Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem

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Bound Series Trilogy: A Fantasy Reverse Harem Page 36

by Eve Newton

  “Fuck,” she groans as she starts to move. “Does my pussy feel good, Angel?”

  “Yes,” I moan, wishing that it didn’t. But I can’t deny that her hot, wet haven feels like bliss.

  “Are you ready for me to strip you?” she asks, her eyes swimming with sorrow.

  “Yes,” I say firmly. I want the agony of this to be over.

  My soul is shriveling up and going black the longer I’m inside her. It is ripping itself away from my corrupt being, torturing me, making me want to crawl into a black hole of shame. I start to shake uncontrollably and fight the urge to weep. I am losing everything that I am with this simple joining of bodies. I can feel the darkness envelop me. I can feel the light fade into the shadows of it. My innocence is gone. I have been corrupted and there is nothing I can do to get it back.

  “Fuck,” she gasps. “Dashel!”

  She rides me as hard as she can as she feels my soul start to come away under hers and Luc’s hands. Luc lets her go and moves away, letting her complete the stripping on her own as he watches, his eyes riveted to her hands.

  “Take it,” Luc mutters to Evan, who steps forward and holds his hand out.

  I grunt again with the effort of holding in the scream that begs to come out. But I will not give them the satisfaction. I will try to salvage some dignity out of this humiliation.

  I shut my eyes as Evan reaps my soul. I feel the last of it leave my body and I can’t help the tears that seep out at the utter emptiness that is now inside me.

  Only Axelle leaning forward to kiss my tears away makes me feel something in the seconds after.


  I’m still capable of love.

  It’s a relief that is soon swamped by a feeling of complete and utter satisfaction as Axelle’s pussy clutches my cock as she climaxes. The only thing that I care about next, is shooting my load into her to finish this ritual off so that I can grip her tightly, flip us over and pound into her again and again until I have absolutely nothing left to give her.



  As Dashel takes over and fucks me desperately, urgently, as if his life depended on it, I can’t help but look over at Luc and Evan.

  Evan has transferred Dashel’s soul to Luc, who has a look of such triumph in his eyes, I know that he is going to take immense pleasure in destroying it. He holds his hands out and then rotates them, one over the other so that the soul forms into a large orb. As he brings his hands closer together, the orb gets smaller until it winks out of existence.

  I blink and look back at Dashel, his face focused and grim as he pounds me into the bed and then grunts with a primal satisfaction as he unloads into me.

  “Axelle,” he murmurs, his eyes closed.

  “It's okay, baby,” I whisper back.

  “I love you,” he says, opening his eyes.

  I gasp at the change in them already. Once a bright green, they are now turning darker. They are more forest green now. I wonder if they will continue to get darker the longer he is without his soul.

  “I love you,” I answer him, taking his face in my hands. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “For us,” he growls. “I-I…” His voice falters.

  “What?” I press.

  “I wasn’t sure I would feel anything afterwards,” he admits reluctantly.

  “But you do; you’re going to be fine.” I have no idea if that helps him. I don’t have experience with empathy...sympathy or whatever the Hell this is.

  He withdraws from me, both physically and emotionally.

  I leave him to his thoughts for a moment but grab his hand to let him know that he isn’t alone, even though I suck at platitudes.

  “Perfect,” Luc says, beaming at me and then getting dressed with the click of his fingers.

  “Going somewhere?” I ask.

  “I have business to attend to,” he says briskly. “But you, wife, need to rest. The ritual took it out of you and now this…” He gestures around the room to encompass all that has transpired in the last hour or so.

  “I’m okay,” I insist. I don’t want this to be over yet. I want more. More sex, more fun, more pain, more pleasure.

  “Rest,” he says firmly, gripping the back of my hair to pull my head back so that he can lean down to kiss me. “You two, come with me,” he barks at Dashel and Evan when he removes his mouth from mine.

