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IntoEternity Page 29

by Christina James

  “My mother sent the gown. She sent her ring as well.” She slid the ring on the third finger of her right hand and stared down at it for a moment. “Thank you, Mother. I love you so much,” she whispered softly.

  * * * * *

  Gusty sat before the polished-steel mirror, watching as Violet tamed Gusty’s unruly curls into a sophisticated style high on her head then pulled down a few tendrils to frame her face. When Violet finished Gusty stood up and patted the back of her head as she turned this way and that, trying to see her reflection from every angle. She grinned, pleased with the results. Only one more hour until she would be walking up the aisle in all her finery. The thought made her more than a little nervous. She wanted to look her best for Alexander. And by God I do.

  “Thank you, Violet. Your skills have turned me into a fairytale princess. The gown from my mother is beyond lovely but what you have done to my hair is incredible.”

  The small woman smiled and nodded and patted Gusty’s hand. The sound of the door opening behind them brought their heads around and Gusty gasped with delight when her mother walked into her room.

  “Mother! Oh, Mother!” Gusty nearly knocked the older woman over with her enthusiastic welcome.

  Her mother hugged her tight and kissed her cheek. The sight of the tears in her mother’s eyes had Gusty tearing up as well.

  “How did you get here? I thought you weren’t allowed to leave the abbey.”

  “Edgar sent word that I was free to attend my daughter’s wedding. And here I am. Dear, dear Augusta, how beautiful you are. The gown is perfection. I ordered the material with your wedding in mind as soon as I found out you were to marry your true love. The good sisters and I have been working on it day and night. I will be sure to tell them you were indeed the most beautiful of brides.”

  “It is beautiful, Mother. I love it. But I love you more. I am so pleased you are here.”

  “Your father was the one who came to get me. He admitted he was not taking a chance on having another member of the family disappearing at this late date.” She paused with a sad smile. “Your father loves you dearly, Augusta. Find a way to forgive him his trespasses please. Malcolm Sinclair is a good man.” Isabelle kissed Gusty’s cheek. “I will see you at your wedding, my daughter.”

  Isabelle stepped out into the hallway. “Malcolm.”


  The sound of her father’s voice from outside the door brought Gusty’s head around. She watched as Malcolm took her mother’s hand and placed a slow kiss in her palm. Isabelle blushed as he did so and she smiled up at him.

  “Talk to her, my love.”

  Gusty had not seen her father since he had ridden away from the abbey to put his schemes into motion. She had not had a good thought for him since she learned what he had done to try to break up her and Alexander’s handfasting. She did not know how to greet him now.

  Isabelle turned and looked at Gusty and mouthed, please.

  Gusty hesitated as she watched he parents together. They were beautiful in their love for each other and her heart ached as she realized it had taken a lot of courage for him to come, knowing how much he had hurt her.



  He stepped into the room and glanced around.

  “May I have a moment of your time?”

  Violet, who had been hovering in the background, slipped from the room.

  Malcolm cleared his throat a time or two before he spoke.

  “I want you to know I am not sorry for what I did.”

  Gusty glared and opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind but he held up his hand and she gritted her teeth to keep the hot words from exploding past her lips.

  “Oh, Malcolm,” Isabelle moaned.

  “Nay, nay.” He shook his head. “Let me have my say.” He turned back to Gusty.

  “I love you, daughter, as well as any father can love his own flesh and blood. That is why I sent you and your brother into hiding. It was the best I could do to keep you safe. For years I wondered how you endured. If you were well. If you lived. When I found you had returned I rejoiced.

  “But then I discovered what Hagen had done and I grew furious. No man could have you so easily. As your father I alone have the say as to who you shall marry. But that decision was taken from me without my knowledge. When I found out you were only handfasted to the Sutherland I undertook to correct the situation. I moved before I considered how my actions would affect you. I realize you are a grown woman capable of knowing your own heart.” He swallowed as if the words came hard.

  “Augusta, my own daughter. I ask for your forgiveness. I pray you can find it in your heart to love this old man as much as he loves you no matter what he has done.”

  Gusty threw herself into to her father’s embrace and wept against his broad chest. His arms tightened around her and she felt the light touch of his lips on her forehead.

  “Father,” Gusty sobbed. “Of course I love you.” She kissed his weathered cheek and then reached up to wipe the tear that spilled from the corner of his eye.

  “Please, Father, you did what you had to do when you sent us away. I am not criticizing either you or Mother. I had a happy life and as it turned out”—she drew back and looked up at him—“I could not have asked for a better man than Alexander Sutherland to love.” Gusty reached up and caressed his whiskered cheek.

  “Father, I don’t blame you for what you did. But please believe that Alexander and I will have a long and happy life together.”

  She glanced at her mother and found Isabelle weeping silently, her hands covering her mouth. She needed as much comfort as Malcolm.

  “Mother needs you, Father.”

  With a quick hug, she left him in the company of her mother. The two of them were so engrossed with each other they did not object to her desertion.

