Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3) Page 3

by Dakota Trace

“Good. I’ve been friends with Alyce’s family for years. And while she may look like a demure little thing, underneath her façade lurks a backbone made of steel. Which means she doesn't always back down when she should. Especially if it’s something standing between her and what she wants - like her thesis being approved.”


  Ethan frowned. Neither of the women had uttered a word about Reba or a thesis, the scene had been the result of the blonde’s misconception.

  “No harm, no foul. Your Alyce never mentioned Reba or anything about a thesis and left peaceably.” He pinched the bridge of his nose - frustrated but curious to why the normally aloof but sweet college professor had sent Alyce his way. “However, if it's not too much to ask, can I speak with your sub?”

  “While unusual - I don't normally allow another Dom to interact with my sub during an ongoing scene, I don't have an issue with her talking to you.” An amused chuckle followed the brisk statement. “Besides I don't feel like playing telephone. Just a second.”

  Ethan barely could make out the words as Noah gave his sub very direct orders to answer Ethan with concise, but honest answers.

  “Here she is.” Noah's voice filled his ear, before a brief silence followed by the soft feminine tones of Reba Gylberte.

  “Hello, Master Ethan. You have questions for me?”

  Idly patting Bella's hair, he sighed. “Yes. What, exactly, were your motives for sending one of your students to my club? I don't train lone submissives anymore, Reba.”

  “I realize that, Master Ethan, but I was desperate. I knew she wouldn’t come to the club under her own volition. So, I told her she needed more ‘hands on experience’ for her thesis.” Her voice broke. “You have to understand. I've known Alyce O'Connell for years - since before her disastrous marriage. What her ex did to her is a truly heinous crime. He took what was a wonderfully confident, but submissive woman and turned her into a high-strung, frightened wren. It’s resulted in Alyce either cutting off those who even try to become close to her, or her totally avoiding new situations because of fear.”

  “And you thought sending her unescorted to BDSM club was the answer? To put her at the mercy of any Dom who showed the slightest interest?” Anger simmered in his gut at the woman’s audacity. Even if he had met Alyce before Bella, the very risk that Reba had placed her student in infuriated him.

  “But I didn’t send her to the club - I sent her to you. I may be a meddlesome old woman at times, but I’m not a stupid or cruel one. I specifically told her to ask for you. Even if you aren't training anymore, I knew you wouldn't be able to turn Alyce away, once you met her.”

  “And why’s that?

  Bella rubbed her nose over his sternum, snuggling closer, and centering him once more.

  “Because every time I see her, she’s withdrawn more – pushing aside her submissive needs because an ignorant asshole has brainwashed her into thinking she’s not good enough to have what she needs.”

  “Shit.” He let his hand still between Bella's shoulder blades. “You really think this? Because let me tell you, the woman who showed up tonight didn’t seem to be hurting. And if what you said is true, she’s doing this for the sole purpose of getting your rubber stamp of approval on her thesis.”

  “She hides it well, Master Ethan, but let me assure you, it’s there.” Reba whispered. “Give her a chance. Just meet with her. If you don’t see the same thing I do, I’ll quit pushing Alyce to expand her horizons.”

  Reba’s bargaining tone grated on his nerves. He'd never tolerated manipulating submissives before - he'd be damned if he'd start now, even if the woman had good intentions. Alyce O'Connell may very well be hurting under her icy facade, but he couldn't help or even find another to help her over the trauma brought on by an abusive ex-husband if the sub in question didn't want to heal.

  “Enough!” The ice in his tone had Bella shivering against him. He ran a comforting hand down her spine. “You want your student to get better, Reba?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her tone was humble, as if she knew she treaded on thin ice.

  “Then revoke your ultimatum. If the girl's thesis has merit, sign off on it. When she brings me her approved thesis and a willingness to heal, I'll do my damnedest to find her a Dominant who will cherish her. Until then, Alyce has no business in a place like New Beginnings.”

  He set the receiver down none to gently on the other woman's protests.

  “Master?” Bella's soft question drew his attention.

