Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three

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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three Page 27

by Darien Cox

  Damn, what time was it indeed? I wasn’t too bothered that we’d lost track, because that sex was worth it. Duncan had been more trusting, more open and vocal, and I’d felt it. We’d both let our shields down some more, allowing a new wave of trust to trickle in, the lowering of our inhibitions making room for it.

  After drying off, I redressed in my shorts and tee shirt. There was no comb, so I toweled my hair then finger brushed it. It didn’t look all that bad, damp and a bit wild, but I had some style wiggle room now that it was longer on top. My cheeks were still stained with a pink blush from the orgasm, but I could easily blame that on the hot shower.

  I left the bathroom and made my way down the hall, finding Corey and Angelo alone in the big sitting room. Corey was sprawled out sideways on a chair, his legs dangling over the arm. Angelo sat on the sofa, his posture slightly stiffer, but he looked up and smiled when I entered the room. “Morning, Zach.”

  “Morning guys.”

  “Nice to see you,” Angelo said. “You’re looking fresh.”

  “Yeah.” Corey smirked up at me. “Freshly fucked.”

  “Corey!” Angelo rolled his eyes. “I apologize for him, Zach.”

  “I’m used to it, I assure you, but thanks, Angelo.”

  “What?” Corey snickered. “What did I say that was so bad?”

  “Remember when we talked about boundaries?” Angelo said. “This might be one of those scenarios we discussed, Corey.”

  Angelo’s tone was admonishing, but he smiled at Corey like he hung the moon, and I doubted he’d actually want to change a thing about him. Part of Corey’s lure was that you could never prepare for what he might do or what would come out of his mouth. I could see the love in Angelo’s eyes as if he was holding a sign declaring it, and the obvious adoration made me happy, happy that Corey had someone who loved him like that, for who he was.

  And that was the moment I knew without a doubt that I was one hundred percent over Corey Stengel in any romantic sense.

  “See, I’m looking at it a different way,” Corey said, lounging there like a prince in his Hawaiian print shorts and a neon pink tank. “Because this situation with Zach and my uncle has the potential for awkwardness, the only way to avoid it is to call it out.” He shrugged and raised his brows at me. “So yes. I know exactly what Zachary looks like freshly-fucked.” He pointed. “And that’s it. Right there.”

  Duncan stepped into the room. “Cookie, if you’re going to continue to sexually harass my boyfriend I’m going to have to drown you in the lake today.”

  My thoughts screeched to a halt…boyfriend? Then they took a hard detour. Cookie?

  Angelo and I exchanged a smirk, then he looked up at Duncan. “Cookie? Who is Cookie?”

  Corey threw one of his flip-flops at Duncan. “I’m going to murder you, Duncan!”

  “Oh, what’s the matter Cookie?” Duncan grinned and leaned over, poking Corey’s ribs while Corey slapped his hands away. “You see when Corey was real little, he couldn’t pronounce his own name.” Duncan stepped back when Corey threw another shoe at him. “So when you’d ask him what his name was, he’d say ‘I’m Cookie Stengel!’”

  “You suck,” Corey said. “Sincerely, Duncan. You suck.”

  Duncan laughed. “I think you mean I win. I love you Corey, but if you’re going to try to use awkwardness as a weapon, remember that I have far more ammunition than you.”

  “Fine, you win.” Corey stood. He glanced at me and narrowed his eyes. “Wipe that smirk off your face, Zach.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “Cookie.”

  Angelo snorted.

  Corey smacked Duncan’s shoulder. “It’s a good thing I need you today.” He looked at me. “Duncan’s the only one with any taste in the family, so I’m counting on him to help with this wedding.”

  “Hey,” Angelo said. “You have pretty good taste in fiancés, you jerk.”

  “Hah, not what I meant! Duncan’s bossy and he has free time.”

  “Where is this place we’re going?” I asked.

  “It’s a beautiful, rustic location in Western Massachusetts,” Duncan said. “Corey wanted to get married at the town hall and then go to a pub, and I won’t have it. If you’re going to get married, it’s going to be someplace nice. I spoke to the owner, and she’s agreed to show us around.”

