Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3) Page 12

by K. C. Wells

  Once breakfast was over and the plates had been loaded into the dishwasher, Jon took him outside, after they both put on jackets to keep out the chill morning air. He rolled up the door to the garage and went over to the large, gray-covered lump in the middle of the floor. Jon carefully removed the covering, and Chaz gasped.

  “Oh my God,” he said softly.

  “Ain’t she a beauty?” Chaz couldn’t mistake the note of pride in Jon’s voice. And no wonder. Chaz was looking at a 1999 Harley Davidson Road King, a classic bike. Okay, so she really needed a cleanup, but once all that chrome had been polished, she’d turn heads, no doubt about that.

  “How long have you had her?” It didn’t feel weird in the slightest to use the female pronoun. It felt right.

  “Bought her in 2009 for my thirtieth birthday. Sort of a present to myself.” Jon gazed sadly at the motorcycle. “I should’ve gotten her in better shape by now, but the business took up a lot of time.”

  Chaz walked over to the bike and stroked the seat. “She’s built for two,” he said quietly. Then he turned round and grinned at Jon. “She’s the same age as me.”

  Jon laughed. “That’s right. Okay then. When I’ve got her purrin’ like Delilah, how about you an’ me take a ride?”

  “Hell yes to that!” Chaz chuckled. “Except I don’t think she purrs.” Another stroke of the leather. “I think this baby is gonna roar.”

  Jon shook his head. “You an’ bikes. Lord, you remind me of Del.”

  Chaz’s phone vibrated in his jeans pocket, and he took it out. “Del says he’ll meet me outside Walgreens at ten. Then we’ll go grab coffee.”

  Jon snickered. “It’s already nine-thirty.”

  Chaz blinked and glanced again at his phone. “Shit, you’re right. Where did the morning go?”

  “That’s what happens when you spend a half hour in the shower.” Jon laughed. “I kept puttin’ off makin’ breakfast, tellin’ myself ‘he’ll be done soon.’ What could I have been thinkin’?” He smirked.

  Chaz rolled his eyes, then dashed back into the house to get ready.

  I got waylaid, that’s what happened. Too busy dealing with Jon checking me out, and me checking out his muscles—and his bike.

  Del smiled as Chaz approached him. “Hey. Glad you could make it.”

  Chaz had to smile back. “Could you look any more like a bear?” Del wore his leather jacket, with a red scarf tied around his neck. His jeans were tight, and he wore shiny black boots. All he needed was a leather cap, for Christ’s sakes, and he’d be the perfect poster boy for Tom of Finland.

  Del guffawed. “I figure the natives had better get used to seeing me in my usual state.” He pointed across the street. “I thought we’d go there for a change.”

  Chaz’s heart sank. “Oh. I see.”

  Del frowned. “Something wrong?”

  He sighed. “You remember I told you I used to work in my daddy’s coffee shop? Well… that’s the one.” There were only two such places in town, hence why he usually went to Common Ground.

  Del responded instantly. “Then we go someplace else,” he said briskly.

  Chaz nodded thankfully, but then he hesitated. “Fuck it,” he said in a low voice.

  Del studied him. “You do not have to go in there,” he said equally quietly.

  “Yeah, I do. What am I gonna do, Del? Cross the street if I see him? Not go to places where I think he might be? Hell to the fucking no. This is my town too. And if I can be a grown-up, then so can he. Besides, what’s he gonna do? Cause a scene? He ain’t gonna do that, not in front of his customers.” Chaz took a breath. “So I say we’re goin’ in.”

  Del patted his arm. “You’ve got balls, I’ll say that for you.”

  They crossed the street, and Del pushed open the door. Chaz stepped into the warm interior, inhaling the familiar scents. His daddy was standing behind the counter, and his eyes widened as they walked across to an empty table. Chaz took a seat, while Del went to order their coffees.

  Chaz was shaking. He tried not to look in his daddy’s direction, but he couldn’t help stealing a glance. Daddy was serving Del, his face like stone. When Del came back to the table, Chaz did his best to breathe normally, but his chest ached like a bastard.

  “He’ll call me when it’s ready,” Del said.

  Despite his emotional state, Chaz chuckled. “I know how it works in here, remember?”

  Del laughed. “Yeah. Sorry about that. So… what are you gonna do with all this free time?”

