A Little Girl in Old St. Louis

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A Little Girl in Old St. Louis Page 10

by Amanda M. Douglas



  The way was tolerably clear for a long distance, though shielded fromthe view of the Indians by the intervening trees. When the strip ofwoods failed them for shelter it was growing dusk, and, with the rise ofthe wind, they could hardly have been distinguished from the wavingshrubbery. Valbonais paused and glanced back now and then, but nopursuers were in sight.

  "Take it a little more moderately," Valbonais said. "We must not losesight of the river, or we may go astray. Though we have made a gain bycutting off this point that juts into the stream. Ah, if we only had anykind of a boat!"

  "They might see us on the river."

  "Hardly at night, and not very clear at that. We must make for that darkline ahead of us, a bit of woods where we can camp for the night."

  It was quite dark when they reached it, and with some difficulty he madea light. It was largely scrubby pines and the soil was sandy, dry inspite of the tremendous rain, though evidently there had not been asmuch here. Valbonais found a dead, dry branch of pine, which he lighted,and began to explore. A short distance in was a pile of stones heaped upfour or five feet, evidently some burial spot. He glanced at itscapabilities, then began tumbling out the smaller ones that seemed to belargely at one side.

  "What are you going to do?" asked Wawataysee.

  "Make a sort of cave. Oh, you will see," laughingly.

  "But let me help," she cried eagerly.

  "No, no! Or, if you wish, will you take my knife and cut some pineboughs, the bushiest ones?"

  He had stuck his dry branch in the sand and piled a few others aroundit. Renee stood by the fire, much interested.

  Valbonais tore out the stones until he had a hollow place like a greatchair. This he partly filled with the ends of the boughs Wawataysee hadgathered.

  "This will make a bed for you and the child. You will have to sleepsitting up; but you ought to be able to sleep anywhere."

  "Oh, look! look!" cried Renee, clapping her hands. "A golden baby moondown there in the sky! Is it not beautiful?"

  The sky was of deepest azure, the stars mostly to the northwest. One wasalmost at the point of the crescent, as if lighting each other on theway.

  "To-morrow or the next night it will be in her arms," said the youngfellow.

  "A baby star in a cradle," exclaimed Renee. "Oh, is it not wonderful?What is that?" and she suddenly shrank toward her companions.

  "Only the cry of some night bird. These clumps of woods are not thickenough to harbor wild animals, thank the saints! Now, ma'm'selle, yousit here and try it."

  He had spread a blanket over the pine boughs. She sank gracefully intothe seat and leaned back her head with a certain air of luxuriance.

  "Oh, it is splendid!" in a grateful tone.

  Renee ran to try.

  Valbonais stirred out the coals, took a piece of dried fish from his bagand some corn cakes and toasted both. They were hungry enough to eatwithout any demur--in truth, enjoyed it in the perfect freedom from fear.

  "Now," he said, "you must settle yourself for the night. I do not thinkwe shall be molested. The small band will be busy with their chief andrepairing damages. Then I found some of them were very superstitiousabout a woman being in the party."

  "But I was held only for the money I would bring Black Feather.Otherwise I would have been looked upon as a useless burden. Theydropped off poor Mere Lunde on the way, and yet she could have done themgood service. Come, Renee."

  "I am not a bit sleepy," returned Renee. "It seems almost like being athome with no fierce Indians about; only if Uncle Gaspard were here, andM'sieu Marchand," she was about to add, but checked herself.

  "We must be up betimes to-morrow and on our way," Valbonais said. "Itwill not do to loiter."

  "What will you do meanwhile?" inquired Wawataysee.

  "Sit here and tend the fire," he said. "I shall only keep enough to seeabout in case I have to defend myself from any midnight prowler."

  He folded the blankets around the two, who certainly looked comfortablein their rocky bed. He pushed his way through the thicket and ran down ashort distance, where he had command of the river. Nothing was goingeither way. How sweet and tranquil it all was, after the terrors of lastnight! He could have stayed there hours watching the stars come outbrighter and brighter, and the soft wind weaving strange melodies,whispering of hope.

