Courageous Love

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Courageous Love Page 8

by KC Richardson

  Chapter Ten

  Frank woke to the sensation of arms wrapped around her and a warm, soft body pressed up against her backside. She recalled telling Alex about Toni and her estrangement from her parents. She thought the night would end with her and Alex having sex, but Alex surprised her when she said she just wanted to hold Frank and comfort her. Frank had relaxed into Alex’s arms and fell asleep feeling safe and cared for. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so peacefully. She chuckled to herself when she thought of the last time she’d been naked in bed with a sexy woman and hadn’t had sex. Never. That had never happened. But what was going on between her and Alex was turning into more than sexual attraction. She felt Alex begin to stir and noticed the clock on her nightstand said it was just six in the morning. Plenty of time to fool around before she needed to get ready for work.

  Frank turned over and looked into the sleepy eyes the color of milk chocolate. “Good morning.” Frank kissed Alex on her full, luscious lips.

  “Good morning. How are you feeling?”

  “Actually, I’m feeling better than I have in a very long time. But I feel like I’m letting you down.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Frank grinned. “I promised you dessert last night and I fell asleep on you.”

  Alex wrapped her arms around Frank. “I’m ready for a little nibble now if you’re ready to serve.”

  Frank chuckled. “Coming right up.” Frank rolled Alex onto her back and hovered over her as she lowered her mouth to Alex’s. The kiss was passionate and made the butterflies in Frank’s stomach flutter like crazy. She moved her hand to cover Alex’s breast and felt her nipple harden against her palm. Frank continued to squeeze Alex’s breast, then rolled her nipple between her thumb and index finger. Alex’s moans added fuel to Frank’s fire as she lowered herself down Alex’s body and took the firm nipple in her mouth. Alex’s pelvis began to move, and Frank took that as permission to lower her hand to Alex’s center. Frank found Alex soaking wet and spread the moisture over her sex with her fingers. She felt Alex’s clit grow with each stroke, and more moisture flooded her fingers.

  “Go inside me, Frank. Fill me up,” Alex gasped.

  Frank entered two then three fingers and felt the warm, slick walls clamp around her fingers. Alex was so responsive to Frank’s touch, and she didn’t think she would ever get enough of Alex. She continued to suck on Alex’s nipple as her pelvis moved in time to Frank’s thrusting fingers. Alex’s fingers clutched the back of Frank’s head, forcing more of her breast into Frank’s mouth. Frank gently bit down on the nipple, and it made Alex cry out as the walls of her sex clamped down on Frank’s fingers. Frank’s thumb rubbed Alex’s clit as she squeezed out the last of her orgasm.

  Alex threw her arm over her head and breathed hard. “Whew! Damn, Sarge, that was definitely worth the wait.”

  Frank withdrew her fingers and used the moisture to paint Alex’s other nipple. “Oh, yeah? You ain’t seen nothing yet.” She lowered her head and licked Alex’s juices, savoring the salty taste. The moans that erupted from Alex encouraged Frank to continue. As Frank continued to suck Alex’s breast, she felt Alex’s hand slip between her legs and lazily stroke her hardened clit. Frank began to move her hips, silently pleading for a firmer touch. Alex took the hint and stroked Frank’s bundle of nerves harder, faster, and had Frank panting and chanting Alex’s name. Frank felt the impending explosion travel from her toes to her center and came on Alex’s hand. Frank collapsed on Alex as she tried to catch her breath. It’d been way too long since she came that hard. Oh, yeah, definitely worth the wait.

  Frank peppered Alex’s neck and face with kisses until her lips landed on Alex’s. They spent a good amount of time kissing languidly as Frank came down from her powerful orgasm.

  “That was amazing.” Frank rolled onto her back and smiled.

  Alex rolled onto her side and lightly grazed Frank’s nipple with her finger. “You had me so worked up. I can’t believe I came that fast.”

  Frank barked out a laugh. “You? Jesus, that was embarrassing how I came so quickly. I guess that’s what happens when it’s been so long.”

