The Peacekeepers. Books 1 - 3.

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The Peacekeepers. Books 1 - 3. Page 87

by Ricky Sides

  Pol nodded his acceptance. The armorer said he’d have his team begin the moment the first fighter was delivered to the maintenance hangar. Jeff promised to see to that immediately after the meeting. Jim advised the flight leader to select his air-to-air fighter team carefully, pointing out that he’d need someone with leadership ability to lead that element.

  Next, they discussed the mission and the subject of the battleship was the first topic mentioned. Pol said that the ship was ready. All tests had been promising and he felt it safe to say that the ship would perform within expected parameters.

  The utilization of the fleet of drone ships made by Pol and his team was discussed. It was decided that for this mission they would pre stage all of the drones and the control vehicles that would transport the human operators in one central staging area. From that staging area, they would leave for their missions on a carefully timed schedule traveling together as much as possible for the sake of their mutual defense.

  For another hour, they hammered out the final plans. When the meeting ended, the council sent out the appropriate orders to all peacekeeper bases.


  Working relentlessly the crews accomplished the alterations to the weapons of the fighters in one week. The California fighters were sent to the drone staging area where the drones and control vehicles were beginning to assemble. They would provide air cover for the peacekeepers assembling there until the rest of their wing arrived. When the Texas fighters returned to their base, they immediately went into service, patrolling the Kansas border. They shot down a predator drone their first day on patrol and jubilantly reported that the modifications were a success.

  On the final day of preparations, Jim and the crew of the Peacekeeper boarded the ship and lifted off for the trip to the drone staging area. They flew west at an altitude of two hundred feet at an airspeed of two hundred eighty miles per hour. The new battleship drone flew one hundred feet above and about a quarter mile behind the flagship. Namid flew her fighter at four hundred feet but she never maintained a static position in relation to the other two ships. She roamed all around them always seeking danger. At one point, she radioed Pol a private message that his battleship looked even more formidable when it was airborne and she sent him a video feed of the battleship, with the Peacekeeper in the foreground as they flew west.

  The battleship was a remarkable sight to behold. In appearance it mimicked the fighters but on a vastly larger scale. However to accommodate the weapons packages, the nose of the ship was wider than a scaled up version of the fighters. Of course, it had no cockpit since it was a drone.

  Patricia and Pol, working in concert, had worked out a means to elevate the nose of the battleship if it needed to combat hostile aircraft higher than its flight level. Since the battleship had two engines and emitters with one forward of the bomb bay and one aft, all they had to do to cause the nose to rise, was work out a control system which would take the two engines slightly out of sync, thus causing the nose of the battleship to rise. That would have also worked on the fighters had they been designed with twin engines instead of the single engine, but there had been no perceived need to give the fighters that capability.

  Prior to Tom’s acquisition of his fleet of aircraft they had not encountered a single airborne enemy. Aviation fuel had been in drastically short supply prior to the night of the quakes. This had been due to the mass evacuations of millions of people from multiple disasters in the preceding weeks, and the horrendous storms at sea that had disrupted the flow of oil to America. Apparently, Tom had been able to locate a supply of the fuel and a fleet of attack helicopters and pilots. He’d also located predator drones and their control systems.

  If this system worked well, Pol was toying with the idea of designing a small engine package that could be mounted beneath the fighters. That engine would cause the nose to lift just enough for the standard weapons packages to engage airborne targets above them. However, that was delicate and tedious work. In all likelihood, it would take weeks if not months to accomplish that modification on all of the fighters. If that worked out, then all of the fighter weapon packages would be returned to their original configuration.

  As they crossed the New Mexico state line, Tim laughed and mentioned the night that the UFO investigators had turned up when they had stopped for the night on the way to California. Pete grinned at the memories that were evoked by the mention of that night. Two of the California fighters assigned to fly air cover met them not far across the New Mexico line.