  Gusty had one more thing to do before she wed. She needed to find her grandparents. She caught sight of Maeve and Hagen when she crossed the back of the great hall. She had hoped they would not leave before the wedding but it was impossible to tell what they might do or where they might go next. Gusty would love to have all her family around her when she married Alexander. Hagen had been the only witness to their handfasting. Now not only would her parents be in attendance but the king and his loyal subjects would be present as well. She needed all the support she could get if she wanted to get through her big evening. She made her way across the great hall to where Maeve and Hagen stood, warming themselves before the hearth.

  “Ah, dear child, how lovely you look. The gown is exquisite. Your mother’s work?” Maeve wrapped her arms around Gusty and squeezed. “Love your young Highland laird well. Just remember, sweet lass, no matter what obstacles Fate chooses to toss in your way, love and time will find a way around them.”

  Before Gusty could ask Maeve to explain her cryptic words Hagen surged forward, gathered Gusty close and kissed her brow.

  “I love you, wee lassie. May Fortune smile on you and your young man and may you both live a long and happy life.”

  He set her away from him and she noticed the tears that dimmed his old eyes. She rushed back into his arms and kissed his cheek.

  “You will always be my grandparents. Never forget it. You and Maeve are always welcome in our home and in our lives. Do not be strangers. I mean it.”

  * * * * *

  An hour later, Alexander and Gusty stood in the small room at the rear of the chapel with Father Dominic, Malcolm Sinclair and Davin the Norseman. The soon-to-be-married couple was there to sign the marriage contracts drawn up in the last week, which King Edgar had signed and stamped with his approval. Her father and Alexander’s friend would stand as witnesses.

  It had never occurred to Gusty that she was born into wealth. She had not thought much about money until she stood beside Alexander, listening to her father read the long list of all the properties and riches she would bring into the marriage. Then Davin read the list of Alexander’s posses
sions and monies and to Gusty’s surprise, she discovered she was marrying a rich man, a titled man, a mighty Highland chieftain.

  The reality of her present situation was only beginning to flood in on her. Her parents, who just over a year ago had not even existed for her, loved her dearly. This tall, powerful man standing at her side, whom she loved with all her heart and who desired her above all others, would soon become her true husband. They were surrounded by their friends and neighbors, who came to show their approval and to wish them the very best. There was only one thing Gusty wanted and she would be completely satisfied. But she knew she was wishing for the impossible so she pushed the thought away and concentrated on the events happening around her.

  The ceremony proceeded almost immediately, with Malcolm Sinclair giving her away after he had walked her up the short aisle of the chapel. He tenderly kissed her cheek before placing her trembling hand into the palm of the groom. Alexander smiled down at her and squeezed her fingers gently to reassure her. She grinned up at him and then together they turned and faced the priest.

  The ceremony proceeded without a hitch and Father Dominic read from his missal and then blessed their union.

  “I remember the last time we pledged our vows to each other. You were magnificent in all your natural glory…with only your lovely long hair to shield you from my view.” Alexander spoke in a low voice only she could hear.

  “You cannot say such things here. We are in church, for God’s sake!” she whispered back in shock.

  He squeezed her hand and nodded to the priest, who was frowning at them as he waited to continue the ceremony.

  “Please go on, Father,” she said and then she glared at Alexander. How dare he bring up the embarrassing incident on the seashore now!

  “I will never forget it, my sweet selkie. Fate brought you to me the first time and Fate returned you to me again, after all these years. I love you more than life and I will never let you out of my sight again.”

  “Do you wish to perform the ceremony, Laird Sutherland?” Father Dominic whispered. “I am willing to step down from this platform to make room for you.”

  “Nay, Father. Continue please.”

  With no more interruptions, it took little time until they had repeated their vows. Father Dominic closed his prayer book and lifted his head to pronounce them man and wife but a great commotion broke out at the back of the chapel.

  Outraged whispers erupted from the crowd as the handsome stranger made his way slowly down the aisle, his menacing, dark features set in a deep scowl, his eyes locked on the front of the chapel. The ring of his boots echoed on the stone floor in the hallowed sanctuary as he moved forward, his hand on the hilt of his sword, in an obvious threat to anyone who dared to try to stop him.

  Alexander recognized the man as the mysterious warrior who had ridden out on the bloody battlefield to join Edgar and his forces and help to insure victory against the Northern invaders.

  “What do you here, friend? Whom do you seek?” Alexander asked, his annoyance at the interruption of his wedding ceremony evident in his tone but he held on to his temper for Gusty’s sake.

  “I cannot in good faith let this wedding proceed.” The stranger’s deep voice rang through the crowded chapel.

  Alexander bristled at the statement and reached for his short sword, sliding it from its sheath as he took a menacing step forward. Davin, who’d stood at Alexander’s side throughout the ceremony, followed suit, but before Alexander could advance any farther Gusty grabbed his arm. He glanced down to find her grinning widely at the newcomer, her eyes sparkling with happiness. He frowned and tried to move her behind him but she refused to budge. What was wrong with his little bride, could she not understand the seriousness of the situation? He shook his head in warning to her and then turned his attention back to the warrior.

  “I think it best you leave, friend.” He fought to hold back his temper as a concession to his bride and the chapel full of guests but his control was slipping. He would only give this stranger one warning and then there would be swordplay.

