Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three Page 9

by Darien Cox

  I was talking with Doug when across the fountain my eyes found Duncan, who sat with a drink, the yellow-haired Greg standing behind him and rubbing his shoulders. Duncan didn’t look my way, as he was in another conversation with a woman sitting beside him. But Greg caught my eye, and he smiled and tilted his chin in greeting.

  I lifted my glass by way of response, but I kind of wanted to throw it at him. And tell him to get his damn hands off Duncan. I didn’t, of course. I sat there and endured it. I tried to follow along with the conversation the guys I was sitting with were having, but my eyes kept drifting over, and the next time I looked, Greg had disappeared into the crowd and Duncan was staring at me. I stared back and didn’t look away. He patted the empty chair beside him.

  I got up and carried my drink over, sitting down next to him. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself,” he said. He reached over and his finger slid down my cheek. He held the finger up, some of my green sparkles sticking to it. “I think you’re melting.”

  “Oh.” I laughed. I’d changed into jeans and a tee shirt as soon as Duncan told us we were done working, but hadn’t bothered to wash the makeup off. “I forgot my face was still all Ziggy Stardust. None of the guys even mentioned it.”

  “They’ve had a bit to drink.” Duncan smiled at me. “You look amazing, but I think I prefer you without the makeup.”

  “That mean I don’t have to wear it for work anymore?”

  “No, that’s not what that means.”


  Duncan laughed and rested his arm on the back of my chair. “I enjoy watching you work in your costume. You wear it better than anyone I employ.”

  My pulse jumped. So we were back on this again. “Oh yeah?”


  I could tell Duncan was a little intoxicated by the flush in his cheeks. Which meant I should probably take the flirting with a grain of salt. “I bet you say that to all the nymphs.”

  “Nonsense!” Duncan feigned offense, placing his hand on his chest. “I wouldn’t lie about that.”

  “Yeah, right. Whatever, I’ll take it.”

  “I’m quite serious.” He lowered his voice. “The first day we met, when I was with my nephew and we came to the bar?”

  I smiled. “What about it?”

  He took a slug of his cocktail, then leaned in close. “I designed that damn costume you wear. And still I almost fell off my stool when I saw you in it.”

  I laughed. “Is that right?”

  “Um hmm. I knew right away.”

  “You knew what right away?”

  “That I had to know you. That I was going to know you.”

  I was thankful for the makeup, because I could feel my cheeks flushing, Duncan’s words heating my face and things lower down. But then we were rudely interrupted.

  “Duncan,” Greg called out as he approached. “I have to go, baby, walk me out?” He grabbed Duncan’s hand and pulled him from the seat.

  “Of course. Thank you for coming.”

  I watched Greg walk away with Duncan, and once again wanted to throw something at his head. Things had just been getting interesting, and he came and stole Duncan away. It was probably just as well. Duncan was definitely feeling good tonight, and I was pleased to be the recipient of his loosening lips and sexy compliments. But I was just one in the crowd. He was probably out there kissing Greg goodbye as I sat here, brooding.

  Duncan returned to the garden shortly after but was accosted by Corey and Angelo, who were also leaving. One by one, the guests trickled out. Barry came in from the main bar and started shutting down lights and fountains. Four or five people lingered, but I’d lost sight of Duncan. Deciding I wasn’t going to be the desperate ninny waiting around for my crush, I packed my bag in the kitchen, then slipped into the restroom and cleaned the makeup off my face. After that, I slid out the side exit, and made my way around the building to the road.

  I’d had only one drink so decided to just drive home. My car was parked a quarter mile away, and I started walking, enjoying the quiet after listening to loud voices all night. A black car pulled up beside me, and I did a double take. It was the same car I’d been driven home in the night I cooked at Duncan’s house. Earl, the stoic-looking old man was behind the wheel. I paused, frowning.

  The rear door opened and Duncan leaned out, grabbing my hand. “Come on,” he said, tugging me into the vehicle. “You’re coming with me, wood nymph.”

  Chapter Eight

  I slid into the car beside Duncan, and he reached over me and closed the door. “Drive, Earl,” he said, then grabbed my bag off my lap, tossing over on the other side of him.

