The Light Within the Darkness

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The Light Within the Darkness Page 19

by H M Wolfe

  No more hiding. No more clandestine meetings. They would no longer have to avoid being seen together in public. They no longer had to be afraid that the attraction between them was visible. Valeran sighed in relief, feeling the evidence of his Dom's desire throbbing through the leather of his pants. It was a new beginning, a new day, the first of their new life.


  Six months later


  inson was hammering his submissive's wanting, hot hole, while the man beneath him was a moaning, panting mess. Vale pleading at him to go faster, always asking for more in an almost desperate voice. He arched from the bed, using his legs wrapped around Vin's back, to pull himslf onto the hard, hot cock. He was eager to meet his Dom's thrusts. Eager to take more of his cock, and to pleasure Vin even more.

  A series of whimpers and moans escaping from Valeran's throat was the signal Vin was waiting for. With a firm hand, he grabbed Vale's twitching cock. It had started to drip at an accelerated pace, and, after firmly squeezing it at the base, he managed to stave off the orgasm that had just about hit its crest. Without a break in the rhythum of his thrusts, he started to stroke it, there was no need for additional lube as usual. He just spread the coupious ammount of precum around the shaft. Already on the edge of his own orgasm, it didn't take long until Vinson was spilling himself into the sub's tight, hot ass, filling it with his hot, sticky release. He came so hard this time, the cum overflowed Vale's ass and dripped down the crack.

  As the orgasm sent shocks of pleasure throughout his body, the Dom leaned over Vale's sweaty body claiming his lips in a fiery kiss. Panting into Vale's mouth he ordered him to come, which he did. Vale ending his magical ride by shooting thick strings of cum between them. The sub's sweaty chest rose and fell rhythmically, as his breath became less and less erratic. Evidentually both men synced their breath, until it became completely calm and even.

  ''You did very well, my pet. I'm pleased with you. So very pleased.'' Vinson was soon able to talk, his words sweet and smooth. It presented as an angelic sound to the other man's ears. ''You make me prouder by the day.'' He continued, running his fingertips up and down Valeran's torso and through the cooling strings of pearlescent cum.

  ''Thank you for those kind words, Master. You make me happy every day. Giving myself to you is the least I can do to express my gratitude for everything you've done and still do over the last few months. I love you so much.'' The sub rolled onto his side, and moving closer to the one who owned his body, mind and soul.

  ''I'm not talking only about this moment. I also had in mind the progress you've made in your career. You know, how you've become one of the greatest contemporary painters in the city. Today's exhibition, for instance, was a total success, with you as its center piece.''

  ''Sorry, I didn't realize that it might embarrass you.'' Valeran's voice dropped to barely a whisper. ''But you are right. I shouldn't have made such a show of myself. Especially with you there. It won't happen again, I...''

  Slapping his hand over Vale's mouth to shut him up, Vinson answered. ''No, pet, you didn't understand me. That was my fault for not expressing myself clearly enough.'' Vinson caressed the sub's cheek, then put a finger on his lips, to keep him quiet a bit longer. ''I loved seeing you in the middle of all those people. All of those who'd come there to admire your amazing work and immense talent. Nothing pleases a Dom more than seeing his sub celebrated for who he is and what he represents.''

  Vinson smiled at the recent memory of Valeran, surrounded by art dealers, other famous artists and filthy-rich Mecenas. All of them were wanting a piece of him for themselves. His beautiful, brilliant, immensely talented pet was smiling to everyone, but was wearing the leather collar with platinum and gold incrustations he'd put around his neck six months earlier, the symbol of the connection between them.

  An accomplished dominant, Master Lucien de Saint-Laurent often said, wasn't one who kept his sub locked away. But was one who proudly showed him off to the world. The submissive's success also reflected on the Dom. He would become the target of his fellows' envy and admiration. Over the months that had passed since he'd collared Valeran, Vinson had become more and more convinced of how true those words were.

  ''I can't wait for the weekend.'' Valeran's sweet voice snapped the man's focus back to the present. ''We get to gather at the daddies' place and spend some quality time with the guys. It will be the breath of fresh air we all need.''

  ''You're right, pet.'' Vinson agreed, kissing the sweet spot behind Valeran's ear. ''This week-long break is definitely well-deserved. We've all worked ourselves to the bone, not to mention the kids, who can't wait to get together with their cousins.''

