Pirate Attack

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Pirate Attack Page 1

by Felice Arena


  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  High Sea Dreaming


  Captain ’n’ Crew


  Blood and Guts


  Full-on Battle


  The White Flag


  • Pirate Lingo

  • Pirate Must-dos

  • Pirate Instant Info

  • Think Tank

  • Hi Guys! (Author Letter)

  • When We Were Kids

  • What a Laugh!

  Pirate Attack

  Felice Arena and Phil Kettle

  illustrated by

  Susy Boyer


  First published in 2004 by


  15–19 Claremont Street, South Yarra 3141

  Reprinted 2005, 2006, 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009

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  Copyright © Felice Arena and Phil Kettle 2004

  All rights reserved.

  Except under the conditions described in the Copyright Act 1968 of Australia and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  National Library of Australia

  Cataloguing-in-Publication data

  Arena, Felice.

  Pirate attack.

  For primary school children.

  ISBN 978 0 7329 9259 0.

  ISBN 978 0 7329 9262 0 (Set 3).

  1. Pirates – Juvenile fiction. I. Kettle, Phil. II. Title.

  (Series: Arena, Felice. Boyz rule).


  Project management by Limelight Press Pty Ltd

  Cover and text design by Lore Foye

  Illustrations by Susy Boyer

  Printed in Hong Kong

  These electronic editions published 2010 by

  Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd

  Level 1, 15 -19 Claremont Street, South Yarra 3141

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  Boyz Rule! Pirate Attack

  Felice Arena & Phil Kettle

  Adobe eReader ISBN




  Mobipocket ISBN


  On-line ISBN


  Macmillan Digital Australia


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  High Sea Dreaming

  Best friends Tom and Joey have been told by Joey’s mother that they should go outside and play.

  Tom “Whoa! Look at that! It takes up the whole backyard.”

  Joey “Yeah, it’s Dad’s new boat. He got it last week. Cool huh?”

  Tom “Yeah. It’s huge!”

  Joey “I know, we’re lucky. Dad’s dreamed of owning a boat all his life. And now he does.”

  Tom “Hey, I reckon it’d make a great pirate ship.”

  Joey “Yeah, I s’pose so.”

  Tom “Hey, imagine if we were pirates. We could capture all the treasure in the world and sell it.”

  Joey “Yeah, that’d be cool. But why do you think pirates’ treasure always turns out to be jewellery?”

  Tom “Maybe they have lots of girlfriends?”

  Joey “Gross.”

  Tom “Yeah, if I was a pirate I’d want to get bikes and PlayStations and stuff like that—things I could use.”

  Joey “So, wanna go on board my dad’s boat, I mean, our pirate ship?”


  Captain ’n’ Crew

  The boys go out into the backyard and climb onto the boat.

  Tom “This is so cool!”

  Joey “Raise the anchor and make ready to sail.”

  Tom “Who made you captain?”

  Joey “Okay, well maybe we could both be captains?”

  Tom “Good idea. I wanna be ‘Captain Blood’. The most feared pirate in the world!”

  Joey “Cool. Then I’ll be ‘Captain Splash’.”

  Tom “That’s a weird name for a pirate.”

  Joey “Well, if anybody tries to board the boat, they’ll see how scary I look.”

  Tom “And … ?”

  Joey “Then they’ll jump overboard, of course … and then splash! Get it? Captain Splash.”

  Tom “Good one. Right, are we ready to sail, Captain Splash?”

  Joey “We’ve got to get supplies before we can sail.”

  Tom “Like what?”

  Joey “We need to get weapons to fight other pirates with, and we’ve got to get some food, too. We might be at sea for a really long time.”

  Tom and Joey go ashore. A lady pirate, who looks a lot like Joey’s mother, is working in the galley, which looks a lot like a kitchen. The lady pirate helps pack plenty of food for Captain Blood and Captain Splash.


  Blood and Guts

  In the meantime, Captain Blood and Captain Splash collect a load of water bombs. Soon the pirates are back on board ready to set sail.

  Tom “We should have a really good name for our ship.”

  Joey “Well, Dad’s given it a name already—‘Lady Breeze’.”

  Tom “That doesn’t sound like the name of a pirate ship. I know! We should call it ‘Blood and Guts’.”

  Joey “Yeah, much better—the ‘Blood and Guts’. Captained by the most feared pirates in the world: Captain Blood and Captain Splash.”

