Carolina Breeze

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Carolina Breeze Page 8

by Denise Hunter

  “What’s his name?”

  “His pseudonym is Nathanial Quinn, but his real name is Adam Bradford.”

  “That sounds familiar. But yeah, being recognized can get a little intrusive. Most people are pretty cool about it, though, and I do enjoy meeting fans—usually,” she added, thinking of the last few days. She pulled the robe tightly around her chest.

  * * *

  When Levi had seen the shadow moving across the yard, he immediately thought of all the people looking for their guest. He half expected a flash to go off when he opened the back door. Once he saw it was only Mia he hadn’t intended to stick around. He’d had a little talk with himself after their chat in the kitchen. But when she asked him to stay he detected a hint of desperation in her tone. Maybe she was lonely. All her friends were on the other side of the country, and she was alone on what was supposed to have been her honeymoon.

  “Have you always lived in Bluebell?” she asked, breaking the silence. She really did have a distinctive voice. A little throaty. Very sexy.

  “I went away to Colorado State, and after I graduated I got a job in Denver. I lived out there for several years—until I came back here to run the inn.”

  “That surprises me.”

  “Had me pegged for a country boy, did you?”

  “Caught me.” He heard the grin in her voice.

  “I like Denver, traffic notwithstanding. I had a great job there with growth potential, an apartment I loved, and a . . .”

  He didn’t finish the thought, hadn’t meant to go there. It might be late—and dark—but Mia was still his guest.

  “And a girlfriend?” she asked when he left the sentence hanging. “Did you leave behind a special woman, Levi?”

  Her tone was teasing, almost flirtatious, and it made his pulse kick up. It was easy to see why she had so many male admirers. “Sure did.”

  “Was it serious?”

  “Not especially. We’d only been going out several months.”

  “But it had potential.” She was looking toward him now, her head resting against the chair back. He could feel her perusal.

  “Who knows? I thought it might. But then I was needed here. I believe things happen for a reason.”

  “Do you believe in God, Levi?”

  The personal question surprised him. He turned toward her, even though her features were murky in the shadows. “Faith is a big part of my life, and part of the reason I was able to accept moving back home and ending that relationship. God has a plan, and He was directing my steps. How about you?”

  She was quiet a moment. The leaves rustled overhead and water rippled against the shoreline.

  “Lettie took me to church as a child. It seemed—out of step with the rest of my life. It wasn’t until I was older that I saw it was the only part of my life that was real and normal. So yes, I believe in God. He’s been a constant. If I didn’t have Him in my life, I don’t know how I would’ve held on to any sense of normalcy.”

  “He’s blessed you with a lot of success.”

  “And I’m grateful. It’s a competitive world, acting. People scrambling for parts, jealousy, backstabbing. It’s vicious sometimes. You think someone’s your friend, but they’re just using you. Everyone I knew was praying for their big break, and I was always praying that God wouldn’t give me more than I could handle.”

  Interesting. He tilted his head. “Why do you think that is?”

  “It’s not that I’m not driven or competitive. I just saw how it—fame—affected people in my life. I didn’t want that happening to me.”

  “Your mom?”

  “My mom most of all. But I do love acting—the actual work of it. I love exploring different characters and trying to become them for a little while, trying to portray them accurately. I’ve always felt called to acting, but I was happy just making a living at it. I didn’t need to be a Hollywood sensation.”

  “Too late,” he teased.

  He thought she smiled back but couldn’t be sure. He was enjoying their chat. And, he noted, since he’d come out here his stress level had seemed to drop tenfold. Maybe Mia just had that effect on him.

  “So,” she said after a moment’s quiet. “Why didn’t you try the long-distance thing with your Denver friend? Or are you staying here indefinitely?”

  “My plans are to make the inn profitable, at which point we can sell it as a viable business. Our mom and dad dreamed of turning the place back into an inn, but they wouldn’t have wanted us to give up our own dreams to follow theirs.”

  “Dodging the subject?”

  “Darn.” His lips twitched. “Didn’t work.”

  “At least you don’t have your love life splashed across every celebrity magazine nationwide.”

  “I can’t even imagine.”

  “What was her name? What did she do?”

  “You’re not going to let me off the hook, are you?”

  “You already know all about my love life.”

  “Fair enough.” He didn’t even know why he was reluctant to talk about it; there was no big story here. “Her name was Gretchen, and she was an admin assistant. And to answer your question—”


  “I wasn’t sure how long I might be here. I didn’t feel it was fair to leave her hanging.”

  “Do you miss her?”

  Mia was very direct out here in the dark. He thought about her question, wanting to be honest but needing to clarify things in his own head. “I missed her for a while, but now I think I just miss having someone special. My life’s too full for that right now though. I have responsibilities that need my full attention.”

  “The inn, you mean?”

  “That and my sisters. Speaking of which—they don’t know about Gretchen, so I’d appreciate it if we kept that between us.”

  “You’re keeping my secret, so I can certainly keep yours. But why don’t you want them to know, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I guess I don’t want them feeling guilty about what I gave up.”

  “It was an unselfish thing you did.”

