Mountain Man Snatch

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Mountain Man Snatch Page 7

by Quinn Peachwood

  He grins at me before dropping to his knees saying he has to have a taste of me first.

  “Fuck you taste so good, Loulou.” He moans as his tongue slides across my spread folds.

  I palm the wall with one hand and grip his shoulder with the other, already feeling the rising shudder of imminent climax batter at my clit.

  We fall asleep on the floor again, atop a pile of torn pillows from my wrecked couch. Waking up with Grayn’s bicep as my cushion takes away the pain of the destruction all around.

  “Good mornin’ Babe.” He says without moving a muscle.

  We have almost nothing in physical possessions, but it seems we couldn’t be more content even if we had a billionaire lifestyle. He’s right - all we need is each other.

  I make coffee, holding my stainless steel travel mug under the flow, because of course the jug was smashed.

  Grayn comes up behind me and wraps his hands around my pelvis, lining his solid torso to my back as he nuzzles the side of my neck.

  “If you insist on being a kitchen goddess without a stitch of clothing on, I’m never going to be able to keep my hands off you.”

  “I’m glad you like me naked because every last stitch of clothing is ripped and trashed beyond repair.”

  Grayn smiles shyly and ducks out the door. For a moment I wonder whether he’s had enough and is dumping me for being too much hassle. Then he comes back with a bag and hands it over.

  “It’s not much and god knows I’m not the man for shopping for ladies wear but I hope you like it.”

  “Oh my god, it’s sooo cute.”

  Inside is a dress with a slightly vintage feel, covered with sunflowers. And a pair of sandals with high wedges.

  “You have some great taste in ladies’ wear.”

  “And even better taste in ladies it seems.”

  He envelops me again and the coffee spits and sizzles on the hot plate as I let him pull me down to the floor on top of him.


  Two Hours Later - Grayn

  We had a hard time leaving that wrecked apartment. Going outside would mean separating our bodies from their magnetized state.

  We made coffee together, holding the only unbreakable mug under the flow coming through the filter. Our joint effort was interrupted not once, but twice, because every time our eyes came together, that was game over.

  The intensity between us brought our mouths crashing back together, hands everywhere at once, squeezing, grasping. We needed to be deeply connected, my cock buried inside her up to the root was more vital than needing to eat, sleep or load caffeine.

  Finally the caffeine won out. We showered together, still unwilling to be separated and dressed up for the outside world.

  “Are you sure about this?” I asked as I led her to the door.

  She looked at me wide-eyed and nodded.

  “This never felt like the right place for my new beginning. I need a new start to match the new me I found in rehab.”

  My back muscles bristled at the thought of what that asshole did to her, getting her addicted so as to use her services like a mule.

  I’m glad I did one good thing out there in the Middle East, setting fire to poppy fields and burning up the raw material before it could be made into something harmful. But there was plenty more of that stuff at home and most of it pushed by corporations.

  But I’ve learned that suffering has a purpose in bringing you to the next step, a better step. It seemed that the asshat ex was instrumental in bringing Loulou and I together.

  She might never have come out west, she might never have realized that she missed me and that I wasn’t the bastard she hates, without his arrival in town, come looking for her.

  “What a mess.”Loulou said, looking back at the devastation.

  I pulled out my billfold and left more money on the table. So the landlord wouldn’t be out of pocket.

  “My Dad paid the security deposit to the landlord.” She tried to stop me.

  “Didn’t I tell you that I look after mine, without outside help?”

  I pulled the door shut on that life and led Loulou to the truck.

  “So we only have one problem to deal with -“ She said as I pulled onto the road.

  “Denver.” I said, reading her thought because it was the same as my own.

  “I’m sorry, I know you two have some connection - at least I’m relieved he isn’t your father.

  I had to roar out loud yet again, hearing that.

  “If it’s true that women turn into their mothers, the same is likely for sons and fathers.” I said. “No wonder you despise me.”

  “I don’t.” She whispered. “Not now. Quite the opposite in fact.”

  I grinned and took her hand, bringing it over to rest on my thigh.

  “We need to figure something out because I can’t live with that man leering at me for even one day.”

