Seeking Our Forever: Nelson Brothers'

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Seeking Our Forever: Nelson Brothers' Page 13

by Liberty Parker

  Atticus’ team shows up to transport the two pussies besides Welch to another location for disposal. Frank, Gordon and Liam are great guys, they never question us when they’re given a job to complete. They show up, take care of business and move the fuck on.

  “Anything particular you’d like done with the two of them?” Liam asks as his compadres are laughing at the way Atticus tied the pussies up. Let’s just say he gives hog-tied an entirely different meaning.

  “Dispose of them. Don’t be nice about it either,” Silas’ eyes are hard as he tells them this.

  “Didn’t figure I’d stop and buy them roses on the way,” Liam responds.

  “Can we get to blowing things up now?” Tig asks as he saunters his way over to where we’re talking.

  “As soon as the guys are gone,” Atticus replies.

  “You never let us have any fun,” Liam pouts.

  “I told you to do whatever you please with the two pussies. How much more fun than that do you want?” Atticus inquires.

  “Can we blow them up?” Liam questions.

  “If that’s what you gotta do,” Silas breaks in.

  “Bye, guys, my night just got fun.” Liam waves over his shoulder as he jogs away.

  “Well, that’s easy. Just promise one of y’all you can blow something sky high and you are all like kids on Christmas morning.” I blow hot air out of my mouth after saying this. I’m so fucking tired of standing around talking and shit. Either we’re doing something or we’re not. My dick doesn't need fondling from anyone but Raven.

  “Do you need a Snickers?” Atticus asks me, “You’re getting kinda growly. Are you hangry?” I see someone has their sense of humor back.

  “I’m tired, hungry, and wanna get this done so we can move the fuck on,” I reply.

  “Give me and Tig a few minutes and we’ll set it up so we can remote detonate this motherfucker,” he promises, heading towards the warehouse with his black bag now slung over his shoulder.

  Silas and I grab Senior’s arms and drag him to the SUV and toss him in the cargo area. When he starts running his mouth, I grab the duct tape, slap it across his mouth, and shut him the hell up. For now, I’m tired of hearing his whiny ass. He’ll have plenty of time to talk when we get him to our room at the house.

  When Atticus and Tig rejoin us, I ask, “How long do we have?”

  “We’ll get five minutes away and then I’ll hit the button to remote detonate it,” Tig states.

  “Why you?” Atticus questions.

  “Because it’s my first time and you want me to lose my cherry?” Tig responds, a grin on his face.

  “Fuck, fine, since it’s your first time, I’ll let you. I’m taking it you like the sweet toppings, do you use whipped cream with that cherry?” he laughs at his own joke, no one else seems to find it funny and he rolls his eyes. “But you better not fuck it up,” Atticus continues.

  “As if I’d do that. We’ve already established my balls have dropped and my dick swings. I’m not a child, I’ve been training under Hatch for a long time now.”

  “Great, just what the world needs. Another damn Hatchet to grace the universe. Everyone needs to watch this kid and make sure he doesn’t end up with a woman like Hatch’s,” Atticus points his finger in Tig’s direction.

  “DJ’s not so bad,” Tig informs us.

  “Yes, she is,” Atticus adamantly responds. “She threatened my manhood with a damn pair of pliers the first time I ever met the bitch.” Tig bowls over in laughter and I’m having a hard time holding mine back. “She’s evil incarnate I tell ya.”

  “So she’s a bit feisty,” Tig admits. “Can you blame her? Until Hatch, she was a single mom making it on her own.”

  “From what I understand she wasn’t like that until she met her man. According to Axe she was as sweet as the driven snow. Apparently, Hatch brings out the ‘best’ in her,” Silas snickers causing me to finally break down.

  After my laughter has subsided, I say, “We need to move this along, you guys. Got someone to interrogate and women to check in on.”

  “Alright, let’s go. We can watch the firework display from down the road,” Silas commands. We get into the SUV and Tig hops onto his bike and we drive far enough away that we won’t feel the impact of the blast.