  “Erm,” I start, looking over at Dashel in concern. He still hasn’t said anything and seems to be folding in on himself as he sits there with a blank stare.

  “I’ll take care of him,” Luc says quietly and snaps his fingers at Evan to get a move on with getting dressed and then again in the direction of Dashel, expecting Evan to help him.

  Which he does, to my surprise.

  I watch as he gently pulls my fallen Angel off the bed. Luc dresses him with a wave in his direction and then with small smiles, they are gone, leaving me alone to contemplate what happens next.

  As it turns out, falling asleep is what’s going to happen next. Now that I’m alone and no longer have to put on the act that I’m fine, I find myself yawning and exhausted.

  The ritual sex with Luc is still fresh in my mind and while I have tried to bury it like a good little Demon, I can’t help the shudder that goes through me when I remember it. I turn over on the bed and crawl under the covers. Maybe a bit of alone time is just the thing. I hope that Evan and Luc are taking care of Dashel in my absence because I suddenly can’t keep my eyes open. I feel drained and thirsty, but I’m too tired to get up to find some water.

  Just one minute to rest my heavy eyes and I’ll get up to see how Dashel is and get something to drink.


  I sit on the edge of the bed and watch her sleeping.

  She is restless and it has me slightly worried. She is throwing herself all over the bed and mumbling incoherent speech. She flops over again, her hair catching me in the face. I splutter and pull it out of my mouth and that’s when I notice it crumble in my hands.

  “No!” I cry and get to my knees to stare at her. “No!” I roar louder, startling Evan and Dashel into coming over to also look down at her.

  “What’s wrong?” Evan asks instantly.

  I can see the wrinkles under her eyes. She is turning into a husk before my very eyes.

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” I shout into her face, dragging her up by her arms.

  Her head lolls back. She is completely out of it.

  “Axelle!” I shake her furiously, but she doesn’t respond to me. “Axelle, you fucking bitch! Wake up, damn you!” I shake her again, but nothing.

  “What’s happening?” Dashel croaks out. His first words, since he fell from grace and I took his soul to do with as I please.

  I feel my heart plummet so far south, I don’t even know what’s down there. “No,” I whisper, my stomach twisting and forming a hard knot.


  “What?” Evan snaps.

  I sit back and just stare at her. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. I should’ve waited until the child was in my arms before I let myself believe it would happen.

  But it’s so much more than that now. I don’t want to lose Axelle. I can’t. I’ve fallen in love with the little bitch and there’s nothing I can do to stop these overwhelming feelings.

  I sigh and climb off the bed, trying to push those feelings aside.

  I need to start my search all over again. I need to start now. I can’t sit here and watch my dreams, and my wife, go down the pan.

  I just can’t.

  “Luc,” she mumbles, flinging herself over again.

  I stare down at her and go to her immediately. Kneeling at the side of the bed, I take her hand as Evan and Dashel climb onto the bed next to her. They don’t know that she is dying, and I don’t want to be the one to tell them. Oh, how that burns my ass. Yesterday, I would have reveled in the pain that news would’ve caused.

  “Yes, I’m here.”

/>   “Blood,” she mutters.

  I think that’s what she muttered. Her voice is so croaky, it’s hard to tell.

  I stare at her for a moment, biting my lip. “Blood?” I ask eventually in a normal tone.

  “Yours, now,” she groans and scrunches up her features as she doubles over on the bed. “Please,” she begs.

  “Yes,” I say, jumping into action. I can’t deny her dying wish. If it is to drink my blood, then so be it.

  I push all of my feelings of losing her down, forcing them into a miniscule ball that I can deal with later. I slash my wrist with an athame and coax my blood out into the glass on the bedside table. I snatch it up and place it at her lips.

  “You’re okay, my love,” I mutter this platitude to her, but her eyes fly open as she drinks.

  “Come again?” she asks, sitting up and grabbing the glass off me.

  I watch in disbelief as she gulps down the remainder of the blood and hands me back the glass. “His now,” she gestures to Dashel.