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  Worry lit her expressive face. “Do you miss training abused subs?”

  He shook his head. “Do I feel for the subs who gave their trust to the wrong Dominant? Yes. But do I want to give up what I have with you? No.”

  She gave him a brave smile. “Well, if you did, I wouldn't like it, but I'd understand. This Alyce? You met her. Did she seem injured?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “She wears politeness like an armor. It's hard to tell what is going on under the facade. If Reba thinks the girl is hurting - then she probably is. The woman is a scary good judge of character.”

  Bella seemed to consider his words, then proving what a caring and astute sub she was she placed her hand over his heart. “Then let’s hope she reconsiders and Alyce comes to us of her own free will, so we can help her to start to heal.”


  Under his teasing fingers, the bound woman writhed against her restraints. Kaleb wanted to growl in pleasure when the submissive grew frustrated and jerked hard against the leather cuffs holding her securely to his bondage bed. In his familiar dream, Kaleb was content to torment the unknown woman. While it wasn't a routine occurrence, it was frequent enough he'd accepted it for what it was. His frustrated libido rebelling against his denial of what it wanted, and the orgasm it brought. Evidently, he’d waited too long between scenes again.

  Her cheeks were flushed a deep pink - a color which complimented the dark ginger curls sticking to her damp cheeks. The rush of power as he held the release she was seeking just out of reach was complete. He lived for times like these, for the head rush of sexual desire meeting a total mind fuck. Was he a sadist like some of his other Dom friends at New Beginnings? Nope, he had no real desire to flog a submissive, or heaven forbid, whip one. If that was the submissive's kink, he was more than happy to hand her off to one of the Doms who catered to those type of needs. But if she wanted every aspect of her desire controlled by another, and schooled until she was dependent upon his touch alone to climax, then he was the Dom for the job.

  As this sweet little subbie is going to find out.

  He shifted his weight as he scooted closer to the woman who wore nothing but a blindfold. Her breasts, small and firm, were topped with tight pink nipples which begged for his touch. There would be time for that later, after he finished exploring the rest of her body. Twisting, he retrieved one of his favorite instrument of torture: a long ostrich feather. It could bring either exquisite pain or pleasure - depending upon his mood. “I have something for you, little subbie.” He cooed before running the tip of feather down the inside of her arm and toward her exposed armpit.

  She squirmed as she tried not to giggle. She knew he would go harder on her if she didn't stay quiet, as he had ordered. He might prolong the tickle torture or maybe even withhold release all together. Would she be smart and obey his order despite the ticklish brush of feather against skin, or breakdown and laugh?

  Playing with a new sub was as intoxicating as fine wine. Kaleb loved to seek out his new playmate’s limits and then gently push her over them, to make her eventual climax one she'd never forget.

  “Good girl.” He gave her the faintest of praise as he switched to her other arm...however, instead of starting at her wrist; he started just below her armpit and ended at the tip of her fingers. As he circled the hollow in the palm of her hand, she gasped, then bit her lower lip in a fruitless effort to contain the giggle threatening to rip loose from her.

; “Or maybe not so good - was that a giggle I heard, subbie?”

  “No, Sir,” she lied.

  He arched a brow she couldn't see. Had the little minx actually tried to lie to him? Did she think he wouldn't hear the faintest whisper of sound in his playroom? Part of him wanted to warm her ass for trying to lie, but the other side of him, the part he kept hibernating under layers of denial urged him to reassure her that he wouldn't go too far. At war with himself, his tone came out harsher than he'd expected. “Seeking a punishment, pet?”

  She stilled, then shook her head. “I...perhaps.” She took a deep breath. “How will I be able to document how a Dom reacts to blatant lying…if I don't?”

  He frowned. What kind of fucked up dream was this?


  She nodded and suddenly her blindfold disappeared, and he was no longer seeing some anonymous submissive bound solely for his pleasure, but rather the curiously polite student from the club.

  Alyce with a “Y”.

