Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1)

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Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1) Page 10

by K. E. Young

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  I roused at the quiet. From Hyush's position in the sky, it was the middle of the night. Despite my tiredness, it was time for me to get moving.

  I crept back to my room without being seen. My pack was where I had left it, undisturbed. A handful of nuts from my pack and a dose of pain medicine were my first task. I pulled off the thick socks and tucked them into the pack before donning new socks, my boots, and my heavy cloak. In case I needed it, I tied my summer cloak to the pack.

  My trek through the cold, darkening city had left me a great deal of time for thought. Dragos had done so much for me and I had let him down. Now I was planning to abandon him entirely. It wasn't right. Yet there wasn't anything I could do in the time I had left here that would repay him for his kindness. It left me feeling guilty.

  I was passing through the entrance hall on my way to the kitchens when it occurred to me. Maybe, if I had brought up the leaves in time and enough of my magic had come back… Maybe, I could do something.

  I approached the pillar in the center, the pillar that reached down to bedrock and had cracked a thousand years ago. Laying my good hand on it, I closed my eyes and reached for the earth. It was harder to do than it should have been and the earth didn't want to do as I commanded, but it came. Slowly, grudgingly, it flowed to my will, closing the starburst of cracks deep in the ground, sweeping upward to the single crack showing above ground all the way to the tip, making it whole once more. As the last trace of the crack disappeared, the earth rang like a bell.

  A wave of dizziness hit me and I staggered. I heard a gasp behind me and whirled. I didn't recognize the woman, but it was plain she was a servant. Her eyes widened when she saw my face and bolted.

  I was out of time. I had to leave before she or someone she spoke to told Fanul where to find me. There was no time to stop at the kitchens. I would have to make do with what I already had in my pack.

  The earth was once more out of reach. My efforts with the pillar had drained me more than I could afford. Panic made my heart pound, but sharpened my senses and drove away the shaky weakness plaguing me.

  The cold night once more proved more than the gate guards cared to tolerate. Not even a sentry. Thus, I began my long trek out of Therysal. I wanted to be at the city gate by dawn and it was very late indeed.

  5: Revelations

  Dragos: 30th of Hunting, 3837

  They had left Drakken at dawn, seen off by Lady Zenra and the Dowager Empress. They arrived back in Therysal after lunch. Istanetlu continued on to where the army was currently deployed rather than stop to rest. Everything seemed quiet and organized on the surface but Dragos didn't trust it. His instincts told him something important had happened. He kicked himself for not insisting earlier that the Emperor allow them to come back. He hoped it wasn't too late.

  Durra met him at the entrance. "Welcome back, my lord."

  "What happened Durra? Something has happened." His tone was brusque. Durra was a supremely effective and efficient housemaster, but the chill mannered man rubbed him the wrong way. Durra reminded him of perisals. They were as efficient and effective as Durra himself was, and fascinating to watch, but not something you wanted to get too close to.

  "Nothing much, my lord. Lady Sara disappeared for a couple of days, but she had been spending much of her time out of sight since Lord Shalatu's leaving anyway. A servant saw her last night and the gate guards haven't reported her leaving so she is still around somewhere."

  Dragos could hear Kaio growling behind him. He had to agree. Durra's statement felt wrong. "Send the servant to my office. See if you can find Sara. I want to see her." He turned around and addressed Sano, who was acting as his guard commander here. "Lord Haradis, check with your men. I want a report on Sara's activities. Let me know if something smells. And check with the garrison."

  Dragos strode towards his office. Halfway there Kaio's quiet voice whispered in his ear. "Durra won't find her, will he?"

  Dragos pursed his lips grimly. "No, I don't believe he will. Find her. Bring her back. I need to know what happened here."

  "Yes, sir!"

  Dragos huffed in grim amusement. He knew if he turned around he wouldn't see anyone there.

  Sara: 30th of Hunting, 3837

  Late afternoon saw me out of sight of Therysal. The road I had chosen saw little traffic and I was alone on the road. My feet hurt along with everything else, but walking kept me warm so I slogged on no matter how tired I was. It was quiet and I had plenty of time to think, second-guessing my decision. No matter how I looked at it though, I wasn't safe in the palace anymore.

