Freeing Lily: A Steamy Romantic Suspense (MacKay International Book 3)

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Freeing Lily: A Steamy Romantic Suspense (MacKay International Book 3) Page 7

by Rene Webb

  The younger agent smiles brightly and nods his ginger head in greeting.

  After hugging his mother, Peter steps forward and wraps me into a tight embrace. “Hey, sweetheart, I’m so glad you’re home.”

  “Me too,” I tell him, returning the squeeze. Letting go, I look around, disappointed that I don’t see my man brooding nearby. “Where’s Finn?”

  “Mr. Finch is not to have any further contact with you until after you’ve been debriefed,” Agent Farris tells me coolly. I send my best impression of Finn’s scowl her way.

  “Why the hell not,” I demand, crossing my arms against my chest.

  “He’s under investigation for his involvement in sex trafficking.”

  “That’s bullshit,” I snap. “He rescued me.”

  “That’s absurd,” Aunt Kitty agrees hotly.

  “Maggie,” Peter mutters plaintively to her, but she just sends him a glare.

  Turning toward Aunt Kitty, I see her squinting her eyes at the pair. Clearly, something is going on between her son and the FBI agent, and she had no clue. I’m pretty sure we both dislike her already.

  “He came and rescued me from that nightmare—something you refused to do,” I remind her. “Peter told me.”

  “Lily,” Peter mutters in annoyance.

  After we were reunited, Peter told me that the FBI had learned where I was but wouldn’t help him rescue me.

  “I did all I could. Trust me,” she all but snaps at me, then says more calmly, “No missing persons had been filed by your parents or your college.”

  “But Peter could’ve—” I begin.

  “I couldn’t, sweetheart,” Peter says gently, putting his hand on my arm. “It would’ve alerted Mayer that I knew something had happened to you. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t, risk your safety.”

  My anger deflates somewhat, and I turn and wrap my arms around Peter, giving him a quick squeeze. I know he did everything he could think of to rescue me, including sending his best and most-trusted friend.

  “Miss MacKay, we have booked a room for you at a hotel, and tomorrow you’ll be taken down to headquarters to give a statement,” Agent Kyle Duponte says, changing the subject.

  “Your services are no longer required. Miss MacKay is perfectly safe now,” Agent Farris tells JoJo.

  “You didn’t hire me. I’m not leaving until Mr. Finch tells me to,” JoJo states firmly.

  “We can all stay with Peter at his condo,” Aunt Kitty tells us, ignoring Agent Farris altogether.

  “If any of you obstruct this investigation, I will have no choice but to have you arrested,” Agent Farris growls.

  “Margret,” Peter says in an angry whisper.

  “Don’t make me regret letting you come,” she snaps at him. “You shouldn’t even be here.”

  I tighten my hold on Aunt Kitty’s arms as my eyes sting with emotion. The anxiety and fear that had all but disappeared in the last few days comes back in a wave.

  “Miss MacKay is the victim,” Aunt Kitty says fiercely, stepping forward.

  “I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” I announce, letting go of Aunt Kitty’s arm and sprinting to the restroom sign. They all follow me.

  My heart is pounding as I close myself into the closest stall and dig my cell phone out of my purse. I quickly text Finn.

  Lily: Are you okay?

  Lily: The FBI says I can’t see or talk to you, because you’re being investigated.

  Lily: It’s all my fault. I’m sorry.

  As I wait for a response, hoping Finn is near his phone, I hear the door to the bathroom open, and Aunt Kitty calls out, “Sweetie, are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I reply, trying to sound calm. “Too much tea on the flight.”

  “It just runs right through you. Doesn’t it?” JoJo asks as I hear her enter the stall next to mine and bang against the metal partition.

  “Yup,” I answer dully, gripping my phone tightly as I anxiously wait for it to vibrate in my hand. It feels like an eternity before Finn finally responds to my messages.

  Boss Man: Don’t worry about me, princess.

  Boss Man: And no one is going to keep me away from you.

  My body relaxes as I read his texts and see that he’s not angry at me.

  Lily: The Agent tried to fire JoJo too.

