Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 20

by Eve Newton

  I think about what he is saying. I go warm inside as he thinks I’m special. “Perhaps…”

  “You would be able to have a body without damaging the soul, a body to keep.”

  “I—I don’t know,” I say.

  “If I find you someone, would you be willing to try?”

  “Of course,” I say with a smile. “I will try for you.”

  He beams at me and kisses me again. “Thank you. I will go now.”

  “Wait! What? You’re going to leave me here alone?”

  “Evan will return soon,” he says confidently.

  “Don’t go!” I exclaim. “Please.”

  “You are afraid he will come for you?” he asks softly.

  I nod.

  “Then, I will stay with you until Evan returns.” He settles himself next to me, taking my hand lightly in his.

  “Thank you,” I murmur and lean my head against him. He is solid and reassuring and smells so divine I want to jump him. It’s going to be torture to keep my pussy away from his dick, but now that he is here and has given me his loyalty, I’m not losing him to the pit.

  Not a chance.



  I’m pacing anxiously, waiting for Evan to return, when Stanford bounds into my bedroom. “My Lord, you have a…guest,” he says.

  The disgust is evident, so it can only mean the return of Evan. I nod and in an instant, I’m standing in the foyer in front of Evan, who is standing there awkwardly looking around as if to see Jezebelle standing around waiting for him. Part of me is surprised that he came back, but I knew the carrot was big enough for him.

  “Well?” I ask.

  “Sorry, nothing that I could find out,” Evan says, shaking his head.

  “Dammit,” I mutter. This is not good. Assuming he isn’t lying, of course. But she must know she will be tracked if she sends a soul to me.

  It’s time to put it all on the line. Evan is easier to track than a Demon on the run that doesn’t fulfill their duty on Earth. Roberta will find him, and I will find Axelle.

  “Then you need to go to Earth to find her and bring her home,” I state.

  Surprise registers on Evan’s face. “Me?” he scoffs, but it sounds forced. “Why can’t you do it?”

  “You know why I can’t go,” I reply in a low, dark tone.

  Evan swallows and goes slightly pale. “Okay, but why me?” he asks.

  “You already know about this time out and you have everything to gain in helping me,” I answer, glad that he is playing the game, even if he thinks he is playing me. It gives me an opportunity to remind him what is at stake.

  “Hardly,” Evan mutters. “The chance to see my sister again is not ‘everything’ to me.”

  “Ouch,” I say coyly, but thoroughly pissed off at this admission. Axelle means more to him than his precious twin now. I hadn’t banked on that. “She will be hurt to hear you say that. Besides, I have more to offer you.”

  Evan debates that for a moment. “I’m listening,” he says carefully.

  “Jezebelle is currently floating around without a body. I will give her one and heal her essence, if you go to Earth, find Axelle and bring her back home to me,” I say, not meaning a word of it. The body I can deal with, but her essence is not something I can fix. It is out of my wheelhouse, so to speak.

  “Home to you,” Evan repeats with a frown. “Why did she leave?”

  “That is not your concern,” I say flatly.

  “How am I meant to convince her to come back if I have no idea why she left in the first place?” Evan asks.

  His interest in this is genuine. That means that Axelle hasn’t told him yet. That is good news. Surely if she felt as much for him as he apparently does for her, she would have.

  “You will do as I say with the information you already have or Jezebelle will fade into nothing for eternity,” I tell him with finality.

  “Fine,” Evan says. “I will go and find Axelle after you have fixed Jez.”

  I grit my teeth. “No, you will go first.”

  “No,” Evan says, crossing his arms and planting his feet. “After.”

  Fuck’s sake, the little shit.

  I’m not happy with this arrangement. I really don’t want to give my ex-lover a body so that she is hanging around for eternity. I want her dead and buried where she belongs. She lives to cause trouble and I need to be trouble-free during this trying time.

  “My way or no deal,” Evan says firmly.

