All Hell Breaking Loose

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by Mandy Rosko

  Night and Day 3

  All Hell Breaking Loose

  Cedric and Silus are two creatures forbidden to be together. A sun sprite and a vampire. They must hide from their powerful families. Otherwise they risk a death that will not be swift.

  For the last year, they have been together, thinking they were the only sun sprite and vampire to take each other as mates. Until Silus's former fiancée arrives with a sun sprite mate on her arm. The two have tracked down Cedric and Silus, and want to create a new nest where sun sprites and vampires live peacefully.

  Silus is suspicious and wary, especially considering the circumstances in which they were found, while Cedric is forced to deal with his jealousy that Silus had a fiancée before him, and with the grim knowledge that he is aging and dying as the days go by.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 47,593 words


  Night and Day 3

  Mandy Rosko


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  A SIREN PUBLISHING BOOK IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove ALL HELL BREAKING LOOSE Copyright © 2012 by Mandy Rosko E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-513-7

  First E-book Publication: October 2012

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers, If you have purchased this copy of All Hell Breaking Loose by Mandy Rosko from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  Night and Day 3


  Copyright © 2012 Chapter One

  Cedric, being a sun sprite, usually came to the sunroom for peace and quiet. It was his refuge and the only place in the whole house that did not have tinted windows, though a locked door was a must for the safety of the vampire in residence, his lover, Silus.

  The sunroom enabled Cedric to comfortably soak up the sunshine his body craved, storing it for energy and nourishment, especially during the colder months when going out onto the front yard with his lawn chair and a book was not recommended.

  Right now he needed time to think more than ever. Though winter had come and gone, the mornings were still chilly, and he warmed his hands around his mug of coffee.

  Maybe he was only depressed because yesterday was his thirtieth birthday, and for the last month he’d been dreading the hell out of it.

  Even when the big day arrived, he wasn’t much for being happy about it, though the presents had definitely helped. Silus had done his best to cheer Cedric up in time for their small celebration, and Cedric was happy for it. He’d even begun to enjoy himself, after a time, and forget all about the fact that he was slowly dying with age while his vampire lover, who was now over a hundred, stayed exactly the same. Cedric had always known he would age. Sun sprites weren’t semiimmortal the way vampires were. Maybe his real confusion stemmed from the way Silus had curled against him last night, once their lust had been painfully, beautifully satiated, his naked chest pressing against Cedric’s back and, after kissing his neck, had proposed marriage to him.

  He hadn’t given an answer. It was enough to make Cedric squeeze his eyes shut against the memory, but he could still hear the disappointment in Silus’s voice as he said he would await his decision.


  Cedric leaped from his chair as the crash of glass three feet from his face hurled his heart into his throat. The object to break his peace, and the windowpane, smacked heavily on his breakfast table, hurling toast and plates into the air and onto the tiled ground and destroying the glass orange juice jug, which spun about ten times the speed of light in the air before it fell to the ground.

  It was a football. Cedric stopped clutching at his heart and released a hard breath, steadying himself with his hands on his knees to get his wits back.

  “Jesus Christ,” he breathed.

  “Oh, fuck!” someone cursed outside the window. There was a quick stomping of several sets of feet against the grass and gravel outside before a dozen or so tanned faces with dark heads of hair peeked through the window.

  The pack of werewolves Silus had laid claim to. It seemed the male alphas were having themselves a game on the huge lawn. Silus had commissioned an extra house for them, but there were still so many werewolves that, even on their off time, they usually found their way back on the property for their sport.

  They spotted Cedric. Someone lifted their hand in a nervous and limp wave.

  “Are you all right, sir?” another young man asked. He was younger than Cedric, probably not yet twenty-five.

  Cedric nodded with a hard swallow, looking at all the sticky glass and jam all over the floor. He was barefoot but still unhurt, if a little stunned and angry at the destruction to his sunroom, the new addition to the house and the only part of it that did not have tinted windows.

  Cedric needed the sunlight to sustain his daily energy, as well as general health. Not to mention he couldn’t flash, teleporting from one place to another, if he wasn’t in direct sunlight. The fact that he’d chosen a vampire for a life partner occasionally complicated that. The sunroom was meant to be for Cedric’s personal use on chilly mornings when sunbathing outdoors was not recommended.

  He wouldn’t be spending much time in here until the window was fixed now, that was for sure.

