Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3) Page 9

by K. C. Wells

  Kendis winced. “Okay, that sounds painful.” He pushed his comforter down past his hips, reached into his shorts and pulled out his dick. It was nothing like some of the ones he’d seen in the videos, but it wasn’t small either. He curled his fingers around it and gave it a slow tug.

  “Yeah,” Chaz continued. “If you believe what you see, every guy has a six pack, muscles, an’ a donkey dick. And haven’t any of these guys ever heard of lube? I mean, ouch!”

  Yeah, that had made Kendis wince more than once. Surely it can’t just slide in like that. Lord, if it were him on the receiving end, he’d make sure he used a bucketful of lube. They make it look so easy, taking a dick. Still, he couldn’t wait to find out how it felt. Not that he was averse to being the one in the driver’s seat, no sir.

  Then he smiled. Now there’s an idea. He opened the nightstand drawer as quietly as possible and grabbed his bottle of lube. Soon, he was sliding his cock through a slick palm. Much better.

  “And then you’ve got the scenarios,” Chaz said suddenly, making him jump. “Bangin’ the pizza delivery boy, teacher fuckin’ the student after class, the priest fuckin’ any hot guy that wanders into the confessional…and the straight guy who will bend over for you in a heartbeat. The BFF who suddenly tells you he loves you. Can’t forget that one, right?”

  There was something in Chaz’s voice, a note of bitterness, that caught Kendis’s attention. “You okay?”

  “Just ignore me, okay? I… I’m fine.”

  He didn’t sound fine. And then realization dawned. “Oh my God,” Kendis said slowly. “You… you didn’t fall for a straight guy, did you?”

  “Fall for?” Chaz snorted. “That’s a bit strong. Lust after would be nearer the mark. I just have to keep remindin’ myself that he ain’t gonna be interested. Besides, go after a straight guy around here, and you’ll get your face busted up, or your head kicked in.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s safer going for a gay guy.” Not that Kendis had intended going after any guy. Well, not until Chaz showed up.

  A loud, derisive snort burst from the phone. “In LaFollette? Gay guys are rarer than hens’ teeth.”

  Kendis couldn’t resist. He let out a chuckle. “So I’m rare?”

  Chaz laughed. “You? You’re priceless.”

  He snuggled down the bed, lazily working his cock. “Tell me more.” Lord, this felt all kinds of wicked.

  “Oh, I see. You want compliments?”

  “Well, a guy likes to know he’s not being flirted with just ’cause he’s the only gay in town.” And Kendis loved Chaz’s flirting.

  “I thought I worked for the only gay in town—till Taylor showed up. And then you came along.”

  Another leisurely tug, and Kendis’s dick was starting to pay attention. “Yeah. You were a surprise too.” A delicious, funny, sexy as fuck surprise with curly brown hair, gorgeous deep brown eyes, and lips Kendis ached to claim in kiss after slow, drugging kiss.

  “So what kind of compliments shall I give you?” Unless it was Kendis’s imagination, Chaz’s voice had grown a little huskier. “You already know I think you’re beautiful.”

  “You’re pretty fine-lookin’ yourself.” His cock was firming up beneath his fingers, and he badly wanted to play with his balls, but no way was this call going to hands free. He scanned the nightstand, relieved to find his earbuds. He shoved them into his ears and got busy with both hands after first removing his shorts.

  “You have a great ass.”

  Talk about not wasting time. “You’ve been looking at my ass?”

  Another snort. “Sugar, I ain’t blind. An’ if you will wear those tight as fuck jeans, you gotta expect someone to notice it.”

  “I like that,” Kendis admitted quietly.


  “You noticing my ass.” Hell, he liked that a whole lot.

  “I just have to be careful where I am when I’m noticing you.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  Chaz chuckled. “Because I think people might notice if I suddenly get a hard-on.”

  Fuck… “That tongue of yours…” Heat rolled over Kendis, and his dick was like a rod of steel.

  “Did I just shove you outta your comfort zone?”

  “Yeah—I mean, no… I mean…” Christ, he was a mess. Sex had occupied his thoughts a lot lately. He had to dial this back, steer the conversation into safer territory. “So… about this date… where you wanna go?”

