The Slave Planet

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The Slave Planet Page 30

by Seven Steps

  Her plan was coming together.

  Soon, she would rule the world, and then, the universe.



  Lex and Eva walked hand in hand through the marketplace.

  Though it was daylight, only a few ambassadors lingered. They held animated conversations with the Zenithians who stood behind the booths, throwing their arms—when they had them—in the air and shouting. The Zenithians humored them, nodding here and there and laughing when the conversation called for it.

  The warmth at Lex’s side did nothing to calm the thoughts racing through his head.

  Heedon will reclaim me? What about Eva. I can’t go back to Glorium without her.

  The love in his heart for Eva was slightly doused when he thought of Kiera’s beautiful face. It felt as if she was imprinted on his soul. He could feel her moving about the palace, as if an invisible string was attached between them, pulling them to each other. His mind was filled with confusion over what it meant. Did he love Eva less? What was Kiera to him? Surely, she was a fellow Glorium but was she something more than that?

  He felt Eva stop, and he looked up to find that they were next to an empty booth.

  Though Eva’s eyes were deep in shadow, he knew that she was looking at him.

  “You are distracted,” she stated.

  He shook his head. “Me? No. Just thinking.”

  “About what?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I was thinking about nothing.”

  “Does this have anything to do with the girl you were talking to in the ballroom?”

  Lex’s heart froze.

  “You saw that?”

  Eva nodded. “Yes. And I saw you touch her.”

  He suddenly felt very sick.


  “No need to explain. You met someone who was from your home world, and you got a bit carried away. I understand.”

  The tension in his stomach eased a bit.

  “Just promise me that it will never happen again.”

  Lex nodded. “Of course it won’t. Like you said, I just got a little carried away.”

  “So you won’t touch her again?”


  “Or think about her?”

  Lex turned his face to stone.


  He hoped that she didn’t hear the way his heart hammered. He’d never had a reason to lie to Eva in the past, and now he was lying to her about another woman. A woman from his home world. A woman whom he could feel in every fiber of his body. How could he not think about her? Guilt ate at his gut, and he turned back to the road. He looked ahead as he led Eva towards the place that he hoped would give him a little peace. The fountain. The very spot where he had kissed her in public for the first time.

  Movement from the other side of the fountain caught his eye.

  He peered behind the statue.

  “What is it?” Eva asked.

  He held a hand to his lips, quieting her, and pointed to the fountain.

  Perched on the opposite side of the fountain, half-hidden by the statue, was a beautiful woman. Her shiny, porcelain skin perfectly complimented her long, curly, flame colored hair. Next to her was an immense, pale, heavily muscled man with red, spiked hair and a full beard. They were both draped in flowing, white fabric.

  Embrya and Heedon.

  Lex and Eva silently tiptoed around the statue to get a better look at them.

  The two rulers leaned into each other, their bodies intimately close.

  Heedon held out a cupped hand to Embrya. Though bright outside, no light penetrated into his palm. With his other hand, he moved his thumb and pointer finger like tweezers, shifting the darkness around until there was a small opening. His body shook, and he let out a strained grunt as he struggled to keep the small hole open.

  Embrya placed a hand under Heedon’s, supporting him. With the other hand, she dipped her pointer finger into the fountain and shook off the excess. She placed her finger over the small opening that he had created. A drop fell from her finger, creating a single point of light.

  He quickly closed his hand, hers on top of it, and squeezed his palms flat.

  When he opened his hands again, a round disc, dark around the edges but glowing and swirling in the middle, floated up and disappeared into the clouds.

  They’re creating, Lex thought. They’re creating right here in front of us.

  Embrya and Heedon looked at each other then turned and looked at Lex and Eva.

  Heedon smiled. “Lex of Glorium. We’ve been waiting for you.”

  Lex and Eva stumbled around the fountain and kneeled before Embrya and Heedon.

  “Welcome, Lex,” Embrya said, her voice melodic and light. “And Empress Eva of Venus.”

