Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 34

by Eve Newton

  Axelle takes in a deep breath and turns dismissively from the Druid to face me, a serene smile on her face.

  I fix her with my flaming eyes, never taking them off her as the Druid goes about marrying us in the darkest of ceremonies.

  Axelle doesn’t even flinch when the human sacrifice is brought out and slaughtered at her feet, her blood wiped across each of our foreheads.

  I don’t even hear Axelle’s vows, I’m too busy thinking about tearing into her, ripping her body apart to get the deed done. I’ve waited too long for the act. I need it over with.

  I mutter my own on cue, but again, I’m not really paying attention. All of my thoughts are on the next step.

  Finally, it’s over.

  The Druid moves to the back of the cavern, but doesn’t leave us. A witness is needed for the consummation. But not only will we have one, but three. I snap my fingers and bring forth Evan and Dashel.

  They stumble at the force with which they appeared.

  Axelle’s face lights up as she sees them. She is probably thinking this is going to be a fun fourway, and I hate to burst her bubble, but I’m going to have to. Soon. I can’t wait another minute to do this.

  Axelle gives me a quick glance, but then shrugs. She doesn’t question me, she just takes my hand and leads me a little closer to the uncomfortable Druid and her other two men, who are trapped behind a barrier that prevents them from seeing me as I am. All they will see is a dark shadow tearing into the woman that they love. She wants a show and by fuck, they are going to get one. One they will probably never be able to forget.

  I want it over with.

  The anticipation is killing me.

  I drag her closer, ripping her dress off her roughly, stripping her naked, catching her flawless skin with my hooked claws.

  Her men shout at her, beating on the barrier to get to her, but it is no use. They will not be able to get to her; they will not be able to help her as they hear her scream. Hear the rendering of her flesh, smell her skin burning from my touch. It excites me, but also makes me feel slightly ill. I don’t want to hurt her, I realize, not like this. It will take everything that I have to see this through, but I must.

  She gasps, but she throws her head back. Sticking her magnificent tits out at me. I start to drool, but then the monster takes over and I kick her feet out from under her with my hoof and she lands hard on her back with a grunt of pain.



  I stare up at my new husband with wide eyes.

  I’m scared now.

  I tried to be brave in the face of it, but that cock is enormous and those spikes on it are vicious. My hand is still throbbing from when I had hold of him.

  I resist the urge to rub it, not wanting to show him any weakness. I have no idea how his cock is going to fit inside me. I’m not built for this. I’m built like a human. Surely, he could have changed me into something able to accept him.

  I want to ask, but I daren’t. He will laugh at me and think I’m pathetic and that is something that I will not tolerate.

  I will see this through.

  I will remain silent and still until it is over.

  If it didn’t have to happen this way, then he wouldn’t be doing it, so I know it’s important. I try to focus on the fact that I can actually lay eyes on him this way and that they haven’t burned out of my skull as a result. I cling to that as I part my legs. He hunkers down, dropping to his knees in between them.

  All I can see is his brutal cock as his wings settle over us.

  I try to drag my eyes up to meet his, but they soon drop again as I brace myself. He is ready for entering me and I know it is going to be Hell. Real Hell. I like it rough as much as the next Demon, but this might be too much, even for me.

  I see him hesitate.

  I know for sure then that the monster he has become hasn’t completely taken him over. He doesn’t want to hurt me. That makes this a fraction, just a teeny tiny fraction, better.

  He gives me a questioning look through those evil, flaming eyes of his. I give him a reassuring smile and try to relax. It will be easier if I relax.

  He ducks his head, his mouthful of deadly teeth millimeters from my lips.

  I register his surprise as I lift my head up to kiss him lightly. He rears back, but I raise my hand to his distorted, goat like face and around the back of his neck to pull him down.

  “I’m ready,” I whisper to him.

  He makes a noise that, if I didn’t know any better, sounds like a whimper.

  I give him a cool smile.

  This is my gig.

  It all comes so easy to me, giving the men what they want.

  My relaxed features belie what is underneath, the fear that I don’t want him to know about.

  I can feel his tip pressing into me. There is no foreplay. I wasn’t expecting it. His body isn’t designed to arouse a female. It is designed to rip into one and currently, that female is me.

  I want it over with as quickly as possible.

  I lift my hips, taking the initiative, forcing him to move this along.

  Which he does.

  He rams his cock into me with one thrust, tearing me wide open.

  I stifle my scream of pain.

  It isn’t just the slicing of my most sensitive part, it is the burning. It is like salt being poured into an open wound. A trick I’ve used many times in the past on my victims before I alleviated that pain, only to inflict it again.

  There is no one here to ease that pain for me now. I’m in it cock-deep. He is nowhere near fully inside me. I can still see inches of him outside my body when I look down, but I know he has already filled me up. I can feel every millimeter of him inside me, especially when he thrusts once and then twice.

  I squirm under him, trying to get away, it hurts too much. I can smell my own blood, smell the stench of my burning flesh. He grips my upper arms to stop me from moving and I freeze, listening to the searing of my skin from his hands.

