Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2)

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Secrets The Secret Never Told You;Law of Attraction for Instant Manifestation Miracles: How to Use the Law of Attraction (Law of Attraction Secrets for Instant Manifestation Miracles Book Book 2) Page 5

by Linda West

  Similar frequencies are drawn to other

  frequencies like themselves.

  Like attracts like.

  Like frequencies attract like frequencies by the Law of Attraction.

  To sum it up, everything has a frequency, but what we are looking for are the high frequencies - the frequencies that make you feel good.

  It's very important to launch a high-frequency wish or goal off of another high-frequency vibration.

  Don't go practicing this technique when you're in fear, doubt, sadness or illness!

  You have to wait until you get into an authentically happy place, or somehow boost yourself into a fake happy place, which also counts as a high frequency.

  What you're feeling is what you're feeling. It doesn't matter how you got there.

  Now we may do the exercise on manifesting.

  Because of the Law of Affinity, remember to Make-A-Wish when you're in a high frequency!

  A few years ago, I was in Big Sur. I was on a big tree swing in front of my friend’s cottage. The swing was one of the coolest things I'd ever been. It swung way out over the road below and overlooked the Pacific ocean.

  Every time I would swing out over the roadway, people driving by would look up and be totally surprised to see me, looking as if I had fallen out of the sky. They would wave up and break out in smiles as I appeared suddenly in the clouds above them.

  This for some reason made me ecstatically happy and joyful.

  The whole child-like hiding, then popping through the clouds and surprising people on the road driving by was so fun to me!

  I realized at that moment of silly joy, “Hello Linda, this is Make-A-Wish time!”

  Obviously, the goofy swing thing was a hoot for me, but you have to find what pops you into a higher vibe.

  And why was it the perfect time? To recap:

  I was so ecstatically happy, I was hitting a very high frequency. When you are in a high frequency, it is the time to send out your wishes. A high frequency means it's Make-A-Wish time.

  When high vibes are ringing in your head, that's the right time to Make-A-Wish.

  If you remember nothing else from this book, every time you get in a super happy place remember it's wish time - so send out those wishes baby!

  As you'll see, like attracts like, by the Law of Affinity, but it's what we FEEL that creates the vibrations that set up the pattern for the light vibrations to integrate with.

  We feel things into existence in the third dimension.

  We build a foundational house for the dream to manifest by ‘loving it’ to ourselves with a high frequency.

  Ultimately, we're talking about Source key energy that you want to match up with, or emulate.

  I found one of the easiest, surefire ways of getting into a high frequency is to read a comedy or watch a comedy. When you're laughing, you're officially in a high frequency. Then, while you're laughing... (it’s go time!)

  I also walk in nature or do something artistic to get myself into a high frequency. If I'm not feeling up, a surefire way to raise my frequency is a hot yoga class.

  Begin to look around in your life, and find what brings you joy. Become aware when you enter those special high-frequency moments.

  When you have identified, without a doubt, that you're

  in a high frequency and it's Make-A-Wish time, then it's time to move on to Step 3 and make that wish to the universe in the form of a movie.

  Chapter 7

  How to make your Make-A-Wish movie

  Now that you've done Step 1,

  and you are able to identify what you want, and you've done Step 2 and you are in a Make-A-Wish high frequency, you can move on to Step 3 - making a Make-A-Wish movie.

  Wherever you are, excuse yourself for a moment, or if you're alone in a high frequency, then you are ready to go.

  This step involves making up a movie in your head with real players. Imagine what you think everybody would be saying if your dream were true NOW - in the present.

  Imagine what you would be hearing, the natural conversation that would take place as this dream materializes, and what people around you and you would be saying.

  Most importantly, you must imagine how you would really really feel if your wish came true now. Like if a genie in the bottle suddenly appeared and said, “Go. Wish number 1 poof!” There is your dream, right there in your hands – how would you feel?

  Feel it. Feel the joy of it. Feel the wonder of it. Feel it!

  If you're creating the movie realistically, some things you might naturally be feeling are joy, awe, gratitude and thinking, “Hooray! My wish is coming true right now!”

  Your goal is to create such a believable movie inside your head, by using as many senses and creativity as possible; that you actually start to get excited about it, as if it were real.

  You actually attempt to fake yourself out.

  You fake yourself into a feeling by creating a movie exactly as you'd like to see it playing out in your life. You play act, to the point that you get excited about the possibility of it, and the truth of it.