  “Fine,” he said.

  Great, now where the hell did he put the mop?

  Before he could even go on his search, the door opened, and Joey, one of the young omegas—h
e was still of formidable size, and, though Cedric didn’t understand how it was allowed, was always granted permission by his alphas to hunt with them—entered the room, mop in hand.

  “Sir,” he said, looking down at the floor and at Cedric’s bare feet. “I’ll get your shoes and the broom first,” he said, leaning the mop against one of the unbroken windows and quickly taking off again.

  “Thank you,” Cedric called, trying not to glare at the pack at the window for scaring the living hell out of him.

  “All right, everyone, game’s over,” said their current leading alpha, Damon. Cedric was happy to hear his voice, and the pack at the window slowly dispersed at his approach. “Whoever threw that is cleaning the glass from the lawn, too. I want no cut feet.”

  He was the next to look over the broken window into Cedric’s space. While some of the men cleaned the glass beneath him. “Apologies for that, sir, it won’t happen again.”

  Cedric limply waved it off. “It’s all right.”

  Joey came in and handed Cedric his shoes. He took them gratefully and left the sunroom to try to dig up a replacement breakfast elsewhere. It was early April, and the mornings were too chilly for him to be eating on the deck. He wished he knew how the weres outside ran around in shorts and nothing else like they did. Maybe it was just a wolf thing.

  Cedric was still getting used to having so much staff in and around the house after being alone and doing things on his own with Silus for the last year and a half.

  Silus had the extra house built, but it couldn’t contain all the new werewolves, so the others, mostly the omegas who were used to housework, stayed in the guest rooms of this house. It barely left enough room for when Ben and Seth, two of the closest friends a man could ask for, wanted to come over.

  Now the house was constantly bustling with omega werewolves running around, cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry, while the alphas worked the yard and guarded the property. And on sunny days like today, after the hard winter they’d just gotten through, it was playtime for all.

  The weres were still getting used to all the freedom they had under Silus’s care, after he had liberated them from his tyrannical parents, right out from under their noses.

  Considering all they had been through, Cedric could hardly be angry with them, openly at least, while they stared at him, waiting for a possible explosion over a broken window.

  God only knew what Silus’s parents could have done to the lot of them for it.

  He just had to be more patient. Ben was coming over tonight for a visit, and he would, of course, be bringing Seth along. That was something to look forward to.

  Because Cedric and Silus, and now Seth, were all in hiding from both vampire and sun sprite clans, it made double dating out in public something of a danger.

  Ever since Silus and Cedric broke the long-standing rule of never engaging in sexual activities with people from the opposing species, both clans had it in for them. Silus’s parents had nearly killed him as they forcefully attempted to bleed him, cleansing him of any and all sun sprite blood he would have drank while taking Cedric for a lover.

  Cedric’s family hadn’t been much better. They’d publicly shamed him, disowned him, and then gone to war with the vampire clan. They’d issued a challenge and then attacked the vampires before the agreed upon time of their battle.

  Cedric and Silus had to pretend to kill themselves to settle everything, and even then it had been a rocky escape.

  Poor Seth had been the one to take punishment for that. He was a former guard in Silus’s former house, a human, hoping that his service in the house of vampires would be enough for them to transform him so that he could rescue his brother.

  He had been transformed, but his brother had died, and he’d been tortured and made into a sex slave by pretty much everyone in the Veturious clan until he finally managed to escape. Seth seemed to be healing well enough after all he’d been through, thanks to help from Ben. He still had to make sure he was never seen by the vampire clans, or anyone in the sun sprite family, either, as they had their own grudges to settle.

  He had his freedom, but it was probably maddening being cooped up in Ben’s apartment for days and days on end until they could finally come on down here, spend some time outdoors, and hang out by the lake.

  When Cedric got to the kitchen, he halted as the sharp scent of cleaning solution hit him full-on.

  Two omega females were inside, both on their knees, and with buckets next to them. They looked up with smiles on their faces. The pretty brunette was the first to speak. “Can we help you, sir?”

  She was half inside the fridge, cleaning it out. Her dark-blonde counterpart was scrubbing the floor.

  He didn’t want to get in their way and was already feeling guilty about walking through the house with his shoes on.

  “Uh, no, that’s all right. I’m good.”

  The blonde girl straightened. “Would you like more breakfast, sir?”

