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Scarlett Page 3

by Margaret Tanner

  “This will be a two week return trip.”

  “That long?” Scarlett couldn’t hide her shock.

  “Sometimes, they’re longer.” Cora toyed with a curling tendril of hair. Scarlett surmised she would be in her twenties. Her breasts were large and bulged out over the tight bodice of her gown. A good handful Jake would say. Her waist was slim, and for a woman she was tall. Her ebony eyes hinted at some Negro heritage.

  Scarlett patted her hair to make sure the pins were in place. She always wore it up as it made her look older than her sixteen years. Only in the boudoir did she let the auburn curls hang loose.

  “Did Jake tell you anything about our operation here?” Cora asked.

  “No, just said he had to replace a couple of doves who left.”

  “Left?” Cora scoffed. “Murdered is what I’d call it.”

  “Murder!” What am I letting myself in for?

  Cora suddenly stood and paced the cabin. “There was a brawl when one gambler caught another cheating. Well, one thing led to another and two doves were thrown into a glass wall and died. It was horrible.” Cora shuddered. “I’ve never seen so much blood. It was everywhere. We were only a day out of New Orleans when it happened. After that a few of the doves didn’t want to work on the boat anymore.”

  “What about you?” she asked, following Cora out of the cabin.

  “I like working the steamboats, lots of money to be made here. Another couple of years and I’ll be able to retire.”

  Already ideas were churning around inside Scarlett’s head. If the big money was to be made on these boats, that’s where she wanted to be.

  They climbed down a staircase and, after crossing a landing, entered a huge room. Scarlett gasped in surprise. The room would have just about run the full length of Elegant Lady. It had gilded ceilings, chandeliers and mirror lined walls. She had never seen such opulence before.

  She followed Cora across the polished wood floors. One section was set out with tables covered in crisp white cloths with fancy crystal center pieces of naked women in provocative poses. Ornately carved food trolleys sat along the wall. The silver cutlery gleamed. No expense had been spared.

  “Do we get to eat out here?” Scarlett asked, not even trying to hide her awe.

  “No, not unless one of the men takes a liking to us and brings us along as his guest.”


  “The men sailing on this boat are wealthy and jaded. If they take a liking to you, you’re theirs exclusively until the trip ends. Please them, and you could end up with a couple of hundred dollars if they’re generous. I heard of a girl who got herself a high roller and finished up with nearly a thousand dollars.”

  If only I could earn that kind of money Scarlett thought, a couple of trips would probably be enough.

  “By the way, the Captain and Liam don’t pay any fee for a dove’s services, but they’re generous.”

  Scarlett bit back on the question of whether Liam had many different women. Please let him pick me. Heat pooled in her belly at the thought of having his manhood buried inside her. Jealousy tore her heart to threads on thinking about all the other women he must have bedded.

  After passing through the dining area, they walked across a highly polished dance floor to a well-stocked bar. Fancy brass spittoons were set along the walls, and an ornate foot rest ran the full length of the bar. Pushing through a pair of bat-wing doors, they entered the gambling section where ten or so tables had been set up.

  “They mainly play poker, although sometimes one or two of the tables might be used for games of Faro. It doesn’t seem to be very popular unless there are a lot of Frenchies on board.”

  Scarlett was impressed. “Do we get off the boat?”

  “No. There are a few landing places we stop at for supplies or to pick up passengers, but we’re not allowed to leave. Besides.” She poked Scarlett in the ribs with her elbow. “We’ll be too busy entertaining the men, one way or another. Most of them don’t leave the boat, either. They pay highly to relax and enjoy everything Elegant Lady can provide, including us. You’ll be busy day and night. Some of these men have insatiable sexual appetites. We can make lots of money, but we earn it.”

  “Where do we eat?”

  “In your cabin unless you’re with a man who wants to take you to the dining room. Your best chance of getting to sit at one of the tables is the evening meal. There’s a small dining room on the deck below, where the senior crew eat. We can go there.”