  “We all made sacrifices. Molly gave up a great internship in Italy that she’d worked hard for. Grace gave up a lot of activities at school her junior and senior years.”

  “It was all for your parents?”

  “That and also for Grace. We wanted her to be able to finish high school here, and the inn seemed like the only viable way to do that.”

  “I think it’s really special what you’re doing—all of you. Your parents would be really proud of you.”

  He heard a wistful tone in her voice and wondered again about her own family. “I hope so.”

  “You seem close. I never liked being an only child. Other kids have imaginary playmates; I had imaginary siblings.”

  He chuckled, easily able to picture little Mia having tea with her “sisters.”

  “The reality is probably less appealing than the fantasy. Believe me, we fuss and argue and annoy each other, even now. Running a business together hasn’t been easy. If left to her own devices Molly would spend us out of house and home. She’s all about whatever it takes to make the guests happy. Grace is more low-key, but the inn is just a means to an end for her. She wanted to finish school here, and she did. Not that she doesn’t care about our parents’ legacy.”

  “Sure, but she’s only, what, eighteen? I was pretty self-absorbed at that age.”

  “She’s nineteen, but yeah, I get it. She’ll be heading off for college in the fall and everything. Following her own dreams.”

  “Will you hire someone to fill her spot?”

  “Yeah.” He winced at the thought. He’d have to pay someone more than the piddly sum they were paying Grace, and he wasn’t sure where that money would come from.

  “I’m glad you turned the place back into an inn. In a way, you’re keeping my grandparents’ legacy alive too.”

  Levi hadn’t thought of it that way. But it made him feel good to plea
se Mia. “The place has a rich history. I like sharing it with others.”

  “It’s an awesome place. I’d be happy to recommend it to my friends and fans.”

  He stared across the space between them, wishing he could read her features. “Really? You’d do that?”

  “Of course. Although right now, I don’t think my recommendation is going to help your cause much.”

  “This scandal must seem pretty awful at the moment, but I’m sure it’ll pass in time. People have short attention spans.”

  “You sound like my agent.”

  “Must be a smart guy.”

  He felt, more than saw, her responding smile. “I hope you’re right.”


  After Mia finished breakfast she continued reading her grandmother’s journal. The small deliberate script was easy to read, as was her natural style of writing. Mostly she wrote about their guests, about her husband, about the daily life of an innkeeper. She obviously cared about people and even seemed to grow attached to her guests.

  Although she had a positive attitude, there was an underlying sadness to her entries that Mia couldn’t put her finger on. Maybe her estranged relationship with her daughter? She hadn’t mentioned Katherine at all, but maybe it was too depressing to even journal about.

  The page blurred as Mia’s thoughts turned to Levi and their late-night conversation. He’d opened up a little, and that felt good.

  Her offer to endorse the inn had been spontaneous. She hadn’t realized it would mean so much until she heard the hope in his voice. The memory of his reaction made her uneasy. Was he only being kind in hopes of getting something in return? He was personally invested in this inn, after all. More on his parents’ behalf than his own, but still. It was reason for caution.

  “Got you hooked, has she?”

  Mia jumped as Levi appeared at her side. She closed the journal. “I’m only a little ways in, but I’m really enjoying it. It’s like getting a peek inside my grandmother’s mind.”

  “She seems like she was a special woman.”

  Mia tucked the journal into her purse. “I wish I’d had the chance to know her, but she died before I was born.”

  “That’s unfortunate.” His eyes raked her form. “You’re dressed to hike.”

  “I’d love it, if you have time to drive me.”

  His eyes smiled. She’d never known blue could look so warm. “At your service.”

  She stood, feeling the stretch from having sat on the wooden chair so long. “I need the exercise. And the change of scenery.”

  “All right.” He started through the French doors. “Need anything from your room before we go?”

  “I’m all set.” She put her sunglasses in place and tugged the brim of her cap down. Overly cautious was better than careless and caught.

  She followed Levi out the door, which he locked behind them. Halfway to the car she bit her lip. After their talk last night, sitting in the back seat seemed silly. He was sort of a friend, albeit a short-term one.

  When he reached out to open the back door, she set her hand on his arm. Warm flesh stretched tautly over hard muscle.

  She drew her hand away. “Do you mind if I ride up front with you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “It just—it seems silly to ride in the back like you’re my chauffeur or something.”

  “Whatever you want.” He reached for the passenger door.

  A moment later he got in on the driver’s side, seeming to shrink the sedan in half. There was only a narrow console separating them.

  She shook away the thought. “Where are you taking me today?”

  “I guess that depends on how adventurous you’re feeling.” He spared her a smile as they pulled out onto the street.

  “That sounds like a challenge . . .”

  He chuckled, a deep, rich sound that made her insides twist. “We can stick to the touristy trails if you prefer, but there are some lesser-known ones outside the state park. There’s another waterfall—not as big as Lone Creek Falls, so it’s usually overlooked. It dries up in late summer, but this time of year it’s nice, and sometimes you can get a glimpse of wildlife up there. The trail’s not marked well, so it’s easy to take a wrong turn, but I brought a map.”