  “Someplace where it’s just us,” Chaz replied without hesitation. “You wanna join me on a bike ride, maybe?”

  Kendis laughed out loud, then hurriedly fell silent. He removed one earbud, listening for any sign Momma was awake. When he was certain he was in the clear, he put it back in and lowered his voice. “You are kidding, right? After today?”

  “I didn’t go that fast, did I? I wanted to go faster.”

  Kendis chuckled. “Sure you did. Slow’s not in your nature.”

  “Oh, I don’t know ’bout that. I can take my time when the situation calls for it.”

  “We’re back to sex again, aren’t we?”

  Chaz’s laugh made him feel light. “Seriously, you got any ideas?”

  Actually, Kendis did. “A movie. Just us this time. No Ellie. No bear.”

  Chaz’s voice softened. “We gonna hold hands again?”

  Lord, it had gotten warm in there. “You know it. I liked that.” Understatement of the year.

  “Me too. Never held hands with a guy before.”

  “Neither of us has done anything with a guy before, remember?”

  “Well then, that leaves us a lotta room to play with.” Chaz paused. “You excited about Monday?”

  “Hell yeah. I just gotta remember what Del said.” Kendis repeated what he’d gleaned from Del’s phone calls with his former employers. “What he told me really paid off in that interview with Mr. Temple. Being honest about stuff I didn’t know.”

  Chaz sighed. “Del’s a good friend. They both are, him and Jon.”

  Kendis smiled. “Jon. My hero. I have to find a way to thank him. You got any ideas? He’s your roommate.” Jon turning out to be such a great friend had Kendis flushing with guilt at the memory of fantasizing about his lips. No idea where that came from. Man, I must have been horny that day.

  “Hey, I already got him a bear. Gonna be hard to top that, but I’ll work on it.” Another drawn out pause. “You gonna be thinkin’ ’bout me tonight?” That husky voice was back.

  “Man, you just don’t quit, do ya?” Not that Kendis was complaining.

  “Nope. Not when I see something I want.”

  “And what do you want?” Kendis held his breath.


  Oh yeah. He did a slow exhale. “How do you want me?” Fuck, was that my voice? It was raw and deep. Kendis tugged on his dick, his other hand gently stretching his sac, pulling it taut.

  “First choice would be naked, but anyway I can get you.”

  He swallowed hard.

  “Am I gonna like what I find?” Chaz asked softly.

  “Well… I’m no porn star, but I take care of myself.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Neither could Kendis.

  “You’re thinkin’ ’bout what I look like naked, ain’tcha? Right this second?”

  “What gave it away?”

  “Your breathin’. It changed,” Chaz told him.

  “Sexy and observant.” Kendis gave up and kicked off the comforter. “Who needs sheets when I’ve got you on the phone?” He bent his legs, planted his feet flat on the mattress, and worked his cock with both hands, rolling his hips a little.

  “Getting hot, are we?”

  “You know it.”

  “Blood pumpin’?”

  “Heading south as we speak.”

  Chaz’s soft exhale filled his ears. “Wish I could see that.”

  Kendis chuckled. “Not till the third date.”

  Chaz’s breathing hitched. “Is that a promise?”<
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  Kendis’s heart pounded, and the blood rushed past his ears. “Yes,” he whispered. There. I said it.

  “Then hell, we’d better go on our first date real soon.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I think we need another call to work out details.” At least one.

  “Oh, definitely. Tomorrow night?”

  “Same time, same place?”

  Chaz snickered. “Sure. But if we’re planning on havin’ the same kinda conversation, I gotta get me some more lube. Mine just ran out.”

  They both laughed and said goodnight.

  Once the call had disconnected, the phone and earbuds were put aside, and Kendis’s hand got busy. It only took three good hard tugs to have him shooting like it had been weeks since the last time. He arched his back, legs trembling as he pulsed out the last drops, and then sank back onto the mattress, covered in perspiration.

  Seconds later he hastily drew the comforter up the bed to cover him when he heard his momma’s door open. Kendis lay in the semi-darkness, his heart racing, praying she hadn’t heard him. When he caught the sound of a toilet flushing, he breathed a little easier, not relaxing totally until she’d closed her door.