  Alex looked into Frank’s amber eyes. “How long has it been?”

  “Over a year. How about you?”

  Alex smiled wryly. “Not quite that long. But I promise it won’t be another year that you have to go without. I’ll take good care of you.”

  Frank brought Alex’s hand to her mouth and kissed her palm. “I look forward to it.” She snuck a peek at the clock and groaned. For the first time since her accident, she wished she didn’t have to go into work. She would rather spend the day in bed with this sexy woman lying next to her. “How about I make us breakfast?”

  Alex looked at the clock and shook her head. “I’d love that, but I have to be at work in a couple of hours. I need to go home and get ready. Can I get a rain check?”

  Frank kissed her once more. “Absolutely.”

  After they got dressed, Frank and Bella escorted Alex to the door. “I’m glad you came over, and I’m glad I told you about Toni. It means a lot to me that you wanted to know about her.”

  Alex wrapped her arms around Frank’s neck. “I’m glad too. Thanks for trusting me.” Alex kissed her. “Thanks for an amazing dinner.” Alex kissed her again. “And thanks for the scrumptious dessert.” Alex kissed her once more before letting go and kneeling to pet Bella. “I’ll see you soon, sweet girl.”

  “Be safe, Alex.”

  “You too, Sarge.”

  Frank watched Alex drive away and she couldn’t contain her smile. She looked down at Bella and gave her a pat on the head. “Okay, girl, let’s go have some breakfast. Mama needs to get ready for work.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Since Frank was on modified duty, she wasn’t allowed to wear her gun or her uniform to work. Thankfully, she had a few suits she could choose from, acquired mostly for the court appearances she sometimes had to attend. As she took her seat at the watch commander’s desk, she fielded some teasing from a few of the officers regarding her attire. It was good-natured and made Frank glad to be back at work. Not even the bitter old lady she was speaking to on the phone could dampen her mood.

  “Yes, ma’am, I understand you pay your taxes, but the street in front of your house is public property and if the neighbor’s son wants to park there, he can.” The chuckling behind her made Frank turn her head and smile. She held her finger up to her lips to quiet her best friend, Katie. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but this isn’t a police matter. I suggest you speak to your neighbor and ask them nicely to park somewhere else.” Frank shook her head and smothered her laughter at Katie’s eye rolling. “Good luck, ma’am, and have a nice day.” Frank hung up the phone, then stood and gave Katie a hug.

  “Hey, Katie. It’s good to see you.”

  “Same here, Frank. How’re your ribs?”

  “Feeling better every day.”

  Katie nodded her head toward the phone. “How long do you have this shit duty?”

  Frank chuckled and sat down. “Hopefully, not too long. As soon as the doc clears me for full duty, I’ll be back on the streets.”

  “Good, ’cause I’m tired of covering your ass. Don’t get me wrong, the overtime is nice, but Michelle is starting to get on my case for never being home.”

  Katie and Frank were in the same class at the police academy, which was how they met. Back then, they were the only two women in the academy and had to work extra hard just to prove they belonged there. They helped each other with extra training and studying, and they ended up graduating in the top five of their class. All of the shit they had to go through at the academy brought them closer together, and before Frank knew it, she had a best friend. It was luck that they ended up working at the same station, and they continued to grow closer over the years.

  “Give Michelle my apologies and tell her I promise to make it up to her.”

  “Oh, yeah? How do you plan to do that?” Kati
e teased her.

  “Next time we all have a day off, I’d like to take you out to dinner. A double date.”

  Katie’s eyebrows shot up and made Frank laugh. “A double date? You’re seeing someone? Why am I just now hearing about this?”

  “Well, it’s still new, but yeah, I’m kind of seeing someone. I didn’t want you to get too excited in case it didn’t work out.”

  “Who? Anyone I know?”

  “Maybe. She’s an ER nurse and recently transferred to County.”

  Katie was quiet for a moment, then it appeared she knew who Frank was talking about. “Brown hair and eyes? About five eight? Our age?”

  “Yep. Her name is Alex and she’s super cool.”

  “She’s super hot too.”