  Soon they were flying over a small ridge as they approached the rendezvous point. Spread out in the area ahead of them was dozens of drones as well as the peacekeeper vans and converted buses, which they used as the control vehicles. The men and women standing there waiting stared incredulously at the battleship, which they had never seen.

  The Peacekeeper landed in the clearing left open for them and the council got out to speak to the assembled drone operators. An impromptu meeting was held which amounted to a quick review of the battle plans. It quickly became apparent that everyone had a firm grasp of his or her responsibilities. They settled down afterward to await the arrival of the remaining California fighter wing members who were out on patrol duty. Their flight leader had radioed that they should arrive within twenty minutes.


  Tom Whitmore was an agitated man. Since the peacekeeper raid, many of his men got cold feet and were ready to pull out. They hadn’t counted on open warfare. Bullying civilians and fighting their motley assortment of untrained militias was one thing but the peacekeepers were highly trained, extremely well disciplined, and highly motivated. They didn’t run at the sign of a real fight. They took the fight to their enemies. To make matters worse, two of the pilots had refueled their helicopters, left to fly a patrol in the wake of the battle, and never returned. Tom suspected that he’d been betrayed and they had simply deserted. Nevertheless, to keep others from getting ideas he put out the story that the pair had tried to leave Kansas only to be killed just across the border by the peacekeepers who were guarding the border.

  Tom thought that he could still beat the peacekeepers. He had the men with the training to accomplish that goal. He had the equipment needed to complete that mission successfully and he had the advantage of heavily fortified defensive positions. However, critical to that success was the loyalty of the men under his command. Securing that much-needed loyalty was the purpose of the demonstration that he had prepared.

  Tom strode out onto the grounds before the hotel turned palace for the would-be king. He had ordered his officers to attend the event that was about to take place. Five men stood tied to stakes in front of the hotel. Tom stopped in front of his officers and said, “You men are probably wondering what this is all about. The five men you see tied to the stakes were caught attempting to desert. Men this is a time of war. Your king needs his army in such perilous times. Therefore I have decided that a demonstration is in order.”

  Turning to the guards he said, “Release the first two prisoners, but if they try to run shoot them.”

  The guards hastened to comply. They could see the rage seething in their king and when he was like this, they knew it was best to do as he said promptly or risk his wraith. When the two men were released, they rubbed their wrists to restore the circulation. “Gentlemen, you have sorely tried my patience. You betrayed the trust of your king and that I cannot forgive. Therefore, I will give you the chance to earn your freedom. Fight me. If you defeat me, then you are free to leave.”

  “If we appeared to be winning the fight the other men would just kill us Tom. I won’t play your games. If you aim to kill me, then do it like a man and end this farce,” one of the men said.

  “Now you find your courage? Well, no matter, better now than never,” Tom said. Turning to the guards and his officers he said, “If they can defeat me let them live and let them leave in peace. I command this of all who will be obedient to their king’s will.”

  The two
deserters looked at one another in surprise and shrugged. They separated and advanced on Tom. For his part, Tom stood waiting patiently with his hands at his sides. When they approached to within six feet, one of the men rushed Tom. The would-be king sidestepped the attack and pistoned his right palm into the man’s unprotected throat. The man fell to the ground gagging and retching. The blow had crushed his larynx.

  The other man grabbed Tom from behind and attempted to lift him off his feet, preparing to throw him to the ground. Tom’s right foot thrust out from his body and then pistoned back in to slam into the man’s right kneecap hard. The man gasped in pain and his hold on Tom loosened enough for the tyrant to spin around and face him. Tom hit him in the throat twice with hard right punches and that man fell to the ground with a crushed larynx as well.

  Many of the officers applauded and shouted, “Hail King Tomas the First!”

  Pleased by the admiration of his men, Tom let them cheer for a moment and then gestured for silence. “Drag these cowards out of my sight,” he said referring to the two men he’d just killed, though technically one was still dying. Some of the officers dragged the bodies behind their line.