  Chaz smiled. “Spend as much of it as I can with Kendis—I hope.” Talking about Kendis was way better than trying to avoid looking at his daddy.

  Del arched his eyebrows. “I see. Are congratulations in order?”

  “I ain’t counting no chickens, put it that way.” But he was kind of hopeful, wasn’t he? “Early days, but… it’s lookin’ good.”

  “Excellent.” Del grinned. “He’ll be your first boyfriend, won’t he?”

  Chaz nodded. “And I’ll be his. Sweet, isn’t it?” He peered at Del. “How old were you when you got your first boyfriend? If it’s not too personal a question.”

  “Same age as you. I think I’d been in college for a week when I met him.”

  Chaz snorted. “Hell, you didn’t waste any time, did ya?”

  Del chuckled. “Are you kidding? I couldn’t wait to get out of South Carolina. Life in California couldn’t have been more different. A constant stream of guys, a lot of hookups…” He smiled. “All that was missing was one special guy. I thought I’d found him a few years ago, but he turned out to be a heart-breaking bastard. I had to move here of all places to find love.”

  Chaz had been delighted when Del and Taylor got together. Hearing someone had messed with Del only made Chaz happier that he’d finally found love. “You make a good pair.”

  Del laughed. “Never thought I’d end up with a cop. Well… only in my fantasies.”

  Chaz let out a mock gasp. “Hey… keep your hands off of my fantasies.” Except that wasn’t true. His revolved around a certain bear with a thick beard and green eyes.

  And biceps to die for. Don’t forget those.

  Chaz shoved his carnal musings aside. It felt all kinds of wrong to be lusting after Jon’s bod when he’d be taking Kendis on a date the following evening.

  His daddy called out their order, and Del went to get it. When he returned, he placed two plates containing slices of carrot cake in front of Chaz. “This looks good.”

  Chaz nodded. “Momma makes it.” His stomach clenched.

  Del sighed. “I’d take your hand in mine if we weren’t in here, but I don’t want to cause you any aggravation.” He locked gazes with Chaz. “I know this isn’t easy.”

  “Let’s change the subject.” And right then, Chaz knew exactly which topic to tackle. “Jon doesn’t talk much about South Carolina.”

  Del snickered. “Jon doesn’t talk much, period.”

  “Yeah, but…” Chaz leaned back in his chair. “I work with both of you. I know so much more about you than I do about him. As a for instance… Was he ever married? Did he have anyone special back there? Is Jon nursin’ a broken heart?”

  “I get it. He’s an enigma.” There was a touch of sorrow in Del’s smile. “He’s never talked about relationships. I do know that worried our momma. She said one time she hated the idea of him growing old alone. Maybe that’s why she called me and suggested that me and Jon go into business together. Maybe she thought a change of scenery might be good for him.” He narrowed his gaze. “And you do not know that, y’hear? Jon’s let me think it was his idea, and I’m not gonna burst that particular bubble.”

  “I won’t breathe a word of it, I swear,” Chaz said solemnly. A thought occurred to him. “Maybe I was right. Maybe someone broke his heart an’ he never got over it. That’s why he doesn’t talk about the past.”

  Del chuckled. “Jon won’t even talk about his tattoos. And Christ, he’s had a lot of work done. But when I ask hi
m about it, he clams up. I guess some people really don’t like talking about themselves.”

  Chaz blinked. “Are you sure y’all are brothers?” Because he couldn’t imagine two more different men. Then Del’s words sank in. “He has tattoos?”

  Del laughed. “He doesn’t go around putting them on display, does he? And you live with him.”

  Chaz was intrigued. “I wanna see ’em.”

  “It’s beautiful work. And over one half of his body.”

  Now Chaz was definitely curious.

  Del gazed thoughtfully at Chaz. “How is Jon?”

  It seemed an odd question, given that Del had only seen Jon the previous day. “He’s fine. He’s gonna work on his bike today.”

  Del nodded. “Good. I’m glad he’s keeping busy.” His face tightened, and Chaz was dying to ask what was wrong, because he was damn sure something was. Then he glanced across at his daddy—and froze to see the cold look on his face. Except Chaz realized it was worse than that.

  He’s starin’ at me like he don’t even see me.

  The rest of the time spent there went by in a blur. Chaz barely heard a word Del said, and he struggled to keep up with the conversation. His gaze was continually drawn to where his daddy stood, but the situation didn’t improve. If anything, it got worse.