  That earned Katie a hard glare from Frank. “I’ll make sure to let Michelle know you think so.”

  “You do and I’ll kick your ass.”

  Frank chucked Katie on her arm. “Take your empty threats and get your ass back to work.”

  Katie hugged Frank before leaving. “Let us know what night works for you.”

  “Copy that. I’ll check with Alex to see when she’s off.”

  Throughout her shift, Frank couldn’t help but think about the morning she shared with Alex. The lull between phone calls gave her the opportunity to recall how it felt to have Alex under her, on top of her, responding to every touch, every caress, every kiss. Alex was exactly as Frank imagined with her soft skin and womanly curves. Not for the first time that day, Frank was grateful she was stuck behind a desk instead of being on the streets. Her lack of concentration could be detrimental to the public, her officers, or herself. When she wasn’t thinking about their morning, she was wondering how Alex’s shift was going. And if she was being honest with herself, she wondered what Alex thought of their morning together, and if Frank had crossed her mind.


  Alex had been busy from the time she clocked in, moving from one patient to the next and getting them the appropriate care. She hadn’t had time to think of Frank and the time they spent together the previous night and that morning until she finally found some free time to go to the cafeteria and grab some dinner. Once she sat down with her salad, she pulled out her cell phone and sent Frank a text.

  Hey there. Just wanted to see how your first day back went.

  She placed the phone on the table and began to eat her salad. She was surprised when Frank texted back so quickly.

  I’m feeling good, glad to be back at work, but I’m tired of talking on the phone. I’m ready to go back on the streets.

  Alex set her fork down and replied. I’m glad you’re feeling better. You’ll be back on the streets soon enough.

  I know, but I hate riding the desk.

  Alex grinned and her mind went to the gutter. How would you like to ride something else tonight?

  A few minutes went by without a response. Alex thought she might have been a little crude, and felt a knot form in the pit of her stomach. The responding text changed the knot into butterflies when she read it. I’m off at twenty hundred. You want to come over after work?

  Alex felt relieved and the tension in her body released. I’ll be there at twenty-one hundred. Be ready.

  Roger that. See you later.

  Alex finished her salad and tea and hurried back to the ER with a bounce in her step. She hoped for the rest of her shift to fly by so she could hurry and get to Frank’s. As she pushed through the doors to chaos, all thoughts of Frank fled her mind, and she returned her focus to medicine.

  Once her shift ended, Alex quickly showered and dressed. She decided against underwear before putting on her jeans, but looked forward to the future lingerie modeling show she would privately give Frank. She and Kirsten shopped frequently at Victoria’s Secret after Kirsten shared with her how fun it was to model her purchases for Jordan. Frank appeared to be cut from a similar cloth as Jordan, and Alex wondered if Frank would appreciate the lingerie as much as Kirsten said Jordan did.

  Commando would have to do for tonight. She hadn’t planned on going over to Frank’s after work, otherwise she would have been more prepared. She would have to remember to pack a bag for such future occurrences. She had a feeling that they would have spontaneous sleepovers until they were able to work out their schedules. Alex’s body trembled with excitement and anticipation as she drove to Frank’s.

  Frank answered the door wearing baggy boxer shorts, a white tank top, and no bra. Alex could see Frank’s dark areolas through the white shirt and felt a flood of moisture in her jeans. Frank’s dark hair was wet and slicked back as if she used her fingers to comb her hair. Alex felt her nipples harden at the sight before her.

  When Alex walked in, Frank shut the door, then pinned Alex against it with her body. Alex felt the prominence pressed against her center as Frank kissed her hard. She reached into Frank’s boxers and the surprise she found sent her pulse racing. She groaned her pleasure into Frank’s mouth as she wrapped her hand around Frank’s dildo and began slowly stroking her. Frank’s hips began thrusting in time with Alex’s stroking, and she broke the kiss, panting for air.

  “I thought maybe you would like something to ride tonight too.” Frank’s deep voice made Alex shiver with need.