  Both girls were asleep when he returned. He sat down outside theenclosure and leaned his shoulders against it. His gun was by his side,his knife in his belt. He should have had a hatchet, too; that usefularticle no one scarcely travelled without, but in the excitement he hadnot thought of everything. Once he replenished the fire; then the fuelgave out and he fell asleep.

  Nothing molested them. The singing of some birds in the thicket rousedhim. He hurried to the river; all was tranquil, silent, with no enemy insight. Then he glanced down the long and arid space, where even grassgrew sparsely in the sandy soil that held no moisture. They must startearly so as to escape the mid-day heat.

  Wawataysee had risen and smoothed her ruffled plumes.

  "It is so beautiful!" she said, with heartfelt pleasure. "And, oh, to befree from horrid fears! I slept so tranquilly. Did you have any rest?"

  "I forgot everything," and he laughed with a glad sound. "I was not avery good watcher, perhaps, but I think any unusual noise would havestartled me."

  "You are so good! What would we have done without you?" raising herbeautiful, grateful eyes.

  He flushed warmly. "We cannot have much variety for breakfast," with agleam of amusement. "We may fare better to-night."

  He lighted the small fire again, collecting the charred embers.

  "Is it far to the river--and safe?"

  "Not much of a run," he answered. "The shore is shallow. I had areviving bath."

  "Come, Renee," and she held out her hand to the child.

  Meanwhile, Valbonais replaced the stones, wondering what hands hadbrought them there in the first instance, and whether white or Indianlay at rest beneath them. The girls were racing over the sand, bright,fresh and glowing, and they partook of their simple breakfast andstarted on their journey. The sun was not shining brightly, yet therewas no indication of rain. It was as if Nature was indulging in atranquil mood. Now and then a flock of birds went sailing over theirheads, and a squirrel out of place ran nimbly across the sand.

  "You have no idea how far it is to St. Louis?" their companion inquired.

  "Oh, hundreds of miles!" cried Renee.

  "Hardly that," said Wawataysee. "There have been so many delays. When Icame from the straits it was with the fleet, and I hardly took note;"flushing as she recalled the delightful journey with her husband. "Yetit seems to me we cannot have gone so very far up."

  "Is there any particular point that you can remember? There was theIndian settlement where we met, little thinking then that we should bemates on a return journey. Whether it would be safe to trust them----"

  "There was another halt, up a little stream. A settlement of PeoriaIndians, who are kindly and who have adopted many habits from thewhites, are more intelligent than most other tribes. That is downfarther still. It was our first stopping place. They were very generouswith provisions."

  "That will be one of our troubles. Still there will be small game toshoot and fish to catch."

  Although there was considerable travel down the Illinois and some quitewell-appointed stations, they were far between. The fur and tradingfleets, if the lines of flat boats and canoes could be called that,carried abundant provisions. Roving bands of Indians and parties ofadventurous hunters crossing the interior were the only travellers, andthey often stopped at the forts.

  They went farther out by the river. And suddenly there was a serioussurprise. Around a wooded bend came a canoe filled with Indians. Thenanother and one of stores, and one figure was suspiciously studying theshore. They had hidden among the trees, but were peering out cautiously.

  "Oh!" Wawataysee whispered, "i
t is Elk Horn and his party! See, he isstanding up, looking this way! O Mother of God, come to the assistanceof thy children!" and, sinking on her knees, she clasped her hands insupplication.

  It was Elk Horn. He had sobered up and began to realize that he mighthave made a better bargain with his prisoners. He had secured some morearms and ammunition, and hoped now to overtake Black Feather. His glancearound was not indicative of the slightest certainty. He could not havedreamed that the fugitives in the woods were the very ones he meant toquarrel and perhaps fight about when he met Black Feather.

  Wawataysee scarcely breathed until the last canoe was but a dusky lineon the river.

  "We certainly are safe," Valbonais said. "Of course, they could notsuppose we had escaped."

  "I was so afraid they were in search of a landing place. Oh, if they hadstopped!" in terror.

  "Then we would have plunged farther in the woods, climbed trees even. Ido not mean to be taken a prisoner again; and surely, it will go hardwith me if you are, or hard with the abductor!" with a gleam ofresolution.

  "I am glad they have gone up the river," declared Wawataysee. "Now thereis no fear of meeting them."