  Momma’s ninja skills sure make for an interesting life.

  He threw back the sheets, grabbed tissues from the nightstand, and cleaned up as best he could before settling down to sleep. He closed his eyes, and what came to mind amazingly was not a naked Chaz, but the memory of them holding hands in a darkened movie theater. Only this time, Chaz leaned in and kissed him, slow as you please, his lips warm and soft against Kendis’s. An enticing scent played with his senses, a woodsy fragrance that promised sensuality and passion.

  Where have I smelled that? Kendis breathed in the scent, trying to get his sleep-fogged brain to focus on the alluring smell.

  It was only as he was sinking slowly into a dark velvet night of dreams that it came to him. The truck ride home.

  It was Jon’s cologne.

  Chapter Ten

  Monday Dec 18

  “I think that just about does it,” Del announced, glancing at the tidy office.

  Jon chuckled. “You mean, now I’ve filed everything so you know where to find it come next year.” Del was great when it came to business contacts and getting their name out there—but he was the one who kept the ship… well… shipshape. It had been Jon’s idea to spend the day getting the place spotless before they finally shut down for the winter. That would leave him a week to get ready for the holidays.

  And that was something new right there.

  Momma had always been big on celebrating Christmas. He could recall being wide-eyed as a kid when the house was all lit up, the front lawn covered in moving, illuminated reindeer, and the biggest tree Jon had ever seen, sparkling with light and color. Since her passing, however, he’d let her traditions wither and die. What was the point of getting a tree and decorating, when it was just him?

  Only now, it wasn’t. There was Chaz. And so Jon had come to a decision.

  The house needed a tree.

  What Jon hadn’t expected was the way the prospect made him feel. The idea of putting up lights and decorations, choosing a tree, going through Momma’s boxes—because you’d better believe he’d kept every last one of them—sent a warm feeling skittering through him. For the first time in a while, he was looking forward to Christmas. The day itself, he and Chaz would be at Del’s, and that promised to be a lot of fun. Jon was looking forward to getting to know Taylor a little better, seeing as he was the closest thing Jon would ever have to a brother-in-law.

  Hey. They might decide to get married. Holy shit. He was pretty certain LaFollette would resound with an almighty thud when all of its inhabitants fainted if and when that day arrived. But such thoughts aside, Jon wasn’t sure how he’d feel about that. He liked Taylor, certainly, and he was overjoyed Del had found someone, but it threw his own situation into sharp relief.

  A situation he didn’t intend ever sharing with his brother.

  “Well, look who’s here.”

  Jon didn’t even have to look. That happy note in Del’s voice could only mean one thing—Taylor was about to pay them a visit. Sure enough, the front door opened seconds later.

  “Y’all still here? I thought you’d be done by now. It’s three o’clock already.”

  Del left the office to greet him, but Jon stayed where he was. He didn’t need to see the pair of them kissing or however they greeted each other. The sight would only serve to remind Jon of what he was too afraid to go for himself.

  It was my choice, remember?

  “Don’t suppose there’s a drop of coffee goin’?” Taylor asked with a hopeful note as he stepped into the warm room. He shivered. “Damn, it’s gettin’ cold out there. Feels like we’ve dropped a few degrees in the last couple days.” He gave Jon a cheerful nod before removing his cap and placing it on the desk.

  Jon pointed to the coffee machine. “Knock yourself out. That’s the last of it. Once that’s gone, I’ll clean it so we don’t come back to a filter full of moldy coffee that’s growin’ tentacles.”

  Taylor guffawed. “Tentacles?” He went over to the coffee pot and poured what was left into a mug. Then he sat in Del’s chair, his feet propped up on the desk.

  “Making yourself comfortable?” Del said with a smile. Then he glared at the mug. “Is that the last of the coffee?”

  “You keep your hands off,” Taylor growled, holding the mug to his chest. “This is my coffee now. And don’t get any ideas. I got a gun, remember?” Taylor’s lips twitched.

  “Why, Officer Cox.” Del’s eyes glittered. “Is that a threat?”

