Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1)

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Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1) Page 13

by K. E. Young

  "Sounds good."

  They split up and Kaio made his way to Dragos. First light wasn't far off and he wanted this done before the household woke. They discussed their tactics as they made their way into the town on foot. Sano flew into the town at night to handle issues regularly, but if any of the rest of them did, someone would take note.

  Dragos agreed that Girru would take roof duty. He wasn't particularly quiet except in dragon form and his mostly black scales made him difficult to see at night. The others were brighter and would be easier to spot. He didn't want to miss the fight but Dragos laid down the law. The other dragonlords would each take point for an assigned team of troops. Those troops would act as backup and guards for prisoners. As soon as their plans were firm, Girru took wing and landed silently on the roof of the mansion to keep watch. The other dragonlords took up positions at the agreed meet-point to wait for Sano and his men.

  It took the troops the better part of twenty minutes to arrive, but they had rousted out the same healer who had treated Lady Sara and all his assistants along the way. The troops split into teams assigned to each dragonlord. Each team approached their designated entries and forced the doors open as silently as possible.

  The next ten minutes were a loosely choreographed ballet of silence and violence. The dragonlords weren't able to silence all the guards before they gave the alarm but kept all of the slaves safe. Sano and Arhis released the women from their bonds and wrapped them in blankets and sheets to cover their nakedness. To his disgruntlement, Girru only had one escapee to capture, Fanul himself.

  They found Lady Loyas chained at the foot of Lord Fanul's bed as Sara had described. Sara's description of Loyas' state had been accurate, but incomplete. She hadn't mentioned the scarring, old and new from tortures every bit as savage as what Lady Sara had suffered. The condition of the servant girls and Lady Loyas horrified the troops who saw them. Their attitudes towards women didn't stretch to excuse what these women had endured.

  Even the strongest of the guards turned a little green when they reached Fanul's 'playroom'. The skinned and partially butchered corpse of a girl about seven years old lay on a table. A large chunk of muscle missing from her thigh neatly carved out as if by a butcher. Her hide graced a tanning frame in the corner. The statements of the servant girls gave them a sickening clue to the destination of that flesh. Fanul and Dagresh considered their slaves animals, and an animal's purpose was as service, labor, or food.

  At Dragos' request, Girru fetched a memory stone from the palace and used his magic to record the horrors of the mansion for the court. Dragos hoped the shock would make the lords understand. Words alone would not have conveyed a reality they had no experience with and couldn't imagine. Dragos and the other dragonlords very much wanted to make that reality clear to the lords. They needed an example and this one was horrific enough to force the lords to agree to the measures they felt necessary to reform the country.

  It was midday before Kaio could make his escape from the house of horrors. When they tallied the guards captured or killed and questioned the women, they found Fanul's Guard Captain and half a dozen men were missing. Fanul had sent them to track and recapture Lady Sara. The knowledge left Kaio feeling anxious. He had left Lady Sara with what he now felt was insufficient guardianship. Two wouldn't be a match for seven trained men.

  "Dragos, I have to get back to the palace. If they've been tracking Sara's movements, they may know by now she's in my quarters. There were only two guards at the door when I left and the guards might not know to block their entry into the palace."

  Dragos frowned in concern and nodded. Kaio's report over dinner had been grim. He was well aware Lady Sara couldn't fall into her attackers' hands again. Fanul might be in custody, but the women had been vocal about Captain Dagresh sharing many of his lord's appetites.

  Kaio transformed and flew to the palace. He landed on the roof of the wing his quarters were in and vaulted down the steps. His fears proved to be for naught. She was still sound asleep in his bed. The two guards he had left replaced by a squad of six marines led by Thorn, Calum's relief. Two were at the door, two in the bedroom with Lady Sara and the servant, and the last two posted in the main room with Thorn.

  "My lord, I am glad you're back. A squad tried to gain entry here an hour ago. They were wearing guard uniforms, but I didn't recognize them. We denied them entry. They tried to argue the High-Lord had sent them to take custody of Lady Sara, but Calum told me why you ordered us to protect her from even our fellow guardsmen. They left but stated that they would return with written authorization. I will admit I would not have accepted even that, my lord."