  “Don’t push me, Reaper,” I growl. “I can kill you with a flick of my finger.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Evan states boldly.

  “Try me,” I fume, stepping forward and getting in Evan’s face.

  I see the fear there, but I see more: a determination that almost impresses me. He isn’t going to back down and I have to admire that. Besides, if I kill Evan now, I’ll never get to Axelle before the next trial hits. Time is running out. She knows this male and she seems to trust him, as much as she can trust anyone, anyway. It’s Evan or no one.

  With an inward sigh, I step back and the flash of triumph in Evan’s eyes makes me clench my fist. “Do not think that you are safe from me,” I warn. “I need you to accomplish a task for me, after that you are fair game.”

  “Understood,” Evan says steadily. “Now give me my sister back.”

  I blink. “Wait here,” I say and disappear to my bedroom, expecting to find Jezebelle trying to fight her way into Axelle’s waiting body. Only to my disappointment, she isn’t there. In fact, a quick search of the mansion brings forth no ghost of ex’s past.

  “You little whore!” I yell out in frustration. “Why can’t you appear when you are needed instead of bugging me when I don’t want you?”

  Still nothing.

  With a heavy sigh, I go back to the foyer empty-handed. “She is being most difficult at the moment,” I say stiffly. “You know your sister.”

  Evan lets out a snort of amusement, but sobers up quickly. “The quicker you bring her to me, the quicker I find Axelle,” he says and disappears.

  “Fucking Reaper piece of shit,” I growl and spin on my heel to stalk down the hallway. “Jezebelle!” I bellow. “Get yourself out here. Now!”

  I hear a soft tinkle of laughter and I growl. She is playing with me, the little bitch.

  “Get your transparent ass out here now, or so help me there will be no body for you regardless of the consequences,” I shout out.

  The laughter stops instantly, and I smile. She will take her time coming to me in an attempt to control the situation, but she will come.

  All I have to do is wait.

  I’m waiting patiently in the corner of my dark bedroom.

  I’m sitting in a comfortable armchair with my legs crossed when she appears before me.

  “An hour?” I scoff. “I bet that felt like an eternity to you.”

  “Why have you changed your mind?” she asks cautiously, floating closer to me.

  “All you need to know is that I’m giving you a body,” I say, standing up.

  Jezebelle catches her breath and moves over to Axelle’s empty body.

  “Not that one!” I snap at her in fury.

  Jezebelle pauses and then gives up, hovering. “Please don’t turn me into a hideous beast,” she whispers.

  I laugh at her. I’d been about to do precisely that. Again, she knows my thoughts and that doesn’t sit well with me, so I surprise her and, on a whim, give her back her true, human form. It’s all an illusion, but it’s a fucking convincing one if I do say so myself.

  She gasps as she looks down at herself and I have to admit the fire of lust that goes through me is unprecedented. She is a beautiful creature, one that captured my attention for a long time.

  But that time has now passed. Axelle is all that matters now.

  “Thank you,” she says, reaching for me and taking my hands.

  “There is nothing I can do about your essence,” I say, swiftly t
aking my hands back. “I have no idea how long you will remain as such.”

  “Leave that to me,” Jezebelle mutters, which sets off my suspicion radar.

  What is she planning? I really do not need her plotting behind my back. I have to ensure that Evan returns with Axelle as soon as possible so that I can get rid of her once and for all.

  “Come with me,” I say, gripping her arm and transporting us to Evan. “Here,” I say, shoving Jezebelle forward. “Now go.”

  I wait impatiently as the twins embrace.

  I watch as Evan wipes away his sister’s tears with a happy smile. Their relationship has always been a mystery to me. They genuinely care about each other. Love each other, in fact. It is an almost impossibility for Demons to feel such positive emotions. Then again, their entire existence is an anomaly that I will probably never see again in my lifetime…or rather lifetimes.

  “Go!” I roar at Evan eventually. “Bring her home to me today!”