  She gave him a wry grin, appreciating his nice profile. “I’m not exactly known for being good with maps. I get lost in public parks. It’s too bad though. Sounds really pretty.” She bit her lip, feeling uncharacteristically shy. “Unless . . .”

  “Unless . . . ?” he prompted when the silence dragged on.

  She shook her head. “I was going to ask if you wanted to come along. But you’re not really dressed for it. And anyway, that’s not part of your job. I’ll just take a different trail. There are plenty to choose from.”

  “I don’t mind coming along. In fact, I’d actually feel better about it. You really shouldn’t hike alone on deserted trails. As you discovered last time, reception isn’t good up in the mountains.”

  She glanced down at his khakis and boat shoes. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. It’s not that hot.” He tossed her a smile. “Besides, now I can pass up the gym today—at least the cardio part.”

  * * *

  Levi told himself he was just being a good host. He told himself again as he took Mia’s hand to help her over a wet gully. And when he steadied her as she climbed over a fallen tree.

  It wasn’t too hard to convince himself. After all, even though this wasn’t normally a part of his job, Mia wasn’t the average guest. She—or rather, her fiancé—had paid a lot of money to make sure the staff of the inn were at her beck and call. Entertaining her was part of making sure she enjoyed her stay. And after she’d promised an endorsement, how could he do anything else?

  They climbed steadily upward through the thick woods. He’d let her take the lead, wanting to be as unobtrusive as possible. The path was trampled down but not covered with mulch or gravel like the well-known trails. This was actually a deer trail, leading to Lone Creek. He held tree limbs for her, ducking under low-hanging branches. The woods were thick with pines, the ground beginning to level out.

  “So what kind of wildlife do you have around here?”

  “Let’s see . . .” They’d been mostly quiet so far, enjoying the scenery. “We have raccoons, groundhogs, deer, wild turkey, black bear, bobcats—”

  She stopped so suddenly he almost slammed into her back. He steadied her with hands on her sides as she whipped around. Her green eyes were wide, her pupils large in the shadowed forest.

  “Bears? You’re just now telling me you have bears?”

  “We’re in the mountains, Mia.”

  “I’m a city girl. What do I know about mountains? Or bears?”

  His lips twitched. “We’re fine. That’s why we’ve been making plenty of noise—to avoid surprising them. If we come upon one, we just slowly back away. Bottom line, they’re more afraid of us than we are of them.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  “They’re rarely even sighted. There’s no need to be afraid—unless there’s a cub present.”

  Her eyes widened even more. “What do we do then?”

  “Get the heck out of Dodge.”

  She elbowed him. “Why didn’t you tell me this before? I was hiking alone!”

  He couldn’t hold back the smile. “You were on a public trail before. They tend to stay away from people.”

  “Have you ever seen one?”

  “Couple of times. And look . . . I’m still alive to talk about it. Relax. You should probably be more concerned about the rattlesnakes.”


  He chuckled at the adorable look on her face. “Didn’t you read that pamphlet I gave you?”

  “I guess I misplaced it.”

  Something scuttled in the underbrush.

  Mia squealed, all but leaping into his arms. “What is it? Is it a snake? Be careful!”

  “Mia. It’s
a squirrel.”

  “Are you sure? How do you know?”

  He laughed. “See it? Right there?”

  “Oh. Yeah.” She looked back at him and seemed to realize she was practically hanging from his neck. One hand grasping his shirt, one knee tucked up against his stomach where he’d caught it.

  She gave a sheepish laugh as she disentangled her limbs. “Whoops. Guess I got a little spooked. My heart is beating so fast right now.”

  Hers wasn’t the only one. “See how much more fun it is hiking with someone?”

  “You mean more terrifying?”

  “I’ve lived here most of my life, and I know how to handle myself. I wouldn’t let any harm come to you.”

  “Great, well . . . maybe you can just take the lead then.”

  “Happy to.” He squeezed around her on the narrow path, pausing to pull a leaf from her ponytail. His eyes met hers. “You have a great laugh, by the way.”

  Levi set off on the trail again, wincing.

  You have a great laugh? She’s going to think you’re hitting on her.

  Never mind that she’d just been in his arms. Never mind how good she’d felt against him. Or how reluctant he’d been to let her go.

  But the look in her eyes when he’d said it. The way they’d warmed. The way her face had softened just before he cleared his throat and passed by. When a man got a reaction like that, it only made him want to do it again.


  By the time Mia heard the rush of water she was out of breath, and sweat beaded on the back of her neck. She and Levi broke through the dense forest. A small waterfall plummeted into a shallow creek that was about thirty feet wide.

  “Here we are.” Levi walked to the edge where the grassy bank flowed right into the water.

  Rocks poked up through the shallows like turtlebacks, the water flowing by, heading to the lake somewhere down the line. The air was heavy with the fresh scent of pine.

  “This is pretty. And so peaceful. What is it about rippling water?” Mia sat on the bank and pulled off her tennis shoes.

  “Makes you want to take a nap, doesn’t it?”

  She took off her socks and pulled up her leggings to her knees. “Feels great,” she said as she stepped into the water, which was deliciously cool. She began picking her way across the rocks. “Aren’t you getting in?”


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