Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2)

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Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2) Page 1

by Linda West


  The Secret Never Told You

  Linda West

  Copyright © 2014 Linda West

  All rights reserved.

  First Edition

  May 1, 2014

  My Inspirations

  With love to White Eagle, Sebastian and King David

  Thanks to White Eagle my co-writer and angelic guide for your love and support always.

  Thanks to my contributioning friends,

  Liz Angeles and Michael Edlen for editing.

  Table of Contents

  Prelude - 5

  1. How I Formulated the 5-Step Theory 7

  2. Money Money Money 15

  3. Love Love Love 23

  4. Decide What to Wish For 33

  5. The Triangle Check 49

  6. Getting in a High Frequency 77

  7. How to Make-A-Wish-Movie 85

  8. Calling in Your Best Friend 93

  9. Releasing to Receive 99

  Afterwords 109


  Hi. I'm Linda West. It’s nice to meet you!

  I'm going to tell you how I came up with the formula I use to manifest quickly. I have used this process with my clients in my home practice and with students at my lectures. I have countless stories of the manifestations that occur once you begin to use this simple formula. I hope that you too will leave me testimonials of the wonderful things you create after learning my 5 easy steps to manifest.

  After millions of people were made aware of the law of attraction by hits like The Secret, I noticed a large demand for the ‘how to’ part, that was never mentioned in the popular work.

  People understood and believed it worked. They just didn't have any idea how to do it. That's why I wrote this book, to help you understand how to use The Secret.

  I'm not going to give you the typical steps you've heard before on how to manifest. This is insider knowledge that even the experts don't want to share.

  Too bad. The cat is out of the bag. I love you and you deserve everything. It's an abundant universe with more than enough for all of our dreams to come true. So if you found this, you deserve it, and I can't wait for you to get everything you love.

  Along my unique and amazing spiritual travels, I listened and learned and tried to keep an open mind. What I realized, was that each time I had been successful in manifesting something I wanted, that it had followed a pattern. Subsequently, if I broke it down, I could teach others how to do it too. I began to teach my students in my lectures and home practice with great success, but I never made my 5-step process public until now.

  I don't much believe in mistakes or coincidences. I believe in signs, manifestations and love. If you are reading this, then you are ready to be more powerful than you are now. You are ready for change and greatness and happiness.

  In my lingo, you have raised your frequency. Congratulations!

  Chapter 1

  How I Formulated the 5 Steps to Manifest

  I'm on a flight to Dubai and I'm so excited.

  I'm excited because I wished for this and it's actually happening. Just a month ago, I wished to be able to manifest traveling the world, and now that wish has come true.

  It's happening in the most magical way; one in which I never saw coming, and which involves no money.

  Let’s face it. If I had the money, I'd have been traveling the world already, right? Duh! People ‘wishing for world travel’ is right up there on the list after ‘becoming rich’ and ‘falling in love.’

  In any case, most people don't have the resources to pick up and travel the world and neither did I, but that didn't stop me from wanting it, and ‘wanting’ gets you a lot of things.

  In fact, really really wanting with all of your heart,

  is one of the biggest keys to getting what you want.

  ‘Wanting’ and ‘wishing’ are actually the same thing.

  The flight to Dubai takes 15 hours but it's not so bad because I'm in first class. Yes, hello, extra bonus points for the first class manifestation. Because remember, I'm

  not paying for this flight. It's free. I'm also going to be staying in one of the best hotels in Dubai overlooking the entire port.

  I know I'm going to have a great time because I'm going

  to make sure I manifest a great time, just like I manifested getting here.

  I decided that this was the best time to begin my book on ‘how to manifest,’ while I was in the midst of one of my greatest manifestations!

  This would come off as gloating if I wasn't going to show you exactly how I did it.

  I'm just an average schmo like you,

  so if I can do it, you can do it.

  When most people go after a dream, they will use their mind to figure out what to do.

  If they are really determined, they will get their body involved in an action to make that dream a reality.