  “What about the ordinary sailors?”

  Cora tossed her head with derision. “They eat on one of the lower decks. If you need anything while you’re in your cabin a steward will bring it to you. There’s a bell-pull on the side of your port hole.”

  Back inside the cabin, Scarlett stepped over to what she supposed was a cupboard. It was a water closet, with a hip bath and a commode chair. What luxury, she could scarcely believe her eyes.

  The boat didn’t rock which was good, she had no idea what kind of sailor she would make; a terrible one most probably. A knock came to the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your steward, I’ve got water for you to bathe in.”

  “Come in.”

  A boy stepped inside carrying two buckets of hot water. He was followed by another youth lugging what she assumed was cold water as no steam rose from it. The first boy pulled out the hip bath, and they both emptied their buckets.

  “There are towels in the drawer under your bed.”

  Scarlett watched him squat down and lift up the quilt to reveal a wide drawer with brass handles. He extracted two large white towels and laid them on the bed.

  “The soap is in the dresser. If you need anything else, pull the bell cord, Miss.”

  “Thank you.”

  After the boy left she stripped off her travel clothes and stepped into the hot water. What bliss. She could stretch out fully with only her ankles and feet hanging over the edge of the bath. Closing her eyes, she let her mind drift to Liam, the handsomest man she had ever met.

  “Please God, let him choose me,” she whispered. “And only me.” The last three words came out on a desperate, wanting sigh. It was foolish thinking like this. The Captain was obviously wealthy so Liam would be too. Cora had said they were generous. Liam could have her for nothing if that was the only way to have him. Soiled doves did not give away their favors for free Ruby had drilled into her. Most times they didn’t kiss them, either.

  She ran her fingertips across her lips. She had liked the feel of his mouth on hers, hadn’t wanted the kiss to end, truth be known. Could you fall in love with a man the first time you saw him? She castigated herself for such foolishness. She was a whore, Liam knew this. A man in his position would wed a pretty, respectable young lady, it went without saying.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. He was probably at this very moment bedding Cora or one of the other doves. Maybe he was already betrothed, married even. Her heart felt weighted down with lead. Whatever he gave her it wouldn’t be permanent.


  Her eyes shot open. “Liam?” She put her hands over her breasts.

  “No, don’t cover them.” He stepped over to her and squatted next to the bath. “Don’t hide them from me, darlin’ they’re beautiful.” He moved her hands away and stroked them, before cupping a breast in either hand and rubbing his thumbs across her nipples. “So pink and tight,” he whispered as he encircled them with his tongue.

  As fierce as sheet lightning, desire shot through her, the “V” between her thighs tingled.

  He released her nipple. “Beautiful Scarlett. Time to get out. We’ll be setting sail soon and I want to make love to you before I go back on deck.”

  Liam, I….”

  “You don’t want me?” Disappointment flashed in his eyes. “If it’s the money….”

  “No. No, I don’t want any money from you. I just….don’t want to share you with the other doves on board.”

  “You won’
t be.” He lifted her out of the bath, picked up a towel and started to pat her body dry. Her skin burned and nervous excitement churned her stomach.

  “I think it was meant to be, you and I. Do you believe in love at first sight my sweet, Scarlett?” His eyes were intensely blue and so full of wonderment she could scarcely believe it.

  “You love me?” she whispered.

  “Yes, and I’ve never said that to another woman.”

  “I love you too, Liam, only it’s so sudden.”

  He flung the towel to one side, picked her up and stepped over to the bed. Balancing her on one knee, he pulled the bed covers back. He placed her on the sheet and she watched with mounting excitement as he removed his shirt to display a tanned, slightly hair roughened chest. Her eyes strayed downward, stopping at crotch level where his arousal was clearly evident. When he stepped out of his pants, her gaze devoured this perfect specimen of manhood.

  “Like what you see?” he asked with a grin.

  He was cocky and sure of himself, yet with a body like that, what man wouldn’t be?

