Greyriver Shifters

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Greyriver Shifters Page 38

by Kristina Weaver

  Banner doesn’t answer, just laughs, and I pull the door open to stare unimpressed at Mika, Ros, and Gretchen. The female has her young in her arms, the squirming bundle letting off a weak mewling cry that makes my chest ache with longing.

  “What now?”

  “Oh get over yourself and let us in. We’re hiding from Prissy, who hasn’t had sex in a month and just got her period. She’s on a rampage, and the last place she’ll come is here.” Mika grunts, shoving passed me to skip into the living room.

  Ros follows, shuddering, and Gretchen doesn’t seem all that confident because she asks me to double bolt the door and spray something to confuse Prissy’s sense of smell.

  I do that, not willing to take the risk of a pissed off Alpha female showing up at my door, ready to rip into anyone and everyone.

  “Why did she get her period?”

  I ask this reluctantly, and with a lot of curiosity, though my tone comes out bored and filled with disinterest. My wolf perks up though when Mika removes a lunch-type box from her bag and tosses it at me, the smell of muffins making my stomach clench.

  “Nick has been so busy lately they hardly see each other. The longest they’ve spent in one place was at the clinic, and they couldn’t exactly screw there with everyone in earshot,” Ros says, smiling sickly when I shove an entire muffin into my mouth and snarl at Banner when he tries to filch one.

  I don’t like Mika, but God help me, I love this muffin.

  “Nosh….so…bad,” I grumble around a mouth full of wet cake, swallowing loudly before taking a bite of the second.

  “It’s gross! Now that I don’t bleed anymore I feel as if I have a real reason to live,” Mika trills, making me sniff.

  I don’t know. I’d think just having a mate who loves her and a young on the way would be enough, but then what do I know. I’ve only had my period twice now, the third soon to come if Logan doesn’t sex me soon. It’s…unpleasant, and something I vaguely recall from my teens before I slept with Bear.

  It’s not thaaaat bad though. Surely—

  “Males smell you. It’s embarrassing,” Mika whines, making me laugh.

  “Males are not turned off by it.”

  “But still! It’s your vagina bleeding. Your personal business going ravage and spewing forth unholy mayhem. God, I am so glad I don’t have to experience the gas and bloating and womb-cramping clot flush.”

  “Whoa! Right, I am leaving. Not even the opportunity to steal a muffin is worth this,” Banner grumbles, getting up to stalk to the door amidst our laughter.

  “Don’t you leave me alone with these…these people!” I yell when he opens the door, my mirth dying a quick death when I look around to glimpse the three women who are getting more comfortable by the minute.

  “Sorry, babe, but I have balls I’d like to keep potent! Have fun and remember what I said.”

  “Yeah, yeah, be nice.”

  That makes them all chuckle, the disgust in my tone so clear I think even I can’t deny how insultingly funny I sound sometimes.

  “Stay out of the kitchen! It did nothing to harm you.”

  I grunt and bite my lip when he leaves, slamming the door on his laughter and leaving me alone with my mother-in-law and two bags of feminine hormones and emotions, staring at me. Expectantly.

  I turn, reluctantly meeting their gazes and feel my heart sink. I so do not do female friends because they annoy me. Now it seems I have three of those, and no matter how I tell them I don’t want it, they just keep coming around. Have I mentioned that I’ve concluded I really did die and this is my own personal hell?

  “What’s he talking about? The kitchen?”


  “Oh come on now, daughter,” Ros coaxes, her words making me simmer. “Tell mama what he meant.”

  “I am not your daughter—”

  “Sure, you are. You’re gonna give me some grandyoung before I’m too old to teach them to hunt and shift and go wild,” she trills, earning herself a solid death glare.

  “I am not ready to have young! I haven’t even had sex with the male yet and already you’re planning to use me like a brood wolf. As for the kitchen, it’s none of your business. Mika, you’re starting to show already. Maybe you’re having twins,” I say spitefully, my amusement dying when instead of fear and horror she gets a dreamy look in her eye and sighs.

