Capturing Cree (Kings Reapers MC Book 2)

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Capturing Cree (Kings Reapers MC Book 2) Page 15

by Nicola Jane

  “Then I’m the woman for you,” I say. “And I can start straight away”

  This has been the quickest interview of my life. She showed me around the small office. She’s a one-woman wedding planner with no other staff. Her last P.A. moved away last week and now she needs a replacement quickly. After wowing her with my previous experience, she seemed impressed. “I have a good feeling about you, Eva. Let’s give it a go.”

  I grin excitedly. I thought it would take me much longer to find a job. “Fantastic.”

  “You start at nine a.m. on Monday.” She shakes my hand and I practically skip out of her office towards Lake.

  “I got the job!” I jump around and Lake laughs. A flash of lightning streaks across the grey sky and raindrops begin to fall, but I don’t care. I’m so happy, I continue to dance around.

  “Get on the bike, you crazy woman.” Lake laughs as he thrusts a helmet at me. “People are watching and I don’t want to be associated with a batshit woman dancing in the rain.”

  By the time we get back to my place, the rain is hammering down and I’m soaked to the skin. My summer dress sticks to my body as I dismount the bike. I kiss Lake on the shoulder because his helmet is still on. He laughs. “Thanks,” I say before I run towards my house.

  I stop at the gate at the sight of Cree sitting on my doorstep. Rain drips down his perfect face and I screenshot his perfect profile to memory. He looks so lost, my heart almost melts. He stares up at me, and for a second, I think he’s been crying, but it could be the rain. “I choose you,” he mutters. “Don’t give up on me, Eva.”

  I move closer, digging my keys out of my bag. I push the key in the lock and feel his hands run up my bare legs. He tugs me into his lap and his hands hold my face. “Don’t give up on me,” he repeats and then he presses his lips against mine. I try to pull away, to resist him, but he keeps his hands on my face, and before long, I’m kissing him back. I run my hands through his wet hair and meet him with each thrust of his tongue. It’s a second before I realise that he’s pulling back. I stare at him, panting for breath. “I didn’t come here for that,” he mutters. “I don’t want you to think I’ve come here for that.”

  I suddenly feel sick. How could I do that when he’s just been through what he has? I stand and straighten my straggly wet hair. He gets up and pushes the door open, then steps to one side so I can go in.

  We stand awkwardly in the living room, dripping onto the floor. “I’m gonna get changed. You should get out of those too,” I mutter, pointing to his soaked jeans. “You’ll get the flu,” I add lamely.

  When I return minutes later in some clean, warm pyjamas, I find Cree in the kitchen in his boxer briefs. I pass him a towel, avoiding looking at his tattooed, god-like body. One look and I’ll melt. I can’t be weak like I was moments ago.

  “I saw my shrink,” he says.

  I put on a pot of coffee just to keep me busy. “Good.”

  “She made me see some stuff that maybe I didn’t see before.”

  “Good,” I repeat lamely.

  Cree sighs. “Eva.” I grab two mugs and place them on the worktop. If I keep busy, I won’t break. “Eva, look at me.” I spoon sugar into my mug and then I feel him behind me. He stills my hands by placing his over them. “Eva, please.”

  I sigh and drop the spoon into my mug. “Why are you here, Cree?”

  “I know I’m not perfect. I keep fucking us up. I don’t know how to do the whole relationship thing, and that’s not an excuse for my behaviour. But I want to try.”

  “We’ve been here before. You’ve said all this before. You let me in and then push me away, and every time you do, it hurts me more. I don’t know how much more I have left in me.”

  He places his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face him. “Riggs told me to date you. Apparently, he did that with Anna and they worked out.”

  I smile. “Umm, I don’t think Riggs is the best person to speak to about relationships.”

  “The important thing is we both want it. I know I do . . . ”

  I nod my head, because despite my wanting to stop loving him, I can’t. “Did you have sex with her?” I ask quietly.

  “No. I promise. I don’t know why I brought her home. I think I wanted to push you away.” He rubs his thumbs over my cheeks. “I was an ass. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t do that again. I can’t forgive that.”