  Atticus gives Tig a ‘thumbs up’ signal and he pushes the button and we all watch as another derelict building bites the dust. Once the vibrations pass, Silas puts the SUV into gear, and we head back to the house.

  Time to get some answers.



  I hear the guys pull in the driveway but don’t hear them entering the house. I pull up the feeds from the outside cameras and watch as they go down a side entrance that I know for a fact leads to the basement. I see another male figure walking with them as the fucker who hit my car is being dragged by Atticus. The reason I know it’s him is because I’ve done nothing but study his face along with his son’s. I’d know that bastard anywhere. What worries me, is that they don’t have his satanic spawn with them.

  I received a text from Jonas ten minutes ago that they were heading to the house, so I saved my good news to tell him in person. I tracked Marcus to the cabin that Jaxson and Ralynn from RGMC have been seeking shelter at in an attempt to throw Marcus off their track. I rush down the stairs to inform them of my findings. Only as soon as I’m rushing down, they’re all rushing up and we run into each other in the kitchen.

  “Hang on!” I holler out as Atticus and Silas basically push me off to the side.

  “We’re in a hurry here, Raven. What’s up?” Silas rushes out.

  “I found Marcus!” I excitedly holler out.

  “Yeah, we did too. Gotta go,” they rush out. I look over and see Jonas still standing there looking at me as if I’m the reason he wakes up each day.

  “Aren’t you going with them?” I ask, upset that I didn’t get to deliver him to the three of them personally.

  “No, I’m staying home. I’ve got a package to help keep secured,” he states.

  “So I saw. Who’s the other man that was with you three?” I question.

  “That’s a buddy’s son. He’s staying down with the umm...package. He wanted some time.”

  “Well, when he finishes, I’m requesting some time as well.” I raise my eyebrow at him to let him know I understand exactly what their ‘package’ is.

  “I got this for you, beautiful. Let me take care of Senior,” he tells me.

  “Have you lost your ever-loving mind, Jonas? He hurt my son, my friend, and could’ve killed her baby! I want to show him what happens when you piss a momma bear off.”

  I see the understanding dawn in his eyes and he slowly nods. “I don’t like it. I’ll see what I can do. Gotta talk to my brothers first. If they say no, rest assured that I’ll make him pay.” He says this as if it will change my mind and make me easily submit to his wishes. Good luck with that, buddy. I’ll get mine with or without your help, thank you very much!

  “That’s all I ask, Jonas. Help them understand that it’s as important for me to get a shot as it is for Atticus.” I’d say anything right now to make him believe he’s got me right where he wants me.

  “Thanks, beautiful. It takes some weight off of my chest with you being so accommodating.”

  “Anything for you, Jonas,” I purr. I’m going straight to hell from all of this bluffing I’m doing with him. I learned long ago, that you don’t catch flies with vinegar, you have to lay the honey thick if you want them to stick. He narrows his eyes at me, and I just smile sweetly at him.

  “Should I be watching you?” he asks me with hesitation in his tone.

  “Always. Keep one eye open at all times when it comes to women. Didn’t anyone ever teach you this?”

  “Nope. I’ve never had the need for that lesson,” he responds.

  “Consider yourself schooled on the subject,” I sass.

  “Don’t do anything that’ll cause yourself, or anyone in
this house harm and we’re good.” Like I’d ever! I think Atticus’ job is secure. He’s the hothead in this house, not me.

  “As if I’d do something like that,” I state.

  Jonas went into his batcave and I decided to sneak my way on down the basement steps. What I forget about is that there’s a young man who’s in the same room as DA Welch. “May I help you?” a voice asks causing me to jump out of my skin and I squeal like a mouse does when you cut off its tail. It’s that high and pathetic of a pitch.

  “Who are you?” I question. Yeah, I know it’s the guy from the motorcycle club they’re friends with, but I want to see if I can get him on my side.

  “Tig.” Well alrighty then, Mr. One Word at a Time.

  “Tig, I’m Raven and that piece of shit you’re watching nearly killed my son. I want in there for a few minutes.”