  Lily: JoJo said she wouldn’t leave unless you told her to.

  Boss Man: Good.

  Lily: When can I see you?

  Boss Man: Soon. Love you.

  My fingers ache to text him just how much I love him, but I don't want the first time he hears me say those words to be in a text. I decide right then that the next time I see Finn, the first thing I'll do is tell him how I feel. For now, I will be as honest as possible with him.

  Lily: Can’t wait to see you.

  Lily: Miss you. xxx

  I place my phone back into my purse, turn, and flush the toilet before opening the door and quickly exiting the tiny stall. Stepping into the bathroom, I feel like I can breathe once again.

  Aunt Kitty and JoJo are standing by the sink, washing their hands.

  “All set, sweetie?” Aunt Kitty asks, giving me a tentative smile.

  “Yup,” I lie, as JoJo opens the bathroom door for me.

  Peter and Agent Farris are arguing several feet away; they break apart guiltily when they see us coming. Agent Kyle Duponte is standing nearby on his cellphone.

  “Let’s go,” Agent Farris snaps, shaking off the hand Peter had placed on her arm.

  Ignoring her, I lead Aunt Kitty toward the baggage claim to collect our luggage. Everyone follows. Peter is unusually quiet, and I catch him several times shooting Agent Farris pointed looks. JoJo is keeping an ever-watchful eye on those around us and putting herself between me and the other travelers.

  By the time our luggage is unloaded from the plane and we’re able to collect it, I’m emotionally drained, hangry, and wishing I hadn’t left London. Agent Farris reluctantly agrees to allow JoJo to accompany me to the hotel as my protection. She clearly isn’t completely stupid. Not that JoJo would’ve left me unprotected.

  At first, Aunt Kitty wants to accompany me since I won’t be allowed to stay with Peter. Since he’s the CFO of MacKay International, he’s under investigation for his involvement in the money laundering and appropriation of funds even though it's been hinted at that my cousin has been the man on the inside, blowing the whistle of the irregularities in the accounting.

  “Lily, are sure you don’t want me to come?” Aunt Kitty asks. “I can get a room next to yours.”

  “As long as JoJo’s with me, I’ll be fine,” I tell Aunt Kitty. “You’ll be way more comfortable at Peter’s.”

  “Are you sure, sweetie?” She takes hold of my hands and squeezes them gently.


  “Alright, but call if you need anything,” she says, kissing my cheek. “And I’ll see you bright and early in the morning.”

  JoJo and I follow the two FBI agents to their car, while an arguing Peter and Aunt Kitty walk in the direction of the parking lot. It takes us almost an hour to grab takeout and make it to the cheap hotel they are making me stay in.

  “We should’ve stayed in London,” I mutter to JoJo as I flop onto the nearest bed.

  This had not been the homecoming I had anticipated—or wanted. Finn should’ve been there to greet me. He would have whisked me off to his home, where we’d spend the entire night making love and planning our future together.

  “I’m so bringing my girls there one day,” JoJo tells me, putting the security latch in place and dragging a chair to sit in front of the door. “I’m pulling rank. Not another trip to Disney.”

  “I still need to get to Harry Potter World,” I tell her. “Do you think I could get Finn to go?”

  “He’d do anything for you.” JoJo smiles. “You’re a lucky bitch.”

  My heart lightens at the truth of her words, and I feel myself relaxing for the first time since we landed. After changing into pajamas, I tuck
myself into bed. JoJo and I agree to relax by watching a movie. It would be like having a girls night—if I wasn’t still potentially in danger from him and his possible minions.

  The night gets even better when we find the third, and my favorite, Harry Potter film playing on one of the cable channels. We’re at the part where the black dog is dragging Ron across the lawn, when there’s a loud knock on the door connecting the room to the one next to it. My heart jumps into my throat. I flick off the TV as JoJo stands, looks over at me, and smiles.

  She undoes the lock and, swinging the door open, says, “Hello, sir.”

  “Johnson,” I hear my man’s voice from the doorway.

  I sprint towards the door, calling out, “Finn.”