  “I know. I can’t either. You might have noticed I’m not crazy about other men looking at you, touching you, or telling you what to do.”

  It would have been perfect if Denver had vanished into the trees when we got home but I know he’s embedded in that shack for the rest of his days. He built it himself in happier times and he has memories there.

  Memories that aren’t mine. I needed my own now. Now that I had what I needed.

  When we reached the turnoff from the highway to the forest track I pulled up. Loulou turned to look at me, confused, searching my face for a sign.

  I couldn’t resist leaning over to take her mouth, taste her and get an intimate sense of what she was feeling.

  “Do you trust me?” I asked when I finally disconnected and rummaged through her gaze for the truth.

  She bit down on her lip and nodded. Not because she doubted me, I don’t think so at least, but because we were making such huge decisions, untethering ourselves from everything in our past - friends, homes, belongings, my illicit income.

  I backed the truck onto the road and continued driving.

  “Where are we going?” She whispered.

  “Anywhere you want.”

  “Seriously? But how are we going to survive?”

  “I thought you trusted me - you don’t think this hillbilly survivalist can take care of you?” I sounded annoyed but I was grinning.

  I had never felt so free and so purposeful in my life. Now that I had Loulou in my corner, life started to make sense again, whereas before, I was just going through the motions, getting up every day, brewing, drinking and going back to bed.

  Not that much different from every sucker on the planet, just without rush hour and shopping malls.

  “But you just left all your money on the table at my apartment and refused help from my Father, so…”

  “The VA does still present me with some small stipend for so-called defending the nation. It’s added up to quite a bit in the time I’ve been back and not touching it.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re a secret millionaire.”

  “Not quite.” I grin. “But being a hillbilly has its advantages in the fact that you don’t consume hardly anything. So we’ll be okay if we need to be. Meantime we’re young and not without resources.”

  “What about Denver?” She asked.

  I looked over at her and squeezed her hand. She had not one reason to care about the old bastard after they way he treated her. But still she did and that made me feel a huge softness inside toward her.

  “He and I are bad for each other.” I told her. “Much as we told ourselves we were living free and avoiding the traumatic memory stored inside our heads, you were right when you said I was running away.”

  “I didn’t mean you were wrong.”

  “But I was wrong. Den and I are just perpetuating our memories. Plus there’s the fact that sooner or later, the old bastard’s going to get himself too drunk and come for you. I don’t want you to live under that kind of daily stress.”

  “Will he be okay?”

  I squeezed her hand a
gain and she returned the pressure on my quad muscle.

  “He’ll be just fine.”

  “I think I’d like to try living the hillbilly life.” She said. And I had to laugh long and hard, until my mirth elicited a thump of her little fist in my thick thigh muscle.

  “Well, I mean out in the country, not consuming shit, living close to the earth type of thing.”

  “Without a bathroom?” I joked.

  “So long as you promise to make me a waterside bubble bath every night I could manage that too.”

  “Well the way the world is tunneling toward devastation we may as well get some practice in simple living.”

  “Promise me you won’t always be so glass half empty?”

  “If you’re half full then we’ll be the perfect glassful together.” I quipped.

  “Colorado then.” She said. I’ve always wanted to see the Rockies and Im sure we can find a piece of land to raise… some chickens.”

  I looked at her and a wide grin spread so’s I could feel my cheeks ache.

  “I never thought about raising… chicks.” I said. “Until I saw you, that is.”

  “Is that okay?” She whispered, her eyes searching mine, hopeful.

  “Yeah.” I nodded, taking a turn and heading south, toward where she wanted to start our respective new lives - together. “Sounds perfect.”

  Thank you for reading this Flash Fantasy

  Quinn Peachwood is the author of the Flash Fantasies series of instalove short reads, perfect when you need a quick pick-me-up of steamy yummies.

  QP loves a good road trip, sampling local food and cocktails, shopping for vintage and best of all, meeting readers.

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  Also by Quinn Peachwood

  Keeping Her Safe - Flash Fantasy No. 1

  Biker Escape - Flash Fantasy No 2

  Sugar Billionaire - Flash Fantasy No 4

  Ghosted - Flash Fantasy No 5




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