  Her face has smoothed out, her voice is back to the melodious flow I love, and her hair is shining and lustrous again.

  “What just happened?” I demand, standing up and thrusting the glass and athame at Dashel to pour his blood into it. I fold my arms across my chest. “What game are you playing?”

  I ignore the raking gaze that her azure eyes give me, lingering on my cock region just long enough to distract me. She licks her rose-red lips, making it rise to the occasion.

  When she takes the glass from Dashel and puts it to her lips, murmuring, “Hmm,” and rising to her knees to stroke her hand over my growing bulge, I can’t help the moan that escapes me.

  “Now yours,” she says, looking over her shoulder to Evan, who obliges her quickly as she slides my zipper down and pulls my cock out.

  “Axelle,” I rasp as she sucks me so hard, I want to weep with the joy of it. She grazes her teeth down my length and as much as I want her to continue this sinful seduction, I need answers.


  Is she well or not?

  Have I lost her or not?

  “What?” she mumbles around a mouthful of my cock.

  “What. Happened?” I enunciate, thoroughly exasperated with her.

  “You tell me,” she says, sitting back with a shrug. “This is your deal.” She takes the glass from Evan and gulps it down.

  I grab her by her shoulders, dragging her up so that I can look into her eyes. “Why did you ask for my, our, blood?” I practically shout, giving her a little shake. I’m ashamed to admit that I’m terrified. I can’t take this waiting. If she is going to fail me, she just needs to get on with it.

  “I was craving it. I was thirsty and I wanted it,” she answers, shrugging out of my grip and rubbing her shoulders. I can see the bruises I’ve given her, but they vanish as soon as I look at them.

  “You did?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. I’m starting to piece this together. My heart hammers in my chest.

  “Well, obviously,” she snaps, her hand wrapping itself around my dick, that is still bouncing around in front of me from her attention earlier. She jerks me off slowly.

  “Axelle!” I bark at her. “Concentrate, for fuck’s sake.” Then, for the first time in my too-long life, I remove the hand that is pleasuring me, to stand a bit further back.

  “On what?” she asks, confused.

  “This,” I say, gesticulating wildly to the empty, blood-stained glass. “You were craving our blood, or it came from somewhere else? Something else?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she replies, getting off the bed with a huff. “What else is there?”

  I glance down at her stomach with a hitched breath. Could it be? Did it work? Is she pregnant?

  She follows my gaze and then quickly looks back up. “Are you serious?” she snaps. “Already?”

  “What did you expect?” I answer her arrogantly, to cover up my own surprise, and absolute joy, at this sudden occurrence. “We consummated in my natural form and you survived it. The child has latched on and now you will give birth to my son.” I’m completely sure of this now. It all makes sense. I didn’t want to believe it would happen during our consummation, although that is what the codex implied. I ruined her body so I’d lost any hope that a baby could be conceived under such circumstances.

  “Axelle,” I say with a big beam in her direction. I go to her and embrace her gently. “You are with child.”

  Dashel hisses softly, but I ignore him. He shouldn’t be so concerned now about my son being born.

  “Great,” she mutters, but gives me a bright smile when I pull back and frown at her. “No, really,” she adds quickly. “I’m happy.”

  “Me too,” I murmur, before I kiss her gently.

  I’ll take her attitude at face value. It wouldn’t do my ego, or my heart, any good to think she doesn’t want my child. “Now back to bed,” I instruct her. “We must ensure that you remain healthy. You will drink my blood at least three times a day to maintain your vitality.” I’m sure it is only mine she needs. She was just including the other two so that they didn’t feel left out.

  She nods and climbs back into bed, reaching for me but I push her hands away.

  “Rest,” I command and then tuck her in tight.

  She sighs, but closes her eyes anyway. She is exhausted and is soon fast asleep. I stare down at her and then rip the covers off her. I have to. I can’t keep my hands off her. I place them on her stomach with a smile so big, I don’t think I’ve ever used those facial muscles before.