  Tom “Captain Splash, we should stack our bombs at the pointy end of the ship.”

  Joey “That’s a good idea, Captain Blood, but I think the pointy end is called the sharp end.”

  The ship sets sail for the open sea. The sea looks a lot like Joey’s backyard.

  Tom “We’ve been sailing for a long time, Captain.”

  Joey “That’s what I was thinking, Captain. Maybe we should anchor and take a lunch break? What have we got?”

  Tom opens the lunch box and looks inside.

  Tom “We’ve got peanut butter sandwiches and more peanut butter sandwiches.”

  Joey “Well, it’s a good thing that pirates love peanut butter.”

  Tom and Joey sit down and eat their lunch. All of a sudden a water bomb splatters on top of Joey’s head.

  Tom “We’re under attack!”

  Joey “Yeah, and I’ve been soaked.”

  Tom “No time to lose. Time to fight back.”

  Tom and Joey stand up and look out to sea. In the distance is a huge wave that looks a lot like a fence.

  Tom “Whoever ambushed us must be hiding behind that big wave.”

  Joey “I bet it’s those girl pirates from next door.”

  Tom “Well, it’s time to show them why boys rule—it’s time to defend ourselves!”

  Joey “Yeah, it�
��s time for Captain Blood and Captain Splash to rule the seas!”

  The boys race to the front of the boat and collect all the bombs that they brought on board.

  Tom “This could be the greatest pirate war ever.”

  Joey “Look out, here comes another bomb. Dive for cover.”


  Full-on Battle

  Splash! Another water bomb explodes on the deck of the “Blood and Guts”.

  Tom “Phew! That was close. When we defeat them we’ll take all their treasure.”

  Joey “They’re only girl pirates. They haven’t got any treasure that we’d want.”

  Tom “Maybe they’ve got some food. ’Cause to be honest with you Captain Splash, there’s only so much peanut butter most feared pirates like us can eat.”

  Suddenly, splat! A scream is heard coming from behind the fence.

  Joey “Yeah, got ‘em! Sounds like a direct hit.”

  Joey throws two more bombs. Tom throws three. There are more screams from the other side of the fence.

  Tom “I think we’re gonna win this pirate war.”

  Joey “Yeah, arrrrr, me hearty. I think you’re right.”

  Captain Blood and Captain Splash keep throwing their bombs, one after the other.

  Joey “I haven’t heard any more screams. Maybe they’ve drowned or sailed away? It’s quiet—too quiet.”

  Tom “Well, we’ll just keep bombing them—to make sure that we really win this pirate war. Pass me another bomb.”

  Joey “We haven’t got any more bombs left—we’ve run out!”

  Suddenly, from behind the fence the sounds of “Attack! Attack! Attack!” echo across the water.

  Captain Blood and Captain Splash look worriedly at each other.

  Tom “Oh no! I think we’re in big trouble.”


  The White Flag

  The boys crouch down and discuss their next course of action.

  Joey “Don’t worry, Captain Blood, ’cause the best form of defence is attack.”

  Tom “Yeah, if only we had something to attack with. Look out! Here comes another one! We’re gonna be hit!”

  Joey “Captain Splash, the greatest pirate ever to sail the seas, to the rescue!”

  Joey flies through the air, as if he is saving a goal in soccer and, remarkably, catches the water-filled balloon without breaking it.

  Tom “Great catch, Captain Splash!”

  Joey throws the balloon back. A scream from the girl pirates can be heard across the sea. Suddenly, a stream of water-filled balloons is tossed at the boys. The boys duck for cover.

  Joey “Look out, Captain Blood!”

  Splash! Tom is hit and is drenched.

  Joey “Are you wounded?”

  Tom “Just a graze. It’s okay, I’m Captain Blood, I’ll just fight on.”

  Joey “Look! They’re waving a white flag.”

  Tom “That means they want to surrender. That’s weird. They were winning. Maybe they’ve run out of bombs.”

  Joey “Or they’re more wounded than we are. Should we ask them what they want?”

  Tom “We don’t have to. Look, they’re holding up a sign.”

  A cardboard sign appears from behind the fence. It reads, “Do you want something to eat?”.

  Captain Blood and Captain Splash look at each other.

  Joey “I wonder what they’ve got to eat.”