  By the time they were done with coffee and cake, Chaz couldn’t wait to get out of there. He said goodbye to Del in a hurry, not looking once in his daddy’s direction because hell, there was no fucking point, was there? He went to the stand where he’d locked up the bike, got on it, and rode off at speed. His heart was still pounding by the time he reached the house.

  “Hey.” Jon came out of the garage, wiping his hands on a rag as Chaz got off the bike. “How was coffee?” Then his face fell. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Chaz ground out, walking past him into the house. He didn’t want to talk about it.

  Jon followed him into the living room. “Bullshit.” He stood by the couch as Chaz struggled out of his jacket, his arms catching in the sleeves. “Here.” Jon came over and helped him, removing it and placing it on the arm of the couch. “Now talk to me.”

  “Nothin’ to say.” Chaz gave a gulp, and tears pricked his eyes.

  “Hey now.” Jon’s voice was softer. He pulled Chaz to him, his arms going around him. “What’s happened, sweetheart?”

  The tender voice and touching endearment were more than Chaz could stand. “I… I didn’t think it would hurt so much.” Then the sobbing started, and he couldn’t rein it in.

  Jon sank onto the couch, taking Chaz with him, his arm still around him. He held Chaz while the tears fell, rocking him gently. “It’s gonna be okay. Just let it out,” Jon said quietly, his voice soothing.

  Chaz buried his face in Jon’s neck, and Jon stroked his mess of curls. “Saw my… daddy. I c-could have dealt with him… being an asshole, but… he a-acted like I didn’t f-fucking exist.” Christ, he’d been so cold.

  Jon held onto him, that gentle rocking not stopping for an instant. Little by little, Chaz’s sobs ebbed away, but still he clung to Jon, breathing in the smell of cotton and oil and that same goddamn scent that played havoc with his senses…

  When he’d stopped weeping, Chaz sat back, and Jon let him. He held out the rag he’d tucked into his belt. “I’d give you this, but I don’t think you want oil on your face.”

  Chaz let out a chuckle. “Wouldn’t be my choice.”

  Jon rubbed his thumb slowly and carefully across Chaz’s cheeks beneath his eyes, removing the dampness from there. Then he lifted Chaz’s chin with his fingers, raising his head. Jon looked into his eyes.

  “Now you listen to me. We don’t get to choose our family in this life. So you know what? I’m making it a law around here. You do. We’re your family now, me an’ Del an’ Kendis. We love ya, even if your daddy don’t.”

  Despite his warring emotions, Chaz smiled. “You love me?”

  Jon stroked his cheek softly. “There have been precious few people in my life that I’ve truly cared about. Del, Momma… I reckon I’ve got enough love left to spare you some.”

  Chaz stared at him for a moment, before flinging his arms around Jon. Strong arms encircled Chaz, and he inhaled the familiar scent that already smelled like home.

  “We love ya. Always remember that.” Jon kissed his forehead, then released him. “Now, you wanna come outside and help me get my girl roarin’?”

  Chaz swallowed. “I’d love that.”

  Jon beamed. “Then let’s do it.”

  They got up off the couch, Chaz put on his jacket, and followed Jon out to the garage.

  Spending time with someone who loved him. Just what Chaz needed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wednesday Dec 20

  “That was a lot of fun,” Kendis told Chaz as they walked toward the bike in the parking lot. The Greatest Showman had been a good choice. Oh, come on. Getting to watch Zac Efron and Hugh Jackman? How hard was that?

  And Kendis was so fucking hard right then.

  He blamed Chaz. All through the movie, he’d had his hand on Kendis’s thigh, stroking it, squeezing it… It had been all Kendis could do to keep his mind on the movie. Of course, what he’d wanted was for that hand to move a little higher up his leg, but Chaz stayed in safe territory.


  “Date’s not over yet,” Chaz said as they reached the bike.

  “Wish my goddamn car was out of the shop,” Kendis grumbled. They were really dragging their asses about finishing the repairs.

  “What’s wrong with my bike?” Chaz handed him a helmet.

  “Nothing,” Kendis retorted. “It’s just that… well… there are things you can do in a car that you can’t do on a bike.”

  “Like what?” Even in the light from the streetlights, Kendis could see Chaz was enjoying this. For one thing, his lips were twitching.

  “Like, make out!” Okay, that came out much louder than he’d anticipated.