  The High-Lord had promised safety in his court, but it seemed 'safe' applied only when he was there to enforce it. After he left, my best option was hiding, but even that wasn't enough. If Fanul and Dagresh got their hands on me again, death was perhaps the best of all potential outcomes.

  It would be dark soon and I needed to rest. Hyush was just setting, Shib wouldn't be out until almost morning, and the rings didn't shed enough light to travel by without them. I was light-headed from pain and lack of food and I wondered if I could make the next town by nightfall. Just then, I heard the rushing of wind and a dragon skimmed by overhead before wheeling back to land on the road ahead of me.

  I stared in awe. It was a huge beast, easily seventy feet long, a deep bronze with purple sheened over it as if a blowtorch had stroked the bronze on its wings, back, and sides. A bright gold stripe trailed down its spine and splashed its feet and belly. The dragon was stunningly beautiful, but I had to remind myself that dragons didn't eat people when he turned and stalked towards me, looking angry.

  That's when I saw firsthand why people called them dragonlords. Durra and Hegall had both told me how dragonlords turned into dragons, but I had never seen it for myself. An odd twisting of space that strained the eyes blossomed to hide the dragon. A second later, the warping contracted and faded to reveal Lord Shalatu.

  He looked angry in this form too and I briefly considered running since Lord Shalatu did not like me. Very briefly. Running from anything faster and meaner than you is a bad idea, especially if it's mad. Besides, I was drained by exhaustion and my feet hurt.

  Lord Shalatu strode up and snapped a hand out, snaking it around to grasp the back of my neck. It could have been a lover's hold if it weren't for the tight grip he had on my hair. "Would you care to explain why the High-Lord sent me to retrieve you?"

  His question surprised me. I hadn't honestly thought anyone would complain about me leaving, least of all the High-Lord. He had spoken to me a bare handful of times since my arrival and had been away for the past several weeks. I would have thought my disappearance would be a relief to him. A burden removed from his care. Evidently, my surprise and confusion were apparent since Lord Shalatu's expression softened. "How about explaining why you left."

  "It wasn't safe for me there anymore."

  This was not what he was expecting. "You were the High-Lord's ward. His hospitality protects you. Explain."

  "His hospitality protected me as long as there were dragonlords to keep them in check. After you all left… it wasn't."

  "Why didn't you ask for help? The guards had orders to protect you. I sent a message to you to take shelter in the garrison if you had problems."

  "Who would I ask? The High-Lord left weeks ago, I have no allies, and the closest I have to a friend at court is you when you're there, and you hate me. And no, the guards couldn't defend me, not against Lord Fanul. He was in charge of the guards before the king's assassination. Remember? The maids tried to help a little but all it did was delay the inevitable. As for a message… I received nothing from you or anyone else."

  He looked shaken by my responses, but it appeared he accepted my reasoning so far. "We returned this morning to find you gone without warning. The High-Lord ordered me to find you and return you to the palace."

  "I don't want to go back."

  His face was rigid and impassive. "You don't have a choice. T
he High-Lord has spoken."

  Lord Shalatu wouldn't budge on that and I was sure he wouldn't hesitate to take me back by force if I fought him. All I could do at this point was hope the High-Lord would prevent Lord Fanul from carrying out his promises. I bowed my head and sighed. "Let's go."

  Lord Shalatu let go of me and backed off a few steps before transforming into his scaled self and holding out a paw for me. I climbed in with difficulty, gritting my teeth at the pain. He closed his claws over me, made sure I was secure, and launched himself into the sky.

  The jolt of takeoff almost made me black out. The wind of his flight chilled me to the bone and I discovered I didn't like heights. Fortunately, it was a short flight. Lord Shalatu's flight covered in mere minutes what had taken me half the night and all day. It didn't seem fair. The landing was rough and Lord Shalatu took no great care in his handling of me. I'd have a few bruises to add to my collection. I gave a silent sigh. Well, I already knew Shalatu didn't like me.