  Turning to the guards Tom said, “Release the three remaining prisoners.”

  When they were freed, Tom said, “You know the deal. To survive today you have to defeat me. You’ll understand if I don’t wish you luck of course,” he finished, smiling at his own wit. His officers laughed at the remark.

  This time the three men encircled Tom who stood between them with his head lowered slightly and not looking directly at any single combatant. The man behind him rushed in to try to grab him but Tom leaned forward and his right foot lashed out catching that man in the solar plexus. The kick caused the man’s feet to fly out from under him. That man landed flat on his back on the ground where he lay wheezing for air.

  Thinking that Tom would be vulnerable to his attack while he was kicking the other man, one of the combatants jumped in swinging a viscous right hook at Tom’s head. Tom caught the man’s attacking limb by the wrist and pulled him in closer. As he did so, Tom torqued his upper body and slammed his elbow into the man’s unprotected throat with such force that he broke the man’s neck.

  Pivoting his body Tom saw the man he’d kicked struggling to get to his feet. Still groggy, the man was standing with his hands on his knees. He was leaning on his knees with his face toward the ground desperately gasping for air. Tom took one quick step in the man’s direction and kicked upward toward the man’s unprotected face. The instep of Tom’s boot struck the man’s nose breaking it and knocking out several of the man’s lower front teeth.

  Forgetting that man for the moment, Tom spun toward his remaining uninjured opponent. That man attacked Tom with a series of lightning fast kicks, which Tom blocked with little apparent effort. The man changed to punches then, and again Tom blocked a series of lighting fast strikes. Backing off, the man circled Tom looking for an opening. Finally, he smiled when he thought he saw the opportunity he needed. Tom had his back to the man he’d kicked and that man was struggling to get back to his feet. The man lunged straight at Tom knowing that Tom would dart back out of reach of the kick that he threw. Just as he expected Tom darted back and stumbled into the man who was getting up. The remaining combatant was on Tom in a heartbeat. Three punches assailed Tom’s midsection in rapid succession and the king dodged sideways away from the two men he was fighting.

  Now Tom was angry. When the yet unharmed man lunged at him, again Tom met him head on. He absorbed the punch the man threw at him and grabbed his wrist. Tom’s free hand slammed down into a groin punch connecting with a solid hit. The man struck back with a hard right and then the pain hit him in a wave. He staggered backwards and Tom angrily pursued him. Lashing out with his right leg, the bottom of Tom’s boot slammed into the side of the joint and broke the man’s left knee. Following up Tom kicked the man in the side and broke his short ribs. The man then collapsed on the ground in so much pain he was barely conscious. Tom approached the man who lay on his uninjured side gasping in pain. The side of the man’s face lay in the dirt, and puffs of dust stirred up by his breathing proved that he was still alive. Tom raised his booted foot above the man’s head and stamped down as hard as he could. There was an audible cracking sound. The man thrashed about for just a moment and then he lay still.

  Turning back to the last man Tom advanced upon that doomed fellow who struggled to get up to face him. Turning to the man Tom said, “You fought bravely, and with honor. Promise me that you will not again try to desert your fellow soldiers and I will spare you and get you medical treatment,” Tom said surprising the man. He’d shown his men his tough side and now he wanted to display his mercy. He knew that many of his men would appreciate that side of his character.

  Kneeling on one knee the man said, “Your majesty, I promise that I will not again betray my fellow soldiers. I will serve in your army until the day I die.”

  “Loyal warrior you may arise. You have fought nobly and earned your life with your valor,” Tom said graciously, and then he said to his officers, “Get this man medical assistance immediately. Bury the other four, and take word of the things you have seen here today back to the men in your commands.”

  Without another word, Tom went into the hotel to his Jacuzzi suite where he planned to enjoy a good soak and a nice bottle of wine and when he was good and relaxed he’d have Lina brought to his room to see to his other needs. Killing with his bare hands always aroused him.

