Hunter's Treasure

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Hunter's Treasure Page 27

by Jill Shannon

  Willow took a sip of her coffee, savoring the taste. "Thank you for this." She held the mug up. "She wanted to know if I was going."

  "If you don't have plans, I would like you to come with me."

  Willow knew they had done the fundraiser. She just hadn't paid attention to what it was for. "I don't have any plans, and Hailey said she could use my support. I do, however, need to stop in and see my parents sometime today."

  "So it's settled. You will come with me, and then we will ride over to your parents' house."

  "Okay, if you'll tell me where we are going."

  "You were at the fundraiser with me."

  She shrugged her shoulders at him. "Yes, but no one ever mentioned to me where the donations were going."

  Understanding now, Hunter explained, "We wanted to help the burn and scar unit at the hospital. Recently, we had a brother spend some time there." His thoughts turned to Diesel. "We wanted to say thank you the Demons' way. Plus, with the donation, it helps others. The club is riding to the hospital today to present the check to the CEO." Hunter finished his coffee.

  "I also have to find time to sit down with Charlie and Julie and let them know they will need to find someone new to run the company for them." She got a grin on her face when his head whipped up.

  "So, I didn't dream that last night? You really are going to stay?"

  She reached over and smacked him. "Of course, I'm going to stay. We can't have a baby if I'm a thousand miles away. Plus, I always pay my debts."

  Hunter quickly moved the tray out of his way. Wrapping her in his arms, he gently kissed her. Backing away, he looked at her, saying, "I know all of this happened very fast, but you will see we are meant to be together."

  "They say love happens when you aren't looking for it. I never thought it would ever happen to me. But here you are." She kissed him on the cheek then disengaged herself from him. Getting out of bed, she told him, "I'm going to get in the shower, then I'll help you clean up." She moved toward the bathroom and stopped, spinning on her heels. "How are your ribs feeling today? Should we have them looked at while we're at the hospital?"

  Hunter had been lounging on the bed, watching her naked body move. "My ribs are fine; they need time to heal."

  "Oh, and that reminds me. You still need to tell me what happened. I let you go to sleep last night because I knew you were exhausted. But don't think you're getting out of telling me."

  "Have no fear, princess. I will fill you in on all the juicy details." He rolled off the side of the bed then reached for the tray. "Go get ready. We have to be at the clubhouse by one."

  Willow had no idea what time it was. "What time is it?"

  "A little past ten."

  He was almost to the door when she asked, "Will your mother be attending the presentation?"

  He stopped and swiveled to look at her. "Why does that matter?"

  "I was just curious. Last night, I got the impression she wanted to spend as much time with you as she could."

  Hunter stood, contemplating what Willow had said. A smile formed on his face as an idea formed in his head. "You know, I think I will invite her. I'm also going to weasel out a hefty donation from her at the same time."

  "Hunter, you're supposed to want to spend time with her because she's your mother, not for what you can get from her." Willow stood there naked, scolding him, with her hands on her hips.

  "Trust me, she will have no problem opening her checkbook, once she hears that you will be delivering her grandchild there." He paused then added, "Hell, knowing her, she'd probably commission a new wing, just so you and her grandchild would have the very best."

  Willow placed her hand over her chest and exclaimed, "Well, bless her heart, but the maternity ward will be just fine for us."

  Hunter laughed at her dramatic southern drawl. "Go get ready. I'll call my mother and extend the invitation."

  "Hunter." He paused from leaving the room. "Please don't mention what we decided. I'd like to do it together if that's okay?"

  "Absolutely, princess. Now go," Hunter replied, then he turned and left the room.

  When they were both ready to leave the Black Rose, they each sat with coffee in their hands as he unfurled the happenings of last night's events when they met with Zapatero.

  "The plan was to have Alex and Jax lure Zapatero and his associates onto the Dark Horse. We figured we could persuade them into another line of business. Suffice it to say, he was not happy. He ordered his thugs to toss Alex and Jax over the side of the boat. That was until we all showed ourselves, and that's when the chaos erupted. They were not expecting the show of force we presented."