  He places a gentle kiss on my lips. “I won’t. I know what I want and that’s you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.”


  I spend the night with Eva in my arms and it feels right. This is where I belong. But I have to get my head right. I can’t keep hurting her. Michelle enters my thoughts and I feel that panic kick up a beat.

  When the sun rises, I climb from Eva’s bed and leave her a note saying I’ll call her later. Riggs is having a party at the club and I want us to go together, but first, I need to pay Michelle a visit.

  I sit on my bike and stare at Michelle’s house. It’s only seven a.m., so it’s quiet. I find her spare key under the pot on her back porch and let myself in. She’s so naïve.

  She’s asleep in her bed alone. I’m surprised—I thought she’d have a new man filling Callum’s space already. I stand over her, and as if she senses me there, she opens her eyes and then scrambles away from me in a panic. “Morning,” I say brightly.

  “Cree, my children are asleep in the next room,” she whispers. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  “Get up,” I snap. She shakes her head and I reach across the bed, hauling her to her feet. I thrust a pregnancy test into her hands. “Do it.”

  “What?” she gasps in confusion.

  “I don’t want you to mother any of my kids. Do the test.”

  She takes it and heads to her bathroom with me hot on her heels. She tries to close the door, but I stick my boot there to stop her. “Don’t pretend to worry about privacy and dignity now, after what you’ve done.”

  “Cree, if I’m pregnant, it won’t show yet,” she mutters, opening the package.

  “The women said it could tell from early on.”

  “But still, it’s been a few days.” She sits on the toilet. “I can’t pee when you’re watching,” she hisses, so I turn my back. “What happens if I am?”

  “You’ll terminate it,” I say bluntly.

  “It’s not the baby’s fault,” she whispers.

  “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want what you did,” I growl. “You’ll terminate it or I’ll go to the police and tell them what you and Callum did.”

  “And I’ll tell them what you did to Callum!” she snaps.

  “You have no evidence. I made sure that place was clean. They’ll think he’s running and you’ll get the blame.”

  She flushes the toilet and hands me the plastic stick. “I meant something once, didn’t I?” she asks. I laugh and shake my head.

  “You were an easy lay. Nothing more.” Her hand stings my face as it makes contact and I wince slightly. I grit my teeth and turn the stick over. “Negative,” I snap, throwing the stick to the floor. “I’ll be back next week to do the same.”

  “Cree, you don’t have to. If I’m pregnant, I’ll tell you.”

  “Next week,” I repeat. And I mean it. I’ll get her peeing on that piece of plastic every damn week until I know for certain I’m in the clear.

  At the clubhouse, I take a seat by Riggs. “What’s this all about?” I ask, referring to the cookout he decided to have last minute.

  “I don’t know. It was Anna’s idea.” He shrugs. “Things good with you and Eva?” he asks.

  “They have to be, man. I can’t be without her. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to be with her.”

  He gives me a knowing smile. “I get it. Trust me, I get it.” Anna shouts to get everyone’s attention. “What the hell is she doing right now?” he mutters, standing.

  “I have some exciting news,” says Anna, smiling in Riggs’ direction. He looks confused. Everyo
ne’s attention is on the pair. “I’m pregnant!” she announces happily. Riggs’ face goes through a range of emotions. Anna is swept up in hugs from ol’ ladies, but all I see is Riggs looking shocked and frozen. Eventually, Anna realises he isn’t jumping for joy, but before she can get to him, he goes into the clubhouse. She looks at me panicked, so I head inside after him.

  “Congratulations, Pres,” I say when I find him in his office. He’s pouring bourbon into a glass. “Or not,” I mutter.

  “We talked about it,” he mutters. “We agreed to wait.”

  The office door opens and Anna stomps in. “What the hell?”

  “We agreed to wait,” he snaps. “I told you to wait.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose, Riggs. I think my contraception pill didn’t work when I was sick.”

  “Likely,” he utters dismissively.