  Chaz laughed. “Oh really?” He sat astride the bike, then twisted around to stare at Kendis. “Well, get on. We’re wastin’ date night.”

  Kendis had to admit, for a first date it had been… sweet. Chaz had picked him up from work, taken him home so he could change clothes, bought him Coke and popcorn… It wasn’t Chaz’s fault that Kendis was horny as fuck.

  Then he reconsidered. Chaz’s wandering hands, remember? This is so his fault.

  He put on his helmet, wrapped his arms around Chaz’s waist, and they were off. Chaz headed back in the direction of LaFollette, and Kendis was still thinking about Chaz’s teasing fingers. He grinned to himself. I can tease too.

  He leaned forward. “You’re good at concentrating, aren’t you? When you’re riding, I mean.”

  “Sure,” Chaz shouted back. “Why’d you ask?”

  “Oh, no reason.” Kendis stroked Chaz’s belly with one hand, moving lower, lower… Chaz said nothing, but even above the noise of the engine, Kendis caught his moan. “Still concentrating?”

  “Uh-huh.” Then Kendis cupped Chaz’s crotch and gently squeezed it. Holy hell, he’s like a rock.

  There was no missing the groan that fell from Chaz’s lips. “Baby, don’t do that. You do that and we are going to crash.”

  Kendis slid his hand back to Chaz’s waist. “We can’t have that, can we?” A shiver of anticipation trickled through his body. Chaz was every bit as hard as he was.

  Time to reassess. No way was Kendis gonna make it to the third date still a virgin. That cherry was getting popped, ASAP. The only difficulty that presented itself was where.

  They approached the center of LaFollette, but to Kendis’s surprise, Chaz didn’t turn off. Instead, he headed on through, taking Highway 25.

  “We goin’ someplace else?”

  Chaz laughed. “Wanna take in a view?”

  Kendis had an idea he knew what view Chaz was talking about.

  Sure enough, he took the turn for the McClouds Trail, and Ken
dis held on tight. When they reached the viewpoint halfway up the trail, Chaz pulled over and switched off the engine. He lowered the kickstand, then got off the bike. “Take off your helmet,” he instructed.

  Kendis removed it, his heart hammering, and handed it to Chaz, who laid it on the ground. Chaz did likewise with his own helmet. Then Chaz got back on the bike, this time facing Kendis.

  “Now come ’ere.” Chaz’s voice was gruff. He grabbed Kendis’s legs and tugged them, hooking them over his thighs till Kendis was almost sitting in his lap. Before Kendis could get a word out, Chaz’s hands were cupping his nape, drawing him closer, until their lips met in a soft kiss.

  Kendis forgot about the cold and the wind, and lost himself in a kiss that sent warmth surging through his body. He cupped the back of Chaz’s neck with one hand, the other on Chaz’s cheek, their lips locked. When they parted, Chaz leaned forward to nuzzle Kendis’s neck, and Kendis gave him room, closing his eyes as warm, soft lips placed kiss after kiss there, sending his desire spiraling higher and higher.

  “Don’t stop,” he whispered, shivering as Chaz pulled open his jacket, hooked his fingers into the neckline of Kendis’s sweater, and tugged it lower, revealing more skin. “Oh, fuck,” he moaned as Chaz kissed his collarbones, his tongue delicately tracing the contours of Kendis’s Adam’s apple. “Damn, you’re good at this.”

  Chaz chuckled against his neck. “I’ve been studying,” he whispered.

  Kendis stilled. “There are classes for this?”

  Chaz laughed. “Yeah. It’s called porn. Wanna see what else I learned?”

  And before Kendis could reply, Chaz’s hands were under his sweater, on his back, stroking and caressing him, while Chaz got busy kissing him.

  He was sitting in Chaz’s lap astride a motorcycle, in the middle of nowhere, making out. Fuck, this is just surreal. Then Chaz’s hands were no longer on his back but on his belly, sliding higher, higher beneath his sweater, until—

  Kendis’s breath caught in his throat as Chaz tweaked his nipples, rubbing and flicking them with his thumbs. “Oh, you’ve been a good student,” he said with a sigh, shuddering as Chaz squeezed a little harder, setting off a chain reaction that had his dick so hard, he could cut glass with it. Kendis dug his fingers into Chaz’s shoulders, his shivers increasing with every flick of Chaz’s thumbs.


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