  "Dragos sent no one nor would he. One of her tormentors escaped because he had already left with a squad to track her down and recapture her. You've saved her life with your diligence. I thank you for it."

  "So you have some of them in custody already, my lord?"

  Kaio nodded. "Lady Sara awoke and gave us critical information. Girru is recording what we found in the house as we speak. The High-Lord will present the recordings to the court in all their grisly detail. If nothing else, it should still dissension over the capture and execution of Lord Fanul."

  "It can't be all that bad, can it, to justify killing a lord?" Thorn's bearing was respectful but Kaio could see he didn't understand.

  Kaio rubbed his face in an unconscious attempt to wipe the scenes from the mansion out of his memory. "I may well have nightmares over it. Everyone who went in there will. I was expecting it to be bad from what Lady Sara told me, but this … this was far worse than I imagined." Kaio still felt sick at some of what he had seen. Thorn's expression showed he still didn't get it and Kaio felt a flash of anger.

  "They skinned and butchered a little girl! They lashed her hide to a tanning rack and from what the slaves had to say, I very much fear we will find the chunk missing from her thigh in the kitchen!" Kaio paced in front of Thorn and the marines as he ranted. "It was bad. It was horrifying. Horrifying enough that the court won't dare to object to anything we want to reform this country. Enough they may figure out for themselves how bad things have gotten here, that it isn't the prejudice of foreign traders.

  "They have reveled in the title 'Bane of the Blue Sea'. As if it meant the other nations feared their strength. Maybe they'll figure out that title has a very different meaning than they assume. They respected Fanul." Kaio paused and wiped his face, more tired than he recalled being in a long time. His energy of a moment ago exhausted. "He is a monster and I don't know how Lady Sara endured it. I'm not sure I could have if I had been in her place. She is far stronger than I imagined."

  By the end of Kaio's diatribe, Thorn looked shocked and a little green, but he finally understood.

  Kaio left them with a word of thanks and checked on Sara.

  She was deeply asleep and had a slight fever, but it wasn't too bad. She looked less pale at least. Kaio watched her for a few minutes as he thought back on his behavior towards her prior to this incident and felt shame. He now realized that she had reasons for being so timid. She had needed his support, not his frustration. Taking his anger out on her did more harm than good. He had a lot to make up for and he wasn't sure how he would do it.

  Locating where the servants had stored her things, the scantiness of her belongings appalled him. He should have realized since she'd had little with her when she arrived. The High-Lord's hospitality should have provided more than the barest necessities. It was no wonder the ladies of the court wouldn't accept her. In their eyes, she was little more than a beggar. He would talk to Dragos about it. She should have had more than this.

  Her new role as earth mage would have meant an increase in status in the Drakkeni court with requisite changes in clothing, quarters, and privilege. He listed in his head what he knew she would have needed in the Drakkeni court. It would be expensive, but he had more wealth than he needed and this was a worthy use for it. Besides, she would need it in Drakken anyway if they couldn't keep her saf
e enough here.

  A yawn interrupted his musings and he realized he had been awake for more than a day. The flight from Drakken, settling back in, the hunt for Sara, and everything else that had happened since. While he had much to do, he needed a nap. He quietly moved the cot Durra had provided into the bedroom where he would rouse if Sara woke and stretched out. He was asleep before he had even settled.

  Sara: 31st of Hunting, 3837

  I woke up slowly. I was hungry and needed to use the bathroom again, but neither was urgent and for the moment, the pain wasn't intruding. Everything ached, but it was a dull ache and couldn't disturb my lassitude much. When I opened my eyes, it was to see Lord Shalatu sprawled on a cot across the room. He was still dressed in the same clothes he had worn when he hauled me back to the palace although now they were splashed with blood here and there. He hadn't even washed the blood spatters off his face or removed his boots. It was clear something had happened. I hoped it had happened to Fanul and Dagresh.