  “No can do, Raven.”

  “My son, Tig. Don’t you think if your mom was in my position, she’d want the same thing?” I know I’m laying it on a bit thick here, but a woman does what needs to be done to get what she wants. And I want in that room like white sticks to rice.

  I see indecision cross his face and realize I might actually win. “Let me check with the guys first. If they say it’s okay, then I’ll hold him if need be.” Motherfucker! Jonas is going to tan my hide for playing him earlier.

  Hmmph. This may not work after all. I decide to brazen it out and nod at him as he pulls his phone out and dials. “Jonas, your woman wants to speak to Welch. You good with that?” Hell no, he’s not gonna be good with that, dammit all to hell.

  As he clicks his phone off, I see a smirk appear and realize I may have bit off more than I can chew. Stomping noises can be heard overhead as Jonas marches down the steps toward me. “Raven.” His voice is hard and unforgiving, making me want to run and hide.

  “Hey, Jonas.” Yep, in the land of denial right now. I would ask him how it’s going, but this may not be the best time for my innocent act.

  “Didn’t we discuss this?” What would he do if I said I don’t remember?

  “Um, yeah.” I play dumb.

  “So why are you hassling Tig when I told you I had to discuss it with my brothers?”

  “He seemed lonely down here?” I go with, knowing it’s most likely not going to fly. “Do you need anything to eat or drink, Tig?”

  “No, ma’am, I’m all good,” he says with his head ducked down low.

  “I was on the phone with Silas getting permission for you to get your lick in with Senior Welch, but after this bullshit, I’m not sure I’m so inclined to let you,” Jonas harshly replies. He’s so angry his voice is coming out raspy.

  “They said yes?” I clap my hands together, unable to control my excitement.

  “They did, but we agreed all three of us had to be onboard. I’m not sure I am any longer.” He leans back against the wall and all I can envision is me kicking him behind his knee, causing him to fall flat on his muscular, delicious ass.

  “Jonas,” I howl out in anger. Even I can hear the despondent tone leaving my throat. I’m ready to maim him if he doesn't give me the answer I am ready to hear.

  “Raven, impatience doesn’t suit you and it doesn’t work for me in this scenario.” He crosses his arms over his chest, and I hear a snicker coming from Tig. I point my finger at him, and he uses an imaginary zip to shut his trap.

  “Jonas!” Now I stomp my foot. “You know this is important to me!” I’m sure I look much like Damien does when he throws a fit. I can feel my eyes go so big that I fear they may pop out of their sockets.

  He relents and leans out to pull me close. Leaning down, he says, “Beautiful, I know it is. I promise I know just how badly you want to inflict some pain on him for what he did. But this isn’t something you usually do so I want all three of us to be in there with you, and right now, they’re busy.”

  “I don’t care who’s in that room with me as long as I get my pound of flesh,” I admit.

  “Then I hope I’m the one who makes all of your dreams come true,” then the fucker winks at me. I’m not so much in a playful mood at this second so I stomp on his big ass boot and make my way up the stairs. I put on a good show and make as much noise going up as he did coming down.

  I hear Tig say, “Doesn’t look like you’re getting lucky any time soon,” as I’m halfway up.

  “You got that right!” I yell back as I open the door and then proceed to slam it shut.

  Fucking assholes.

  The whole lot of them.


  “She’s definitely feisty,” Tig remarks as we watch Raven put on her show of defiance. Her hips are swaying, and her body is calling to mine, too bad I have other things to take care of right now. Otherwise, she’d find herself bent over on the stairs.

  “You’ve got that right,” I state, a grin spreading on my face at her parting words. As if I’ll go without. Now that I’ve had a taste of her, she won’t be given the opportunity to push me away. “Did you go into the room with him? Did he say anything?” I question. Tig looks like a sweet kid, I’m hoping that it would make Senior comfortable enough to speak to him.

  “Not a peep since we got him in there,” Tig replies. “But then again, my orders were to stay here,” he points down to the floor. “Have you heard anything yet from Silas or Atticus? I’ve been waiting for a call to let me know where I go from here. I was hoping you’d heard something that you could relay back to me.”