  "That's when you got hurt?"

  "Yes, I was whacked in the midsection with a chair. While I was doubled over in pain, trying to catch my breath, another one of his goons tried to smash a fire extinguisher over my head. That's when Liam took him out."

  "I thank God he did." Willow was not a physical woman, but to protect the ones she loved, she would fight like a lioness protecting her cubs.

  "Thank you, princess." He reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Anyway, in the middle of all the mayhem, my mother came out of the shadows and made her presence known. She approached Carlos from behind with a twelve-inch serrated fishing knife. Putting it to his neck, she told him to call off his men, that they had business to discuss. Carlos put an immediate halt to the fighting, but there were a few extra punches thrown before the pandemonium ceased.

  "I'm confused," Willow interjected. "If you all had guns, why didn't you use them?"

  "Because we had Alex demand no firearms on the boat. And, yes, we could have used ours. However, there is nothing more gratifying then breaking and shattering the bones of sick, entitled men, men who have so much money, they need to buy women." Willow heard the anger in his voice and gave his hand a squeeze. Her touch pulled him back, and he continued his story. "It also helped release a lot of frustration and anger." A mischievous grin formed on his face before he went on. "Once everything calmed down, my mother removed the knife from Zapatero's throat. We set the room back, and the two of them sat and came to an understanding."

  "What was that?"

  "That my mother would not wipe out his whole family, providing he get out of the human trafficking business and relieve Alex and Jax of all debts. In return, she would supply Zapatero with any artillery equipment he wanted, for a price." Hunter shook his head. "I knew my mother was a ruthless businesswoman. But to see her in action and not kill anyone showed me another side to her."

  "Hunter, I'm sure that day haunts your mother's dreams. Just like whatever happened to you in the military haunts you," she said, alluding to the fact she knew something terrible had happened. She just didn't know what exactly.

  Catching the meaning behind her words, he said, "One day, I will tell you what happened, but today is not that day."

  "When you're ready, I'll be here for you." She got up from her chair and climbed onto his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she inquired, "If that's all that happened, what took you so long to return?"

  Hunter couldn't contain his laughter. When he could talk, he explained, "We had to make sure they all arrived safely back on their boat. You see, my mother ordered them to swim back." He started chuckling again.

  Willow's mouth opened into a perfect circle, shocked by what Hunter had told her. "What did you do with the boat they arrived in?"

  "She set it on fire. The price for being stupid, she told Carlos."

  "I guess that means Alex and Jax are off the hook now." Willow understood they hadn't wanted to do any of the things they did, but it didn't change the fact that they had done them anyway.

  "Not really. My mother is still not happy about what they did, but she will let Charlie work that out." Hunter looked at the time. Rising from the seat with her in his arms, he said, "We need to go."

  "Put me down. This can't be good for your ribs, and I'm perfectly healthy."

  He placed her feet on the ground
and smacked her ass as she moved toward the exit.

  "Ouch, what was that for?" she asked, rubbing her stinging cheek.

  "For having such a luscious ass." Enfolding his arm around her waist, they left for the clubhouse.

  When they arrived, the parking area was overflowing with motorcycles. Hunter parked his bike, and they got off. He greeted the other members and prospects as they made their way into the clubhouse. Once inside, his eyes searched for Judge. "Hey, Judge, are we ready to hit the road?" Hunter asked after greeting everyone standing around Judge.

  "Yeah, we're waiting on Dancer and Rita. They had car trouble when they were dropping the baby off at her mother's," Judge explained.

  "That boy is never on time for anything," Viking grumbled.

  "Now that's a bet you might win, Viking," Ace shouted then laughed with the members around them.

  Hailey had been standing by his side, a little confused at why Ace's statement was so funny. "Are you not a good gambler?"