  “Am I being kidnapped?”

  “Yes. Or do you have to go home and feed your trained monkey or something?”

  I laughed. “The monkey will survive, because he’s imaginary. Where are we going?”


  “At your place?”

  “Yes.” Duncan smiled as he stretched back and slung an arm behind me on the seat. I was close enough that our knees bumped, and my heart pounded with adrenaline. “Unless you’d rather not. I suppose in that case I’ll have to let you escape.”

  I was hyperaware of Earl up behind the wheel, so I lowered my voice to a near whisper. “I don’t want to escape.”

  Duncan’s glimmering eyes darkened as his pupils grew. “Well. That is good news.”

  My heart continued to pound, but I tried to relax, and faced forward. The old me likely would have pounced on Duncan then, but I was determined to slow my roll. But then fingers brushed my face and Duncan turned my head so I was looking at him again. I swallowed hard. “You need something, Duncan?”

  Duncan’s gaze flickered back and forth from my eyes to my lips. “Absolutely,” he whispered, then his mouth was on mine.

  I forgot all about Earl. Duncan’s tongue wasn’t hesitant as it had been that day in the restroom. He kissed me deep and hard, probing with his tongue and gripping my tee shirt. I rested my hand on his chest and took all he had to give, a rush of excitement blowing through my body as my tongue tangled with his, my lips trying to keep up as his mouth experimented with mine, shifting and gliding.

  He broke the kiss briefly to change positions, lifting one of my legs onto his lap, then he tugged me in again, attacking my mouth. I kissed him back with furor, sliding my hand around his neck, threading fingers through his hair. His hand rested on my knee, then drifted up my thigh, higher and higher until a finger traced my erection through my jeans.

  I jolted, gasping into his mouth.

  “Shhh,” he whispered against my lips.

  I stared into his eyes, breathing heavily. My cock was pulsing, straining where his warm hand still rested alongside it. “We’re not alone,” I whispered.

  Wrapping a hand around the back of my neck, Duncan’s lips moved to my ear and licked my lobe. “Don’t worry, I won’t take you too far. Yet.”

  He sucked my neck, then that finger was back on the bulge in my jeans, tracing, getting a feel for my shape and size, and I had to fight not to groan out loud. The finger disappeared then his palm pressed gently against my cock, slowly rubbing me until I couldn’t stop my heaving breath.

  Duncan smothered my breaths with his mouth, making me dizzy with his tongue while his hand slid lower, cupping my balls. I could feel his hardness where my leg rested on his lap.

  If this kept up I was going to explode, so turned on my stomach shuddered with trembles. But I didn’t stop him. I made out with him and it went on and on. Lost in it, I struggled to control myself as fingers teased along my zipper. I’d wanted him so badly tonight, but it was so rare that I got exactly what I wanted, I questioned if this was real or if I was dreaming. Duncan played with me until I was nearly out of my mind.

  When I was sure I was on the cusp of coming in my pants, a voice said, “Mr. Stengel, we’ve arrived.”

  Duncan released me, sliding my leg off his lap. “Thank you, Earl.” He grabbed my bag and h
anded it to me. “You ready to go for a swim?”

  I nodded and opened the door, stepping out of the car, Duncan following. I could barely walk, my erection pulsing so hard against the tent of my jeans it was painful. Yeah. I was ready to go for a swim. Ready to dive straight into the deep end with my boss.

  “When Duncan wants something, he goes all in.”

  I was reminded of Corey’s words as Duncan clasped my hand and I followed him through his house and out the back door, heading through the garden toward the swimming pool. No hesitation, no discussion, he’d simply taken my bag from me, tossed it on the floor in the foyer, then began leading me where he wanted to go.

  Letting go of my hand, Duncan unbuttoned his shirt as he walked through the back yard, stripping it off when he reached the pool. I’d barely recovered from the sight of his beautifully sculpted back when he kicked off his shoes and stripped the rest of the way, standing naked before the water, his rounded ass stark-white against the tan line of his lower back. He dove into the pool and disappeared under the water.