  “I should leave you guys—” I begin.

  “Are you calling me a liar!” yells Anna.

  “I’m saying that one minute I’m telling you no, and the next, you’re pregnant,” shouts Riggs.

  “Fuck you,” she hisses and then storms from the room.

  “Ouch,” I mutter, feeling awkward. “Do you really think she did that on purpose?”

  “Yes!” he snaps.

  “Honestly? You think your Anna would lie to you like that? She ain’t some club whore, man.” I sigh. “Is it so bad? Anna’s a great mum to Malia and she loves Ziggy.”

  Riggs downs his drink and refills the glass. “I can’t watch her go crazy with hormones. Look what it did to Ziggy’s mum.”

  “Pres, Michelle was different. For a start, we have bad luck with that name. Maybe all Michelle’s are just nuts,” I say and he smirks. “But Anna is a great mum. You love her. You claimed her. I think you’re just in shock. Sleep on it.”

  “I thought you didn’t like talking about this kind of shit.” He smirks and I laugh. Maybe Eva is having a positive effect on me.

  I drive Eva back home later that evening. Anna refused to leave her bedroom after her argument with Riggs, not even for Eva.

  As she gets off my bike, she asks, “Are you coming inside?” I hesitate and she looks hurt.

  “I want us to do things right,” I explain.

  “You can’t have coffee with me?” she asks. Her lips pout and I melt a little. When she sees me giving in, she grins and heads up the path. “It’s just coffee,” she throws over her shoulder. I watch how her ass wiggles in that dress and know before I’m even in the house that coffee is off the menu.

  I kick the door closed as I make a grab for Eva. She squeals as I pull her against me and nuzzle into her neck. “I pray coffee is code for something else,” I groan, pressing my erection against her ass. She laughs. “You don’t know how many times I’ve replayed your hot body riding me.”

  “Are you ready?” she mumbles and my roaming hands still. “I don’t want you to feel rushed or anything,” she adds quickly.

  My chest tightens. The thought of her pitying me pisses me off, but I don’t want this to turn into another argument. Luckily, a knock at the door saves us. I release Eva and open the door to find Anna and Malia. Anna’s eyes are red from crying, and when Eva sees her, she pulls her inside.

  Malia rolls her eyes at me in that sassy manner she’s acquired since moving into the club. I laugh, my mood suddenly forgotten. “Ice cream?” I ask Malia, and she nods enthusiastically. “I know where aunt Eva keeps her best stuff. Come on.”


  Anna wipes her eyes with the tissue I hand her. “I’m so angry,” she hisses. “Riggs accused me of lying. He came up to bed after everyone left and started a huge row. He watched me pack a bag without blinking an eye,” she says through her sniffles.

  “What does he say you lied about?” I ask.

  “He thinks I got pregnant on purpose. He said I’m trapping him. How can I trap a man who claims he loves me?”

  “Anna,” I say softly. “You kind of said you were scared he’d leave you when you told me you wanted to have a baby with him.”

  Anna glares at me. “I didn’t do this on purpose,” she hisses, and I hold my hands up.

  “Okay, okay, I believe you,” I say. “I’m sorry.”

  “I got sick. The pill must have got out of my system for a couple of days. I didn’t think about it. I honestly thought he’d be happy though.” She begins to cry again.

  “So, you argued and you decided to leave, or he asked you to?” I ask, because if Riggs kicked her out, I’m about to go kick his ass.

  “I told him I’d leave and he shrugged, said I should do whatever I wanted to. I’m so angry that he’d treat me like this. He was so cold and distant. Any man who thinks I’d do that on purpose doesn’t deserve me.”

  “I’ll make up the spare room,” I say. She smiles gratefully.

  I’m making the bed when Cree joins me. “She’s staying here?” he asks and I nod.

  “Your Pres is an ass,” I mutter.

  “He’s just in shock. He’ll come ‘round,” he says. “I’ll go. Leave you to it.”

  I turn and face him. “I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to bring it up again. I just worry.”

