Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3)

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Benevolent Master (Doms of Napa Valley Book 3) Page 6

by Dakota Trace

  The soft mew that escaped her suddenly dry throat, set his gaze ablaze with hungry need, and in turn stoked her own repressed passion higher. The unbidden ‘yes’ slipped past her lips before she could stop it.

  Approval filled his expression. “Good girl. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  * * * *

  “Hang on. It’s slick. We don’t need you falling.” Kaleb offered Alyce his hand. Parked outside New Beginnings, he was thankful his Jeep had four-wheel drive. Even with Ethan and Davis’s diligence, the lot was slippery from the combination of an earlier shower and the plummeting evening temps. There was a good chance more than a few wouldn’t make it due to the icy roads. But now they were here, he was more concerned about getting Alyce safely inside the club. The last thing he wanted was for her to bruise her delectable ass – at least not before he had a chance to warm it well beyond rosy pink again.

  “Orders already? And here I thought you wouldn’t start bossing me around until we got inside.” Alyce swung her legs around and placed her hand in his before sliding off the seat.

  Kaleb wanted to growl at her offhand remark. “Someone isn’t taking this very seriously. Or is she hoping for a repeat of last week?”

  Alyce chewed on her lip, then shook her head. “No, Sir. Just a little off balance tonight. I never expected to witness a scene up close and personal.”

  He sighed, before tugging her to her feet. “I'm aware of your inexperience, sweetheart, in fact, it's why we're here. I want to show you what it can be like during a power exchange when two people truly care about one another.” He shut the door behind her after she moved to the side. And I can't think of any better example than Ethan and Bella.

  Offering his arm to her, he guided her across the slick lot. “Remember my rules?”

  She nodded. “Yes. We will be watching from the observation room. I'm to follow your directions precisely and promptly as anything I do will be reflected upon you.”

  “And?” He prompted as they approached the front door to the renovated wine barn which housed New Beginnings.

  “Ah...” She stumbled over a chunk of ice.

  “Careful.” He tightened his grip on her arm. “I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. This is not just about your thesis, Alyce. I want to give you a taste of what actually can happen between a Dom and his submissive.”

  Her back stiffened. “I’m not your...”

  “Relax.” He reigned in his frustration. Once again, he’d moved too fast. Patience, he reminded himself, she's skittish as a newborn lamb. “For tonight only, you're filling the role of my submissive. But just for a few hours. I'm not offering to collar you. I merely will give you what you crave for a short time. What you agreed to, remember?”

  She relaxed against him. “Yes, Sir. I remember. I'm sorry, it won't happen again.”

  He stopped just inside the door to brush his thumb over her lower lip. “Don't make promises you can't keep. I expect you to shy away when you feel vulnerable. I will take your inexperience into account and be as patient as I can be. However, it doesn’t mean I will allow you to hide inside your head. We will face your insecurities and fears as they appear. We will handle them together, working as Dom and sub, or you will end up with a hot ass. Understand?”

  She bristled, but finally gave a short brusque nod. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Is that attitude, I hear, submissive?” He asked the question softly but in a firm enough tone, she'd realize he wouldn't tolerate out and out belligerence. When she didn't answer right away, he lifted her chin with his forefinger “I expect an answer, Alyce.”

  Her pretty green gaze searched his for a moment. He let her see the determination and will in his eyes. He wasn't about to sugar coat this for her, even if she was a newbie. In the club, or any other place he played, he was in charge. He wasn't about to make apologies for it. She knew he was a dominant.

  Her chin dropped and he barely caught her whispered reply.

  “It won't happen again, Sir.”

  Deciding not to push any harder in fear of her safewording, he accepted her promise. “See it doesn't.” Using a hand at the small of her back, he guided her through the small alcove to where the submissive manning the coat check took both of their coats.

  “Evening, Master Kaleb.” The willowy blonde handed him a small ticket. “I hope you enjoy Master Ethan's demonstration. It's so moving to watch how easily he pushes Bella into sub-space with his ropes.”