  Fuck, I thought. Guy’s got a better ass than I do and he’s two decades older.

  “Oh my God that’s what I needed!” he shouted as his head breached the water’s surface, shaking his wet hair.

  I stood alongside the pool, laughing. “I guess you were hot?”

  He swam toward me. “You got me too hot in the car.”

  “I got you hot? Think it was the other way around.”

  “Then cool off.” Before I could protest he grabbed my hand and tugged me into the pool fully clothed, shoes and all.

  I came up for air, gasping, my legs like lead weights. “I’m wearing jeans, you maniac. I’m gonna sink!”

  “I’d never let that happen.” Duncan took my arms and pulled me to the edge of the pool. He spun us around so my back was against the wall, then stripped my tee shirt off. “Here, hop up.”

  I pushed myself up until I was sitting on the edge, and Duncan took my saturated shoes and socks off, setting them down beside me. He looked up at me. His fingers drifted down my bare torso, coming to rest on the hem of my jeans. “Do you wanna get naked?”

  I huffed, grinning. “I want to get out of these wet jeans, that’s for sure.” I undid my jeans and leaned back, shuffling them down. I kept my wet briefs on and Duncan helped pull the soggy, weighted denim off my legs.

  He set them down near my shoes, then looked up at me from the water, his hands gliding up my bare thighs. “Even more gorgeous than I imagined.”

  I smiled. “You imagined it, huh?”

  “Often. So, this no sex rule…” His thumbs played along the skin above the hem of my briefs. “Is that a hard rule or is it flexible?”

  I slid into the pool and he backed up to make room for me. “Thought you said you didn’t want to fuck me, Duncan.”

  Duncan drifted close again. “No. I said I wasn’t trying to fuck you. True words when I spoke them. But wanting?” I inhaled as he pressed himself against me, his hands sliding into my briefs in the back, cupping my ass. “Wanting is something different,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Are you drunk?” I asked softly.

  “Only a little.” He leaned back. “Why? You regret letting me kidnap you?”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Just want to make sure you don’t regret it.”

  “Oh, my sweet one.” His eyes danced with humor. “That’s not possible.” He started working my briefs down. I shivered, helping him slide them off, letting them drift away in the pool.

  My heart pounded so fast I thought it was going to escape. “What about your rules?” I asked, hissing when his cock made contact with mine in the water.

  “No rules tonight.” His fingers played along the creases where my ass met my thighs, making my cock even harder. “No rules tonight,” he repeated more softly, then devoured my mouth.

  It wasn’t lost on me that he’d said no rules tonight, like this was perhaps a temporary reprieve from boundaries and could change come the light of day. But I didn’t care. I was so turned on it didn’t matter. I wanted Duncan to take me, devour me, eat me up like the big bad wolf, even if he spat me out later.

  Taking hold of his cock, I stroked as I ate at his mouth, moaning, letting him know how much I wanted this. For a minute he went with it, pushing into my slippery fist under the water, his breath coming hard as he bruised my lips with his. “Zach,” he gasped as he broke the kiss, hands gliding up my arms, then cupping my face. “Are you sure you want this?”

  His question startled me, the soft concern in his eyes slamming me back to reality. Big bad wolves weren’t supposed to ask for permission before they ate you. I’d been telling myself he was a little drunk and out of control, a slave to his lust. I looked into his gorgeous eyes, his handsome face fully visible with his brown hair wet and slick, and I could see now that Duncan wasn’t out of control. He was fully aware, and suddenly cautious, his concern for me holding him back, unconvinced this was my true desire.

  I slid my legs around him. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  Duncan still looked cautious, but he smiled. “Second floor.”

  “You have condoms in there? Because I want you to fuck me so hard. I don’t just want it, Duncan. I need it.”

  His eyes blaze with heat and he cupped my ass, pulling me against him. Yep, that did it. I’d managed to lure the wolf back out. “Then I’m gonna give you what you need,” he whispered. “Everything you need.”