  He smiles sadly. “Goodnight, Eva. Good luck with work on Monday.”

  “I’m not seeing you tomorrow?” I ask, hating that I sound desperate.

  “Taking it slow, remember?” He winks, kissing me on the head.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Monday soon comes and my new boss, Gia, is keen to get me set up. We spend the first few hours before lunch looking at what she would like me to do. I show her an easier way to store files on her computer. It seems to relax her when she sees that I know what I’m doing.

  I like her. She’s around my age and set up her business with the help of her father, who she tells me is a businessman and knows a good money-maker when he sees it. And by looking at what she’s showing me so far, this really is a little gold mine.

  At lunchtime, I step out to get us each a sandwich, and on my way to the deli, I call Kyle. Apart from one text message, I’ve not heard from him. Riggs said I couldn’t tell him about what happened with Michelle and Callum, so as far as he knows, she fired me because she thought I fancied Callum.

  “Eva, how the hell are you?” he says brightly.

  “Good. How are you?” I smile at the sound of his cheerful voice.

  “How’s the new job?”

  “Oh, Kyle, it’s so much better. I’m going to love it here and Gia is fantastic. She’s a year older than me and she’s so friendly. Nothing like Michelle.”

  “Speaking of that witch,” says Kyle. “She didn’t turn up to work today. I called her to check she was okay and she told me she’s not opening up anymore. She’s selling the business and she’s left town.”

  “What?” I screech. “With no warning?”

  “Nope,” he says, popping the P. “But I don’t care. If you ask me, it’s the best thing to happen. I closed up, put the keys back through the door, and I’m currently handing out my details to other agencies around town.”

  “I love your positivity.” I smile. “Maybe now’s the time to go freelance like you always wanted.”

  “Maybe,” he says. “I’ll think about it. I have enough savings for now, so I’m not worried about getting another job in a hurry.”

  “Maybe come and see Gia. Surely, she uses photographers for the weddings she organises. Maybe she can put you on her books. I can send you the address. It’s called Giazilla. You must have heard of it.”

  The line goes silent, and for a second, I think I’ve lost the connection. “Does Riggs know you work there?” he asks.

  “He knows I have a new job, but I didn’t really talk about it. Why?”

  “The owner is the daughter of some underworld boss. I wouldn’t have thought Riggs would want you involved.”

  The news shocks me. Gia is so nice and she speaks so highly of her dad. “Are you sure?”

h. Michelle knew him. I remember her telling me about him when the shop opened.”

  “I don’t see how it impacts me. Anyway, I love it, so I’m not worrying about minor details.”

  I pick up the lunch bags and head back. Gia is chatting in her office with a man in a suit. He has such a stern expression for a man who looks to be in his late twenties. I get on with moving the files around on the computer, and when they come out of the office, the man breezes past me without a second look. I hand Gia the lunch bag and she takes it gratefully while flopping down in the chair next to my desk. “Things okay?” I ask, glancing up from my computer.

  “Yeah.” She sighs. “Overprotective brother. He drives me nuts.”

  I smile knowingly. “I have a boyfriend a little like that.”

  “I’m twenty-six years old. I’m capable of choosing my own dates. He likes me to be chaperoned. I mean, it’s two-thousand and twenty. Who takes a chaperone on a date?”

  “Wow,” I cringe.

  “Exactly. I’ll never find a man. I know why he’s doing it—he wants to choose a husband for me, but that will never happen. I’d rather stay single forever.”

  I laugh. “My friend, Leia, she’s nineteen and her brother is the same. She’s part of an MC club. Her brother’s the president and so she not only has him on her back but all the members too.”

  Gia sits up slightly, her interest suddenly peaked. “Which MC?”

  I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t meant to name drop because I totally did. I have to know what the club is to her dad. “Kings Reapers,” I say, watching her closely for a reaction.

  She stands suddenly, her face shocked. “No freaking way!”

  “You know them?” I ask lightly.

  “You have to be shitting me. This was meant to be. You were sent to me to help.”

  “I was?” I ask warily.


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