  Tom “Maybe we should invite them aboard. I bet it’s good, whatever they’ve got.”

  Joey “Yeah. Okay. But once we’ve eaten their food we’ll make them walk the plank and let the sharks eat them.”

  Tom “Brilliant idea, Captain Splash. But let’s find out what they’ve got first.”

  Joey “Okay. Hold on, I’ll swim to shore and make a sign.”

  Joey runs into the house and then returns to the boat with a sign that reads, “What sort of food do you have?”. He holds it up for the girl pirates to see.

  Tom “I hope it’s chips or chocolate. Real treasure!”

  A few minutes later the girls hold up another sign. It reads, “We have peanut butter sandwiches!”. And with that, the boys instantly lose their appetite.

  Pirate Lingo

  bow The front of a sailing ship, or the pointy end.

  “man overboard!” A cry for help! Somebody has fallen overboard.

  poop deck The highest deck on the ship—usually above the captain’s quarters.

  sea legs When you get used to the rocking of a ship in the water.

  stern The back of a sailing ship, or the blunt end.

  walk the plank When you’re forced by pirates to walk out on a plank over the side of the ship and drop into the ocean to be eaten by sharks.

  Pirate Must-dos

  Lift the anchor before you try to sail.

  Wear a patch over one eye.

  Have a big earring in at least one ear.

  Learn to say “aye aye, Captain”.

  Carry a sword.

  Know how to read a compass.This is very important if you don’t want to get lost in your own backyard.

  Carry water bombs.You never know when girl pirates might attack.

  Make sure that you always take plenty of food.You never know how long you might have to stay at sea.

  Fly a flag from your ship with the words “Boyz Rule!” written on it.

  Make sure you have a plank on your ship (just in case you might have to make some girl pirate walk it)—and no, not your mum’s ironing board.

  Put together a treasure chest and then bury it in a secret spot.

  Draw a map to show where your treasure is buried—mark the spot with an “X”.

  Pirate Instant Info

  Pirates always fly a special flag when they are about to attack another ship.

  A pirate’s flag has a skull and crossbones on it.

  One of the most famous pirates of all time was Blackbeard. His real name was Edward and he was from England.

  “Pirates of the Caribbean” is a Disneyland theme park ride and also a blockbuster movie starring Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush.

  In the classic story “Peter Pan”, Peter’s arch rival is an evil pirate called Captain Hook.

  A favourite treasure for pirates from hundreds of years ago were doubloons, which were Spanish coins made from pure gold.

  Pirate ships usually had lots of men in their crew.

  Think Tank

  1 Should you wear a life jacket when you are on a pirate ship?

  2 Who’s the famous pirate in the classic story “Peter Pan”?

  3 What’s usually on a pirate flag?

  4 What do the words “man overboard!” mean?

  5 What does it mean to “walk the plank”?

  6 What do pirates hunt for?

  7 Name some things that would belong to a pirate.

  8 What does “aye aye, Captain!” mean?


  1 Yes, you should always wear a life jacket when you are on a pirate ship.

  2 The famous pirate is called Captain Hook.

  3 A skull and crossbones are usually on a pirate flag.

  4 A cry for help! Someone has fallen overboard.

  5 You are forced by pirates to walk out on a plank and jump into the water.

  6 Pirates hunt for treasure.

  7 Pirates would have things like a ship, a patch, a rope, treasure and a sword.

  8 It means “yes, Captain”.

  How did you score?

  • If you got all 8 answers correct then shiver me timbers, you’re born to be a pirate in your own backyard.

  • If you got 6 answers correct you love to hunt for treasure, but aren’t keen on wearing a fluffy pirate shirt and patch.

  • If you got fewer than 4 answers correct, pirate life may not be for you, but you don’t mind watching pirate movies.

  Hi Guys!

  We have heaps of fun reading and want you to, too. We both believe that being a good reader is really important and so cool.

>   Try out our suggestions to help you have fun as you read.

  At school, why don’t you use “Pirate Attack” as a play and you and your friends can be the actors. Set the scene for your play. Make a pirate flag and map and bring them to school to use as props, but whatever you do, don’t throw any water bombs in the classroom. Pretend you and your crew are boarding an enemy ship.

  So … have you decided who is going to be Tom and who is going to be Joey? Now, with your friends, read and act out our story in front of the class.


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