Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1)

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Valbore (Tasks of the Nakairi Book 1) Page 26

by K. E. Young

  "Forgive me lady, but I need you to go through it again. The memories are strong and difficult to blur. Please." The Emperor's voice was breathless and strained.

  I took a deep breath and started over. This time the screams wavered. A third run through at last allowed him to divert the memories enough I experienced the disorientation. He had replaced the screams with animal howls, screeching birds, thunder, shrieking metal, and the less enervating human screams of children at play now. It gave the scene a surreal note, stealing much of the terror from it. Except for the valbore. It still terrified me almost more than I could bear, but I could remember the incident without wanting to run away and hide.

  I felt drained both physically and emotionally when I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder at the man who had terrified me so. He was still Carlos's twin and I remembered clearly enough what Carlos looked like, but the memories I had associated with that terror no longer referred to the face I saw before me. The memories were there but cut off from the triggers.

  When I considered how many time I wished I could forget. "Thank you."

  He was pale and looked shaken and haunted. In that moment, he looked far younger than he had walking towards me a few minutes ago. "I would say it was my pleasure to aid you, but given what I saw in your memories I don't think you would believe me. And rightly so." He wiped sweat from his face with one hand. "I thought the task would be simple enough. I should have listened when Blas told me any trauma strong enough to cause battle curse can be extremely unpleasant. His words underestimate. The echoes of your memories will haunt my dreams… my nightmares for some time to come. No one should have to bear such memories. That your mind has not hidden them away in defense is a testament to your strength of will. For what it's worth, you have my most profound respect."

  He sighed. "I also find he was utterly correct on another matter. Being Empress would destroy you and would bring me no closer to having an heir. You needn't worry. Kaio did the right thing in claiming you for himself. He can give you the support you need, support I could not give to you."

  He rose to his feet. "I should warn you, the memories are blurred in your thinking mind but they may still be clear in your dream mind. Without the constant reinforcement though, you should be able to deal with them better. In time, they will blur and fade as well. Until then…"

  I barked a rough semblance of a laugh. "Until then, I can look at you without screaming in terror. I'll call that a win."

  "Well enough. As bad as this entire situation is, I'll take what gains we can wrest from the Goddess's grip. The riverbed is clear. Shall we drop the barrier? You need rest and I don't think you will until we know whether this will work. My mages are ready to settle the trap spell in place as soon as the border is defined."

  "Let's do this." I didn't bother to rouse myself from Kaio's arms. I stretched out my hand, placed it on the earth, and settled my attention on the barrier. The smooth warm energy of the Emperor settled into my hands and the barrier dissolved and stretched up to become the last bridge. I felt the river rush into the gap and sweep down the channel I had worked so hard to build. As the water swept out and joined the sea, I felt the border flicker but it didn't quite form. I turned my attention to the last portion in the marsh and found the holes in the channel where shattered rock blocked the bedrock.

  Just then, I felt the valbore shift. I hadn't realized I would feel it. A wave of panic swept over me. I used the last of my strength, bolstered by both the Emperor and Kaio as I moved the bedrock itself into place. I felt the spell snap into being and a faint, chilling howl of fury as the valbore was trapped. Then I slipped into darkness.

  Kaio: 33rd of Hunting, 3837

  Night was falling as Kaio cradled the exhausted form of his beloved. She had done it. Barely. He looked through the Emperor's claws as he flew over the city. The path of the new river was unmistakable. Its construction gleamed against the ramshackle buildings on either side. People gathered at the new river. They had emptied the rest of the town during the long day and it was now silent and dark. Necessary items that wagons couldn't remove, dragons hauled out. All else was abandoned.

  Dragos had ordered the lords forcibly evacuated, without their wealth, to the fort in the Waste. Those who did not help as Sendan and Varlis did were 'detained' under guard. Several had escaped the city before dawn. The seizing of their fortunes and estates had already begun. Dragos would apply those funds to the cost of the fight against the valbore.