  Yes, but if someone was going to make it for him, he didn’t want to be fawned over like an incapable child. One of the perks about getting out of his father’s house was getting away from all that. “No, no, I’m fine. I was just coming over to check up on you.”

  They stared at him, waiting.

  “You’re both doing a good job,” said Cedric.

  They smiled at him like he’d offered them the day off with pay. Why was it all the staff was so at ease around Silus and not Cedric? They all loved Silus but walked on tiptoes around Cedric.

  He turned to leave before they could offer him something else. With his sunroom off-limits and everywhere else occupied by staff, Cedric went to the only place where he could find some peace.

  He carefully opened the door to his and Silus’s shared room, slipping inside while making as little noise as possible then toeing off his shoes.

  During the daytime, their bedroom was one of the darkest rooms in the house, so he wouldn’t be getting any UV intake in here, but at least he could relax.

  Silus stirred as Cedric slipped under the covers with him. They tried to keep their schedules so that they could spend as many waking hours together as possible, but that usually meant that Silus didn’t rise for the day before one o’clock now that the sun was out longer. Cedric tried not to go to bed before two in the morning, but with that schedule, waking up at dawn was getting harder and harder. A nap would do him some good.

  Silus turned into his embrace, not bothering to open his eyes. “It cannot be dusk already,” he said.

  “No,” admitted Cedric. “Not for a while. Just wanted some alone time with you.”

  With his eyes still shut, Silus wrapped his arm around Cedric’s shoulder, pulling him close. “You are not still angry with me?”

  For proposing?“No. Never was. The question just caught me off guard, is all.”

  Silus made a noise of understanding and nodded his head. Cedric worried he was going to keep talking about it and offer him more of that assurance that he would await a decision, but instead of that, Silus changed the subject.

  “What was that crash I heard downstairs?”

  “Window broke in the sunroom.”

  Now Silus opened his eyes. They were foggy with sleep, but he was definitely more aware. “Your sunroom? We’ll have to commission a repair as soon as possible.”

  “I’m sure someone downstairs has already taken away the glass and taped some plastic over the hole,” Cedric said.

  One of Silus’s pale fingers swept away a strand of pale-gold hair that had fallen near Cedric’s eyes. “Still uneasy around them?”

  “They’re the ones uneasy around me,” Cedric said, letting a little of the frustration he felt seep into his voice while he snuggled closer to his lover. “I don’t get it. Some of them are downright chummy with you. The rest look at me like they’re waiting for a bomb to go off.”

  As Silus’s bloodless lips pulled up in a smile—he needed to feed soon—his fangs were revealed. “You are the being who suppo
sedly bewitched me into abandoning my house. And you have the capability to destroy me with a single thought and are second in command of this household. You are quite the dangerous creature to them.”

  Destroying Silus with a thought wasn’t entirely accurate. It took more than a thought to do it, really. Sometimes it took no thinking at all. The act was based more on emotions than thoughts.

  As a sun sprite, Cedric not only thrived and could flash in direct sunlight, but he could also produce the light from his skin, glowing like a miniature sun. Usually this happened when he was feeling overly happy, or sometimes very, very, angry.

  “They can’t actually believe I bewitched you,” Cedric said, and then he thought for a minute. “And what does being second in command of the house have to do with anything?”

  There was no point in debating over their equal status. He knew Silus didn’t think of him as lesser than he was, but in the minds of the werewolves, Silus was their master, and since there could only be one master in their minds, Cedric was second in command of the house.

  Silus shifted closer, his bare legs coming forth and wiggling between Cedric’s. “The second in command of any household has much power at their disposal. If you will, imagine that you are a cruel sort of creature, quick to anger and slow to forgive. You have my love and my ear. Should you whisper to me that one of the staff has spoken cruel words to you, or has not done their duty to full satisfaction...” he trailed off, allowing Cedric to finish.

  He didn’t like it one bit. Basically it meant that the werewolves were still thinking of Cedric in the terms they’d been taught to think of all sun sprites in. A danger to all vampires and, therefore, to their master. Not to mention they were still waiting to see if he would lose his top over something and transform into Silus’s bitch for a mother.

  “Great,” Cedric muttered, pressing his face into Silus’s shoulder.

  By now Silus was sleepily running his fingers up and down Cedric’s back, between his shoulder blades. He was attempting to soothe his mate even though he was still half asleep.


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