  Lex heard the flatness of the Magistrate’s tone. He hoped Eva didn’t notice.

  “Magistrate Embrya,” Eva replied.

  “You may rise. Lex, please join us in our chambers. We have much to discuss.”

  Lex and Eva rose and he allowed himself a brief glance at Embrya. With her clear skin, her bright eyes, and her deep red hair, she was easily the most enchanting woman he had ever seen. He had seen her from afar in the ballroom, but up close she was even more stunning.

  Embrya smiled and nodded, seeming to take the compliment. She stood and began walking toward the tallest center tower.

  Heedon stepped between Lex and Eva, clapping Lex on the back.

  The marketplace turned to fire, with only Heedon as the light. Lex was as keenly aware of Heedon as he was of Kiera.

  Potent energy joined them, bonded them. Heedon’s musky scent was strong. His odor filled Lex’s nostrils, overpowering everything else. The urge to follow and obey Heedon overtook him. Lex couldn’t help but pull his spine straight and square his shoulders, instinctively knowing that he would kill for his High Keeper if necessary.

  It vaguely occurred to Lex that he had been marked, branded in some sort of way, but the thought was fleeting, buried in the knowledge that the core of him had been changed. He had a purpose now—to follow and obey Heedon and to protect the Magistrate. It was crystal clear and without question. He had a pack now, and a powerful leader. Before he was only told that he was Glorium. Now, he felt it in his bones.

  I am Glorium. Highly favored of Heedon.

  Heedon’s hand left Lex’s shoulder.

  “Empress Eva,” Heedon said, his voice dipped in respect. “Please, may I have a word with my subject?”

  Lex’s vision still blurred with Heedon’s scent, but he saw well enough to see Eva look between the two men before bowing and hurrying back to the tower.

  He hoped she was all right.

  Heedon’s smile was genuine, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. “Lex. Glorium has missed you.”

  The words were out before Lex had a chance to think about them, polish them. “What happened to me? Why was I sent to Venus to be a slave?”

  Heedon sighed. “I had hoped that we could have more time before we discussed that, but I suppose that now is as good a time as any.” His face turned solemn. “Your father, Xander, was a scout in my army. He was a good man. Glorium to the core. One day he took you out in his ship. He was teaching you how to be a good scout, keen eyed and loyal, like he was.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “You were attacked by Zoglars, scavengers who sell both the ship’s parts and the crew to whomever they can find. When I heard of it, I sent a party out to find the two of you.” Heedon’s brows dropped in sorrow. “By the time we found what was left of your father’s ship...” Heedon shook his head. “It wasn’t until later we discovered that you had been sold to the Venians. Your mother was devastated. She wept for many days.” He allowed Lex time to look away and take a breath.

  “When will you take me back there?” Lex asked.

  “Eventually, you will return to Glorium, to your mother, and your siblings, but not yet. There are still things for you to do here.” He began walki
ng again toward the tower. “Lex, we have a great need of you now. Once your friends arrive, all will be explained.”

  “And what about Kiera?” Lex asked.

  Heedon inclined his head, his gaze intense. “Have you set your mind on Kiera?”

  Lex shook his head. “I don’t know. I feel her everywhere I go. I don’t know what to think of it.”

  “What you felt with Kiera, you feel with all Glorium. The pull. It binds us together so that we can protect one another. Kiera is beautiful, but she is not for you to have. You have truth before you. That is who should occupy your mind. Now come. We have much to discuss.”


  From the outside, gold framed windows set within pale white walls reflected the suns light.

  Heedon and Lex followed Embrya into the south west tower. They strode up a grand staircase and down a wide hallway. Zenithian guards were stationed every few steps, hair wild, their chests covered in wooden breastplates.

  The hallway walls were decorated with what appeared to be mirrors. Upon closer inspection, Lex realized that each “mirror” displayed a different planet.

  This must be how Embrya monitors her realm. She must’ve seen what’s happened on Venus. Why hasn’t she done something?