  “That it is, Tianna. Hopefully you'll have a chance to watch as well.”

  The blonde grinned. “Master Davis is planning on relieving me in about ten minutes. Master Ethan is allowing me to do the dialogue during the demo.”

  “That's wonderful, Tianna.” Kaleb smiled down at the little submissive. As a frequent visitor of New Beginnings, the shy young woman had blossomed under the tutelage of the various unattached Doms. And who just happened to be a personal favorite of mine. Particularly when I’m in the mood for some of the gentler domination games.

  “I thought so as well, Sir. I was surprised when Master Ethan asked me. Since Master Davis can't get away for the next conference, Master Ethan wanted to see how Bella would react to a woman's voice.” She gave him an impish grin. “If it goes well, I'll be going with them to San Francisco later next month.”

  “I'm sure it will go well, little one. You have a quick eye and are a fast learner. I wouldn't be surprised if you knew as much as Davis about rope bondage.”

  Tianna blushed. “Thank you, Sir.”

  * * * *

  As she followed Kaleb into the main demonstration area of the club, Alyce tried to keep from gawking. It was one thing to understand the basic concepts of the lifestyle, and quite another to be in an actual club with real live Dominants and submissives. She took in the bare room with its well-cared for hardwood floors and almost barren walls. Where was the bondage furniture? With only a few overstuffed chairs, several small tables, and a couple settees scattered in a loose semi-circle, the room looked like someone’s family room or den. That is if it hadn’t been for the one focal point in the center of the large open space. Instead of a big screen TV or a pool table, the item was stark in its dramatic simplicity.

  Hanging in the center of the room was a thick silver metal hoop. Measuring at least eight to ten inches in diameter, it hung from a double strand of hemp. Her eyes followed the long length of rope, only to find it secured to the thick rafter with what looked like a series of complicated knots. Whoever had hung the ring had obviously wanted to make sure it wouldn't come loose. It made her wonder if tonight's demonstration would have suspension in it. While she'd been drawn to the pure artistry of the erotic bondage, she wasn't sure if she would ever have the patience or trust to allow another to bind her in such a manner.

  “Umph...” The muffled sound escaped her as she bumped into Kaleb's back. Damnit, she'd better get her head out of the clouds and pay attention before Kaleb delivered on his promise.

  “Whoa, darlin’.” He turned and caught her just seconds before she fell on her butt. “I got you.”

  “Thanks. Sorry, Sir. I will do better.” Her cheeks heated. “I've just never been in a club before. It isn't quite what I expected.”

  “And what, exactly, were you expecting, Ms. O'Connell?” The cultured tones with a hint of Japanese accent washed over her. “A wild orgy with Dominants beating the hell out of their submissives as an appetizer?

  She stiffened. The last thing she needed to do was offend the owner of New Beginnings. “Not in the least, Master Ethan. You run a reputable BDSM club, so if there are any polyamorous groupings going on, I would assume it wouldn't be on the main floor.” She met his cool gaze. “However, I was surprised at the lack of props. I expected to find at least some bondage and spanking furniture. I was hoping to actually see a real St. Andrews Cross, if you had one.” She gave him a small smile. “I will admit the silver ring does intrigue me. Are you planning on using suspension in your demonstration tonight?”

n seemed taken back, but gave a short nod. “Yes. My submissive loves to be suspended. Side suspension is one of her favorites - she usually is flying very high by the time I'm done.”

  A small kernel of longing stirred inside of her. Not to be bound, but to be able to for a small amount of time step outside of her head and simply be.

  “Alyce, we need to head to the observation room.” Kaleb’s gentle reminder drew her attention back to him. The speculative look on his face sent a wave of chills through her. What had he seen in her own expression while she'd been woolgathering? Pushing it from her mind, she nodded. “Of course, Sir. Thank you for allowing me to watch, Master Ethan.”


  “I want you right here.” Kaleb motioned to a spot in front of him.