  The trap had triggered immediately as it formed. It was clear the trap had caught the valbore. Whether it had been free when the trap formed or it triggered with the beast still imprisoned they would discover after they got to the site. Fortunately, Sano's second had found Fanul's entrance to the sewer system around the time Captain Blas and his men were arriving. They hadn't had time to follow Sara's verbal map to the beast's lair yet though. Other work had a greater priority.

  Despite all they had yet to do and the desperateness of the situation, the people lining up at the river were celebrating. The news of the valbore's trapping was spreading like wildfire. In another time or place, these same people would have been the monster's first victims.

  Drakken was facing a fight with a valbore for the first time in history with some slim hope of defeating it without deep losses. The tactics used were different this time and they were using magics not seen since the last Mage-King passed. For the first time, a truly powerful earth mage was on their side and it had already made a difference. This mage wasn't one who spoke of trapping the valbore and locking it away again. She had come face to face with it, a memory that had deeply shaken an Emperor known to be cool and dispassionate even in the most fraught times. Yet she calmly spoke of destroying it as if there was no other option. She gave them hope, hope that maybe she was right. Maybe she could destroy the valbore.

  Hope was a powerful force.

  The empty darkened city sent chills down his spine. It wasn't for always though. The people could go back as soon as the Drakkeni defeated the valbore. In the meantime, they were safe from its hunger and hate.

  The Hive and the plain beyond teemed with light and life though. Istanetlu had arrived during the day and taken the setup of a tent city in hand. Materials had been scrounged from the army supply depot, sailmakers, caravan suppliers, and shopkeepers all over the city. Everyone had some kind of shelter and warmth against the winter cold and that went a long way towards keeping the people calm.

  He looked down at Sara as the Emperor winged towards the fort. She looked so frail. She needed a chance to recover and circumstances weren't giving it to her. He hoped that with the valbore trapped she would have a little time. Even a day could be critical to her. He cradled her close and listened to her heartbeat until the Emperor prepared to land.

  Once they were on the ground, bystanders swarmed them. "Stand back!" The Emperor's voice rang out. "Lady Sara is fine, merely exhausted and with good cause. From the other side of the city, she moved the bedrock of the marsh to form the last link in the southern border. It allowed the trap to form just in time, as I'm sure you all know. Let the poor woman rest!" He uttered this last in such a plaintive tone Kaio grinned back in sympathy. The wry smile he got in return all the answer he needed.

  "Kaio!" The voice made him whip his head around looking for the source.

  Kaio smiled as he spotted the form that went with the voice. "Mother! I didn't think you would arrive this soon."

  She smiled as she strode closer. "I had to come. Urash ordered your father here with the other mages. I knew if he came without me, he'd say something stupid. He'll probably say something stupid anyway, but at least I can rein in his excesses somewhat. Is this your mate? Poor thing, she's exhausted. Samra came with me to serve her. I know she's old, but she still has many years in her and she's fond of you. We've set up camp this way. I had Durra put you and your lady's things with mine. Don't worry. Your father is staying with the mages. After what he's been saying I didn't think you would
want him near her."

  Kaio smirked at the thought of Zenra ordering Durra about. The two didn't get along. "You would be right about that, but not for the reason you think. She has shown herself to be surprisingly fierce at times. You should have seen her when she read father's note. She may rip him to shreds if he opens his mouth in her presence."

  He cuddled Sara closer as a breeze made her shiver in her sleep. "Urash has admitted that making her Empress would destroy her. He said I did the right thing in claiming her for myself. Hopefully, that will silence father on this."

  "That's a relief. It could have gotten ugly if you hadn't convinced him."

  "I didn't, Sara did. Urash, it seems, is the twin of a man who raped her, tortured her, and left her to burn alive. The sight of him triggered a battle curse episode. Urash offered to blur the memory for her and she agreed. The memories she had him alter deeply disturbed him. He admits her memories will haunt his nightmares for quite some time. I know the bare facts, but it's not the same as seeing the actual memories."

  "He did seem to be rather more emotional and less stiff than usual. It will be good for him. That poor boy is too controlled. He needs to loosen up before he breaks. In here. This is where I had your bed set up. Samra is getting your Lady something to eat. I heard Sara worked on the river course all day. I thought she would need something."