  Alex bit her bottom lip and nodded. They went straight to Frank’s bedroom, and Alex told Frank to sit on the edge of the bed. The dildo jutted out from the unbuttoned flap of Frank’s boxers, and Alex had a difficult time taking her eyes off it. She finally peeled her eyes away and looked at Frank, where she saw total desire on her face. She took two steps back, just out of Frank’s reach, and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. As each button was released, Frank’s breathing quickened. She slid her blouse off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. When she unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid the zipper down, Frank’s hand began to stroke her own cock.

  “No starting without me, Sarge.”

  Frank’s hand stilled and Alex pulled her jeans down, stepped out of them, and stood between Frank’s legs. Alex lifted the tank over Frank’s head and knelt to remove Frank’s boxers. Alex licked her lips before taking the head into her mouth. She gripped the base and moved her hand in time with her mouth up and down the shaft. She could feel wetness dripping down her inner thighs, and her clit throbbed.

  “Fuck, Alex, you’re gonna make me come.”

  Alex released Frank from her mouth and straddled her lap. “Not without me, you won’t.” She moved her hips so the length glided along her sex, and she threw her head back. “I need you in me. Now!”

  Alex lifted her hips as Frank grabbed her cock and teased Alex’s opening.

  “I’m not kidding, Frank.”

  Frank chuckled as she slowly penetrated Alex’s opening. Alex lowered herself and felt the fullness fill her up. She stayed in that position as she began to kiss Frank. When their tongues met, Frank began to play with Alex’s nipples, pinching and twisting them just the way Alex liked. Alex started moving her hips back and forth, each thrust bringing her closer to orgasm. When she felt her impending climax, she broke the kiss and watched Frank’s cock move in and out of her. “Oh, God, Frank, I want you to come inside me.”

  Frank grunted as she thrust her hips upward, and Alex felt her shudder, which helped release her own orgasm. Alex had her arms wrapped around Frank’s shoulders, and she slumped against her, breathing erratically. She kissed the pulse point in Frank’s neck until their breathing returned to normal.

  “We are definitely using this again.”

  “Oh yeah? You liked it?”

  “Eh, it was okay.”

  That earned Alex a pinch on the butt, which made her yelp. “Don’t move. I’m going to pull myself off.” Alex stood on shaky legs, and she felt the loss immediately. She sat on the bed and watched Frank slip out of her harness and drop it next to the bed. Frank put her boxers and tank back on and Alex eyed her questioningly.

  “I need to let Bella out, but I’ll be right back.” She leaned down and ki
ssed her sweetly. “Get into bed and I’ll be right there.”

  In the time Frank was gone, Alex replayed their encounter in her mind. Frank seemed to instinctually know exactly what Alex needed and how she needed it. If Frank was indeed the real deal, Alex could really see herself falling for her. She felt cautiously optimistic, but she couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something was about to happen that could change her life.

  Chapter Twelve

  Frank couldn’t take much more of riding the desk. For the first couple of days, it was fine because she just wanted to be back to work. But as the days dragged on, she was itching to get back on patrol. The pain in her ribs was gone for the most part unless she bumped up against something, but even then the discomfort was mild. She returned to the medical clinic for a follow-up visit with her doctor. It had been four weeks since the injury, and she would beg the doctor if she had to in order to get released to full duty. Repeat x-rays showed the rib was healed, and the doctor gave her the form releasing her back to work without restrictions. She went to the station to inform her lieutenant, then over to the shooting range to re-qualify and get back her service weapon. There was one more call she had to make before heading home.

  “Hey, Jordan, it’s Frank.”

  “Hey, buddy! How are you?”

  “I’m great. I just saw the doctor and he said my ribs are healed. Can I still join the team?”

  “Absolutely! Our first game is next week. We have practice tomorrow, but if you want to come over tonight, I can go over some stuff with you.”

  “That’d be good. What time should I come by?”

  “Come for dinner and bring that crazy best friend of mine with you. I know she doesn’t have any shifts for the next couple of days.”

  “Copy that. We’ll see you in a little bit.”

  Frank hung up and called Alex.


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