  "If we could find some traders coming down----"

  "And trust them?" There was a troubled light in her eye. "Oh, now that Iknow there are two people in the world, perhaps three, hungering forrevenge on me, I am sore afraid at times. I shall never see a Huronwithout reading a menace in his eye."

  Valbonais glanced at her inquiringly.

  "You have heard part of the story. Let me join the tangled threads, andyou will the better understand my misgivings."

  "Let us go on now. Every hour is precious. And it will delight me tolisten to anything that has concerned thee," bowing low to her.

  So she told of her home and her affiliations with the French, beingrelated on her mother's side, and how she had always liked them themore, while her brother was proud of his Indian blood and his chieftainfather. It was not until she had met and loved Francois Marchand andplighted her troth to him that she was informed of her brother'sintentions toward her, and she prayed to him for the liberty of choosingher own husband--admitted, indeed, that she had chosen him and could bethe wife of no one else. Then he had sent a messenger to say that herescort was on the way with orders to bring him to her at once, and thatpreparations were being made for a grand marriage. The trading fleet wasready. She had only to step on board. At the first mission station theyhad stopped for the priest to marry them.

  "So, you see, I could never, never be the wife of any other man. Andthis chief has two wives. He told my brother that I should be first: butIndian women do not always accept their dismissal so easily."

  There was a proud, steadfast light in her eyes, the bloom of courage andconstancy on her soft cheek. How beautiful she was!

  "And M. Marchand----" in a low tone, half inquiry.

  "Whether he is dead or alive I do not know. But I am his in death aswell as life," with a firmness that bespoke the utmost devotion.

  No, she would never let another wrest from her the holy bond she hadgiven him with her sweet maidenhood love.

  Night was coming on apace again. There was no cairn of stones to betransformed into a sleeping chamber. Renee was very tired and a littlepettish.

  "Is there nothing for supper but these dried, hard cakes and the fish?"she asked discontentedly.

  "And not even that for breakfast," Valbonais said lightly. "I must getup early and shoot some game. There is no corn matured yet, so if wecame to growing fields the juicy ears would not be there. But I think Ican find something," hopefully.

  This night they had to have a forest bed, but he found a place soft witha kind of dried turf, and spread out one blanket for pallet and left oneto cover them with. Then he kindled a fire at some distance, for he hadheard the cry of an animal. Farther off, then nearer, a stealthycreeping along. He reached for his gun and glanced cautiously around.Presently he caught the glare of two sparks of flame coming nearer,crouching down, and he fired.

  "Oh, what is it?" Wawataysee sprang up in affright.

  "Some animal. I think he is dead, however." He lighted a torch and wentnearer, touched the creature with his foot. The shot had hit himsquarely, shattering his head.

  "Only a poor fox. Nothing for our breakfast;" yet he gave a cheerfullaugh.

  "Oh, I am glad it was nothing worse."

  "Do not dream of trouble. The good God will watch over us."

  She pressed his hand. She was glad to be near a lightsome, courageoushuman being.

  Presently she stole back to her bed. Nothing else came to startle them.When she woke again the sun was shining. Valbonais had kindled a fire,shot and dressed some birds and was broiling them before the coals.

  "Was it a dream," she asked, "or did you really shoot in the night?"

  "Yes; and I have taken a part of the fox's coat. It may be useful formoccasin soles before we are through."

  "Poor thing!" she said pityingly.

  The breakfast was delightful, after the two days of dried fish. ThenRenee found a patch of wild strawberries that the birds had notdiscovered. They were dead ripe and luscious. Now they went on withcheerful hearts, keeping the river in sight, but meeting nothing morealarming than a herd of roaming deer. It was useless to fire at them;birds would be more to the purpose. Toward night they struck a rudecabin, made by hunters, as it did not look like Indian workmanship.There had been a fire, but since that time it had rained. Inside was atable and a bed of dried hemlock branches.

  "I think we had better stay," Valbonais announced. "It is a hunter'scabin, evidently, and no one has been here for some time. There is alittle stream of excellent water. We will trust luck, at all events."

  They had some supper and were glad of shelter, for it came on to rain,but no such terrific storm as that which had worked such havoc withBlack Feather and his party. The soft patter on the leaves wasdelightful music, though for awhile the rustle of the wind seemed almostlike the advance of human beings.