  Duncan’s bedroom was so dark I could barely see, but he led me to the bed and soon I was stretched out on a soft mattress. He disappeared into an adjoining bathroom but I could hear him in there, the creak of a medicine cabinet opening. My eyes adjusted a little and I got a sense of space, the largeness of the room. A couple of minutes passed, enough time to make me pause and ask myself exactly what the fuck I thought I was doing here. Then Duncan’s shadowy figure crawled over me, I caught his spicy scent, and I didn’t care anymore. No rules tonight.

  “There you are,” he whispered as his body lowered onto mine.

  His cock was heavy and slick against my belly, and I realized he’d already prepped himself with a condom. That made my pulse spike, and I slid my legs around him. “Here I am.”

  Soft hair brushed my face, then lips on mine, tongue licking the seam. I opened to him and he let his weight fall fully onto me, breathing a sigh into my mouth. He kissed me hard, gripping handfuls of my hair, then his head lifted and he stared down at me. “My God, we’re really doing this?”

  I was speechless for a moment. I’d had Duncan pegged as a free love sex machine with a revolving door of partners in and out of his bed, but his voice sounded overwhelmed, his hesitation confusing me. “We’re really doing this,” I said. “Why, you want me to give you reasons we shouldn’t? That you’re my boss? That you’re Corey’s—”

  Duncan’s hand slapped down on my mouth, silencing me. He took in a breath then let it out slowly as I stared up at his shadowy face. “If I didn’t want access to this mouth I’d gag you.”

  My cock flexed at his words even though I wasn’t quite sure what was happening.

  “Don’t say his name again,” he whispered.

  Oh. I nodded, and he released my mouth. I stayed silent for fear I’d say the wrong thing again.

  Duncan grabbed my thighs and tugged my legs up, making me gasp. “I was going to flip you over and take you from behind,” he said, his words breathy. He lined the head of his cock up against my entrance. “But now I want to make sure you see me. That you know it’s my cock making you come.”

  I groaned as he slid into me.

  “I don’t care how you think of me.” He eased out then glided back in, and my long-neglected prostate woke up with a bang. He did it again, making me huff. “Your boss, your friend, just a good fuck, I don’t care. As long as it’s me you want right now.”

  “It is, Duncan. It’s you I want. No one else.”

  He gave me a quick kiss before driving i
nto me again. I clung to his back as his rhythm changed and he moved against me faster, holding my ass with one hand, hips undulating like an ocean wave, his cock rubbing me inside so deep and perfect the pleasure made me clench and pant and squeeze my eyes shut.

  Somewhere in the misty haze of ecstasy I was aware of the words he’d just spoken, and understood, though the irony was almost comical. I’d often let my insecurities get the best of me in bed back when I was with Corey, worried he was thinking of someone other than me, making him look me in the eye and assure me otherwise while we fucked. Now the first man I’d wanted in so long was doing the same to me, worried I was thinking of Corey of all people.

  I wasn’t. The pleasure blasting through me was because this was Duncan, his naked body between my thighs, soft chest hair tickling my skin, every gasp and huff of breath he let out exciting me more. I let him know, moaning, “Duncan. God, Duncan. Yes.”

  His mouth crashed down on mine and we kissed frantically for a long time. “Now…” he huffed as he broke the kiss. “Now you can roll over.”

  He eased out of me and I rolled onto my belly. Duncan’s arm slid under my hips, lifting, then he pushed into me fast, making me cry out. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” I took a deep breath. “It’s just been a while.”

  “Oh damn, I forgot, I’ll slow down.”

  “No way,” I said. “Don’t hold back. Fuck me. Make me come.”

  His fingers traced the knots of my spine. “Say my name again.”

  “Duncan. Fuck me senseless. Please.”

  “Senseless it is.” My body jerked as he lifted my hips higher and drove into me. It stung a bit at this angle, but I rode through the pain and soon the pleasure overpowered it, and I was groaning and begging and sweating. It had been a long fucking time, but boy did my body remember, and it let me know it had not been patient with my abstinence.

  “Oh God I’m close already,” I cried out, my eyes squeezing shut.

  Just as I felt my orgasm getting ready to crash over me, Duncan slipped out.


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