  “I cannot do that, not yet. There is something I must see to here.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “I must congratulate my sister on her nuptials and her new husband on his good fortune in finding a great woman to marry.”

  At his words Gusty squealed in obvious delight. She lifted the hem of her gown to race up the aisle to meet him.

  In a great hug he lifted her off the floor and swung her around and around as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks and then bent his head to whisper something in her ear that brought tears to her eyes.

  She smiled brilliantly at him and said, “You’re in big trouble, Michael.”

  Michael nodded. Alexander was taken aback as he watched the interaction between his wife and the fearless young warrior. He had fought beside this man, never knowing they were related or that he was the son of a great chieftain?

  “Proceed, Father.” Michael escorted Gusty up the aisle to return her to Alexander. He kissed her cheek, turned her around and gave her a little push into Alexander’s arms. He then took a seat next to his parents, neither of whom looked at all shocked at seeing their long-lost son.

  “You may kiss your bride, Laird Sutherland,” the priest hurriedly declared, looking relieved that what could have been a potential clash of swords and bloodletting in this sanctified house of God had turned out to be nothing more than a family reunion.

  Alexander did not need to be told twice. He took Gusty into his arms and gave her a sweet kiss that went on and on, and nothing short of the uproarious cheers from the onlookers made him draw back. He smiled wolfishly at the blush that covered Gusty’s cheeks then raised her hand to his lips and kissed the palm before he led her down the aisle to the door of the chapel. They made their way across the courtyard to the great hall, where a grand feast awaited them. Crowds of onlookers cheered them as they walked by.

  Gusty was happier than she had ever been in her entire life. Her family was all here and the most extraordinary man loved her.

  “You must be pleased with your victory, Lady Sutherland. Capturing yourself a rich husband willing to put you before his clan. Does he know what you are? Does he cleave to witches and the black arts they practice now? I think not. I think a word in his ear and he will pitch you out on your pretty little arse.”

  Gusty stepped back, shocked at the venomous words that poured from the mouth of the sour-faced man. The alcohol on his breath was foul and only the half dozen rough hands descending on his person saved him from a blade in the back as Alexander stood behind Bart, listening to every filthy thing he said.

  “I would be very careful about the next words that come out of your mouth, Uncle. They very well might be the last you ever utter.”

  Gusty watched as several Sutherland warriors escorted Bart from the hall. She turned and took the arm Alexander offered.

  “Come, my lovely bride. Let my men dispose of that refuse. The wedding feast is ready. I came to claim my right as your trencher mate. No other shall have the privilege.”

  Gusty moved across the room, pleased at the sight of the decorated tables. Dozens of tall wax tapers set among garlands of greenery lit the white linen-covered table while colorful banners hung gaily from the edge.

  “Oh, this is lovely!” she exclaimed as Alexander helped her to her seat.

  They waited only for the king’s royal nod before servants rushed forward to offer the choicest pieces of meat and side dishes to the wedding party at the head table. Their goblets were filled with only the best wine.

  As they enjoyed their meal the great hall was awash with the festive sounds of their wedding celebration and the delicious smells of good food. A parade of servants carried in huge platters of roasted boar and venison, stuffed quail in feathers, glazed duck and herring. They moved about the long trestle tables, offering side dishes of roasted potatoes, boiled turnips and carrots, along with stewed rabbit and mutton. Fresh fruits and wi
ld berry tarts followed the main courses. Pitchers of ale and mead sat at intervals down the center of each table that lined the hall to accommodate the overflow. People crowded the wooden planked tables of the great hall, filling their trenchers as their cups were replenished by young pages given that specific duty.

  The festivities ran throughout the afternoon and well into evening. The moon rode high in the sky by the time the celebration finally wound down and those guest who had not already retired to their rooms drank themselves into oblivion.

  Knowing what was coming, even though they had already been handfasted and shared a bed, Gusty followed Alexander to their bedchamber. With the door firmly barricaded against anyone who might want to interrupt them, Gusty was ready to have Alexander all to herself for the rest of the night. There was no reason to hurry now that they were safely ensconced in their chamber. They’d just experienced a day they would remember the rest of their lives. And now the night ahead promised to be filled with sexual pleasures.

  * * * * *

  Duncan raced down the dimly lit corridor with a duty to fulfill. He had overheard something important and he knew he had to relay the information to his cousin without delay. Duncan felt sure he’d gain the respect he so wanted when Alexander heard what Duncan had to tell him. As he stopped outside his cousin’s chambers and raised his fist to knock on the door he paused at a sound behind him. Spinning around, he found Davin moving toward him and before Duncan could accomplish his goal the giant Norseman grabbed him and slung him high up over his shoulder.

  “I’ve orders to truss you up and gag you if need be, little imp. This is a special night for Alexander and Lady Augusta and your cousin doesn’t need any of your foolish antics drawing him from his bed in the wee hours of the morning. Come. You can keep me company for a while.”

  “But what I’ve got to tell him is very important,” Duncan protested, squirming to free himself, but he couldn’t break the giant’s hold.


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