  When you actually feel excited or happy, your movie has been successful!

  Now that you are feeling the realness of it, try to hold

  onto that feeling of as if for as long as possible.

  Attempt to hold the feeling of it actually occurring and the joy you feel from it, for as long as possible.

  The science on this says that you need exactly 16 seconds to send out a frequency wave. Your goal is to feel that fake feeling of accomplishment and getting what you want -- for 16 seconds or more...

  As you're creating this movie inside you, what you're actually doing, is creating a vibrational pattern to send out to the universe that you want matched (i.e. the Law of Attraction, the Law of Affinity, Like Attracts Like, etc.)

  In this movie, you need to use all parts of yourself. It's very important that you use all of your senses to make this make-believe movie.

  Imagine it in the exact way you want it to happen. Imagine what it would look like if this little miracle were coming true and it was taking place in your life right now.

  Most likely, the scenario you're creating is going to have other players, and it will probably involve people saying things to you like, "Congratulations! You finally got the promotion," or "...that's wonderful! That girl is on the phone for you" or, "... there's somebody at the door who wants to talk to you about giving you that school grant."

  It's going to be a fake movie you make up; only it's the movie you want to see take place in your life.

  It should consist of the actions and thoughts you would be hearing, the sights and people you would be seeing, and most importantly, what you would be feeling if it were coming true right now. . .

  In the present.

  I like to get in a private place and then close my eyes, and imagine it just like a little Hollywood movie.

  Here's an example from one of my lectures and one of the people that I was working with who I mentioned earlier.

  Helen was the young woman who wanted to marry the guy who worked in her office. Let’s use her as an example.

  We used the Triangle Check and we got her wish narrowed down to exactly what Helen wanted.

  (Step 1)

  Then we were going to get her in a high frequency (Step 2), and then we will create her a Make-A-Wish movie (Step 3).

  I first wanted to talk to Helen a bit about love and being careful about manifesting love. In this case, a cup of coffee seems innocent enough, but you need to know that you have to be careful when you're manifesting things about or with other people.

  You may send out enchanting thoughts about yourself and vibrations. Then, if that person is enchanted by you, it's their free will if they decide to pursue you.

  What you cannot do is force people to do things, nor can you use this in an evil way.

  You can't manifest anything from the lower realms, which are dark, and secondly, you have Karma to contend with
, and in my experience - Karma is a bitch.

  Okay. Well, this conversation was a dual success. Not only did Helen get clarification on manifesting and wishing for love; she started laughing. Of course, as soon as she was laughing, that signaled Make-A-Wish time!

  Usually, I have to tell a bad joke to get the person laughing, but this was perfect. So I began to work with her in real time, to coach her into her movie creation.

  I said, "Okay, Helen, let's make a movie. This is how it happens. Now, close your eyes and tell me… What do you hear being said in your ears, if this were true and coming true right now? It might go like this: you're at your desk, the guy you like walks up to you and he stops at your desk. Now, what might he say, if this were coming true?”

  He might say something like, "Hello. How are you? You look pretty today. How about catching a cup of coffee after work?"

  Then, how would you naturally respond?

  You might say something like "Great! I'd love to go to coffee with you today. Thank you."

  Then, how would you naturally feel?

  You'd feel excited, overjoyed, and so happy that the guy you really like has just asked you out for coffee, which is what you really wanted to happen! Happiness!

  Now your challenge is to keep that fake happiness going for 16 seconds.

  I suggest adding another imaginary story to your initial story, change it up, and be creative.

  Now bring up the movie inside your head again. Perhaps this time you're standing by the break room. Maybe he's coming by with a doughnut and coffee. It’s time to begin a new dialogue. What might he say? And what might you say?

  Add that into the movie. The more real you make it, the more real it becomes!

  The most important part of the whole movie is the feeling that it creates in you. What you're feeling in your gut is the frequency maker, which drives your manifestation and pulls in your wish.

  Feeling joy for something is the most important part. It's how we create things.

  In this case, you are creating a fake feeling that will send out vibrations to pull in the real thing.

  It is the art of believing as if it has already happened.

  Some people will call this ‘faith.’

  Once you get into the feeling place, and you are feeling good and you're feeling excited; you will start to feel it slowly dissipate.

  The fakeness will begin to show its ugly head. That's perfectly okay. That's normal.

  We know that one of the keys to manifesting is how much energy (i.e. how much feeling) that we put into feeling as if it had just happened.