  “I’m going, geez,” Evan says, reluctantly letting go of Jezebelle. “I’ll be back soon, Jez,” he adds, and she nods tearfully.

  “Be safe,” she calls out as Evan disappears and then she turns to me with a wicked smile, pouncing on me in a sexually aggressive manner that fires up that spark that has been flickering since I returned her to her true form.


  I am hovering uncertainly outside of a house that has the most deafening music blaring out of the open windows and doors.

  Axelle tracked this location down, using a group of humans, believing there to be at least one host at the gathering.

  I do not know how she can stand being in there, her ears must be bleeding.

  I was reluctant to allow this jump, but my fear for the soul inside her current host won out. It is for the best that Axelle leaves the body as soon as possible until I can leave to find her an empty body to inhabit. I hope that Evan returns shortly, so that I may leave on my quest. I am horrified at myself to learn that I have requirements for her. I want her to look like her Demonic form. I appreciate the lithe body and beautiful blue eyes, those rosy lips and pert breasts.

  I was truthful when I told her that I didn’t care about what she looks like, I am unable to lie, but if I have the control over her next host, then I will use this opportunity to please myself.

  I gulp and close my eyes briefly. Pleasing myself in this matter is disgraceful and I am ashamed of my thoughts.

  I am jarred back to the matter at hand by a loud ruckus coming from the house, audible even over the loud music.

  “Bitch!” the dark-haired woman that Axelle had resided in, suddenly yells and dives for a petite brunette that must now be Axelle, knocking her flat on her face on the front lawn. “Demon spawn,” she adds with a hiss, as I approach quickly to diffuse this situation.

  “Get off me!” Axelle pants. She is struggling underneath the larger woman, but is pinned to the ground by her body. Her hand snakes into Axelle’s hair and gripping a fistful, she bangs Axelle’s head on the ground.

  “Get out of her, you bitch!” she snarls. “I banish thee!”

  Axelle snorts through the pain and dizziness. “Sorry, babe. It doesn’t work like that,” she says, as she elbows the other woman in the face, breaking her nose with one shot.

  The psychic releases her grip on Axelle, bringing her hands up to her face in shock with a hiss of pain. Axelle lets out her own hiss as she rubs her elbow where she had struck the woman.

  I gape at the two women grappling on the ground, finding that I quite enjoy watching them for a moment.

  Blood is pouring out of the woman’s nose, which brings me back to myself. I lean down to help her, but she snarls at me like a rabid dog.

  Axelle pushes the woman off her and gets to her feet, stumbling as the woman tries to trip her up.

  “Piss off,” Axelle seethes at her, giving her a swift kick in the ankles.

  “Axelle!” I warn her.

  In the next second, there is an outpouring of people from the house ready to witness this brawl, but Axelle is already sprinting across the lawn and down the street. I throw an apologetic smile to the previous host and then head after Axelle.

  This has been messy and has drawn far too much attention. I need to complete my mission sooner rather than later.

  Around the next corner, I catch up with Axelle rifling through the new hosts pockets.

  “A pack of smokes, a lighter and a hundred bucks,” she says to me. “Well, it ain’t much, but it’s better than nothing.”

  “You cannot use that money,” I say to her with a frown.

  “If you transport us somewhere, will they know? Be able to track you?”

  I nod hesitantly.

  “Then we have to use this to get away.”

  This is getting very complicated. “How soon until we can stop running?” I ask, taking her hand.

  She shrugs. “No idea. Until I fail the trials, Luc won’t stop looking for me. And your side…they won’t stop looking either.”

  I look away. I have failed to mention to her that the seek and destroy mission is active on her. It’s an omission that plagues me.

  “I know,” she says to me quietly, standing on her tip toes to stroke my face. She is very tiny in this host. “I know that they will keep looking for me in case I decide to go back to Luc.”

  “Yes,” I croak out. “That is our mission. Their mission,” I correct myself.

  “It’s okay. Again, once I fail the trials, we will be left alone. I just don’t know how long that will be yet.”