  "No, but for some reason, when I do lose, it's always to him." Viking pointed at Ace. Wanting to change the subject quickly, he asked, "Saint how are the ribs today? That was some shot you took." Succeeding in his mission, everyone's attention turned to Hunter.

  "They're sore, but I'll live." Squeezing Willow to his side, he added, "I had the best medicine a man needs to make all the pain go away."

  Willow blushed a hundred shades of red, knowing what each man standing there was imagining. She turned to Hunter. "You stay here and compare notes with your brothers. I'm going to talk to Hailey." Disentangling herself from his arm, she walked over to her friend.

  After they hugged, Willow was the first to speak. "Well, I see Viking is having an influence on you already." Hailey wore a tight pair of blue jeans with a black Harley tank top. A pair of black three-inch boots, and adorning her head was a bandana.

  "I could say the same about you and Hunter," Hailey responded.

  Willow laughed at her comment because she was right. She was wearing a pair of black jeans with a pink Harley T-shirt, two-inch army boots, and her pigtails were braided. "I guess you could," she replied. She then took her friend's hand in hers, and all joking aside, she asked, "How are you doing? I'm sure your parents were ecstatic to see you and know that you were all right."

  "They were; they couldn't stop touching me and thanking Eric," Hailey explained. "As for me, I'm going to take it one day at a time. Work the program, stay sober, and find a shrink. I don't think I need one, but it will make my parents feel better."

  "I'm really proud of you, Hailey. Not many people could have gone through what you did and come out stronger."

  "Trust me, I'm shaking on the inside. But I got up today, and that in itself is a big deal."

  Willow nudged her arm, changing the subject. "So you and Viking?" She watched Hailey look toward Eric. "Think there could be something there between you two?"

  "My sponsor says I should wait a year before getting into a relationship. I have another six months to go, but until then, there's nothing wrong with getting to know each other," Hailey told her then grinned.

  They were standing around idly talking when a loud commotion was heard, and then Dancer and Rita pushed their way through the door. Dancer yelled as he approached the group, "Judge, I swear this wasn't my fault. The damn tire blew on the Chevy."

  Judge had been prepared for his excuse. First showing concern, he asked, "No one got hurt, correct?" Dancer shook his head no. "Good, then let's mount up before we really are late." He slid off the barstool he had been sitting on.

  "What are you talking about? I thought you said twelve o'clock?" Dancer asked, confused.

  "Yes, I did. But the hospital isn't expecting us until one-thirty." Judge grinned at Dancer. "I knew you wouldn't be on time. So I told you twelve, and look at you." He waved his arm up and down. "Here, you are, all ready to go and on time."

  "That's cruel, Judge," Dancer stated. Then he bowed his head, embarrassed that his president knew him that well. "And thank you."

  Judge gave him a head nod of understanding then shouted for silence in the clubhouse. When he had their attention, he announced, "Let's mount up, but before you crank them up. Preacher will have a few words to say. So, let's get moving."

  Skylar nudged Willow as they were walking toward the exit. "What? You don't say hello to your sister anymore?"

  "No, I would have, but I wanted to check on Hailey." They both looked her way. "I think she's going to be all right."

  "With all of us around to help, she's going to be fine." When they were outside, Skylar needed to go in the opposite direction. Giving Willow a hug, she said, "We'll talk more after the ride." Needing to express her concern, Skylar added, "And don't think I don't know about everything that happened. You were reckless and foolish." She then changed the tone of her voice. "But I can't help but still love you. What you did yesterday was very brave, and I'm so proud of you." Skylar hugged her sister then walked away in the direction of Judge's bike.

  Willow made her way over to Hunter's. "Everything okay with you and Skylar?" he asked.

  "Yes. She wanted to tell me she was proud of me." Willow's heart swelled with her recognition.

  He handed Willow her helmet. "You should be proud of yourself. You saved all those women and broke up a human trafficking ring."

  Strapping on her helmet, she contradicted him, "No, I instigated the whole thing. Your mother and the club did everything else. By the way, is your mother coming today?"