  When we landed, he transformed back into his usual lovely grumpy self and grasped my upper arm. I couldn't help gasping in pain. The painkiller had worn off many hours ago and everything hurt. His face was unreadable as he moved his grip to the back of my neck again. He directed me back to the palace, but rather than going directly to the High-Lord he escorted me to my rooms.

  He scowled at my tunic and breeches after I had divested myself of the pack and cloak. "Get changed. Your current garb isn't appropriate for an audience with the High-Lord."

  Rather than reply I turned my back and shucked my boots. I had a hard time with the tunics though. My shoulders didn't work well, my hands were numb and clumsy, and the worst slashes on my back had broken open when the pack rubbed against them. Pulling off the tunic was almost impossible for me and broke open the scabs.

  His gasp at my collection of wounds and bruises was gratifying in a way. There was no way he could look at what had happened and excuse it as my imagination or an exaggeration. I'd had excellent reasons indeed for leaving.

  Opening the wardrobe, I pulled out the burgundy dress. It was the one gown I had that bloodstains wouldn't ruin. I was sure I didn't have time to let the wounds on my back and shoulders stop bleeding before I went to the High-Lord.

  Before I could pull the gown over my head, Lord Shalatu touched my shoulder. "Wait."

  As I stood there with my head down, gown clutched to my chest, I could hear him moving around. He laid his hand on my shoulder again and I could feel him brushing the slashes delicately with a damp cloth. He was gentle, but I still hissed between my teeth at the pain. "Forgive me. I'll have a healer tend to you after we talk to the High-Lord." He was silent for a moment. "Fanul?" I was on the edge of crying so I nodded rather than try to speak. "Did he rape you?" I nodded again, a small sniff escaping, and he went silent once more.

  I could handle his sharp tongue and anger better than this unexpected kindness. It brought the desire to cry to the surface and I struggled to bury it again. Crying wouldn't help me.

  After he finished, I awkwardly pulled the gown on with his help and then removed the boots and trousers. Lord Shalatu helped me with the side laces, and when my shoulders refused to raise my arms any further, he pulled my hair tie out and brushed my hair to get rid of the tangle the wind had made of the loose bits.

  Lord Shalatu took my hands and rubbed his thumbs gingerly over the mangled ridges on my wrists. He tugged my sleeves down to cover them and scowled. "You're too pale."

  "I'm cold, I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, and the pain medicine wore off hours ago." It was a statement, not a complaint.

  "No time to rectify the matter. The servants will have notified the High-Lord of my arrival by now and he'll wonder where we are."

  I nodded, tucked my feet into slippers, and turned towards the door.

  Outside my room, he pointedly held his arm out for me to take. I took it gratefully. I was more light-headed than ever and was glad of the help. "Thank you." He nodded and we set out for the High-Lord's office.

  He paused before leading me in. His eyes burned with leashed rage. "About Fanul… I'll take care of it."

  I was too tired to parse what that meant. He opened the door and led me into the High-Lord's office.

  It hadn't changed at all since that day four months ago when Torin led me in, fresh to this world and still wearing the clothes his wife had given me. I had learned a lot since then, but it never seemed to be enough. Of course, I always felt that way at home too, so maybe it's just my lot in life.

  The High-Lord was sitting next to the fire, a half-full wine glass in hand. Looking at him, I realized I wasn't afraid of him anymore. After that thing in the sewers, I was finding it difficult to fear anyone who hadn't hurt me. Only Fanul, Dagresh, my stepfather, and Carlos still frightened me.

  His raptor eyes drilled into me with a thoughtful expression for a few heartbeats before waving me to a seat across from him. "I won't ask why you ran away from the palace. Knowing Kaio he's already questioned you uncomfortably about it and if I need to know, he'll tell me. However, if he doesn't resolve the issue I need you to come to me before you run off again. Understood?"

  He waited for my nod before continuing. "Now, the reason I wanted to see you has to do with something you did as you were leaving the palace last night, something that was, to our good fortune, witnessed only by a single servant. The implications and results of your act are… complicated. The servant in question says she saw you lay your hand on the pillar in the entry hall. A slight glow came from your fingers, and the crack faded."