  He climbed into bed and reached for her. She went to him willingly, liking the firmness of his warm, well-muscled body. His musky male scent infused her nostrils.

  Liam gasped as she gently cupped him with one hand, using the other hand to run up and down his long, hard length until he groaned with need.

  “No playtime now, I’m too desperate,” he rasped.

  She opened her thighs and he entered with a long powerful thrust. Their bodies writhed and rocked together, each giving, taking, yet still craving more, until finally they soared skyward, reaching the highest pinnacle of desire. They climaxed almost simultaneously, crying out each other’s name.

  This is as near to heaven as I’ll ever get, Scarlett thought. Emotional tears filled her eyes. What a difference there was in the sexual act when you loved the man who was doing it.

  He rolled off her and brought her up against his side.

  “Amazing,” he said softly, his breath lifting the strands of her loosened hair. “When I saw you, it was like a bolt of lightning shooting through me, the intensity almost felled me. I knew then you were the gal I had been waiting all these years for.”

  “Oh, Liam, that’s how I felt, too.”

  His fingers playing with her pubic curls caused need to surge through her again. She gasped when he slid two fingers inside her, massaging her bud. “You like that, my love?”

  “Yes, yes. I’d like anything you did to me.”

  His seduction wasn’t hurried now their desperate urgency had been appeased. He touched and kissed every inch of her body and she reveled in his mastery. Then it was her turn to love him with her mouth, her hands and her body. Finally sated, they slept entwined.

  Chapter Four

  Scarlett awoke and reached out her hand, the other side of the bed was empty. She was shocked at how hurt she felt because Liam had sneaked off while she slept. She had believed every honeyed word dripping off his tongue. Hadn’t she learned anything from the wealthy men she serviced? They were selfish, unworthy liars, who held doves in such low esteem they wouldn’t even try to treat them with even the smallest amount of decency. No wonder every dove she knew had no compunction in taking as much money from them as they could. The pain of Liam’s betrayal was excruciating.

  Toot, toot. She heard several more quick blasts and the boat rocked slightly. They were moving. Liam was the boat’s Pilot and would have to be up on deck to guide the boat away from its moorings and out into the deeper parts of the river. Was that why he had left?

  Her trunks were still sitting where the steward had left them, so she stepped over to the water closet, washed and dressed in a green silk gown. It was low cut as were all her gowns. Jake insisted his women always wore tight gowns showing as much cleavage as possible.

  “You’re always on display,” he had said. “Even walking along the street.”

  She unpinned her waist length hair and sat brushing it. Her hair was the one thing she was proud of. One man had told her it looked as if the rays of the sun had been trapped between the curls.

  A tap came to the door. Her heart leapt. Liam? She dashed over to open it and the disappointment was overwhelming. A dark-skinned boy of about ten stood holding a tray containing a steaming cup of coffee and a small heart shaped plate of cookies.

  “Mr. Liam said to bring you this. Don’t leave the cabin. He’ll collect you for supper at seven o’clock.” He recited the words in a parrot-like fashion.

  “Thank you.” She took the tray and he scurried off up the passageway.

  She sipped the sweet black coffee. It was the nicest she had ever tasted, thick, syrupy with a slightly nutty flavor. Shame surged through her on thinking how she had condemned Liam for leaving her. This love thing was new to her, so was trusting a man. The only person she had ever trusted was her friend Jessica. She would have left the orphanage by now, sold off to the highest bidder by Matron or Gerda. I hope you found somewhere decent to work my little friend.

  She stared through the port hole. They were definitely moving, and not at a bad speed, either. They flashed past a few rafts containing people and supplies. It was probably how the poor people got around on the river, not that the rafts looked particularly robust or safe.

  Trees growing along either side of the river flashed past. She couldn’t believe how wide the Mississippi was or that it was two thousand miles long.

  As time dragged by she got to the point of pacing her cabin, only a few steps up and back because of the size. Maybe she should go to the saloon. There again, if some man decided he wanted her services she would have to accommodate him or risk Jake’s wrath. That he had spies on board, she didn’t doubt for one moment. Fear and intimidation was the way he always operated.

