messes from the past few years, including one of your own?” Maybe I wanted him to admit this was mob related, but my gut told me other cops were indeed involved.

  “I suggest you watch your mouth, Detective. I don’t take kindly to being accused of something I haven’t done, and I especially don’t like it from a green detective new to my force.” He’d raised his voice, finally exhaling and rolling his eyes. “Goddamn it!”

  I shook my head over and over again before tossing the pictures I’d received on his desk. “Nice pictures, Captain. Which goon out there did you have following me?”

  I watched as his eyes fell to the series of photographs, finally taking several into his hand. “What the hell is this? I didn’t have anyone following you.”

  “A package arrived at my doorstep today with a note telling me to turn on the television. Did you think I was getting too close? Were you trying to scare me that a mafia family was coming after Gregory and me? I stayed long enough to watch the first arrest being made. When the second one happened, I knew you were the leak. The pictures I sent you?”

  “Detective. Those arrests are the first in a series. There will be more.”

  “Yeah, including the Dunmore brothers. Right? You think they’re in bed with the Gasinis. You used me.”

  “That isn’t the case, but you need to listen to me.”

  Snorting, I could tell he didn’t give a damn. “I’m through listening to you. In fact, I’m through with all of this. You can’t allow innocent men to go to jail because of blackmail.” I wasn’t certain about the look in his eyes, but I could tell his rage was increasing. Well, so was mine. “I checked on you. I had a friend of mine find out all the ugly details of why you still hate Richard Dunmore with a passion.”

  “You did what?” he snapped.

  “It seems that you were once a member of the club and your buddy kicked you out of some internal group within Club Darkness’ organization. Paybacks are hell. Aren’t they? Did you and your buddies have fun seeking revenge? Are they congressmen and judges?”

  He opened his eyes wide and I could tell that a lightbulb had finally gone off. I had him dead to rights. The only thing that I would be able to do was go directly to the press.

  And pray.

  I backed away, chuckling. “Bastard.”

  “Wait. Autumn. Things are starting to make sense, but I would never betray you. I was led to believe that there was a sex traffic ring within the club. We need to work through this together.”

  “Nope. Nothing to work through.” I threw open the door, still laughing as his look went from shock to desperation. “Oh, and as far as my badge? You can keep it. I quit.”

  As I walked out the door, I’d never felt so free or so destroyed in my life.

  I had everything I needed to blow this thing wide open. I only hoped it was going to be enough in order to...

  Save the man I loved.

  I headed across the street, trying to keep my head high as I thought about Gregory. Of course, he’d never believe me now. Not after what I’d done. My God. I couldn’t believe how freaking stupid and naïve I’d been.

  One way or the other, I would make this right. I looked over my shoulder, praying to God that the captain wasn’t following me. Thankfully, I was all alone. I reached the car, my fingers numb as I struggled to unlock it. Now what was I going to do?

  Get the hell out of the apartment. That was the first key. I’d made certain to hide everything associated with the case, including a majority of pictures that had been sent to me. Why he’d bothered to tip his hand with regard to Gregory was beyond me, unless he’d wanted to make certain I wasn’t taken down by the Gasini family. The captain hadn’t realized just how far I’d go in determining who was behind the case.

  As I walked inside the main door to the apartment building, I made certain it was shut and locked, leaning against the cheap wooden frame for a few seconds to catch my breath. While I’d ascertained that no one had followed me, that didn’t mean the captain wouldn’t try to convince me in more ruthless methods that what I was doing wasn’t in my best interest.

  I entered the apartment and it felt colder than usual, or maybe my nerves were just frazzled. Dropping my keys, I walked toward the kitchen, immediately reaching for my gun after seeing the mess that had been created.

  “I wouldn’t do that, Autumn, if I were you.”

  The voice was one I’d never forget. Everything that I’d thought was the truth just came tumbling down. I’d missed several clues. Marty had been right. The person who’d been able to hide under the radar was indeed powerful. A judge could request information without raising any eyebrows. Even the picture I’d taken of the man standing outside the apartment made sense. Why hadn’t I seen it? I glared at all the information I’d collected, including the now broken iPad smashed against the kitchen counter before turning around, angry that I’d been such a fool. “Judge Needham.”

  “For some reason, it seems you w
ere expecting me, although given your little performance at the precinct, I’m not so sure.”

  In his hand was a weapon with a silencer, no doubt prepared to kill me in a method just like the Gasini monsters would do. A flood of information rushed into my mind. Oh, my God. I’d been completely wrong. “You pushed the captain into believing there were criminal activities at the club. Didn’t you?”

  He snickered, lifting a single eyebrow as he nodded. “While Captain Snelling is an honorable man, he also follows every single protocol. It wasn’t difficult to convince him, especially since he had no love for the Dunmore family or the club.”

  Jesus Christ. I tried to think about what I could do.

  “You went to a lot of trouble in order to bring down Gregory Dunmore. Why not just put a bullet in his brain?”

  He seemed confused as to my question, a wrinkle appearing over his brow as he walked closer. “Because I wanted him to suffer.”

  “So, this was personal.”

  “All the way around. Do you want to know why I selected you personally for the job?” the judge asked as he inched closer.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me.”

  “Because of your daddy being in prison.”

  I shrank back, holding my breath and fighting tears. I’d worked long and hard to divorce myself from my father, including using my mother’s last name. There was no way I wanted to be associated with a murderer.

  He laughed. “While we were looking for a pretty little face that couldn’t be traced, I did deep background checks. I knew the second your information was confirmed that you would be perfect.”

  “Why, because you thought I was easy to manipulate if necessary given the dirty little secret you knew I was trying to keep?”

  The sound of the door buzzer was more disconcerting for the judge than for me. If I was a gambling woman, I could take bets on who was outside.

  He moved toward the panel, smashing the gun against it. “We don’t need any interruptions. And don’t worry, your boyfriend isn’t coming to the rescue. I made certain that Gregory and his brothers were arrested this afternoon. Your captain is going to become a hero after taking down such a disgusting group of men. He certainly isn’t going to buy any story that you might decide to tell him. After all, there is no evidence of my involvement. None. That also means no one is coming to save you. It’s just you and me.”


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