  As she entered her throne room, Embrya let her white robe fall to the floor, revealing a pearl colored dress and a glorious pair of clear wings embroidered with gold. She fluttered to her throne and sat.

  Heedon stood next to her, placing a protective arm onto the top of the elaborately carved, wooden throne.

  A grand view of the volcano presented itself behind the throne. Brown, with gold around the lip, it erupted frequently, puffing white clouds skyward, and dribbling sparkling blue dust down its sides. Just beyond the volcano was a large, shimmering ocean.

  Stationed in each corner of the room were Glorium guards. With their flaming red hair and white uniforms, they reminded Lex of human torches. The handle of a weapon peeked out from behind their backs.

  A driving need to touch and bond with each guard rolled over him.

  Not now, he thought. He knitted his fingers behind him and stood at attention.

  A Zenithian fluttered to the Magistrate, head bowed, wings pulsing as she hovered close.

  “It’s almost time,” Embrya said. “Tell Dell Una to bring the others.”

  The Zenithian bowed and flew from the room.

  “Sit, Lex.”

  Another Zenithian brought Lex a large yellow embroidered pillow to sit on. A third offered him a steaming beverage.

  Lex sat and sipped the hot, milky sweetness from the cup.

  He licked his lips. “It’s delicious, Magistrate. What is it?”

  “The purest lunchunt milk in all of Zenith,” Embrya replied.

  Lex’s stomach turned as he thought of the beast that he had ridden earlier.

  The sound of footsteps grew louder until Eva, Kiln, and Nadira entered the room escorted by Dell Una.

  Eva gave him a gentle smile.

  “Welcome, travelers,” Embrya said. “Now that you are all here, tell me the reason for your visit.” She motioned to Dell Una. “Please, bring the Venian Specumium to me.” The Magistrate leaned back on her throne and motioned for them to speak.

  “Magistrate. Keeper,” Nadira gave a graceful bow to each one. “We come from Venus. The Czarina Arees and the Countess Jun-Su have killed all of our Councilwomen. Arees has captured Jun-Su and her children and declared herself sole ruler of the planet. There is no one to rise against her. We need your help.”

  Embrya considered this as Dell Una reentered the room with a mirror—the Specumium—a view into all the worlds that Embrya presided over.

  “I will see the truth,” Embrya said. “And then I will pass judgment.”

  She gazed into it.

  A picture hovered in the air before them. The orange orb of Venus morphed into a view of the surface of the planet.

  Lex’s mouth dropped open in horror.

  Venus was in ruins.

  Buildings and homes smoked and burned. A large, wire fence had been erected around the charred Residential. Groups of women looked hopelessly through the fence, trapped.

  They look like they’re starving! Lex thought.

  The picture transformed into women running in the streets, screaming as enforcers chased them and dragged them back toward a long, clear barrier.

  That’s a death barrier, just like the one in the Hall of Judgment, Lex thought.

  The picture changed into what was once the Square. It was now a crater. Enforcers carried dead bodies to the edge of the hole and pitched them in. Severed arms, legs, and torsos were littered around the blackened lip of the crater. Sitting sentinel around the hole of death, on metal stakes, were severed heads.

  Lex gasped.

  One of the heads belonged to Empress Star of Beta. He wondered where the rest of her was.

  Several enforcers came forward with large, silver flamethrowers and walked around the perimeter of the hole, igniting it as they went. The heads around the rim were not touched.

  “It’s finally happened,” Eva said. “The end of Venus.”

  The picture moved to High Council Hall. Jun-Su was being restrained by two enforcers. She was screaming, her mouth twisted in rage and horror. In front of her, two children were cowering against a dirty wall.

  “No,” Lex heard Nadira whisper.

  An enforcer stepped between the mother and the children. She raised the blaster, aiming it at the children. Jun-Su’s screams rang through the room as the first blaster fired. Then the second.

  Nadira’s screams joined Jun-Su’s. The children that they had tried desperately to save, were dead. Lex felt wetness drip down his cheek.

  They’re gone. Their lives hadn’t even begun, and now they’re gone.