  “I saw pictures online,” Angelo said. “It looks beautiful. But you’re not paying for it.”

  “I can’t hear you,” Duncan said, covering his ears.

  “Duncan.” Angelo stood. “I’m an adult and I make good money.”

  “And I’m your family now,” Duncan said. “I’m at least going to help out. You’re my family, Angelo, and this is what I do. Get used to it.”

  Angelo’s cheeks flushed. “Well, thank you,” he mumbled.

  Corey went to Angelo and hugged him tight. Suddenly I felt like an intruder, that I was missing something bigger here. I recalled Doug telling me none of Angelo’s family showed for the engagement party, and wondered if they’d rejected him. Rejected him because of Corey. Because Corey was a man, not a woman.

  It softened my heart toward Angelo, something I never thought would happen back when I saw him as a demon who’d swooped in and stolen my boyfriend the moment we broke up.

  Corey released Angelo then clapped his hands. “Okay. Shall we hit the road?”

  “Soon,” Duncan said. “Zach has a phone call to make first.”


  Duncan had Earl show up with a car, so the four of us were able to relax on the drive. I kept having to stop and marvel at this scenario, because I felt at ease in this company, when it should have been the strangest thing in the world. Me going to look at a wedding venue with Corey and his fiancé? Me?

  But Duncan squashed any notions that I was unwelcome, and I shivered every time his hand rested on my knee or his arm slid around me while we chatted with Corey and Angelo. And I could not stop thinking about that moment back at the house when he’d referred to me as his boyfriend. When he’d basically slapped Corey’s hand for teasing me. I wasn’t sure if Duncan realized just how well I knew Corey, and that to me his comments were like water off a duck’s back. But it warmed me that he seemed to step in front of me to protect me, even from his nephew’s taunts.

  And speaking of Duncan protecting me, he’d insisted I make a call to Paulo at Immunity before we left the house. I was afraid Paulo would be furious with me. I’d only just started back there, after all. But when I explained the situation, that I was tired of being harassed at the bar, and what had happened with that customer assaulting me last night, he was sympathetic. He tried to woo me back with promises that things would be different, but my mind was made up. Duncan was right. I didn’t belong there.

  The venue was a big, gorgeous brown wooden structure set deep in the forest, paths and bridges and trickling streams all around it. The back was a huge yard with trellises and cobblestone walkways shrouded with trees on both sides, with the view of a beautiful lake just beyond. After we examined the grounds, Duncan grabbed my hand and leaned in. “I’m going to take them inside to meet the owner now. You can come with us or you can head down to the lake and wait. Earl’s already brought chairs and towels down.”

  “Yeah, I’ll wait on the beach,” I said. “You guys go ahead.”

  He gave me a kiss, and I headed down one of the paths toward the lake, smiling. I was still getting used to the idea of Duncan holding my hand and kissing me in front of others. And I liked it.

  On the small white beach, I discovered the chairs and towels Earl had left there, and I sat down and stared out at the glittery water, sighing. It was cooler out here in the western part of the state, so I felt no intense desire to jump in the water. I was so content that I fell asleep, only stirring later on when I heard a splash.

  Looking up, I saw Angelo stepping out of the water like some ancient god, all wet and rippling with lean muscle. “Hey,” he said, picking up his towel. “You looked like you were
out so I tried not to wake you.”

  “Hey.” I glanced around. “Where are the Stengels?”

  “They’ll be down soon.” He set his towel on the sand and sat, facing me, his arms resting on his knees. “We’re officially getting married here.”

  “That’s great!”

  “Yeah.” He chuckled. “Duncan’s insisting on paying the deposit, and I tried arguing, so the two of them sent me away while they did official business.”

  “They’re both pretty bossy.”

  “Yeah, that’s for sure.” He laughed. Angelo looked at me as he scrubbed fingers through his short dark hair, shaking the water out. “How are you feeling after what happened last night?”