  However, very few people know how to use their spirit and hearts to manifest their dreams.

  That's the part I'm going to show you!

  Soon, you will see magical things showing up in your life in miraculous ways, and the only thing you will have changed, is getting your spirit involved and pointed in the right direction.

  I'm going to take you through some simple lessons on how to make your wishes come true in 5 easy steps.

  I'm going to teach you the true secrets The Secret never told you...

  I am so excited for you!

  After this book, you will realize that you have been creating your whole life, for the good or the bad.

  You just woke up in the driver’s seat. Now, where shall we go? :)

  Let me explain to you a bit of my background and how it is that I learned about frequency and how I became the unknowing carrier of the torch of this sacred knowledge.

  When I was five years old I had a near-death experience. When I came back I still had a clear connection to the divine realm. I had a full understanding of the ‘Law of

  Frequencies’ at an intuitive level. (We all do, but it gets slowly shut down as we grow into the matrix.)

  About 15 years ago, I started dreaming about triangles and math and time. I didn't understand the dreams, nor did I have a passion for mathematics in any way.

  To be honest, I hated math and everything to do with math. I was an English major, mostly to stay away from math.

  That said, when the dreams wouldn't go away, I decided I had better start keeping track of them and writing things down.

  In my effort to understand, I started reading books that I normally would have never read or had any interest in.

  I read books on quantum physics, string theory, vibration and the Mayan Calendar.

  I ultimately began to formulate the understanding of the ‘Universal Science of Frequencies,’ which later would become my first book, Ultimate Power, The Use of Frequency Attunement.

  Based on my work, I ended up winning a scholarship from famed cultural icon and scientist, Terrence McKenna.

  I was asked to go into the rain forest, with top scientists from around the world, to do the research. It was a transformative experience, which led to my understanding ‘The Universal Science of Vibration,’ which was shown to me in the form of ‘Frequency Attunement.’

  After the book was published, I went
on to lecture every month on ‘The New Science of Frequencies.’

  With the information I received through my dreams, and the research I did in the rainforest, I was able to develop a way to actually show other people how to step-by-step create a wish that comes true.

  When we are younger, we tend to manifest things naturally, because one of the most potent parts of the process is loving something and having passion for it. We have a lot of that as children and less of it as adults, unfortunately.

  Cultivate those childlike moments. They unconsciously bring you wonderful things and reduce your stress too.

  One of the things I really wanted as a child, was to own a restaurant. I was so consumed with it as a young girl that at just six years old, I decided to open up my own restaurant out of my basement in Buffalo, New York.

  I made a sign and put it outside on the snow bank in front of our little house. I called it the "Blue Suede Shoes Cafe." I had daily customers, despite the blizzard-like conditions.

  I look back now and I wonder, “What kind of strange people were coming to a six-year-old's restaurant in her basement?” But that's another story.

  The real focus is that I was building up to a future manifestation with this creation.

  Unfortunately, I had reluctant landlords (i.e. my parents didn't like my running a restaurant out of our basement with my Barbie Burger Grill and my Easy Bake Oven).

  One little fire and they shut down my business. Go figure.

  Despite the fact it was short-lived, I put that frequency out there and years later, that frequency brought me my real-life restaurant today.

  After I channeled the book on frequencies and began to apply what I knew on how to manifest, I started manifesting all sorts of magical things in my life.

  One of those things I manifested was the restaurant that two of my girlfriends and I bought and ran for eight years.

  I manifested the restaurant that I had always wanted as a child, using the same technique I'm going to teach you now.

  I also did it with none of my own money down. Heck, I was a single mom at that time and barely had money for the electric bill, let alone to go investing in a restaurant.

  Remember, if I can do it, you can do it.

  I didn't know how it was going to come through and you won't know how it's going to come through, but it will come, in a beautiful amazing way - that I can assure you.

  Chapter 2

  Money Money Money

  Okay, you need money. Everybody has it on the list. I can tell you how to get all the things that money can buy and if you still want cold hard cash, we can do that too. First, you will have to put up with my philosophy on why you can't focus on money, and then I'll show you how despite all that - yes you can materialize cash.