  He paused and sipped his wine. "I examined it myself. It is, in fact, whole with no trace of the crack remaining. It still bears the echo of the magic used, magic with a feminine feel to it. Your control is commendable." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Mages are rare outside the Aria Atlani, but earth mages are the rarest and most powerful of all. Given the local attitudes and beliefs, the lords of the court will be antagonistic towards you. Women are to be subservient and men reserve power of any kind for themselves. That you are quiet and polite has been to your benefit so far, but when it's known you are a mage, and a powerful one at that, you will become a target."

  I peeked over my shoulder at Lord Shalatu to see what his reaction was. He didn't look angry anymore.

  "So I have to hide what I am."

  Dragos snorted softly. "I doubt it would do any good. The fact a single servant witnessed your action gives us the time to deal with the situation, but it will not stop the news from spreading. By noon tomorrow, the entire palace will know, the day after that, the entire town."

  "It sounds as if I was safer where Lord Shalatu found me."

  He smiled. "Don't worry. You are a rare type of mage, which makes you valuable and we dragonlords have never held the belief women are less and need controlling. We'll keep you safe."

  I thought about it, my fingers knotting in the fabric of my skirt. I only had my own experiences to base my reactions on. "'Valuable' sounds like 'property' and 'Keep you safe' sounds like 'prison' from where I sit."

  He looked a little sad at that as if what I had said hurt him somehow. He set the wineglass aside and leaned forward to take my hand. "Lady Sara, I promise you that isn't true. If we cannot keep you safe here with a sufficient level of freedom, then I will take you to the Drakken court myself. There you will have all the freedom you desire while still being honored, as you deserve. You have my word of honor. I would prefer to keep you here if I can though. The Goddess brought you here so I believe whatever she needs you for requires you to be here." He gave my hand a squeeze then leaned back again.

  Hegall said a dragonlord's word of honor was a fearsome thing. Dragos would honor his word even if it meant his death. I felt some of the tightness in my shoulders relax. If they could keep me safe from Therys' version of a witch-hunt, then I was probably safe from Fanul and Dagresh' plans. Or so I hoped.

  I nodded. I was light-headed and exhausted. Enough it took a few moment
s to realize they were speaking to each other in a language I didn't understand. I let the sounds of it roll over me as I took stock of my resources. A chill ran up my spine as I realized that as rapidly as I was fading there was no way I could have made it to the next town if Lord Shalatu hadn't found me.

  Kaio: 30th of Hunting, 3837

  Kaio was in shock at the revelation that Sara was an earth mage. The fact she had awoken her talent and then trained it herself well enough to do what Dragos claimed was even more astonishing. He had never heard of anyone being able to do all of that… and yet she did it with no one even noticing.

  He thought back over her time in the palace and his mind snagged on the time when Girru had mentioned she had suddenly become too distracted to fear him. Were they related?

  He looked at Sara again and frowned in concern. She had been pale when they had left her room, but she was practically transparent now and fading fast. She needed a healer.

  "Dragos, she can't go back to her old quarters. Someone broke the lock and she had excellent reasons to run. I'm not sure her attacker meant for her to live, much less go free." He paused to gather his courage. "I wish to be her protector and champion."

  Dragos lifted a brow in surprise. "Her old quarters weren't secure enough anyway. I'm surprised to hear you ask though. You didn't seem to get along with her well."

  "It wouldn't surprise you if you had seen what they did to her. Even with magic assisted healing, she may bear the scars for the rest of her life." Kaio growled this last, his rage plain. "Right now Lady Sara desperately needs food, warmth, rest, and a healer. I don't know where she found the strength to get this far."

  Dragos looked troubled at this but nodded assent. "I will leave her in your care. You are her protector and champion. Report when she's settled."

  Kaio sighed. "She didn't receive my message about sheltering with the garrison. We need to look into how that message went astray. She also mentioned Lord Fanul took up ordering the guard around and they let him."


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