  “Which part?”

  “Being attacked.”

  I looked into Angelo’s pale blue eyes, and saw concern. “Is this a psychiatry session? Because I’m unemployed at the moment, can’t pay you.”

  He grinned. “I’m not trying to interfere or get too personal, Zach. It’s a compulsion when I see someone in pain, to try and help.”

  “You think I’m in pain?”

  “I heard what you said to Corey last night. How you felt like what happened was a reminder not to get above your station. That you felt like…nothing. Not a person.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I wondered if you heard that.”

  “You can talk to me,” he said. “About anything.”

  “I had some negative self-image stuff because of my past,” I said. “I’ve honestly worked through it for the most part. What happened last night rattled me, brought some of those old feelings up. But it was just that. I was rattled. I don’t let shame and fear control me anymore.”

  “Okay, but you know I have to say this. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t about you. It was about that guy and his darkness. You know that, right?”

  “I do. And thank you.”

  Angelo shifted his towel and stretched onto his back beside me, sighing. “Are you in love, Zach?”

  My stomach tumbled with nervous butterflies as I stared out at the lake. “Yes.”



  He turned his head and squinted at me. “Have you told him?”

  “No.” I blew a breath out. “Last night he called me terrifying. I’ve got to watch my step and try not to pressure him.”

  “Can I offer some unsolicited insight?”

  I looked at Angelo. “Insight or advice?”

  He grinned. “Advice based on insight.”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  “I know Duncan pretty well now. He’s always dated a lot, but never anything serious, since I’ve known him.”

  “Yeah. And now here’s me. Scaring the shit out of him.”

  “I know where his terror comes from.”

  I frowned. “You know?”

  Angelo nodded. “Will this conversation stay between us?”

  I shifted toward him, very interested now. “Yes. Of course. But isn’t this against the rules? Doctor…patient thing or whatever?”

  Angelo laughed. “Duncan’s not my patient. He’s my friend. Which is why I’m talking to you about this. I care about him.”

  “Talk to me then.” I glanced up behind us. “Before they come down here.”

  “Okay. Duncan wants you more than he’s wanted anything in a long time. Maybe ever. I think he fears you’ll ultimately leave him, though. Maybe because you’re younger. Maybe because he sees you as too perfect.”

  I huffed. “I assure you, Duncan knows full well I’m not perfect. We’ve shared many deep conversations about my flaws.” I paused. “But he did call me too perfect earlier. You really have talked to him about me, haven’t you?”


  “But…there’s not an insecure bone in his body. Every time we turn a corner we run into someone he’s dated, and they’re usually unhappy he won’t give them more.”

  “But that’s changed now. Right?”

  “Sure, but…he wasn’t even considering taking me seriously until last night.”

  Angelo snorted. “Actually, that’s not true at all.”


  Angelo sat up. He glanced behind him, then turned to me. “Like I said, I know Duncan. Pretty well. We talk.”


  “Duncan was talking to me about you long before now. About how to handle Corey’s reaction, and…other things.”

  My eyes narrowed. “What other things. Now you have to tell me.”

  “I’ll tell you if you’re serious about him. Truly serious. I mean it, if you’re not sure, let me know now. I don’t want him getting hurt.”

  “I am serious. And I’m sure. He’s all I want, Angelo.”

  “All right. Duncan called me one day and said ‘I think I’m in big trouble’. He was referring to you. And it was long before last night. Forget his prior hesitation, that did not represent his intentions. It wasn’t about him not feeling strongly enough for you. Just the opposite. Everyone has insecurities, Zach. Everyone gets scared. Even guys like Duncan.”

  My eyes widened. “You really think so? You’re not fucking with me. This is what you really think?”

  “What I think is he’s been in love with you for a long time. And I think if you’re in love with him, you should tell the guy, so he can relax. And that’s all I’m going to say. It’s up to you now.”

  I bit my bottom lip. My stomach was still fluttering, but it was a new kind of butterflies now. “Thank you, Angelo.”

