The Drake Restrained Compete Collection: Part 1 - 4 (The Drake Series Book 7)

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The Drake Restrained Compete Collection: Part 1 - 4 (The Drake Series Book 7) Page 22

by Lund, S. E.

  I was running late, so I’d have to send it later, once I finished my first surgery.

  The morning went by very fast and I was in an exceptionally good mood, with great tunes over the sound system and my favorite OR team in place. Surgery went well and I was finished earlier than I anticipated, so as soon as I spoke with the patient’s family, I went to my office and looked over the agreement once more while I had my second cup of coffee.



  Drake Liam Morgan (hereinafter referred to as "Master")


  Katherine Marie McDermott (hereinafter referred to as "slave")

  Said Submission Agreement, hereafter referred to as "the Agreement", refers to total dominance and control of Master in his sexual relationship with said slave.

  1.0.0 Slave's Role

  The slave agrees to submit sexually to the Master in all ways. This applies to all situations in which the Master and slave interact sexually, both in private and if applicable, in public. Failure to obey will result in punishment as the Master sees fit with the exception of the slave's veto right (section 1.0.1). Once entered into the Slavery Agreement, the slave's body belongs to the Master, to be used as He desires, within the guidelines defined herein. When they are together, the slave exists solely to please the Master and will do so to the best of her ability.

  1.0.1 Slave's Veto

  The slave may refuse to comply with any command or act that is illegal or would result in permanent bodily or psychological harm to said slave, that would shed blood or involve breaking of any law.

  2.0.0 Master's Role

  Once He signs the Agreement, the Master takes on full responsibility for the slave's body and is given license to do with her sexually as He sees fit, under the provisions determined in the Agreement. The Master will care for the slave, arrange for her safety and well-being, as long as He owns her. The Master commits to treat the slave properly, to train her, punish her, and use her as He sees fit.

  3.0.0 Punishment

  The slave agrees to accept punishment the Master chooses to inflict. Failure to comply with Master's demands immediately and properly will result in discipline, until it is performed satisfactorily. Refusal to comply with Master's demands will result in punishment, to include any of the following: bare handed spanking, denial of orgasm, denial of attention.

  4.0.0 Others

  The slave may not seek any other Master or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the Master's permission. If the slave does, it will be considered a breach of the Agreement, and will result in termination of the Agreement. The Master will not give the slave to other Masters.

  5.0.0 Limits

  The slave agrees to the following activities, which the Master shall engage in at His discretion:

  - All forms of sexual intercourse, oral sex and play, anal sex and play, masturbation, mutual masturbation, vaginal fisting;

  - All forms of bondage with the following: Rope, leather, and other suitable restraint materials, and other restraints as the Master sees fit;

  - The use of appropriately designed sex toys, including but not limited to vibrators, dildos, anal training toys, vagina beads, etc.

  I sent it off, certain that it didn’t go too far for Kate, eager to see how she responded. I dictated some notes on the surgery and then studied the file on my next case, wondering one last time before I focused back on my work when I’d hear back from Kate and what she’d say.

  When I finished my second surgery, and returned to my office, I saw that she’d sent me an email a few moments earlier. It was late afternoon. I probably would be able to slip by her apartment after my practice session with Mersey if she was interested in talking about the submission agreement.

  To my dismay, the letter wasn’t at all what I expected. In fact, I felt sick about it, wondering what I’d done to receive her email. Was it the vaginal fisting? I didn’t really need that, but put it in so Kate could strike it off is she wanted.

  I opened the email and studied it.

  From: McDermott, Katherine M.

  Sent: November 12, 5:31 PM

  To: Morgan, D. L.

  Subject: Re: Your Submission

  Drake, I read your agreement, but I'm afraid I just can't go through with this. I made a mistake and I'm going to just put this behind me. I'm sorry but this isn't going to work between us after all.

  Please don't come over or contact me again.



  What? My heart sank at that. I sent a reply immediately.

  From: Morgan, D. L.

  Sent: November 12, 6:46 PM

  To: McDermott, Katherine M.

  Subject: RE: Your Submission

  I'll be right over.

  Before I could leave my office, as I was cleaning up my desk, I received another email.

  To: Morgan, D. L.

  Sent: November 12, 6:48 PM

  From: McDermott, Katherine M.

  Subject: Re: Your Submission

  No, please don't. I don’t want to see you ever again.

  I called her cell phone, but she wouldn’t answer so I texted her as I left the hospital.

  Kate, what happened between last night and lunch?

  Tell me.

  Let me talk to you. Please…

  I want you.

  She responded and I frowned as I read the text, trying to understand what she meant.

  This is just the way it has to be for your own good. Please stop calling and texting me. It won’t do any good.

  What? What the fuck did she mean, my own good. I texted back:

  For my own good? What does that mean?

  Kate, don't do this…

  Kate, please call me.