  The screen changed once more to a small home surrounded by hills.

  Beta Sector, Lex thought.

  Four bodies huddled in a small closet. The picture zoomed in on a chubby, sweet faced woman, and an older, white-haired woman. They were cuddling a small baby wrapped in a blanket. A large, dark skinned man pressed his body against the door.

  An enforcer’s voice called out, “Sonyata Chinovai and Lilu Dii. You have been charged with treason. The penalty is immediate death.”

  Three more enforcers slammed a giant board up over the door and nailed it into place.

  “Burn it!”

  When Sonyata and Lilu heard this, they burst through the closet door.

  Smoke slowly crept under the door and into the house.

  They banged on the boarded up front door. “Please, let us out! We’re here. Let us out! We have a child! Please!”

  “Enough.” Embrya put the mirror down on the table beside her and closed her eyes. Heedon’s hand fell upon her shoulder. She placed a hand on top of his. After several moments, she opened her eyes again. “I have seen into the hearts of your people. I saw darkness, and I saw pain. I saw death, and I saw tears. There is a void on your planet, and evil is filling it up.”

  Lex’s head dropped in dismay. Surely Embrya will refuse us now.

  “However,” Embrya continued, “I also see love, determination, forgiveness, and hope. I see truth, and I see faith.” She met Lex’s eye and nodded. “I will help you.”

  Eva and Nadira let out relieved breaths.

  “We are forever indebted to you, Magistrate,” Nadira said solemnly. “Thank you, Magistrate.”

  Embrya walked out of the throne room and down the hallway, Heedon hot on her heels.

  They followed her.

  Embrya extended her arms, and the doors opened long before she reached them. By the time she arrived at the front door of the tower, a staircase of branches extended from the door down to the ground.

  That wasn’t there before, was it? Lex thought.

  As they walked down the long set of steps, the horizon before them became blurred. The blur took shape, and seconds later a ship appeared before them. A single window
in the front gave way to a long, sleek body. The shiny blue body extended back a bit before stretching into wings that curved upward at the ends. A flight of stairs lowered, though the ship appeared to be unoccupied.

  “I cannot leave Zenith,” Embrya said. “However, I will give you my ship, the Jewel, and a great warrior, Dell Una.”

  Dell Una’s three eyes opened wide. “But Magistrate, I am only an ambassador’s liaison. Surely a Glorium warrior will be better suited to—”

  “I will give you the tools that you need to succeed,” Embrya interrupted. “Do not doubt yourself, Dell Una. You have greatness within you.”

  Dell Una hesitated. “Yes, Embrya.”

  They arrived at the ship.

  “The time is short and we have much to do.” Embrya turned to Dell Una. “Defeat the Czarina.”

  “Yes, your grace,” Dell Una whispered.

  Embrya opened her palm and revealed a small yellow seed.

  Dell Una’s three eyes opened wide.

  “A fire seed from the great volcano,” Embrya said. “Go with fury, my child.”

  Dell Una opened her mouth, and Embrya placed the seed on her tongue.

  More confident, but still confused, Dell Una nodded and walked toward the ship, her small mouth working to chew the tough shell.

  Embrya and Heedon knitted hands as the ship’s powerful engine roared to life. They raised their hands as the ship left the cool grass of Zenith and rose high into the lavender sky, taking the saviors of Venus with it.



  The polished, mirrored elevator doors opened, and Arees and one of her private enforcer guards stepped inside.

  It’s happening. I own this planet, she thought. Now to get the Mungogian eye. With it, my army will be unstoppable.

  The elevator stopped on the first floor. An enforcer stepped inside and greeted Arees and her fellow enforcer.

  Arees ignored the enforcer and went back to her planning.

  The doors closed, and the elevator whooshed down again before slowing to a stop in the basement of High Council Hall.

  I’ll need ships. Hundreds of ships. It won’t be easy, but when Mungogia falls, and the eye is mine, I’ll have more than enough protection against Prince Praxis.


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