  “Nothing yet. I’m sure they’re all fine, though. Smokey, Capone, and Chef went up to help Jaxson and Maxum and now Silas and Atticus are on their way. No way that fucker will get away this time.”

  “I want some time with Junior,” Tig announces. “He hurt my best friend and nearly destroyed her.” The anger that is palpable on his face has chills running through my body. He’s ready for his own brand of revenge and I can’t say as I blame him any. If the things that happened to Ralynn happened to any of the women in my life, I’d be ready to fuck someone’s world up as well.

  “Since you’re here right now, I think we can give that to you once they get him here,” I state.

  “Good.” He’s a man of few words which I appreciate. Giving him a nod, I head back upstairs to find my wayward woman.

  I find her in the kitchen, slamming pots and pans around as she works on dinner. “Need any help?” I ask, coming alongside her and dropping a kiss on her shoulder. Her skin tastes so good on my tongue that I run it underneath her ear.

  “Nope. I’m good,” she replies, her voice snippy. She tries to pull away from me, but there’s no way in hell I’m allowing that to happen.

  “Raven, you know what you tried was wrong.” The glare she gives me would kill a lesser man, but I was raised by a hardass and give no fucks if she is upset right now. I’ll break those walls she’s trying to erect back down. I’ve done it before and I can do it again. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna allow her to become an ice queen towards me. I’ve skated on thin ice with her before, so the act doesn’t faze me anymore.

  “Maybe when you have a child that’s nearly killed, you can explain how you’d feel if the person who did it was nearby and you weren’t allowed to hurt him. Until then, I’ve got nothing to say to you.” Yep, the bitch...I mean witch, of the wicked west has come out to play. I’ve got this.

  “Is that the way it’s gonna be? It doesn't matter that I was right there at your side searching for Damien? Risking my life going down that embankment to make sure he had someone’s arms wrapped around him? I guess my feelings for him and you are nothing...huh?” I’m done with this conversation. I throw my hands up in the air and walk away before I say something I’ll regret later.



  Well, now I feel like fucking shit. I was trying to make a point not push away the man I’m falling...have fallen in love with. What the hell am I gonna do now? I don’t like this feeling of my heart in my stomach with fear. I haven’t ever experienced the love and lau
ghter, safety and comfort, the way I have with him, especially while lying in his arms at night. We’ve developed a level of intimacy that goes beyond sex, and I can’t lose that. He’s the first man that’s made me want to live for myself and not just for Damien. How do I fix this? Can I fix this? Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I’m so lost in thought, with tears streaming down my face, that I don’t hear Destiny come into the kitchen or feel her arms wrap around me. “Shh, it’s okay, Raven. Whatever’s going on, we can fix it,” she croons.

  “I fucked up, Destiny.” As much as I wish it was, I don’t believe this is going to be easily fixable.

  “Nothing’s unfixable. Tell me what happened, and we’ll see what we can come up with to repair the situation.” She has so much on her plate already, do I confide in her and take a chance of adding to her issues, or do I hold it to myself and try to figure out a way to fix this on my own? Man, being a grown-up is hard as hell sometimes. “I’m not a china doll that’s easily broken, Raven. Let me help you?” I give her a funny look and she rolls her eyes before saying, “it’s written all over your face. I’m stronger than people give me credit for. Yes, I went through something horrible, but it could’ve been so much worse. I am fine, I’m happy again. I’m ready to keep moving forward with life. Don’t treat me like I’m not a grown-ass woman.”

  “Wow, I kinda like this side of you, Destiny. You need to let this part of you out and open for the world to see. Then, I promise you, no one will treat you as if you’re made of glass again,” I encourage her.

  “Thanks, Raven. I’m starting to feel more like myself again. Now, spill, we can’t problem solve if I don’t know what the issue is.” I nod my head, walk over to the counter where the paper towels are and pull off a sheet. I wet it down and wipe my face, then grab another one and dry off.


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