  There was an older maid sitting on a chair by the bed. She put her sewing aside when she noticed my eyes were open. "My lady, how do you feel?" she asked in a whisper.

  I thought about it for a moment before whispering, "Better than I expected to. Could I get something to eat? And a robe please, I need to use the facilities."

  She nodded and picked up a folded robe from the table next to her. She helped me into it and I shuffled slowly to the bathroom while she hurried out to get food for me. While I was in there, I cleaned up as best I could. I was stiff, my arms were useless, and the wounds on my back kept me from moving any more than I had to so an awkward, rough, and inadequate cleaning was about the best I could do. I still felt somewhat better for it. By the time I finished, I hurt to my soul. I was also light-headed and shaking.

  I exited the bathroom and bumped into Lord Shalatu. "Here, lean on me. I won't let you fall." He gently steered me back to bed and tucked me in, then loomed with a stern expression. "Sara, where is the maid? She should have been helping you."

  I cringed with a sudden burst of guilt. "She did. She's getting me something to eat. It didn't hurt that bad when I woke up. I'm fine. I'm just a little tired."

  His scowl was forbidding. "It's rather more than that you know. The healer says you'll have a few scars for life, even with magic to help the healing."

  "It could have been much worse. Yes, I suffered damage, but nothing I can't easily survive and heal from. They're just scars and bruises, it's not like when…" I stopped. I didn't want to get into my history with him. I wasn't sure I knew him well enough to trust him with that.

  When I looked up, he had gone pale and didn't look angry anymore. I wondered exactly what I said that bothered him so much.

  He looked away and softly said, "Rest. You're safe here and I need you to take your time and heal properly. Some of your wounds have become infected and it will take more time for you to heal than it would otherwise. There is also some damage to the nerves in your arms. Master Bedin says he can repair it, but it will take several weeks."

  He sat down and rested his elbows on his knees. "There will be a few changes to your life here from now on. When you're feeling a little better, I'll have a seamstress and a cobbler come in. Your status has increased even if the Therysi don't want to admit it and you need more clothing. If you need a teacher for your magic, we'll send for one from Drakken.

  "I've had Dragos declare me your protector and champion. Hopefully, it will keep the problems to a minimum. You'll be staying here until you're well and we can procure a sufficient guard contingent of trustworthy non-Therysi guards. We'll send for a few dragonkin from Drakken to do it properly. When I can be sure you're protected, you'll move to quarters of your own here in the royal wing as befits your new status. I'll have a dragonkin servant brought in for you too. You should have a proper household to care for you."

  I looked closely at him. The edge I had gotten used to when he spoke was missing. Something had made him change his attitude towards me. I didn't know what, but I was glad. Despite everything, he was still the closest I had to a friend here. He at least talked to me even if he wasn't very nice when he did, and he had never threatened me. He was being nice now though and I didn't quite know how to handle it so I defaulted to my usual quiet acceptance and nodded.

  "Champion? Is that something from Drakken?"

  "Yes." He looked a little guilty. "Drakkeni law states that when someone has been wronged, they can either go through the courts or Challenge. Close kin may Challenge on another's behalf. If the one wronged cannot manifest as a dragon, they choose a Champion. You were unconscious so I asked Dragos for the honor since you are his ward. "

  I wasn't sure how to take that. The idea was both alarming and reassuring. "And Dragonkin?"

  He smiled slightly. "Not all who can turn into dragons are of noble or royal blood."

  "Ah. Hegall didn't clarify and the books I found in the library didn't have much to say about Drakken or dragonlords at all. The servants seem to think all one needs to be a dragonlord is to turn into a dragon."

  He shrugged, noncommittal. "Drakken has always been — private. We don't allow traders outside the trade zone of the port and we don't encourage scholars or tourists to visit. Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

  A thrill of alarm made me tense up. "You are always welcome to ask, my lord."

  His smile broadened briefly. "Meaning you won't commit to answering it?" He shook his head. "I'm just curious why you fixed the cracked pillar. It took time and energy you could ill afford."