  “Don’t mention it,” he said. “I’m not usually one to interfere. I just thought you ought to have the full picture. Duncan’s family to me now. I want the best for him. If that’s you? So be it.”

  I closed my eyes, unable to stop grinning. Angelo had given me a lot to think about.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “I got it sorted,” Corey said as he joined us at the table again. “They’re making you a veggie burger. With sweet potato fries. That work?”

  “That’s perfect,” I said. “Thanks, Corey.”

  When Corey and Duncan had come down to the beach to join me and Angelo, they’d informed us we were staying the night here, at this gorgeous place that would be Corey’s wedding venue. Angelo and I didn’t argue. There were only a few other guests in the dining room, where we sat overlooking the lake. I’d initially been quietly disappointed when the waitress gave us menus. I was hungry, and there wasn’t anything without meat, so I’d ordered a salad.

  Corey wasn’t having it. He’d gone back into the kitchen and gotten them to make a meal, special for me. It was still baffling that I was friends with Corey now, but we’d slid into this new role with relative ease. We already knew each other intimately, so there was a foundation there. It had only required a few adjustments, and now we were comfortable with each other again.

  Duncan sipped wine as he stared out the window, and I admired his suntanned profile. “Do you think any of these other guests will be down on the beach later tonight?” he asked.

  Corey frowned at him. “Why?”

  “I want to go swimming.”

  “So go swimming,” Corey said. “Who cares if anyone’s down there.”

  “He likes to swim naked,” I said.

  Corey choked on his beer, Angelo chuckled and shook his head, and Duncan eyed me with a smirk.

  “What?” I smiled, stirring my cocktail. “You do, Duncan. I know from experience.” I slapped Corey’s back. “You all right?”

  “I’m fine, Zach. For future reference, please don’t make me picture my uncle naked.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  After dinner, the four of us hung out at the bar for a while. Several more beers put Corey in an amorous mood, and he was kissing and whispering to Angelo. I kept glancing at them, not because it bothered me, but because I was fascinated by the fact that it didn’t bother me. When they finally excused themselves to up to their room, Duncan leaned close to my ear. “Are you all right?”

  I smiled. “Of
course. Why wouldn’t I be? This place isn’t exactly a dump. And I’m with you.”

  He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You were staring at Corey and Angelo. I wasn’t sure if maybe this was too much. Bringing you here with them. Having to see them together.”

  “I was watching them because they look so happy together. I no longer have even a hint of jealousy or any other feeling about them. I’m just happy for them.”

  Duncan seemed to relax, and he rested his hand on my knee. “You’re enjoying yourself then?”

  I looked out the window. Night had fallen. A half-moon hung over the water. And the beach was empty. “Do you still want to go swimming?”

  He chuckled. “I do. But only if you’ll join me.”

  I stroked my fingers up his arm. “Last time we swam together we had a fight.”

  “Yes. Let’s not do that again.”

  “Let’s not,” I said. “But let’s do get naked again.”

  Duncan smiled, his eyes glimmering. “You’re in a good mood.”

  “I am.”

  “You seem so relaxed this evening. I’m happy to see it.” He hopped off his stool and took my hand. “Let’s go down to the lake.”

  The beach was dark and empty, white sand glowing under the moonlight. We both stripped out of our clothes. I’d never get tired of the sight of Duncan’s naked white ass as he ran toward a body of water, whether it was his pool, the ocean, a lake, it didn’t matter. I laughed and ran after him.

  The water was cold, but we both swam around until we got used to it. I floated on my back and looked up at the stars, feeling peaceful.

  “That’s a beautiful sight,” Duncan said.

  “It is. It’s so nice here.”

  “I didn’t mean the sky,” he said, and dragged me toward him.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and laughed. “I forgot,” I said, shivering. “I forgot how good you feel all wet and slippery and naked.” I combed his wet hair back with my fingers. “And how handsome you look.”

  “Such sweet things you say,” he said as he turned me in the water.

  “And I mean every one of them.”


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