  Chapter Ten

  ~ Finn ~

  My princess and I are finally alone after I send Johnson to stay in the room I booked next door. Knowing that the FBI didn’t want me talking to Lily, I texted Johnson to let her know that I was next door and would be coming over to surprise my woman.

  I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her neck. I still have a hard time believing we just met five days ago; it feels like Lily’s been mine forever. I know we were meant to be together. Even though she was safe, Lily was in my thoughts the entire time we were apart. A very welcome distraction from the chaos surrounding me.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, pulling away but still holding onto my sides tightly.

  “I want to be wherever you are, princess,” I tell her before leaning down and giving her a firm kiss.

  “Why?” Her voice is a whisper as she leans against me, her chin on my chest as she looks up at me, her expression almost sad.

  “I love you,” I remind her.

  “It’s just,” she says, exhaling, “your company was attacked, and now the FBI is investigating you, all because of me.”

  “None of that is your fault.” I hate that she’s blaming herself for Mayer’s actions. “No one blames you, least of all me.”

  “I just love you—”

  “You love me?” I interrupt, my heart beating in my throat, as I hear the words I’ve been aching for Lily to say.

  “How could I not?” She grins up at me, and nothing else in the world matters but seeing her love for me shining in her eyes. “You’re considerate, smart, unbelievably handsome, and you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I reassure her, tasting her lips again and dragging her further up my body. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I need you, baby,” she whispers, giggling in my ear and nipping the lobe.

  “I’m right here.”

  Groaning, I run my hands down her back, palm her ass roughly, and lift her off the ground. Lily wraps her legs around my waist and throws her arms around my shoulders, holding on as I walk further into the room. I forgo the bed and move toward the minuscule bathroom. She needs to be pampered—as much as I can in this dingy hotel room. If we were at home, in my—soon to be our—condo, then I’d run a bath in the soaker tub. I make a mental note to have Mrs. White purchase some candles and whatever other bath shit women enjoy. For now, I’ll have to make do with what I have at hand. I set Lily down on the nearly non-existent counter by the sink.

  “These are cute pjs,” I mutter against her neck, flicking my tongue against her pulse. “But they’ve got to go.”

  Lily’s hands move down my neck and chest, and she begins pulling up my shirt from where it’s tucked in. “You’re wearing too many clothes, stud.”

  I can’t help but chuckle at the new nickname she’s christened me with. Quickly, I step back and reach back and pull the long-sleeved shirt I’m wearing over my head. A thrill of pleasure runs through me as Lily’s eyes widen as I bare myself to her. She reaches out impatiently and helps me pull it the rest of the way off, and then, balling it up, tosses it on top of my jacket.

  Leaning down, Lily presses gentle kisses across my collar bone as she strokes my chest with her delicate hands. I reach out and grab the counter on either side of her, gripping it tightly as she teases my nipples, rubbing her palms across them before flicking the hardened nubs with her thumbs. My jaw tightens as I lean into her caresses, loving the care my woman is taking in bringing me pleasure.

  Her hands move down my chest, and a shiver runs through me as her fingers tickle my waist while she unbuttons my fly. My cock twitches, aching to be touched, tasted, and joined with her again. It may have only been a few days, but it seems like an eternity to my insistent cock.

  Losing all control, I reach down and grab her wandering hands and move them behind her back, pinning them in place with one hand.

  “Finn,” she complains, looking up at me and tossing her hair out of her face. “I wasn’t done undressing you.”

  Gently tucking her curls behind her ears with my free hand, I kiss her nose, saying, “I need you naked and your cunt soaking wet before I let my cock out because it’s been needing to fuck you again since the last time you let me inside you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about my pussy being wet.” She blushes, biting her bottom lip.

  My cock swells further at her words, and I release my hold on her wrists so I can reach down and draw her “I Heart London” T-shirt up and over her head, mindlessly throwing it onto the floor as her breasts come into view. Her nipples are already erect and begging for attention.

  Using my hand on the back of her neck to steady her, I flick each nub with my tongue, eliciting a throaty moan from Lily. I draw one tightly between my lips, sucking it before giving it a gentle tug with my teeth.