  Finally, when she thought she couldn’t stand it a minute longer, Liam strode into the cabin. He was dressed in black pants and waistcoat, with a white shirt and black shoestring tie. His hair was damp, obviously he had recently bathed and shaved.

  “Well, don’t you look beautiful?” He leaned over to kiss her mouth. “You taste good, too.”

  When he went to pull away she flung her arms around his neck and returned his kiss, standing on tiptoes because he was so tall. “I missed you.”

  “And I you, I had to steer the boat, though. It’s difficult when we’re close to shore. There are sandbars, floating trees, a lot of debris sometimes, not to mention careless rafters.”

  “Who is guiding the boat now?”

  He grinned. “I’ve got a couple of men trained up, although I like to do the more difficult maneuvering myself.”

  “Thank you for sending up the coffee and cookies.”

  He grinned. “I didn’t want you wandering around attracting the attention of other men. You’re mine Scarlett, and I don’t intend sharing you.”

  “It’s my job.”

  “No, it’s not anymore….”

  “What about Jake?”

  “To hell with Jake, I can deal with him. This is my father’s boat.”

  “Doesn’t Jake own it?”

  “No, the boat belongs to Pa. Jake only paid to have it fitted out and we share the profits. It’s a business arrangement, which works out well for all of us. Pa intends to retire soon, so Jake will buy him out. I’ve always wanted to own a ranch. Pa knows this and we’ll be partners. After the war I helped him out as I know this stretch of river well. It was never going to be a permanent arrangement, it just lasted a few years longer than I had anticipated.”

  His mouth ravished hers, and he strained their bodies close. Scarlett locked her arms around his neck. If this is what love was all about, then she was in love with Liam who could make her heart flutter with one look. Could cause heat to surge through the whole of her body until it finally pooled in the “V” between her thighs with a deep, aching intensity.

  Suddenly he stepped back. “Enough.” He ran trembling hands through his dark hair. “Much more of this and I would be e
ating you instead of supper.”

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  He grinned and slapped her on the ass with the flat of one hand. “Plenty of time for that later.”

  “If I let you.”

  He gave a wicked laugh and winked. “Oh, you’ll let me all right, lady. I’ll have you purring like a pussycat in two minutes, after that you’ll be threshing and clawing at me like a wildcat.”

  His confidence at his own prowess left her speechless for a moment or two.

  “Well, my lovely Scarlett, what have you got to say now?”

  “Not much.” She gave him a light punch on the arm. “You’re very conceited.”

  He grinned. “I know, but if I can’t do anything well, I wouldn’t bother doing it at all. I’ve always been like that. Come along, I’m hungry.” His blazing blue eyes told her it wasn’t food he hungered for. It was her. The thought was empowering.

  In the dining room, the tables were full of well-dressed men and their female companions, most of them would be women like her. Liam’s hand rested on her waist as he steered her toward the Captain’s table. Two people already sat there, Captain Stevenson and Cora.

  “Good evening,” Liam said as he pulled a chair out for Scarlett who was so nervous now she could only smile because her tongue seemed stuck to the roof of her mouth. She didn’t miss the hostile glare cast her way by Cora, or the way the other girl’s gaze followed Liam’s every movement. They had slept together, she didn’t doubt it for a moment.”

  “I hope you’re all settled in, my dear,” the Captain said.

  “Yes, thank you, I had two good guides to show me around. She forced a smile. “Liam and Cora.”

  “Good. I would have escorted you myself had there been time, but I’m glad the other two were able to stand in for me.”

  An engraved silver soup tureen was placed in the middle of the table by a uniformed steward.

  “Cora will serve it,” Captain Stevenson said. “I can’t stand people hovering over me when I eat, gives me indigestion.”

  “I’ll be glad to dish up for you, Captain,” Cora said even as her eyes never left Liam’s face.


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