  “That would be nice.”

  “I was going to have twins you know,” Gretchen says, smiling sadly. “My daughter was stillborn. I’d love to have twins again though.”

  Crap. I swallow, trying to shove my guilt deep but end up with shining eyes when I look at her and sigh regretfully.

  “I was sorry to hear of your loss, but at least you have your son.”

  “True! That’s what Flame says all the time. I’m just happy he’s finally gone back to work! He was driving me crazy at home.”

  “Yeah. Bear too. I love the guy, but he’s a pain in the butt when he skulks around at home watching my every move. I almost had a heart attack this morning when I tried to sneak down to the kitchen and have some coffee. Just one cup!” she whines.

  I chuckle, hating that I find her amusing, and listen to her outline a scenario wherein Bear jumped out of the bedroom window, snuck back into the house and hid in the pantry—all while Mika was trying to sneak down the stairs and steal a cup of coffee.

  I outright laugh when she admits she wet herself she got such a fright, but then again, I too would scream my head off if a three-hundred-pound male burst out of the pantry suddenly, snarling at me about a simple cup of coffee.

  “I don’t understand, shifters can drink coffee while pregnant.”

  “Yeah, well apparently Mr. Overprotective is afraid to chance it because I am born human,” she mutters.

  “This is a valid point,” I say, receiving a feral glare and snarl from the little human for my efforts.

  “It is not valid. I have coffee in my blood. I can’t function without it. It’s what keeps me sane and wanting to live.”

  Personally, I don’t see the draw. I drink the stuff—of course—but I could do with tea or juice in the morning just the same. It’s never been an issue. Maybe it’s the same as Mother’s secret addiction to chocolate, I think, recalling the way she would deny me, complaining bitterly that the stuff is too sweet and fattening while hoarding it in her underwear drawer, a place Father was not likely to ever go.

  “You should understand his concern and be more considerate,” I say, accepting that if I’m giving this advice it would be hypocritical of me not to heed it in my own situation with Logan.

  Luckily, I don’t mind being a liar and hypocrite.

  “Ugh! Fine, but it’s not fair. He still drinks coffee in the morning. It taunts me,” she whines.

  “Then you should put sand in it and make him suffer. I would suggest some type of shit-inducing chemical, but his wolf would just burn it off.” I sigh, disliking the fact that we can’t fool around with things like that.

  It would be hilarious to sneak into the elite female’s lunch and dose her with enough pills to have her soiling her perfect drawers.

  “You don’t think he’d smell the sand in his coffee?”

  “He probably would if not for his undying love of sugar. That masks anything,” I tell her, feeling strange to be having such an easy conversation with her.

  I guess that reluctant truce I was considering is no longer necessary, I think, sighing when part of me just accepts this all and seems to want to enjoy peace. It should make me feel weak, but instead I feel…happy.

  Hell, I’m not sure this is working for me.

  “You know, you could so totally make me coffee,” she wheedles in a voice that makes me fight not to laugh.

  The sneaky female is endearingly sly, I’ll give her that and admit to respecting her tenacity. If I could make coffee at all, I may consider doing just that. But I can’t. So I sniff and roll my eyes.

  “Are your hands broken? Make it yourself.”r />
  She mumbles a curse, and it’s while I spend the next few minutes after following her to the kitchen, watching her unwittingly teach me another life skill, that I admit reluctantly, these idiots may not be so bad to be around.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I stomp my feet on the porch and enter the house with a grin, yelling my presence only to have silence greet me instead of Hannah’s usual glare from the couch where she is always watching the cooking channel at this time of day.

  When I don’t see her or hear her in the kitchen, pretending to know what she’d be doing in there, I feel a moment of panic creep in.


  I hear nothing, no gripe ringing back at me or even her usual grunt of greeting, and take the stairs two at a time, my heart galloping when I follow her faint scent trail to the bedroom.