  “Jesus.” Her body shakes, and her legs wrap around my waist, pulling our sexes together. I discover something new—my woman enjoys a prick of pain. She grinds our bodies together, panting, as I give her other nipple the same treatment.

  Moving back to her neck, I nip her earlobe and ask, “How wet are you, now?”

  “Soaked through.” Her voice is throaty as she chuckles and grips my shoulders tightly.

  “Really?” I mutter into her ear. “I think I should check.”

  “Yes.” Lily agrees, grabbing one of my hands and impatiently moving it to the waistband of her sweatpants. I let her press my fingers beneath the elastic band. I tease the stubbly skin, feeling the hair that is growing back.

  “Are you going to let me shave you?” I ask, stroking her there gently with my fingertips.

  “Maybe,” she says, her voice a whisper against my mouth, before stealing a kiss.

  I groan as her tongue flicks against my lips, begging entry. I let her inside. We tangle together for several long moments before I can’t take it anymore. I need to be fully inside my woman.

  Breaking the kiss, I growl, “Hold onto my shoulders and lift up.”

  She does as instructed, and, grabbing the waistband of her sweatpants, I yank them over her ass and down her legs, helping her kick them away.

  “Finn,” she complains, grabbing for the waistband of my pants and unbuttoning them. “I need to touch you.”

  “Yes,” I groan as she finally unzips me. My aching cock springs free as she shoves away my boxer briefs with impatient fingers. I tug them the rest of the way down, stepping back long enough to kick off my shoes and socks and toss the pants into the corner.

  My cock is weeping with need as I step back between Lily’s welcoming thighs. I glide my hands down her back and lift her up, gripping her ass tightly.

  “Guide me inside,” I growl, feeling her gentle fingers encircle my girth. My cock jerks excitedly as it feels the heat of her cunt.

  “Sir,” she moans as I thrust myself fully into her snug channel. She drops her head onto my shoulder and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Right where I fucking belong.” I thrust in and out of my woman as she clings to me, her nails digging into my back and her teeth into my shoulder.

  She’s slick and tight, squeezing me as I possess her with wild, rough thrusts. I’m not going to last long, so I lay her back onto the counter.

  “Sir,” Lily
gasps as I take one hand off of her ass and move it down to pinch and stroke her clit. The tiny nub is already swollen and hard. I continue to pound into her.

  “Come,” I growl as I feel my swollen balls begin to tingle.

  Lily’s feet dig into my ass as her cunt strangles my cock, and I feel her cum around me. A few more wild thrusts, and I empty myself into her, continuing to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible. I drape my body over hers.

  “I wanted to pamper you,” I growl, frustrated at my own lack of control. “Not fuck you like a mad man.”

  Lily presses her lips to my neck and purrs, her breathing heavy. “I definitely felt pampered.”

  “Good,” I grunt, disentangling our limbs. “We’ll take a quick shower and then see if we can fit in that ridiculously small bathtub.”

  I throw back the no doubt germ-infested shower curtain and turn on the water, setting it nice and hot so that it will warm up quickly. I don’t want Lily to be cold. A shiver runs through me when I feel Lily’s arms wrap around me from behind, her hands gliding up my chest as she kisses the place between my shoulder blades. I can feel her warmth enveloping me as her soft breasts press against my back.

  “I’ve missed you,” she mutters, running her hands against my chest.

  Capturing one of her hands, I press a kiss to the palm, saying, “I’ve missed you, too, princess. The shower wasn’t the same.”

  “No,” she agrees, chuckling her breath, warming my back. “It was lonely and definitely not as much fun. I even brought my new toy in with me.”

  Gripping her hand I ask, “Did you think of me when you came?”

  “Yes,” she murmurs against my skin.

  “Good. Let’s get you cleaned up,” I tell her, turning to snag a washcloth from the pile on the shelf hanging on the wall.

  “Alright, Mr. Clean.” Lily kisses my back again before stepping around me and into the shower. She adjusts the temperature before stepping fully under the spray. I follow her.

  We wash each other silently. Kissing, caressing, memorizing every part of one another. It isn’t foreplay but taking care of and loving each other. I have never felt so close to a woman—to another human being—before.


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