  Kate, what happened? You were fine when I left you…

  Will you at least answer my texts so I know you're OK?

  Kate, I'm coming over to talk to you. Please give me the chance to make it right…


  I drove by her apartment building but she didn’t answer when I tried her buzzer. I sat on the steps and texted her once more.

  At least tell me why you don't want to be with me. What was it? Did the contract scare you? Don't be afraid, Kate. You can strike off anything that you don't want to do. I just included those things that I know probably upset you so you'd have something to cross off. I don't need to do them. I don’t need to do anything that you don’t want to do. I want to be with you.

  Please, give this time.

  She texted me back almost immediately.

  Drake, I'm doing this for you. To protect you. I can't say anything more but you have to stop trying to see me. You have to just stop for your own good. I can't say more…. I'm sorry.

  I went to my own place and sat on my sofa, my phone in my hand. I sat back and covered my head with my hands trying to figure out where I’d gone wrong.

  I had to fix this. I had to find a way to calm whatever fears she’d developed in the hours between being at her apartment and when I received her email.

  I was not going to let her get away.



  S. E. LUND

  Copyright S. E. Lund 2014

  First Edition


  I didn’t allow myself any time to sulk, despite the void I felt in my gut. Self-pity wasn’t going to get Kate back. I had to figure out what had happened and fix it before too much time passed. Nothing killed intimacy quicker than absence. I had to get back to Kate as soon as possible.

  My first step was to contact Lara, but she had nothing.

  “I don’t know, Drake. Everything sounded fine when I spoke to her last night. She confessed how quickly she came and was shocked and embarrassed because she’s so inexperienced.”

  “She is inexperienced,” I said. “But you know me. That’s a plus, not a minus.”

  “She may be inexperienced but she
did tell me something I found surprising.”

  I waited, but she didn’t elaborate. “Such as?”

  “She told me that she used a dildo.”

  I laughed out loud at that, despite the sensation of dread I felt about Kate. “She calls it ‘Big’ – as in Sex and the City.”

  “She told you that?” Lara laughed with me. “You did pretty well getting her to open up if she actually told you.”

  “I plied her with liquor and rich food. I hand fed her. And I used my serious doctor voice.”

  “Does it every time,” she said and I could hear the grin in her voice.

  “Whatever happened, she’s not biting now,” I replied, a sick feeling in my gut. “I honestly don’t know what happened. I sent her the contract this morning and then I got an email breaking it off.”

  “You sent her your usual contract?”

  “Yes,” I said and rubbed my forehead. “She must have been shocked at a few things I listed. I put them in the contract because I thought she’d want to strike them off.”

  “Such as?”

  I shrugged, mentally knocking myself in the head for including anything I knew would be objectionable. I should have included only what I knew she’d accept, but I wanted her to feel some kind of power over the contract. “Mock rape. Anal. Vaginal fisting.”

  I heard her sharp intake of breath. “The mock rape is probably a no-go with someone like Kate. That was why she broke off with her last boyfriend.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Bad choice on my part. He was the one who tried to introduce BDSM into their relationship. He wanted mock rape and it frightened her. I suspect she’s now curious about it and would only need someone who knew what they were doing to make it work.”

  “You may be right.” Then I heard her sigh. “She’s young, Drake. She might be a bit more flighty than you like. Are you set on this? Why not just let her go? I have several other submissive-hopefuls you could take on…”

  I shook my head and even the thought that I wouldn’t have Kate as my own caused my throat to constrict. “I want her, Lara.”

  “Oh, dear…” she said, her voice trailing off into a sigh of resignation. “This isn’t like you. You’re usually much more cool and in control with a new submissive.”

  “She’s not my usual submissive.”

  There was a pause. “If she calls me, I’ll see what I can find out, but I’m not convinced you two are good together.”

  “Why not?” I said, my back stiffening.

  “You need someone who knows that being a submissive is what they want, Drake. Kate was never completely honest about her desires, even to herself. My advice?” she said and paused for a brief time. “Just let her go… Seriously.”

  “Not going to happen,” I said, more convinced than ever that Kate was who and what I wanted. “If she calls you, I’d appreciate it if you could find out why she changed her mind.”

  “I will, if that’s truly what you want. Take care, Drake. Underneath that cool controlled exterior, you’re a human like everyone else. You know and I know that you can be hurt just as much as the next person. I remember you after your divorce. You were a mess.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” I said, remembering with a real sense of remorse my post-divorce blue period. “I’ll be fine. But thanks for agreeing to put in a good word if you talk to her. I appreciate it.”

  I hung up, frowning as I thought about what Lara said. It was true that I hadn’t been my usual self with Kate. I hadn’t treated her the way I usually would a new submissive. I would never take my new sub – or even an established sub – out to the Russian Tea Room or a concert. I didn’t want them to expect anything other than a B&D session three times a week. I told them that at the outset. I wouldn’t be a boyfriend. I was a Dom who tied them up and made them come and that was all I could ever be.