  “My thesis won't be complete without delving into the realities of punishments, and how it can affect the dynamic between Dom and submissive.” Her green eyes sparkling as she warmed up to her topic. “How do you feel after you punish a submissive, Mr. Terzi? Do you feel high and mighty for showing a sub the error of her ways, or are you more like a parent during a spanking - reluctant to hurt your sub, but realizing correction is needed...”

  Kaleb jerked awake, his chest heaving and his cock saluting him. “Shit. What the fuck was that all about?” He dragged his fingers through his hair, pulling slightly at the damp blond strands. Evidently, his brief encounter with the woman had more of an impact than he'd realized. He glanced over at the alarm clock. The digital numbers mocked him. In less than two hours, he'd have to get up for work. And while he loved every aspect of his job with the kids and running the youth art center, right now he besmirched the hours of sleep the dream had stolen.

  And the hard cock it left behind.

  Staring up at the ceiling he tried to ignore the heaviness in his groin, but knew until he took care of his pent-up desire he’d be an asshole to deal with.

  And I’ll never hear the end of it when Sabella tells Ethan what an ass I’ve been.

  He could already hear his friend’s stern tone as he scolded Kaleb for neglecting his needs to the point he lashed out at innocent bystanders. Like hell. Giving into the temptation, he groaned softly, reached into drawer for his favorite toy: a fleshlight he'd ordered online. It only took moments to lube up and slide his aching shaft into its welcoming grip. Fashioned to look like a flashlight topped with a pair of soft pussy lips, it wasn't as good as the real thing. However, it was a good substitute, especially when his active imagination decided to take up where his dream left off, and the consequences little Ms. Alyce O'Connell had brought down upon herself with her analytical approach to their scene.

  Giving himself a long tug from base to tip, he grunted, then the words began to spew.

  “Analyze this, pet.” He growled, his hips lifting from the rumpled bedding as he imagined spanking the inside of her spread thighs, his callused palm leaving bright red marks on the tender flesh just below her pussy. “Does it feel like you've pleased your Dom? Or let him down?”

  In his mind, she arched and gave a surprised whimper. Pain and a flicker of pleasure filled her gaze. “I…don’t know, Sir.”

  His imaginary-self scowled. “Well, let me tell you, it doesn’t mean I’m happy. Especially when I’d rather be sucking on these.” He tweaked her left nipple, not hard enough to bruise, but firm enough to send a jolt of sensation through her. It evidently worked because her breath came faster and she tried to lift into his hand. It seemed his little subbie like just a bit of roughness with her pleasure. Something he would be more than happy to provide, especially as irritated as he was at the moment.

  He groaned, his fist moving a bit faster over his throbbing cock at the thought. Would she love the rough grip of clamps against her nipples, combined with the tight bind of ropes cupping her breasts? Or perhaps the drip of hot wax as he outlined all her generous curves with liquid heat?

  His breath grew ragged as the scene built in his mind. Her bound to his bed, the satin sheets covered by plastic, her pussy and ass filled with his vibrating toys as he sat at her hip holding a lit candle. Her gaze would widen, even as the mumbled sounds of her excitement spilled around the ball gag in her mouth. Were they pleas to stop, to release her? Or were they cries for more?

  It could be a fine line to ride, the one between pain and pleasure, fear and acceptance, but as an experienced Dom, it was a familiar one. One which tripped his trigger like no other.

  “Fuck! I would tease her like no other. Make her beg for it.” His arm flexed harder as he sent the toy up and down his shaft. His balls drew up tight as he pictured her response to the first drip of wax against the tender bud of her nipple. The way her breath would catch in the back of her throat before releasing on a muffled wail. How much could she take? How many times could he drizzle the molten liquid across her ivory skin before she exploded? Five, ten…maybe eighty? He’d once pushed a play partner into nearly a hundred smears of wax before she’d slid over the edge, spilling her desire in a wet gush of pleasure across his satin sheets.