  Then, he thrusts again and again and again.

  I am drowning in a pit of agony, hearing the ferocious cries of my other two men. They are desperate to get to me, but what could they do even if Luc let them past the barrier? Absolutely nothing. I don’t want them to for a start, but also, Luc won’t let them. I try to block out their pain and focus on my own.

  It’s not hard

  At all.

  I bite my tongue nearly clean in half to stop myself from screaming. I will not make a sound. I don’t want Evan and Dashel to know my pain and I will not make Luc feel bad for me in any way whatsoever. In fact, I do the opposite of what he expects.

  I open up wider.

  My burnt legs are protesting, but not as much as my battered pussy. I don’t even want to think about what my perfect, pretty cunt looks like now.

  I feel the spikes on his cock slicing into me, again and again. Slicing into the wounds already made, slicing into unmarred flesh.

  Tears start to seep out of my eyes.

  I can’t help it.

  The pain is unbearable.

  I squeeze my eyes shut so that he won’t see it. But he knows. He makes that sound again and I know that he knows how bad this is for me. He flicks out his tongue to lick away my tears, but he doesn’t stop.

  He speeds up.

  His frenzied thrusting is pushing him further and further into me as my body gives way.

  I can feel my insides tearing as he beats against them. I can feel his body touch mine now with each jerk of his hips, so I know that he has forced his entire length into me.

  And then everything goes numb.

  I can’t feel a thing.

  I know the Druid has cast a spell of some kind on me before I hear him retching in the corner.

  Then the silence is deafening.

  There is only the soft grunt of the Devil on top of me getting close to his climax. It is only then that I realize that I was screaming my head off. Somewhere deep inside of me, I’d bl
ocked it out, wanting to be strong. It is what caused the Druid to lose his lunch. My agonizing shrieks of a pain so brutal I want to die. Along with the stench of my burning body, that is now actually on fire. I’m grateful that I can’t feel it now. Much. Even the spell has its limits.

  I don’t want to think about Evan and Dashel right now. They must be in as much agony as I am watching this. Luc is a fucking cruel bastard. He wanted them to see this and be powerless to stop it.

  It almost makes me hate him in that moment.


  The plea of mercy is on my lips, but before I’m spared the humiliation of having to utter it, Luc finally comes inside my torn body, that I know has been ripped nearly in two.

  As soon as he has finished spewing his evil seed inside me, he shifts back to his human form with a wretched look on his face.

  “I’m sor–,” he starts, but I put my hand up to his lips with what I hope is a serene smile, and not a constricted look of torture.

  “Ssh,” I whisper and drag his mouth down to mine.

  He kisses me fervently, running his hands down my body, healing me and taking away all of the pain.

  “I will make it better,” he whispers to me. “I will erase it from your memory.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “I want to remember.”

  He closes his sparkling blue eyes in sheer bliss. “You are perfect,” he murmurs, before he plunges his tongue back into my mouth.

  I push him back slightly. “Now, let Evan and Dashel out of that damned cage and you had better show me that you have better moves than what you revealed at our ritual fucking,” I smirk at him, all better now that the pain is gone. The horror of what I endured will stay with me, but in true Demonic fashion, I have already buried it and I’m ready to see what Luc has in him for round two. A round that I can actually enjoy, and I plan to.

  For the love of all things unholy, I plan to enjoy this next round with everything that I have.


  I feel ill. Physically ill.

  Looking at Dashel, he feels the same way.

  He is pale and silent, staring at Axelle and Luc in horror.

  How could she let him do that? I don’t know exactly what beast just ravaged her, but her screams and burning flesh were enough for me to know it could only have been the Devil in his true form. A beast so monstrous, no one can lay eyes on him without burning out of existence.

  Except Axelle.

  She must’ve been able to see him.

  That means...well, I’m not really sure what that means.

  Luc snaps his fingers and the barrier that was preventing us from getting to Axelle to save her from that torment, drops.

  Dashel and I move forward instantly, needing to get to her.

  “Oh, I will give you moves,” Luc chuckles at her, completely relaxed and at ease after their horrendous bonding. “But maybe you need to be with them first,” he adds gently, kissing the tip of her nose.

  I gawk at him. I have never seen him be so...caring, so tender.

  “Don’t look so surprised,” he drawls at me. “I know what I’ve just put her through. Believe me.”

  His eyes are haunted as he looks at me.

  It makes it marginally better that he feels bad about what he did to her.

  Axelle doesn’t seem the worse for wear at all. She is grinning at us like a Cheshire cat, her eyes flashing with the thoughts of what the next few moments will bring.

  “I want you all,” she says. “But first can we take this someplace else?”

  Luc nods at her and gathers her up in his arms, and then stands up. He dismisses the Druid and, engulfed in flames, transports the four of us to his bedroom.

  Dashel goes to her the moment Luc lets her go, crushing her in an embrace that makes her laugh.

  “I’m fine,” she reassures him. “I promise.”

  “How can you be after that?” he asks her quietly.