  She’s not in there but the shower running draws me to the bathroom where I open the door and step inside, my senses assaulted immediately. It hits so fast my knees wobble almost dumping my ass to the ground when lust overcomes me.


  My wolf growls, howling his desires when I sniff again and the sultry-sweet smell of hot, fertile female fills my senses, making my cock so hard it punches against the teeth of my zipper.

  Growling, my balls filling up, I stalk into the steamy space and rip open the glass door to find Hannah shivering beneath the hot spray, her body glistening with the water and the special pheromones that females pump out to lure in their male at this time.

  The heat scent coming off her is so thick and strong in the air I can taste the heat between her legs with every breath I draw into my lungs. My sense and rational side tell me to turn around and leave her be, that she needs time to heal and recover mentally, but my wolf, the lust, the need raging inside me have me stepping into the shower and slapping the water off, my hands going to her hips to pull her against me.

  I shudder the moment our skin touches and hear her shocked gasp of breath before her body melts against mine, seeking deeper contact.

  “Need you,” I grumble into her ear, my desire making my animal come closer to the surface than ever before.

  Hannah gasps, presses her ass closer to my cock, and shocks me by taking my hand to lead it down to her sex. There I encounter heat and so much slickness it makes me growl to think of getting my dick into her slippery channel.

  It will feel so good, so hot and smooth inside, I think, using two fingers to part her so that my index finger can skate through the soft folds to her entrance where moisture pools.


  “You’re so wet for me, mella,” I choke, using the old language to describe the sex of a female who drenches during sex.

  She shudders, pushing herself closer in silent demand, whimpering when I stroke my finger through her heat, teasing at her entrance where it tries to suck at my fingertip.

  Right now, I could happily throw her to the floor, push her to her knees and mount her, going balls deep until we’re both replete and coming, fucking through orgasm after orgasm.

  I don’t do that, not this first time, and yes, for me it is a first, despite our previous encounter because she is mine now. Mine to cherish and pleasure and breed with emotions that hold more than lust.

  Taking my hand away and ignoring her whimpered protest with effort, I lead her from the shower and grab a towel to dry her, taking great care to pamper her and show her this tenderness she deserves from me.


  “Soon, mella,” I rasp, closing my eyes against the sight of her wet, pink flesh when I go to my knees to dry her legs.

  By the time I’m satisfied that she’s cared for, Hannah is breathing hard enough to jiggle her breasts with every breath, the pink-tipped globes shaking and blushing a glowing pink.

  “Calm, mella,” I croon when I stand and she tries to climb me, her heat making her frantic for some kind of contact.

  Hannah moans, her wolf turning her voice raspy, and looks up at me with eyes so liquid a blue I get lost in them for eternal seconds.

  “It hurts!”

  “I know baby, sshh,” I croon again, using my grip on her ass to lift her and stalk into the bedroom.

  The feel of her sex sliding open over my shaft has me stumbling before I can right myself, the wet folds closing around my shaft causing desperate spikes of lust to slam through me and demand I hurry this up.

  No. I deny my wolf, shoving back at his relentless force and breathe deeply to regain control, wanting this night to be more than bodies coming together. I want to claim Hannah tonight, tease her body and learn every dip and curve, so that years from now she can look back at this time and know that I am worthy of her claim.

  Breathing deeply to quell my immediate urges, I ignore the feel of her sex, so close, and gently lower her to the bed, stepping back out of reach when she tries to grab at me.

  “Spread for me, mella. Let me see what you are giving me.”

  My growl makes her gasp and undulate her hips, her body blushing before she slowly obeys and opens for me, putting herself on display. She’s beautiful. Everywhere. From her breasts, which are not large but enough for a good mouthful, to the slight hill of her belly, all the way to the smooth, peach slit that is so swollen and needy I see her folds peeking out and glistening for me.

  Wanting to dive down and devour her, needing her taste and scent all over my mouth, I force myself to go still because I don’t want just sex. I want to kiss her and touch her, show her more before I let myself take what I want.