  I nod at her and take her into my arms.

  “I care deeply about you, Axelle,” I murmur. “I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.”

  She giggles at me. “You have no idea about love either, do you, Angel?”

  I shake my head. “Not the romantic kind,” I admit.

  “Me either,” she says with a sigh. “I know that I love Luc, but that’s different. Somehow, I dunno… We’ll figure this out together.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I murmur into her hair as she wraps her arms around me.

  The moment is cut short by the return of Evan, looking grim-faced and determined. I fear that he has bad news and that our plight is about to get worse before it gets better.



  I feel Dashel stiffen in my arms, so I turn slowly, only to see Evan, to my relief.

  “It worked?” I ask carefully.

  He is glaring at me and Dashel and it makes me smile to myself.

  “Yes, I’m here, aren’t I?” he snaps, but then gives me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, it was confusing seeing Jez again.”

  “He did it? He gave her a body?” I gulp. I hadn’t banked on that. I thought it was just a ruse. I hate the feeling of sheer jealousy that rises up in me. Now that she is back, he will want her again, I’m sure of it.

  “Yeah,” Evan says. “But that’s neither here nor there right now. We need to get going.” He holds up three tickets, that on closer inspection are for the bus to Cedar Falls, about two hours from here.

  “The bus?” Dashel asks, scrunching up his nose.

  “You too good for it?” Evan challenges.

  “No, I just have never travelled on public transport before,” Dashel replies with a frown.

  “You haven’t missed out,” I retort and give Evan a bright smile.

  He returns it, but then it turns to a smirk. “Nice outfit.”

  I glance down at myself. I look ridiculous. I can’t blame him for mocking me. I’m so short, but not slender to go with it. I’m stuffed into jeans that are two sizes too small, a top that my huge tits are busting out of, a bedazzled denim jacket and red high tops.

  “Thanks,” I grit out, ignoring his chuckle. “So, what did he say?”

  Evan shrugs. “He knows he can’t come here again so soon, so he sent me to find you in exchange for giving Jez her body back.”

  “What happens to you when you don’t bring m
e back?” I ask.

  He shrugs again. “He will probably take it out on Jez. But right now, we need to get you away from here.”

  “I have cloaked us,” Dashel comments as we start walking in the direction of the bus station. “Neither side will be able to track us unless we use our powers. Or in your case,” he says to me, “your ultimate power.”

  “You mean corrupting and killing?” I chirp, just to get to him.

  His cheeks go bright red and he gives me a grim look. “Yes.”

  I bite my lip so that I don’t laugh at him.

  “So how did I find you?” Evan asks.

  “You are a Reaper,” Dashel explains. “Despite working for Hell, you are neither good nor evil.”

  Evan blinks slowly. “You do remember that my father was a Demon, right?”

  “Oh, that has no bearing on your status right now. You are a Reaper. Reapers are neutral.”

  “So, if he stopped being a Reaper, he’d be evil?” I ask, intrigued.

  “Yes,” Dashel says.

  “Huh,” I mutter, giving Evan a curious look. “Do you think Luc will strip you?”

  “I hope he does,” he mutters back.

  I take that in with a slow nod. Interesting.

  “So, we can’t be tracked by just hanging around, so we’re free?” I ask.

  “It appears so,” Evan says with a grin.

  Then, he sweeps me off my feet and twirls me in a circle, making me laugh. I kiss him briefly and he puts me back down. I take his hand and Dashel’s, and we walk on in silence until we reach the bus station about ten minutes later.

  As we sit huddled on the back seat of the bus, me in between the two men, I sigh. I’m so uncomfortable in this body. I need to switch it up soon. I hope that I find someone suitable in Cedar Falls.

  “How come Cedar Falls?” I ask Evan as we set off.

  “It’s an affluent town. I figured your next host would be more to your liking there, plus we need somewhere to stay that is big enough to accommodate the three of us.”

  I gape at him. “Thought it through, have you?”


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