  It was well they were under shelter, for it rained all the next day. Noone came to molest them. Valbonais caught such an excellent supply offish that he cooked some for the following day. If there was only anyripe fruit!

  "It was late in May when we left St. Louis," Wawataysee said.

  "And now it is June. What day I do not know."

  "Let us count back."

  But their reckoning was not alike. They forgot, and then recalledincidents that had marked days, then lost count again. Renee waswretchedly tired.

  "Poor little thing!" exclaimed Wawataysee. "She has been very good andcourageous, but it is hard for her. And look at her poor littlemoccasins--out to the ground."

  "Then Mr. Foxskin will serve us a useful purpose. I have nothing tofasten them on with, but can tie them with strips of his skin to-morrow.And yours?"

  She flushed. Hers were in the same plight.

  "But I can stand hardships better," and she smiled cheerfully.

  Renee slept all the afternoon and woke much refreshed. It had stoppedraining, and now they were full of plans for to-morrow. The moon cameout--the baby star had travelled nearly across it.

  "I am glad it is a new moon. We shall have some benefit of it the restof our journey," their guide said.

  "Oh, when shall we get home?" cried Renee impatiently. "Do you supposethere have been any more Indian assaults?"

  "You have been remarkably favored at St. Louis. To the east, towns havebeen burned, people taken captive by scores or murdered. And up north itseems to have been a regular battlefield, with the French losers everytime. Think of the English holding our splendid Quebec and Montreal!"

  "I have been in Quebec, monsieur," declared Renee, with amusing dignity.

  "And France, too," added Wawataysee.

  Then Renee found herself quite a heroine in the eyes of Valbonais, andwas delighted to recall her experiences.

  They left the cabin and journeyed on; slept in the woods that night andthe next. There had
been several feasts of berries; they saw some greenplums and green wild grapes, but neither were tempting. Now, some way,it seemed as if they had lost their reckoning. The river certainly wasto the west of them.

  "And we must go southward." said Wawataysee.

  Their good fortune had failed them to-day. They had found nothing. Theywere tired and hungry. And if they were lost!----

  They turned into an opening. Here ran a clear creek, at which theyquenched their thirst.

  "Let us follow it some distance at least. It must go to the river. Ithas quite a current."

  It suddenly widened out and grew larger as they went on. They glanced ateach other in dismay.

  "If it goes to the river, how can we cross so wide a stream? Couldeither of us swim with the child? I think it would be better to go backand cross where it is narrower."

  So they retraced their steps and found that it was fed by a rivulet onthe other side, almost hidden by the grass. Valbonais paused a moment toenjoy the picture. Everywhere the most serene quiet. Songs of birds, thecall of some animal, the rustle of a deer and the brown, startled eyesgazing at one. The green of the foliage with its light and varyingshades, the long stretches of wild grass dotted with various-coloredflowers, and here and there a silvery streak of sand like a silverribbon.

  On and on, the creek growing narrower. The man's eyes caught sight of ayoung fallen tree.

  "I think I can bridge it over. Let me try this," and he dragged the treeto the edge, stood it up, letting it fall with some force. It justtouched the opposite shore.

  "Now if I could find another. Why did I not capture a hatchet in my raidon the Indians!"

  "The water is clear and deep," said Wawataysee; "too deep for one towade."

  "I could cross it with the child. Still I will see if there is notanother dead tree."

  This time it was a larger one. It took their united strength to raiseit, but it went straight across, making quite a promising bridge.

  "Would you dare?" He glanced at the Indian girl with an assurance of hercourage.

  "Would I dare?" She laughed melodiously. Then she looked steadily at ita moment, started like an arrow from a bow and in a flash was across.

  "Oh, how beautiful! Can I try?" Renee clapped her hands, and her facewas brimming with delighted eagerness.

  "Wait a moment." Valbonais picked up the blanket and strapped his gun tohis back, convoying them over safely and depositing them on the ground."I wonder if we dare trust the child?"

  "Oh, I think so. It is such a step," Wawataysee answered.