  With Kate, I definitely wanted to be a Dom, but part of me knew what the other part of me tried to deny.

  I wanted more.

  I spent the rest of the evening sitting at my desk at home preparing for my convention in the Bahamas, going over the paper my co-author and I would present on pediatric movement disorders. I wasn’t looking forward to going – I had a heavy sensation in my chest at the thought. I called and texted Kate several times, with no response. She really was determined not to respond. I felt the dreariness of New York in November and not even the prospect of sun and sand could bring me out of my funk. My only hope was that Ethan and Elaine would bring Kate with them when they came to the Bahamas – if they came to the Bahamas.

  As luck would have it, I had made a stop at my fitness club earlier that afternoon and ran into Ethan, who was coming out of the steam room with a few of his fellow judges who frequented the club. He was busy toweling off his face, which was red and sweating from the steam.

  “Oh, Drake, just the man I wanted to see.”

  I smiled and extended my hand for our usual shake. “How are you, Sir?”

  “I’m fine.”

  We moved to an alcove where there were a few benches next to some old lockers, speaking a bit more quietly.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Good,” I said. “I’m leaving for the Bahamas on Tuesday.”

  “The Bahamas, hmm?” Ethan said, frowning for a moment. “You said you were going there for a conference, if I recall correctly.”

  “I am.” Then a thought popped into my head. “You and Elaine should come. The beach is beautiful and the weather is fine. Consistently in the 80s every day.”

  Ethan considered for a moment as he dried off. “That sounds like a capital idea. I imagine it would be great to get Kate there as well,” he said and quirked his eyebrow. “A break from all her studies would do her good. You two could spend some time together, get to know each other.”

  I smiled. On his part, Ethan examined me for a moment and I wondered what he was thinking. He obviously saw me as a good prospect for Kate and was eager to put us together on a tropical vacation. It gave me a warm feeling that he was so open about his interest in seeing us as a couple, but it also brought out a bit of guilt. He had to know I wanted Kate sexually. No heterosexual man in his right mind wouldn’t want her. I wouldn’t be harming her, or doing anything degrading… Still, I felt as if I were deceiving Ethan. He couldn’t know about my involvement in the lifestyle. I couldn’t bear the expression of disgust I’d see on his face if he found out.

  But I wanted Kate…

  “I’ll call my assistant and get her to book us a flight and hotel,” Ethan said finally, as if he’d made a decision. “Where are you staying?”

  “The conference is at the Hilton in Nassau.”

  He nodded. “We might just be able to make this work out.” He winked at me. “Leave it to me. I’ll call you and let you know if we’re going.”

  I smiled and shook his hand, feeling a bit sheepish, as if I’d just traded a half-dozen head of cattle for his daughter’s hand in marriage in some bronze-age tribal rite. Kate had no say in any of this, and I hoped that she would agree to go. And that she wouldn’t hate me or Ethan when she found out we’d been conspiring behind her back.

  If she did go to the Bahamas, and we had a chance to be alone, I was pretty certain that I could get her to sign a revised and far less threatening submission agreement. I felt confident I could exert control over her fairly well. If I could just get her alone… I’d be insistent. I’d be as persuasive as I knew how to be.

  She’d be unable to resist.

  I hoped.

  If Ethan brought Kate with him, I’d have a chance to repair whatever damage had been done by the clauses in my submission agreement that caused her to balk. If that is what caused her to call it off – and I was pretty sure it was – I knew I could fix things. I kicked myself mentally once more, wishing I’d kept it even more vanilla than I had made it.

  Despite several more calls and texts, it appeared that Kate was determined to shut me out of her life. A few days before my trip, I met Lara fo
r a drink after work at the bar close to her office. She was still wearing her business suit, but had unbuttoned her blouse and let her hair down. She looked as beautiful as I remembered her from our college days. That beauty hid a strong sadistic streak and I was glad I was a Dom and not into S&M. She was beautiful and wickedly sexual. Any man inclined to submission would be unable to resist her.

  I kissed her cheek as I arrived and sat beside her on a stool at the bar.

  “Drake,” she said and smiled, her ice blue eyes coolly appraising.

  “Lara,” I said and turned to her.

  We made small talk for a while, passing the time while I waited for the bartender. She was busy with some big case and had been working like a dog. I told her about my upcoming conference and the paper I was presenting with a colleague.

  “Okay, so now that we’ve impressed each other with our successful careers, any luck on the more human side? Have you won Kate back? Is she at your beck and call?” Lara winked at me, a sly look in her eye. “She never called me.”

  I shook my head and ordered a beer from the bartender when he finally came over. “No,” I said, and loosened my tie. “She hasn’t answered a call or text. Do you think she'll call you?”


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