  ''Isn't it amazing to see how well Olivia and Kyle have adjusted to their new life with our brother and Master Ian?' the other man smiled brightly, a small moan escaping from his lips when Vin started to lick the spot he'd been kissing earlier. ''Aubrey was a great help in making those two poor souls feel welcomed, wanted and loved.''

  ''Yes, that kid rocks! He's so much like his father. It's no wonder Warrick loves him so much.'' Vinson moved his attention to the sub's chest, licking dangerously close to one nipple. ''Mmmm,'' he said licking his lips, ''you taste different after sex. Sweeter. Better. I can't get enough of you. But I have to stop here, damn it, because you are exhausted. Good night, sweet pet.''

  ''Good night, Master.'' Valeran answered, a tinge of regret in his voice, because he wanted to play more. However, the sub remembered that his Dom always knew what he needed and when to give it to him. Closing his eyes, he turned around, letting Vinson wrap him in a loving embrace, the calm, even breath of the man lulling him to sleep.

  As soon as he woke up, Ian went down into the kitchen, and started to fix breakfast for his family. This was usally a duty reserved for his submissive, but not that morning. Warrick was sleeping so peacefully, that the special prosecutor couldn't bring himself to wake him. The thought of the younger man sleeping in made the Dom smile, as he cooked an omelet with large chunks of sausage in it.

  Ian didn't considered it as the healthiest choice of food for breakfast, but Olivia and Kyle, the siblings he and Warrick had adopted from the base loved it. So he cooked it whenever the kids were at home, over the weekend and during the holidays. The look on their faces was precious enough to motivate the man to prepare their favorite dishes.

  A bright smile appeared on Ian's face as he thought about the twelve-year-old Kyle and Olivia, who was two years younger than the boy. He thought about how well they were getting along with Aubrey. He was someone who they saw as a protective older brother. Scared and distrustful at first, their wounds had started to heal. At least on the surface, and they'd begun to communicate more with him and Warrick.

  Unlike most of the children at the base, Kyle and Olivia weren't the victims of child prostitution. They'd been saved by the Stanley brothers from an abusive home. It was there where they were beaten and starved by both their parents, who then sent them out on the street to find the money for their daily fix of drugs and alcohol.

  Because the words father and dad both held negative connotations for the two, Ian and Warrick were called by their names by both children. It was something which they warmly approved of. However, after spending a lot of time in Aubrey's company, sometimes they slipped and called Ian dad, much to the man's delight. Kyle and Olivia adored Vincent and his men. Nicholas and Joraan, the nurturers of the group, being their favorites.

  ''Good morning, Master.'' A sleepy Warrick appeared in the doorway, with his hair looking adorably messed. ''Why didn't you wake me? It's my duty to...''

  ''Because you needed the sleep, and I wanted to cook breakfast for my lovely family.'' Ian smiled, kissing his sub lingeringly on the lips. ''You look very cute this morning, my pet.''

  ''Thank you, Master.'' A light shade of pink colored Warrick's cheeks as he blushed at Ian's words. ''The children are awake and fully dressed. They are very enthusiastic about this week-long vacation.''

/>   ''I bet the daddies are as excited as the kids, if not more.'' Ian grinned. ''If we are not careful, they'll spoil them rotten.''

  ''Look who's talking. It's the man who spoils everyone rotten, me included.'' The sub shyly smiled and let out a small snort of laughter. ''Which I'm immensely grateful for.'' he added.

  Ian wanted to reply, but the appearance of the kids cut him short. As usual, Olivia went straight into Warrick's arms, burrowing her cute face into his chest, while she let out a soft sigh of contentment. Kyle, on the other hand, searched for comfort and protection in Ian's embrace, smiling when the man kissed the top of his head.

  Aubrey made the tour, going first to his father, whom he hugged tight. Then he did the same to Kyle. Then, he went to Warrick, kissed him on the cheek and Olivia on the forehead. The boy placed his head on the younger man's chest, listening to his heartbeat, and smiling.

  ''Hey, kiddos, food's getting cold. Is there no one in this house who's hungry?'' Ian ruffled Kyle's hair, slowly guiding him to the table. ''Lookie what the cook made you for breakfast!'' He lifted the lid covering the omelet pan.

  ''Sausage omelets! Yay!'' Olivia's eyes were shining with joy at the sight of her favorite food. ''Did Grandpa Vince give you his super-secret receipe? It tastes as good as the one he cooks for us.''

  ''No, he didn't. This is my own omelet mixture. I first cooked it for Warrick. Back then, I didn't put sausage in it.'' Ian smiled at the memory.