  “My son,” I whisper. “You are here, and you are going to be the ultimate weapon against the other side. Stay safe. You are needed here.” I pull the covers back over my wife, the mother of my unborn child, and then turn to the other two men.

  With a frown, I turn back around and direct my next sentence at her belly again. “Keep your mother safe. Do not harm her in your quest to be born. She will take good care of you, just let her.”

  With that said I feel better. “Come, we need to leave her to rest.”

  “Do you really think she’s pregnant already?” Evan asks, his face a blank mask.

  “Yes,” I reply.

  Dashel sniffs but doesn’t leave her side.

  “Oh, fine,” I snap at him. “Stay here. I can’t bear your moping much longer anyway. And you,” I fire at Evan, “get the Hell back to work, will you, before Roberta moans at me again for being short staffed.”

  I storm off, leaving my marital bedroom with a heart so light, I didn’t think I was capable of it. It’s only the other two men that are ruining this for me. They should be happy.

  Too bad, I then run into Darius and my mood turns even more sour as the Demon reveals that a very old Demon named Trent has been causing trouble.




  I wake up feeling rejuvenated and more alive than I ever have. I give a happy stretch and then look to my left to see Dashel curled up next to me. Luc and Evan are nowhere in sight.

  I smile at my sleeping Angel and stroke his face. He relaxes slightly but as soon as I take my hand off him, he tenses up again.

  I bite my lip.

  I hope that he’s going to be okay. All I’ve been able to think about since I met him, was stripping his innocence and his soul, but now that I’ve done it, I can’t help the guilt that is trying desperately to push through my hard Demon interior.

  “You’ll be fine,” I murmur to him and then leap out of bed.

  I stretch again and turn to get dressed. Luc has decked out the closet with clothes that make me want to fall to my knees in worship. Being his wife definitely has more perks than just being “the Devil’s wife”.

  I choose a beautiful bottle green dress that I pull on and then run my hands down. It skims my body and falls to my ankles in a cascade of perfection. I pause at my stomach, placing both of my hands on it.

  “Are you really in there?” I ask, feeling stupid, but need
ing to know.

  My palms get hot, so hot that I hiss and pull them away.

  “Guess so,” I mutter, the feeling of love that overtakes me, surprising me in its suddenness and intensity. I thought I would barely tolerate the little creature, but it’s the exact opposite.

  “Oh,” I groan as the flash of heat swamps me completely and in the next seconds I stagger and find myself outside, looking across the scorched earth that surrounds the gigantic, gothic looking structure, that I assume is the residence. I’ve only ever travelled here by flame or by dress. Perhaps that’s the only way you can get in? I turn back around, wondering why the baby brought me here – definitely wasn’t me – and come face to face with an eye-wateringly gorgeous male, standing in front of a pair of huge, black, iron studded doors.

  “Who are you?” I ask.

  The Demon gives me a lingering once-over.

  I resist the urge to preen like a peacock under his roving eye but fail miserably to his delight. He is stunning, but there is something insidious about his look, which only intrigues me further.

  “I think the bigger question is: who are you?” he asks, his green eyes going back up to my blue ones with more than a little interest, after lingering on my tits for just a second too long. “You don’t seem to belong… out here.” His look of disgust at the blackened, barren earth obvious.

  “I don’t,” I grit out, but I can’t tell him any more than that. I have no idea who this fucker is, and Luc and I haven’t discussed when and how, we are going to inform the Underworld of our relationship. Also, he clearly didn’t see me arrive by Devilish flame, so he has no clue of my connections.

  “Hmm,” he murmurs as I fail to give up any more information. “Demon, clearly, and a beautiful one. I could get you back to where you belong if you would be grateful for my help.”

  “Ugh,” I spit out at him, not being able to help the disgust. He’s one of those. Preying on weak Demons in exchange for sex-slavery. No thanks. However, it may be fun to teach him a lesson while I’m out here.


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