  Breathing lowly, I shed my clothes, pride shooting through me when Hannah moans at the sight of me, her teeth digging into her lower lip when she looks me over and her eyes go heavy with approval and lust.

  “Yours!” I growl, palming my cock and squeezing when pre-cum and seminal essence leak out, my body trying to force me to get inside her now, before I lose my mind.

  “Loooogan. Please,” she mutters when all I do is look, her eyes flashing when I grin and slowly crawl onto the bed, settling my hips to the side and as far away from her sex as possible. “Please.”

  I don’t listen, lowering my head instead to plant a kiss on her mouth, my moan joining hers when she opens and sucks my tongue deep, her own sliding through my lips in a byplay that thickens the lust between us.

  She tastes so good, so feminine and lusty and all mine, I think, as I spend long minutes kissing her, just taking in the way she kisses, her movements both shy and carnal.

  When I can’t breathe for the lust, I move down, using my tongue, teeth, and lips to taste the skin from her neck to the soft swells of her breasts. I want to devour her here, lick and suck and bite until I know every inch, and I do that while Hannah screams and clutches at me, puling at me in a frenzy of need.

  “More! More Logan. Oh God, please stop torturing me. It hurts,” she whines, her groan of relief when I release her nipple with a slow plop turning into a snarl when I lick into her slit with a patience I do not feel.

  Her taste bursts onto my tongue, driving me crazy, calling to me to consume everything she has to give, every overflowing drop of the nectar her body is making for me and me alone.

  I can’t help but obey and find myself eating at her like a starved animal, wanting more, and more of her the more I get.

  “Logan! Yes. Oh, yes.” I relish her cries, the sharpness of her nails digging into my scalp, the way she uses me to please her.


  I can’t stand another moment of denial and reluctantly pull my mouth from her throbbing sex, shifting over so that my cock comes to rest against her heat.

  We both groan at the contact, Hannah’s legs instinctively wrapping around my hips to open her up fully where I need to be and where she needs me.

  “Bralla vai mella,” I grate, notching myself at her entrance to allow the essence in my fluids to seep into her, readying her for my shaft.

  I’m so hard and thick, bigger than I have ever been with a female. I force myself to
remain completely still until I know that the fluids have done their work, invading her insides to slacken her muscles and allow her to accept me without pain.

  “Please. Please do it,” she begs, her eyes flashing blue in the darkness when I push in, slowly, savoring the soft, slick clasp of her around every throbbing inch of me.

  Hannah moans, her teeth bared, when I push all the way in, so deep I can feel her cervix sucking at my head. It’s only when I am still, all the way in and sure she’s in no pain that I pull back and enjoy the way she tries to keep me inside.

  “Don’t. Tease. Me!”

  I can’t. I can’t tease us a moment more, I think, as I thrust in hard, howling when Hannah gasps, her sheath contracting around me. I feel her body go slack, tighten, tighten more, and then the long, continual orgasm that Fated share start to suck at me, her screams and growls of pleasure driving me to a place where I have no finesse, no control, just slapping, pounding thrusts and bone-aching pleasure that shoots up my cock and starts off the claiming.

  I come so hard I feel faint, and yet I stay hard, furiously aroused, as I thrust and thrust and thrust into her wet sex, mating with her for one reason only now. Breeding.

  “Oh Goooood. Too much. More. Oh, Logan, do something. I’m…” She comes harder when I push through the entrance to her womb, bathing my shaft in liquid heat at the exact moment I let my wolf take lead and sink my teeth into her bared shoulder.

  The taste of her, knowing that the seed pouring from my cock into her womb will breed her makes me shoot harder, copious amounts of seed bursting free and filling her up in long, hard pumps of bone-melting bliss.

  I take her forever, keeping my teeth in her, my shooting cock trapped deep, and I just feel, as wave after wave of pleasure saturates my cells. What feels like hours later, I release the final shot, shuddering with intense pleasure and go still, looking down at Hannah to see her eyes glazed as aftershocks pour through her.


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