  Jon would lay even money those two got up to all sorts of shenanigans behind closed doors. At least there, I don’t get to see it. Well, apart from that one time, but he was still trying to forget that.

  “We’re not embarrassing you, are we?” Taylor asked suddenly.

  Jon blinked. “Why should I be embarrassed?” ’Cause you’re behavin’ like a pair of lovesick puppies? Not that he’d ever let such words pass his lips.

  Del snorted. “Jon doesn’t embarrass that easily. He’s used to me.”

  “I was thinkin’ about you just this morning,” Taylor said with a smile. “We haven’t spent much time together, have we? Maybe we need to rectify that.”

  “Sounds good,” Jon replied with a shrug.

  Taylor’s eyes lit up. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. We could always go out on a double date.” He grinned.

  Jon chuckled. “Yeah, sure.”

  Taylor straightened in his chair. “There’s this really sweet lady, Susan, who works at the police department. Her bakin’ is to die for.”

  For a moment there, Jon was positive he’d heard that wrong. He frowned. “Wait a sec. Were you serious just now? Are you really tryin’ to fix me up with a date?” No, he must’ve misheard, because What the fuck?

  “It was just a thought. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested.” Taylor’s smile vanished. “Hey, it’s no big deal. It was only a suggestion.”

  “If that,” Del added. “It sounded like a throwaway remark to my thinking.” He stared at Jon. “Just chill, okay?”

  Okay? Jon saw red.

  “Where the fuck do you get off makin’ suggestions like that?” he yelled at Taylor. “What got it into your mind that I was even lookin’ to go on a date? Have I ever said as much? I don’t see how, because hell, we haven’t even had a decent conversation yet. But suddenly you think it’s okay to fix me up with some woman you work with?” He knew he was overreacting but fuck it, he was too far gone to stop it now.

  Taylor’s face was ashen. “Jon, I—”

  “You need to calm the fuck down, right now,” Del gritted out. His eyes blazed. “I don’t know what in the hell is wrong with you, but there was no need to bite Taylor’s head off like that. It wasn’t even a serious suggestion, for Christ’s sake!”

  Jon had heard enough. “You know what? I’m outta here. Close up t
he shop on your own.” He pulled his jacket from off the back of a chair and headed for the door. As he passed the array of hooks filled with keys for the motorcycles, he grabbed a set. “Don’t mind if I borrow a bike, do ya? Not that you have a say in the matter. It’s my fucking business too, right?” And with that, he was out the door, into the shop, and striding over to where the Indian Roadmaster sat, all gleaming paintwork and chrome. He raised the kickstand and walked with the bike to the door, his heart pounding and his stomach clenched. He unfastened the other door, took the bike outside, then closed it.

  Del can lock it. Jon wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. He put on his jacket hurriedly, then climbed onto the motorcycle’s broad seat.

  Behind him, the door opened. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Jon sighed wearily. “Go back inside, Del. I don’t wanna talk right now.”

  “Fine. But we are gonna discuss this.” Del glared at him. “So go clear your head, or whatever it is you need to do so you’re thinking straight, and when you’re ready to talk, find me.” Del thrust a helmet at him. “Take this. Don’t be an ass. Safety first.” He expelled a breath. “Now I’m gonna go back in there and try to convince Taylor that you don’t really hate him. It only sounded like you do.” Before Jon could get a word out, Del turned around and went back inside, slamming the door behind him.

  Jon didn’t move. He sat there astride the bike, his body tense, his head pounding. What the fuck did I just do? In his jeans pocket, his phone vibrated, and he took it out. It was a text from Kendis.

  Wow. End of Day 1 and my head is shredded!

  Acting on some instinct he didn’t fully understand, Jon hit Call. He surged ahead before Kendis could get a word in. “Where are you?”

  “I’m at the car repair shop. I just finished.”

  “Stay there. I’m comin’ for ya.” Jon disconnected, tucked his phone away, put on the helmet, and switched on the engine. Five minutes later, he was pulling off Jacksboro Pike and fast approaching the spot where Kendis stood. Jon came to a halt in front of him. “Get on,” he said abruptly.

  Kendis frowned. “But… I don’t need a ride home, honest.”


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