  Kaio laughed. "Samra may have trouble doing that. We put precautions in place after an attempted poisoning. The head cook makes her meals personally and has orders to hand them off to me, Calum, or Thorn only." Kaio gently laid Sara on a bed pulled from the palace. It looked a little odd perched on sandy worn flagstones and sheltered by a large tent. A brazier warmed the space, but it was still chilly. Kaio covered her and kissed her temple. He was at the door flap of the tent when Sara's voice called him back.


  "Yes My One? I'm here." He moved back to her side.

  "Did we catch it in time? I felt it move. That's why I threw all I had left at the bedrock. We were out of time."

  Kaio smiled and stroked her hair. "You were in time. The trap formed — and triggered immediately. We caught it."

  She sobbed in relief. "Oh thank the Goddess! I thought so, but I needed to be sure. It howled." She shuddered at the memory.

  Kaio gathered her in his arms. He had heard nothing, which troubled him greatly. If she could hear it, then it was possible the valbore could hear her too. "We have a little time. Once we have a valbore trapped, it's best to let it sit for a few days to weaken it. Our men are watching the borders. It won't be able to get out without our knowledge."

  She leaned against him. "Okay. Can I get something to eat? I'm hungry."

  Kaio chuckled. "What, no death threats from your stomach? Maybe it's starting to like me."

  She snorted. "Give it time to wake up. It will get mean."

  "Ah, I'm heartbroken. My mother has already requested your dinner. Meanwhile, there's someone who wants to meet you."

  "If it's your father I'll hit him for that hateful message he wrote."

  His mother's laughter burbled from the doorway. "Good. It would serve him right I expect." She edged around until she was in Sara's view and said, "Hello. I'm Zenra, Kaio's mother. I can't tell you how happy I am Kaio found you."

  Sara's expression froze before going wide-eyed and shy, all of her bravado drained away. "Um. Hello. It's an honor to meet you."

  Zenra smiled. "Don't worry little one. I don't bite. I've already seen how Kaio cares for you and I welcome you as my new daughter." She tipped her head. "Unless I'm mistaken, you and Kaio are bonded so you are already kin, it's all paperwork and priests after that. Kaio, I'll go see what's keeping Samra. There's a basin, water pitcher, and towels behind the screen."

  Kaio watched with amusement as Sara relaxed. "I told you she would like you. Did you doubt me so much?"

  Sara hunched her shoulders. "Myself actually. Are you sure she likes me?"

  Kaio pulled her close. "Yes, My One."

  She sighed and rested her forehead on his collarbone. "I should wash my face. It's still icky from when I fell apart for the Emperor. He doesn't hate me for that, does he?"

  Kaio stood and moved behind the screen. "Of course not. If anything, he's worried you hate him. Think of it from his viewpoint. He's young, new to his throne, and he's not well liked. He needs the people to like him at least a little and thinks marrying that wonderful earth mage everyone is talking about is the perfect way to do that. So, he goes to meet her and she screams in terror the moment she sees him. The memories of your life he saw when he was helping you proved to him beyond any doubt his hoped-for bride would never be his. So he has antagonized and terrified you, he's still not well liked, and he still has no bride. Overall, he doesn't think he presented himself well at all. Topping it off, he'll have nightmares from your memories."

  Sara hiccupped then laughed. "I kind of feel sorry for him now. Maybe we can be friends?"

  Kaio smiled. "I think he would like that." He handed her the damp washcloth he had prepared for her.

  Sara looked around as she wiped her face and hands. "Where are we? The land here feels… weird."

  "We are at a ruined fort in the Waste a few minutes flight from the palace. Weird how?" He sat beside her.

  "The land feels drained and dead, like an empty water-sack left outside to freeze. Hollow. It feels like my old world. I hadn't realized how empty Earth felt until now. This is where Dragos moved the vault-library? When can I get started?"

  "In the morning after you have rested and eaten." Kaio nuzzled her temple, enjoying the silkiness of her hair.