  Obeying him took little thought as Alyce moved to the requested spot. Excitement and curiosity coursed through her, now she was about to witness her first live scene. Would it be a letdown? A rerun of the porn videos she'd covertly watched in an effort to understand the physical requirements of a play scene? Or would it offer more substance than a cheap, artificial cinematic rendition of a true power exchange? But how would the scene play out? As she stepped up to the observation window, she knew only time would tell. Facing him, she waited for his next order. A small but sensual part of her, the one she kept buried deep within, thrived at the idea of pleasing Kaleb. While her overly practical brain told her to not fall for the heated dominance in Kaleb's gaze. She was to concentrate and keep her focus. This was for her thesis, she reminded herself. Nothing more.

  “Turn around, your back to me.” His tone firm.

  “Okay.” She went to shift around until she faced the one-way mirror, and hear a small hmm from him. “I mean, yes, Sir.” The discretely hidden observation room had escaped her attention earlier. But now she had to admit it did give those watching a very good view as a vaguely familiar woman was led to the center of the main floor. Dressed in nothing more than a miniscule thong and a dark leather collar, the woman's confidence in her right to be on display was apparent. Personally, she didn't know if she would ever be comfortable enough to bare all her flaws to the gathering crowd of observers.

  “Ladies and gentleman, we are proud to welcome you to tonight’s demonstration at New Beginnings.” The familiar voice of the woman at the coat check filtered through the cleverly hidden speakers above their heads. “Master Ethan and his submissive, Sabella, are going to introduce you to the erotic world of suspension bondage. If you'll please take your seats, we'll start in a few moments - after Sabella prepares the scene for her Master.”

  “Prepare the scene, Sir?” Alyce glanced over her shoulder to look at Kaleb. She drew a sharp breath as she realized how close he had gotten, while she’d been watching Sabella. He stopped before their bodies touched, but was still near enough she could feel the heat rolling off his larger frame.

  “Yes.” He nodded toward Bella. “Watch as she readies the scene for her Master. First, she will light the candles…”

  As if she could hear Kaleb, the flick of a long lighter in the submissive’s fingers caught Alyce’s attention. The small table next to the settee wasn’t for drinks as she’d assumed. The candles caught, then a soft strain of Japanese lute music filled the room. Not loud enough to drown out the announcer, but rather a soft and gentle backdrop.

  “Just like the scented candles Ethan has made specifically for his and Bella’s scenes, the music is an integral part of their playtime. By allowing Bella to set the mood, he’s in essence allowing her to strip away any stress or worries she might have had prior to the scene.”

  She glanced at the setting doubtfully. It took a good hard workout to strip away her stress.

  “A few candles and music would never be enough to relax me after a trying day with Anissa.”

  “I know.” A heated gleam filled his eyes. “What you need is a nice hard spanking to get you out of your head.”

  She flushed. “I’m not a child.”

  Kaleb chuckled, before shifting to the side to lean against the frame of the mirror. “Of course you’re not. Spankings aren’t just for kids. Grownups enjoy them too - as I'm sure you remember.”

  Alyce's breath caught in her throat at the memory of Kaleb's heavy hand against her ass. “That was a one-time thing, Sir.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.” Kaleb stroked her cheek. “You've been fairly good tonight so far, but I can't see you resisting the urge to test me for long. Particularly, if you know you’ll end up feeling my palm against your backside.”

  She opened her mouth to protest when the speaker overhead crackled.

  “Now that the lovely Sabella is ready, our scene will commence. Master Ethan asks you to please hold your questions until designated pause times during the scene – so as not to disturb his concentration. While shibari and kinbaku are very exotic looking and usually safe, accidents can occur when the rope master is disturbed at a crucial moment.”

  “Saved by the bell, huh?” Kaleb pushed off the frame to put some distance between them. “I want you to watch not only what Master Ethan does, but how Sabella reacts to it.”

  Alyce nodded. “Of course.”

  He leaned close again. “And not just her physical reactions. Sabella has a very expressive face. You'll be able to tell how she's feeling by just looking.”