  I relaxed in relief. "In a book I read, there was a story about Therys. It said a long time ago, the Mage-Kings had placed a spell on a stone pillar that went down to the bedrock and it let them spread their protection over the entire country. When they built the palace, they incorporated the pillar into the main entrance hall so all could see it as they entered. Later, when the last Mage-King in the region died, the pillar broke and the spells on it were twisted and shattered. The legend says that as long as it remains broken, the country will remain broken too. The twisted remains of the spell supposedly cause Therys' corruption. The corruption will remain until a hero repairs the Mage-Kings' work.

  "Hegall mentioned the Mage-Kings built this palace. Theryn used it for his own instead of building something new like the rest of the city. I looked at the pillar mentioned in the story and there it was, from the floor to the ceiling. When I put my hands on it, I could feel both the pillar and the crack went all the way to bedrock just as the story said… so I fixed it. I didn't have much control back yet so it took everything I had, but I thought it was the least I could do to repay the High-Lord for his hospitality."

  I shrugged and winced. "Maybe the story was just that, a story, but maybe it isn't. In my world, there were many such tales with a grain of truth to them."

  "Where did you find it?" From his expression, he honestly seemed interested.

  "Ariset's Myths and Legends of the Blue Sea. It's one of my favorites." The memory of the book made me smile. Maybe someone would bring it to me if I asked.

  "I should read that one, it sounds interesting." He looked down at his hands rather than at me. "I'm sorry Sara. I shouldn't have treated you so dreadfully before and I swear I'll make it up to you… You frustrate me. You're beautiful, intelligent, capable, and I can see you are so much more than you show the world." He paused, as if trying to find the right words. "You don't have to creep around as if everyone will hit you. I've always found the meekness of the women here irritating. It makes me angry. In Drakken, women are strong and capable. They're treated with respect and they've earned it." He paused for a beat. "You're better than the other court ladies. You don't have to be that way."

  He continued before I could explain why it was necessary. "I discovered you are stronger than I thought and I suspect you have good reason to be the way you are. You don't have to be so meek anymore. I swear on my honor I will protect and support you as best I can. It would help if I knew something m
ore about how you became the person you are though. I want to know what hurt you so badly so I can learn how best to help you. I know you have scant reason to trust me, but I will not betray you."

  His eyes met mine earnestly for a moment before dropping them to his hands again. "I know I'm rambling. I'm sorry. Regardless, if you need anything, let me know. Anything."

  He was silent after that, looking down at his hands. I thought about what he said. I didn't know if I really was better than the other women were, but it felt good that he thought I was. He would protect me. He had made one of those honor oaths they took so serious. Maybe I could at least try… It wasn't as if I hadn't told a number of social workers, lawyers, and therapists over the years.

  It occurred to me that part of the reason I had gotten into this mess was that I hadn't talked to them. Dragos had been kind. He had taken me in, given me the local language, and the run of his library. He had provided food, shelter, and clothing, and in return, I hadn't told him anything about the person to whom he was showing such kindness. If I had talked to them, Lord Shalatu might not have been so harsh with me in the first place and maybe Fanul wouldn't have felt free to take me. Guilt washed over me. If I wanted a new life, it was time I earned it.

  I took a breath and cleared my throat. "When I was nine, my father died. My mother tried to take care of me by herself for a while, but it was too hard for her. She didn't have skills that would let her get a good job to support us and the debts to the healers ate up all of their savings. She worked all the time, so I spent a lot of time in the public library reading." Lord Shalatu sat frozen, listening intently, his eyes still fixed on his hands.

  "A year later, she remarried. He was a policeman and a widower with two sons a little older than I was. He was okay for a couple months, and then he started beating my mom. When I tried to stop him, he beat me too. His encouraged his sons to keep me from 'getting above myself'. A year and a half after they married she died after falling down a flight of stairs. He had slapped her when they were standing at the top of the steps and she lost her balance. After that, he took me out of school and locked me in the basement. He would come down after work and rape me. He called it payment for my upkeep. If I fought back, he'd beat me then do it anyway.


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