  "Yes, she was thrilled with the invite. Plus, on top of that, she's going to match our donation." He held up his hand to stop her from talking. "And, no, it's not because of what we discussed."

  "Wow, that's very generous of her."

  "If I know my mother, it's because she has an ulterior motive for her actions." Hunter got on his bike. "Any time you're ready."

  Willow got on the bike, as did everyone around them. However, not one bike started until they heard Preacher say, "Amen." Then, one after another, the roar of over a hundred motorcycles came to life. Judge and Skylar led them out with Yankee and Angel by their side, followed by Viking and Hailey with Grave Digger. Hunter and Willow were next riding next to Ace. The rest of the club followed out in pairs with Shadow riding at the back of the pack. The ten-mile ride to the hospital was like nothing Willow had ever experienced. People on the streets were snapping photos. Drivers pulled their cars to the side, allowing the club to ride together. It was an impressive sight. A sea of roaring bikes all riding together, all unique in their own way. The one thing uniting them all was the Celtic Demons' patch on all the drivers.

  The sound of the engines drew the occupants from the hospital outside when they arrived. Other patients watched from their windows above. The bikes were parked, and they were led to the atrium. The area had been prepared for their arrival. A small stage was set to the back of the room, and chairs were set up in front of the stage as well as around the space. When they entered the room, they were given a glass of sparkling cider. Maggie and Liam approached Willow and Hunter when they arrived. "This is a very high-tech facility compared to the hospitals in Ireland," Maggie commented, sipping her cider.

  "Yup, it is. That's why we brought Diesel here. We knew he'd get the best care," Hunter explained.

  Looking around the atrium, Maggie noticed a news crew setting up their equipment. Smoothing her hand down her straight red hair, she exclaimed, "If I would have known the media would be here, I would have had my hair done."

  Hunter was surprised to see the media there as well. "I had no idea they'd be here."

  "Well, I'm guessing it's not every day the hospital receives a donation in this manner," Willow stated. Her hand gestured to the occupants in the room, all pretty much dressed the same, jeans, boots, T-shirts, and Celtic Demons' cuts.

  Hunter chuckled at her meaning. "You may have a point, princess."

  Just then, an announcement was made for everyone to take their seats. Once everyone was settled, the ce
remony began. First, with a toast, then speeches and, finally, the presentation. Willow excused herself during the speeches to use the ladies' room. When she arrived back at the atrium, the presentations had already begun. So she stood to the back of the room. Her eyes scanned the crowd of people, their focus fixed on the stage as Judge handed the CEO of the hospital a cashier's check for one hundred thousand dollars. The applause that followed was thunderous. It was then, as Willow started to make her way back to her seat, she noticed a large figure standing motionless by the refreshment table. She took note of his clothing, neither Celtic Demons nor doctor. This person wore an over large sweatshirt, his hands tucked in its pouch, the hood pulled over his face. The applause was dying down as the CEO of the hospital announced Maggie's name. Willow's instincts took over, feeling something wasn't right. And not wanting to take Hunter away from watching his mother, she decided to probe the situation herself. Changing directions, she headed toward the stranger.

  She was almost to the figure as Margret Murphy stepped onto the stage. The room erupted with applause again as the stranger removed his hand from the sweatshirt pouch. In it, was a pistol, and he was aiming it directly at Maggie. Willow didn't think; she reacted, yelling, "Gun." Then running as fast as she could, she knocked the stranger down to the ground, the gun going off at the same time. The sound was deafening, and for a few moments, Willow heard only muffled sounds. She latched onto the stranger's arm, forcing it away from the crowd as another shot rang out, once again, losing her hearing.

  Willow's warning had ringed out around the room. As bedlam broke out, Liam was running in Maggie's direction, Hunter toward Willow. Other members were drawing their own weapons. By the time Hunter reached Willow, she had been relieved of the shooter by Shadow and Dancer. Checking to make sure no harm had come to her, he started touching her body. "Are you okay? No cuts or bruises? No broken bones?"


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