  ''Mmmm, tasty.'' Kyle also expressed his approval, making the older of the two men shake his head, amused at how concise the kid was, even when he was enthusiastic.

  They ate, cleaned the table, did the dishes, then the adults went for a quick change of clothes, while the kids, already dressed, carried their smaller, personal bags downstairs. None of them had packed a lot, because their granddads' house was a home away from home, with everything they needed, from clothes to toys, games and even computers.

  The ride to the Grant & Company residence was a fun one. The kids were listening to some rock music and miming different instruments. Aubrey was the guitarist, Kyle the drummer, while Olivia played the singer, holding an imaginary microphone. From the corner of his eye, Warrick watched the show. He already knew what each of the kids were going to get for Christmas, and he had no doubts Ian would approve.

  ''Here they are! The cuties!'' Joraan exclaimed, as soon as Olivia, Kyle and Aubrey stepped out of the car. ''You were very missed.'' He stated as he started to hug them.

  ''As usual, we are non-existent when they are around.'' Ian feigned a grudge and a pout.

  ''Well, you'll have to learn to live with it, just like we did.'' Vinson came from the house, Valeran hot on his heels. ''Hello, brother. You don't look bad for someone who's worked like a dog for two months straight,'' he gave Warrick a bear hug.

  ''You don't look bad yourself, in spite of the long hours you spend working and studying. Not to mention the artist of the family, who radiates happiness.'' The young man disentangled himself from Vinson's hug, and headed to Valeran, whom he patted on the shoulder. ''I'm extremely proud of you!'

  ''Where are the other kings of the castle? None of them are in sight. Did they get scared and run away?'' Ian joked, as he hugged his submissive's brothers.

  ''No, Dad and Papa Sebastian are in charge of the barbecue. While Papa Joraan and Papa Nicholas were taken hostages by our and your heirs.'' Vinson grinned widely.

  ''They started the barbecue without me? That's treason.'' Ian feigned indignation at his words. ''I'm going back there and get things back under control. Meanwhile, pet,'' he turned to Warrick, ''you can enjoy some quality time in the company of your brothers.''

  And so he did, talking to Vinson and Valeran, who, while at the daddies' house, were only lovers, not Dominant and submissive. They talked a lot. In fact, the two did almost all the talking, while their brother did the listening. But once in a while interjecting his opinion when the situation required. Warrick's progress, when it came to communicating with his brothers, were enormous. But sometimes he still found it difficult to express his feelings.

  That's when Ian would intervene, letting Vinson and Valeran know what his submissive wasn't able to express at that moment and telling them what was causing the temporary incapacity. None of them were offended; after all, the man was Warrick's Dom. He knew him better than anyone.

  But that morning, at the Grant residence, everything was perfect. The three brothers were talking to each other about important things. Their careers, their children. Love, and the men who'd brought love into their lives. Seeing his brothers happy was the light within the darkness that had surrounded Warrick's existence. And he'd finally accomplished his task.

  Vinson and Valeran looked into each other's eyes, an expression of pure, unadulterated joy written on their faces. The future couldn't be anything other than great, because they were finally where they wanted to be.

  Brothers. Confidantes.

  Lovers. Dominant and submissive.

  Two perfect halves of the same soul.

  Thank you for reading.

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  H.M. Lives with the coolest Mom in the Universe and a fat, gay, submissive tomcat. She love writing stories about boys and men who love, cherish, respect and protect other boys and men.

  E.L. is an introverted, single mother and grandmother living with her furbaby Mortimer Mouse in the Rocket City USA. It’s where her love of all things of space history and science is satisfied with the Space and Rocket Center and Marshall Space Flight Center. She hopes one day to see man travel to the stars like in her favorite TV shows of Dr. Who, Firefly and Star Trek. In the meantime she loves to dive into the world of MM books, reading what ever she can get on her Kindle and interacting with her tribe of people on Facebook.

  Join us on Facebook at

  H.M. & E.L.'s Sexy Dragons

  Other books by H.M. Wolfe & E.L. Nelson

  Dragons' House Series

  From the Darkness

  Into the Light

  Out of the Shadows

  From Dusk til Dawn

  Stars and Nightmares

  The Men of Dragons' House Series

  Starlight Star Bright


  Family Christmas Miracle

  Short story collections

  Dragon Tails: Stories from the Dragons' House

  Dragon Tails Too: More Stories from the Dragons' House

  Boxed Set

  Books 1-3 with prequel




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