  One of the most important things you are going to have to realize, is that to manifest, you have to let go and let the divine universe bring things in for you.

  Now let that concept in. Let it just sink in for a moment.

  In this world, at this time, the dominant belief structure is that you can only get things if you have money, that the only way to get what you want is through an exchange of money.

  You have to set that aside because it will hold you back.

  Sometimes you need to manifest cash, but almost always you need to manifest something you can get with cash.

  Then there's the false assumption built that cash is the quickest and most direct way to acquire things you desire. This is completely incorrect.

  Plus, there are a lot of things you can't acquire with money, like a good parking spot, a good friend or a good attitude.

  That said.....

  The two things people always ask to manifest first are money and love.

  Let's start with the easy one; money.

  Almost always, people tell me they want to manifest money.

  People assume that somehow, money is going to make them happy, change their lives, and bring them everything that's been standing outside the doorway to their bliss.

  Believe me, I've been manifesting for a long time, and working with people trying to manifest for a long time. Almost always, you manifest what you want, or what your goal is, but it rarely shows up as cash.

  The reason I say this is to not to depress you that you can't get your needs met. You can and you will. I'm just saying that a wad of money is not usually how it appears, although that may be the only way you see it now.

  I'm asking you to be open to it coming in a surprising way – a way you wouldn't expect without money.

  I know it sounds impossible, but I've been doing it now, and you'll do it as well.

  Wait. Did I hear you screaming, "But what I need to manifest is money!"?

  Okay, I understand you think that. And I will counter with, "What do you need the money for?"

  Now, you may respond, "I need money to pay my rent and I don't have a job."

  This is a valid wish; security and a safe home.

  This is how we deal with this. First and foremost, the universe rewards those who move toward their desires, on all levels; mind, body, and spirit.

  That said, if you need your rent paid, I would recommend doing all the physical actions suited to fulfilling this (i.e. sell things, get more work etc.). But then you should also be using the magical manifestation ‘5-step method.’

  With this process, we approach manifesting not money,

  but the rent paid. In this case, I would work with the person to focus on the rent being paid.

  The rent paid could then appear in many magical ways, some of which could look like this: a friend loans you money, you receive a check by surprise, you get a side job, somebody buys a painting you did...etc.

  Just remember, as we move through these exercises toward getting you what you want, that things may appear in ways you hadn’t considered.

  Don't get stuck in having to know.

  That's why they call it 'magic.'

  It's probably not going to come in the way that you think.

  Here's a simple story to help illustrate what I mean. A fisherman will sit by the river with just one pole, hoping that a fish will come by, so he can have dinner. How much of a chance is there in catching your dinner if you only have one pole in the game?

  That pole is akin to people fishing for money.

  People are usually fishing for money to solve all of the

  problems in their lives. Maybe the fishing pole is symbolic of their job. Maybe they even throw a little extra glimmering bait on the pole, such as a lottery ticket, but they are still fishing for the same game.

  When you use the manifestation steps I will teach you, you will then open up to all of God's miracles and possibilities to help you. When you give up going after the money to get what you want, and instead focus on the love of the thing you want, then you enact all of God's universe to help you.

  The universal divine fishing net then comes through, picking up all the possibilities you could have never imagined. There is so much better chance of getting your needs met than just trying to catch something with one little pole!

  Are you starting to see where I'm coming from? Have you been counting on that one pole called money to fulfill all of your hungers?

  Let me leave you with this famous poem by Goethe...

  "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, that ignorance of

  which, kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."

  You still want cash. Understandable.

hus, I'm going to give you my favorite tip for getting more cold hard cash.

  Top tip: Love money.

  Seriously, love your money as you spend it. Talk to it. Treat those little paper presidents like friends going out to bring you back more of their money friends. You always need more friends, right? :)

  So often, we are afraid of our money or mad at it as we spend it. Money, like everything, is energy, so love your money!


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