  “Of course.” A frown crossed her face. “It's too bad, you wouldn't allow me to bring my notebook with me. I could've jotted down my impressions of the whole scene.”

  Sudden pain flared in her ass and she jerked, her eyes flying up to meet Kaleb's in the mirror. “What...”

  “That was one.” Kaleb narrowed his eyes. The lust was stamped on his face, making it almost seem harsh in the soft light of the observation room. “And only about half strength. Bring up your thesis again tonight and it will be a helluva’ a lot harder.”

  She bit her lower lip, then nodded her understanding. “Won't happen again, Sir.” She tried to ignore the way her bottom throbbed where his hand had landed. Of course, her traitorous pussy was clenching already. Was it in hopes of some attention, or in reaction to the barely leashed desire radiating off Kaleb? She wasn’t entirely sure, but she wasn't about to give into its demands. She was in control...not her sex…she hoped.

  “See it doesn't. Now pay attention. Master Ethan is about to start.”

  Keeping her gaze forward, she watched as Ethan folded a long piece of hemp in half, creating a good sized loop, before he stepped behind Sabella. Tianna continued to narrate as he began the delicate process of looping the rope around her forearms.

  “Before Master Ethan can even think about suspending his lovely submissive, he must lay a firm foundation. In this case, we will be starting with a one column tie which will eventually be turned into a box tie. Considered to be a simplified takate kote, it not only accents the graceful Sabella's breasts, it will also be the base which the lead ropes will be attached. A good base is essential when it comes to suspension, particularly when said base is supporting the heaviest part of her body - the torso.”

  Alyce continued to watch, fascinated as Ethan wound yards of hemp around his submissive. It was starkly sensual, yet unbearably erotic as Sabella grew more languid with each twist and turn of the rope. Her analytical brain processed each and every motion, while pondering the whys and wherefores. What kind of magic did the rope hold to cause such a reaction? Surely it wasn’t a flood of endorphins which caused it. The mere act of Shibari seemed inherently peaceful so there couldn’t be any fight or flight response. Not like the contrast of pleasure-to-pain a good flogging or whipping would produce. It was just rope. However, it does have the ability to leave the sub helpless against whatever her dominant wants to do. Perhaps it’s that…

  “Are you wondering what the rope would feel like against your skin?” His voice caressed her from only an inch away

  The heated question, so close to her ear, sent a shiver down her spine. Especially when it was followed by the warm weight of o
ne of his hands on her shoulder, the press of his aroused front against her back, while the fingers on his other hand lightly gripped her hip. The demonstration, and her supposed clinical detachment to it, flew right out the window as his touch stroked the barely banked embers of her desire.

  “No, Sir.” She fought not to give in to the growing need for more.

  “Then what was it you were concentrating on so fiercely, little sub?” A gentle nip to the tip of her ear, followed his question.

  Caught off guard, she trembled as her protest at his little sub comment died in her throat. A whimper slipped free when he gave her hip a squeeze after dragging the blunt tips of his nails over her hipbone.

  “I’m waiting for an answer, Alyce. What’s going on inside your head while you watch Sabella give over to her master?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but whatever response she was going to give, came out garbled nonsense when he pulled her back tight against what felt like a sizable erection. Sweet Jesus…is that real? bounced around inside of her head as her womb quivered.

  “As delightful as the noises you make are, they’re not an answer.” He nuzzled her temple, before planting moist little kisses along her hairline, until his breath, hot and humid, teased the shell of her ear. “Shall I guess?” The tip of his tongue traced the curve her lobe before plunging inside.

  She gasped, her head jerking to the side in an effort to avoid the sinful feelings his touch evoked. She couldn’t…. “No, I’ll tell you anything…you want…if you would…please just stop...that…Sir.” She forced the words out between several short gasps, as he abandoned her ear to focus on the slender column of her neck. The man’s mouth should be outlawed.

  “Will you, now…” He gave her shoulder once last nuzzle. “But what if I want to continue?” He gave one slow rock of his hips, rubbing his erection between the tense cheeks of her bottom, while holding her still.


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