  She shrugs, a shadow passing over her face that tells us all that she hasn’t forgotten and won’t for a long time. “Are you ready for the next step?” she murmurs to him.

  He gives her an adoring look, stroking her face as Luc and I watch this exchange.

  “Yes,” he says, his voice steady and strong. “I’m ready.”

  “First, we will love you,” I state, determined, shedding my clothes so that I’m as naked as she and Luc. I look over at the Devil. “I assume you have no issue with this?”

  He shrugs nonchalantly. “She loves you. I won’t stand in the way of that. She is a Seductress. She needs this.”

  Axelle gives him a loving look, which turns surprised as he adds, “Especially as what I have to ask you, you will not like.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks carefully.

  Dashel and I give him a cautious look, also having no clue what he is up to.

  “There are going to be some rules,” he says. At her loud protest, he holds his hand up. “Hear me out,” he chides her. “The ceremony that we performed today means something to me, Axelle, I intend to honor that and you.”

  “What do you know about honor?” I mutter under my breath.

  “What do you?” Luc mutters back, clearly annoyed.

  It shuts me up as he has me there, then I blink at Luc. “What ceremony?” I croak out.

  “We are united,” Luc informs us smugly. “I wasn’t prepared to leave the soon-to-be-mother of my child unwed.”

  “What?” I spit out. “You’re married?”

  “Yes,” he says, giving me a triumphant look. “In a dark ceremony that has brought her up to my equal. Theoretically.”

  “That’s why she could see you?” I mutter.


  Axelle’s eyes are wide. She didn’t know this. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, seriously,” he says to her with a smile. “You need to be able to hold immense power to conceive my son. But that is not what I wanted to say. Axelle, did you understand what I said about honoring you and our ceremony?”

  She shakes her head.

  I have no fucking clue either, so I wait with bated breath, along with Dashel, to hear what Luc is going to say next.

  “I love you,” he murmurs to her. “I have no intention of being with another female, and I want you to promise me that you will never be with another male again outside of this room. I will allow you your…” He gives me a look that speaks volumes, “...pets. But you will not fuck another male.”

  I gulp and wait for her answer.

  She is shell-shocked, her mouth gaping open.

  I snort into my hand, unable to help it. The Devil being faithful is something I very much want to see.

  “Fuck you,” he growls at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I chuckle. “It just seems a bit unbelievable.”

  He stands up and crosses over to me. “I don’t really care if you believe it or not. I only care what my wife thinks.”

  That shuts me up.


  Had to throw that in my face.

  “Fine,” I say breezily. “Axelle already knows that I won’t be screwing around, and I doubt very much that Angelcakes over there will either, so little Demon, the ball is in your court. What do you say?”

  She hisses at me for putting her even more on the spot.

  “So glad that you two are getting along,” she snarls, but then sits up. “I have a counteroffer.”

  “I’m listening,” Luc says, his arms folded.

  “I won’t fuck, but I need to do everything else,” she whines. “Please. I need the thrill of it. I can’t not do it. You made me this way, you can’t take it away and expect me to be happy.” She gives a sexy pout that would make me give her everything.

  I wonder what Luc will do.


  I glare at my wife.

  She is stronger than I could ever have hoped for. I thought I would enjoy it. I thought I would relish tearing into her, but it made me sick.

  She tried to be so strong, but eventua
lly her screams burst through, the further into her I went. I’d ripped her insides apart. I’m glad that the Druid cast some sort of spell over her. At least it gave her some relief at the end. But now, I intend to make it up to her, as long as she gives me what I want.

  She bites her lip, as I ponder her request. I can see her side of it. I did make her this way. I can’t fault her for needing to be who she is, but the thought of her opening legs for just anyone, isn’t something that I can accept.

  I look at Evan. “What do you think?” I ask him to his surprise. I don’t really care; I’m just making her sweat.

  “I’m okay with that,” he blurts out like a fool.

  I roll my eyes at him.

  “And you?” I ask the Angel. I still can’t believe that this asshole is sitting on my bed, holding my wife’s hand and I’m letting him. What the fuck has she turned me into? I should be ripping him apart for the rest of eternity, not accepting him into my bed with my wife.

  Fuck’s sake.

  “No killing,” he mutters. “The rest...I can’t stop you, it’s who you are and I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t do, with that one exception.”

  She beams at him.


  Then, she looks at me. “Has to be unanimous,” she says lightly.

  “Very well,” I say. “But I will be there. If you seduce anyone without me present, I will take it as a betrayal and punish you accordingly.”

  She nods quickly. “So, does that mean you will appease the need for sex after a seduction?”

  “Of course,” I say, happy with that arrangement. I approach her. “Enough talk. I want to take you the way I have been dying to since I laid eyes on your essence months ago.”

  She giggles at me and pulls on my hands to get me closer to her. I give her nipple a rough tweak. I want to go down on her so badly it is killing me.

  Evan climbs onto the bed with us, attaching himself to her nipple as if his life depended on it. She throws her head back as I part her legs and duck down.


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