  "And a bath? I hurt everywhere. I want a long hot soak."

  "And a bath. I'll go see if I can find you medicine for the pain." Kaio stood to leave.

  "Please don't go." She sounded anxious and he turned to her in question. She looked up at him. "Where are the guards? I didn't see one at the door when your mother left."

  Kaio frowned as he realized she was right. He stepped outside and looked around, but saw no guards in sight and stepped back inside. "Let's put your cloak and boots back on. We'll go see what's going on together." He didn't feel at all comfortable leaving her alone anymore.

  When she was ready, they set out. The area they had been in was quiet, but the number of people and mage lights increased as they went. No one looked familiar to Kaio and he kept Sara close. Finally, Kaio spotted a familiar face.

  "Captain!" Blas turned and waited as they worked their way to him. "Captain, can you tell me why Sara no longer has a guard? Dagresh's friends are still out there."

  Blas frowned in dismay. "I was told the guard contingent your father brought would take over as soon as she arrived in camp. They did not do so?"

  "I haven't seen a single guard since we arrived. Nor was I told my father had provided any."

  The captain growled something offensive in Darthan then nodded. "I'll take care of it. If your father's men can't bother to show up then I'm taking over her security again. I won't let anyone endanger her. I don't think the Emperor will mind. Follow me."

  A large room at the end of the hall was their destination. Kaio could see Dragos, Urash, a drawn-looking Sano, and General Istanetlu surrounding a table spread with the large map of the city that once hung in Sano's office. The new Gold River and its bridges freshly marked. Captain Blas, motioning them to wait, went to the Emperor and whispered in his ear.

  The Emperor, who had appeared stern and unemotional moments before, snarled in rage. "That is unacceptable! She's to be guarded by trustworthy people at all times. Those were my orders! The duty is yours, Captain. I want to know how her promised guards went astray. Ren courts treason if he had anything to do with it though."

  Sano whispered to the man standing next to him who hurried out. "I had two men who should have been with her as well. Calum and Thorn were to take orders from Kaio alone. They're not supposed to take orders from anyone else. I've sent my second to see where they ended up."

  "Thank you, Sano. Captain, go gather your men and brief them. Lady Sara, please sit. You look tired still. There's fruit and cheese here. Help yourself. I'd prefer you stay here where you're warm and safe until Blas gathers your guards." Urash was a little flustered and the General was watching with amusement.

  Kaio ushered her into the seat proffered by the Emperor. She smiled shyly and thanked him.

  "Kaio, come take look at this and tell me your thoughts."

  12: Family

  Sara: 33rd of Hunting, 3837

  I sat and nibbled on a piece of cheese as Kaio argued with a man I didn't recognize. I knew when Captain Blas arrived with his men, they would escort me back to the tent and I would have to go without Kaio. I knew I didn't have sole ownership of his attention, but I had slept better last night than I had ever remembered doing so before and the nightmares were close. They hovered at the edges of my mind waiting for me to fall asleep. Illness and the deep exhaustion of healing no longer held the stresses of the past week at bay and I needed to sleep. Despite the Emperor's aid, the memories were too close to the surface. The day's efforts had drained me completely and it was taking everything I had to stay awake and functional now. I couldn't fight the nightmares alone this time.

  They were talking about Dagresh's friends when I felt compelled to speak up. "Arboren. They call themselves Arboren. Going over the memory today with the Emperor reminded me of that."

  Everyone broke off and stared at me. After a frozen moment, the Emperor nodded. "She's right. I remember that bit. Dagresh told her that the Arboren would finally have their birthright."

  "Who in all twelve hells are the Arboren?" This came from a tall rangy dragonlord I didn't recognize. His straight, black, finger-length hair was messy and his features were stern and harsher than I had seen on any dragonlord so far.

  Dragos gave him a sly smile. "That is the question General. Kaio's research seems to show they were at work in the shadows before we arrived in Therys and there's reason to believe they may be responsible for at least some of the valbore we've faced since the Mage-Kings ended. Which begs the question, how long have they been working in this region?"


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