  His hips lifted off the bed as his orgasm approached. A cross between a snarl and yell passed his lips when the pleasure tried to blindside him, making him curse as his body fought to orgasm. “God damn it! Son of a fucking...” Alyce’s eyes would widen in surprise when he plunged inside her, forcing her climax to double in intensity. She would try to shy away from the pleasure he offered, but he’d refuse. She was his sub, he was her Dom, so she would… “Take it. Squeeze my cock…make me come…”

  With his free hand, he raked his nails across his own nipple. Then he exploded, brutal shards of ecstasy wracking his frame, until he fell back to the bed, spent.

  Panting against his sheets, his whole body covered in sweat, Kaleb’s mind reeled as he dealt with the aftermath of his release, and the woman who’d spawned it. Because, despite all her similarities to his ex-wife, he still wanted to find out if the flesh and blood Alyce would respond the way his imaginary lover had.

  Slowly sitting up, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “And there’s only one way to find out.” He made his way to the bathroom. He’d talk Ethan into letting him help the girl. He’d sate his curiosity in the process of answering Alyce’s questions. It would be a fair trade off. Then when it was done, they’d part ways. No harm, no foul. And no risk of my heart getting involved. Simple exchange - tit for tat.

  * * * *

  The rap of knuckles against the doorframe drew Kaleb’s attention away from the paperwork detailing the grant interview he had in a few hours. Seated at his desk, in one of the administrative offices above the main hall of the youth center, he sighed. Damn he hoped he got the money. It would go a long way with the new program Bella wanted to start for autistic kids.

  “Come in.” He called as he shoved the documents back into the manila folder. Unexpected surprise flowed through him, as Ethan Tremaine, dressed in his customary gray gee with his nearly waist length dreadlocks pulled back in a braided tail at the base of his neck, stepped over the threshold.

  “Ethan. What brings you here?” He gestured for the man to enter. “Come in. When I emailed you, I didn’t expect you to show up in person. A call would’ve sufficed.”

  Entering the room further, Ethan shut the door behind him, securing their privacy and cutting off the sound of the children’s laughter. “When it comes to my club, it’s best to handle everything in person.” The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Besides I plan on debauching a certain art teacher after we finish.”

  Kaleb chuckled. “I hope you brought a ball gag. We wouldn’t want her screams scaring the kids.”

  Ethan cocked a brow. “As if you’d allow me to do that. Bella told me about the youth center closing early today, so you both could go to the grant interview.

  “Of course she did.” Kaleb relaxed back against his executive chair. “I can only hope you’ll have had your fill of fun in time for her to accompany me?”

  A devilish grin crossed Ethan’s face. “I will endeavor to make sure she is in one coherent piece in time for your meeting.”

  “Good. Thank you!” Kaleb didn’t even want to think about what his friend had planned for Bella, knowing it would probably involve some type of bondage and the complete surrender of his favorite art teacher. It was one thing to watch them play at the club, quite another to contemplate them doing it at his place of business.

  “I had a call from Noah Gylberte last week, Kaleb.”

  “Really?” His attention shifted. “How’s retirement treating him?”

  “Good, considering it’s given him more time to deal with his sub’s antics. It seems Reba is the one who sent at least one of our troublemakers last week.”

  “Alyce did say something about her adviser suggesting she talk with you. In fact, she left Reba’s card with me. I totally forgot to give it to you. But still, Reba’s idea has merit, considering you’re one of the owners.” Kaleb shifted in his seat, his pants becoming tight at the thought of the redhead.

  “Well, it would’ve been better if Reba had talked to me first. I could’ve avoided the mess all together.”

  “Really?” He straightened, a part of him feeling deflated. He sent a silent thank you to God. If Reba had, he’d have never met Alyce.

  “Yes.” A frown crossed Ethan’s face. “Listen, I know what you’re going to ask and the answer is no. I’ve already told Reba until she signs off on Alyce’s thesis, there will be no place at New Beginnings for Alyce. I refuse to let my club be used in such a manner. Using a thesis approval as an incentive isn’t the correct way to overcome a submissive’s fear.”

  Confusion washed over Kaleb. “I think you misunderstood my email, Ethan.”

  “You weren’t going to ask me to talk to her?”

  He shook his head. “No. I wanted to make sure it would be okay for me to be your replacement.”


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