  He went back to her. "You will not be afraid, little one? You can runswiftly, and if you can keep a steady head----"

  "Yes, yes!" Wawataysee stood with outstretched arms and smiled. Reneestarted with a child's audacity. The round logs, instead of the flatsurface, confused her and she hesitated, lost her balance and went downwith a cry. Valbonais sprang into the creek, but missed his first graspof her. The next brought her safely up and Wawataysee took her,frightened and half strangled. Valbonais shook himself and laughed.

  "I would rather the clothes had not taken a bath. And she is wet, butnot injured."

  "It slipped and rolled," the child began, "and then I couldn't keep on.Oh, dear! I am all dripping."

  "Roll her in a blanket. I am sorry it is so near dark and we cannot tellquite which way to go."

  "We must keep on toward the Illinois," said Wawataysee. "Oh, and now Ithink we came up a creek to the Peorias' lodge. What if this should bethe stream? Then we are nearer home than I thought."

  Her eyes shone like stars, her voice was freighted with joy, for herthought was an inspiration.

  "I do not see how we could have gone out of the way," he returned,knitting his brows.

  "The river winds. We may have shortened our journey a little by it. Andif we could find the lodge! Oh, I can't help feeling that we are allright!"

  She was wringing Renee's garments and rubbing her with a blanket.Valbonais pressed the water out of his, and tried to catch theinspiration.

  "Now we must go on. Renee, you must keep the blanket about you," theelder said.

  "But it is so warm. I am most smothered."

  "It will be cooler presently," in a consoling tone.

  "And I am so hungry!" she said, half crying.

  They had eaten nothing since morning.

  "We are all hungry. And if we can find those kindly Indians they willgive us a feast."

  "I hope she is right." Valbonais thought.

  They walked briskly onward for a while. The moon came up and shed itssilver radiance, setting the little stream with gems and showering thetrees with her effulgent flood. But to-night they could not enjoyit--could hardly keep hope alive.

  "I am so tired!" Renee began to cry in earnest and stopped short. Thereaction had come and she shivered with a chill. Her slight frame was ina collapse.

  "I will carry her," said Valbonais. "We shall get along faster."

  Wawataysee took the other blanket and the gun. The summer night wasgrowing chilly here at the edge of the creek. They waded through theother stream. Renee's head drooped on the man's shoulder. She hadforgotten her troubles in sleep. But presently he had to pause with hisburden.

  "Let us sit here and rest awhile. And if you could sleep an hour itwould refresh you so much."

  Wawataysee leaned against a great tree bole that was like a column. Therelaxation was grateful. What with fatigue and hunger, nature wasoverpowered and they all slept. When Wawataysee awoke the darknessstartled her. The moon had gone down. She stretched out her hand in halfterror.

  "You have had a nice sleep," began Valbonais cheerfully. "I, too, caughta nap. It must be near morning. Do you feel that you can go on?"

  "Oh, yes! And the child? How strong and courageous you are!"

  He stood Renee down and she roused. "Oh, where are we?" she cried inaffright.

  "Here, dear." Wawataysee took her hand. "We are going to the Indianlodge, where we shall get some breakfast. Can you walk?"

  "Why, yes. But I _am_ tired. Will we soon be there? And, oh, I wish itwas not so dark!"

  Still, she went on without further complaint. Darker and darker itseemed. She gave her other hand to Valbonais. They both felt she laggeda little.

  Suddenly a rosy light shot up in the east, and out of it great spires ofcrimson and gold that set the heavens aflame. The stars hung low in thenorthwest, and one by one dropped out of sight. Countless birds filledthe air with melody, and every tree and shrub shook out its fragrance.

  "Courage!" Wawataysee said, but her voice was tremulous with hertwenty-four hours' fast. And the walk seemed interminable. Her feet wereshodden with lead.

  Oh, what was this? Fields of young corn, shedding its peculiar fragranceas the dew was vanishing in the drier air of morning. In the distancehooded wigwams, a palisade to the north for shelter, blue-gray curlingwreaths going up from newly kindled fires. The barking of dogs and thecurious, pervasive sense of human life.

  It seemed as if an army of dogs rushed out. An authoritative voicechecked them, and an Indian came forward to learn the cause of thealarm. Wawataysee sank down on a stone and the world seemed whirlinground, while Renee, crying, fell into her lap.


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