  We can conclude logically then, that the longer we can keep the feelings going, the more likely it will appear.

  And that leads us directly to Step 4!

  Chapter 8

  Calling in Your Best Friend

  We have already identified the fact that the longer

  you keep a feeling going, the more power you put behind it. Those feelings create frequencies that are being sent out to find the matching frequencies (i.e. the stronger the frequency output, the stronger the attraction quality).

  The next step involves keeping the feeling going.

  Step 4 involves keeping the power of your ‘as if’ feelings going longer.

  We need to keep the feelings from the movie that you made up in your head (albeit the fake movie), revved up and powerful.

  To keep these fake feelings motoring up, we're going to use a little trick I came up with to extend the feeling so you will have a stronger vibrational push.

  This trick involves bringing in people that you love, who will be happy for you, if your wish comes true. Jesus mentions when two or more people pray together, that miracles happen. It’s because the divine force joins them. I guess it's the holy trinity coming true, but once again we are dealing with the triangle.

  Consequently, if you imagine that you're telling somebody who really loves you that your wish came true, and they connect to you, in your wish; then you will enact the divine force of the trinity, and it will join into creating your wish.

  You may recall, I mentioned that things only manifest through the triangle, as in the mind, body and spirit agreeing. So in this case, you're enacting a three-triangle force to help you manifest through feelings.

  Mostly the feelings of love.

  The movie gets you into the feeling of, "Wow, this is awesome! This is what it would be like if it were truly taking place."

  As I mentioned,

  Your goal is to hold the fake feeling ‘as if,’ for as long as possible, at least 16 seconds.

  As we know, this feeling will begin to dissipate, and when it does fade, this is when you imagine telling the story to somebody that you care about, who would be happy for you.

  You are going to use all the tools you did in your Make-A-Wish movie.

  This time, you are just making up a new story that involves you telling a friend that your wish came true.

  Retell the story and more importantly,

  relive the happy feelings

  and feel them.

  You make the feelings feel real again for you. This creates the feelings again that create the waves you need to manifest.

  Remember, fake it till you make it! Believe it before you get it. Like attracts like. Use that Law of Affinity!

  For example, you might imagine telling your mother some great news. For instance, you received the promotion you were hoping for, you won the grant you were applying for, you got the date that you'd been hoping for, etc. Imagine telling your mother or your close friend -and how happy they are for you!

  While you are imagining this, the feelings of their joy will combine with the feelings of your joy and rev up those feelings again which will create more high frequencies.


  Try to keep it going for 16 seconds.

  At this point, maybe imagine telling another good friend, and how excited they will be for you, and how excited you will be, sharing the good news. And again, make it real. Use all your senses and extend those fake feelings!

  Imagine what your best friend might be saying if the situation were real. She might say things like,

  "Congratulations, this is awesome! I'm so proud of you, and I'm so happy for you…" And you might say, "Yeah, I know, I'm so happy too! I can hardly believe how lucky I am! This is the greatest day of my life!"


  You are smack in the middle of creating those feeling frequencies that are flowing out into the universe to get you those feelings for real. To get you what you want, for real, all that joy and success for real, the ability to tell that story for real, to the same real people, some day.

  This is what creating your life is all about.

  Do not just go every day into what is dealt to you like somebody on autopilot. Create your life. Make it happen the way you want it to happen. I know you can do it.

  Chapter 9

  Releasing to Receive

  Okay darlings, we are rounding the bend to the last step and this truly is going to be the easiest.

  To recap:

  Step 1 - We figured out what we really want.

  Step 2 - We got ourselves into a high frequency.

  Step 3 - We imagined a movie in our head that made it

  feel real.

  Step 4 - We extended those fake feelings by pretending

  to tell somebody we care about.

  We've reached the final step.

  Step 5 - Letting go with gratitude.

  So here we are, at the end. You're about to manifest what you want. This last step involves letting go and being grateful.

  It's very important to realize that things come in on frequency levels. So, your only job now is to stay away from any thoughts or worries that your manifestation might not come true.

  You may focus on the love of it. When I wanted to learn to surf, I watched videos and had posters up, because I truly loved it.

  I wasn't watching those videos to make it manifest more quick. I
was watching those videos because I really,

  really wanted to learn to surf.

  The love of something manifests it to you quicker than anything. I'm trying to teach you how to fake the feeling of love for something, but it's not as good as the real thing.


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