  He frowned briefly at the thought of Lina. The woman was impossible to control unless she was heavily drugged. Before Tom had ordered her to be perpetually drugged to make her docile, Lina had killed two of his men who’d decided to make use of her. Tom knew that Lina had killed the men in the hopes that he would become enraged and kill her. The woman wanted to die, but Tom did not intend to permit her death anytime soon. He had discovered that he thoroughly enjoyed the sex with Lina when she was adequately drugged. She was without a doubt the most dangerous woman he had ever bedded and that added a certain spice to the sex.

  The doctors had warned that keeping Lina so heavily drugged would kill her; therefore, Tom had ordered the drug dosage reduced until he summoned the woman and he was careful to do so only twice a week and several days apart. Since she was so dangerous, Tom no longer permitted his men to summon Lina. He wasn’t concerned about the men, but he was concerned that permitting wide use of the woman would lead to her premature death due to the drugs needed to control her.

  When he sent for Lina, three armed guards would enter her room just in case she became violent with the doctor who entered to administer another stronger dose of the drug than that by which they controlled her on a day-to-day basis. By the time she was brought to his room, she would be heavily drugged. Even so, he would take the precautions of tying her to his bed.

  A slow grin crossed Tom’s face as he entered the front door of the hotel. He had discovered that having Lina tied also added a certain spice to the relationship. He was looking forward to another round with Lina.


  On a hilltop fairly close to the peacekeepers assembled and awaiting the arrival of the California flight wing stood the group of UFO investigators who’d twice before had encounters with the peacekeepers. Since then they had come back to this same area as frequently as possible hoping for repeat sightings. Today it seemed they had the mother of all sightings. The unfortunate cinematographer who’d had so much bad luck in the past was having all of the luck today. He had already filmed well over an hour of this sighting and gone to the precaution of taking that film out and inserting a new tape. He’d cleaned his lens and even popped in a fresh battery. Now he caught the California flight wing coming in and landing. “I can’t believe they look just like us,” he muttered to himself as he saw the men and women of the flight open their canopies and climb out of the cockpits of their fighters.

  “They are probably androids,” one of the other men said as he t
ook pictures with his digital camera and wished fervently that he hadn’t been too lazy to bring his video camera.

  “Or human collaborators,” a conspiracy theorist said.

  They observed the people on the ground for a few more minutes and then they heard a sound that they hadn’t heard in years. “I swear that sounds like a chopper,” the videographer said.

  East of the peacekeepers, one of the pilots of an attack helicopter who’d deserted Tom’s Kingdom unknowingly approached the gathering of peacekeepers. The man had lain low for days and decided to make a run for California or as far as he could go before his fuel was expended. He topped a ridge and stared down at the amazing site spread out on the floor of the little valley below him. He saw vehicles of all shapes and sizes. As he sat hovering in amazement at a thousand feet, he saw four of the peacekeeper fighters flying in his direction and another was taking off below him. He wasn’t worried about the fighters unless they stopped to perform that damned piggyback maneuver. He decided he would just teach the peacekeepers not to mess with him. He reminded himself he’d killed the first peacekeeper fighter pilot that King Tom’s men had ever encountered. The pilot fired a burst with his minigun at the people on the ground. As his bullets struck the ground, the fighter rising to intercept him maneuvered the aircraft to intercept the deadly rain of bullets. The fighter blocked the path of the bullets. Four lasers lanced through the sky. They each struck the chopper and blew it out of the sky.

  The man videoing the events that were unfolding couldn’t believe his luck. He’d gotten the helicopter centered in his viewfinder just moments before the four lasers struck the aircraft destroying it. The pilot in the fighter that had intercepted the hail of bullets was in distress. The videographer swung the camera back onto the fighter waiting to see it explode, but the pilot managed to land the craft safely, though it was a rough landing. He continued to film as the men and women nearby ran to the distressed pilot and opened the ruined canopy and then they lifted her out of her damaged fighter.


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