Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1)

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Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Page 14

by Tia Didmon

  Legion glanced at Thorn. There was a sadness in Legion with the furry member of his clan. “Tempest, what can you tell me about Devlin? Did he have any other... stepdaughters?”

  Tempest flinched, but continued to pet Thorn. “No, but he was looking for other talented young women for a project. I assumed it was art-related.”

  Legion crossed his arms. “How so?”

  Tempest shrugged. “He wanted women with specific talents. He was looking for a treasure hunter. I assumed it was to find rare artwork.”

  Alana rubbed her forehead. “A seeker. That’s me.”

  Legion eyes hardened as he looked at Alana. “You and I are going to have a private conversation soon.”

  Alana rolled her eyes. “I can’t wait.”

  Legion turned back to Tempest. “Go on, honey.”

  Tempest nibbled her bottom lip. “I’m unsure what to say. I didn’t know the truth. I don’t remember the beatings or...”

  Legion walked around the couch and sat beside Mara. His hand closed over hers. “I know this is hard. We need as much information as possible. The girls you went to camp with are in danger.”

  Tempest nodded. “He mentioned the prophet last week.”

  Legion sighed. “The seer. That’s Mara. Did he ever mention the gatekeeper?’

  Tempest glanced at the ceiling. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “He must have known he had her. What other talents was he looking for?” Legion asked.

  Draco entered the shop. He placed a box of mixed baked goods on the table, then passed one to Tempest. She took the donut from him before turning to Legion. “He mentioned needing the fire queen. I thought it was a painting.”

  Legion pinched the bridge of his nose. “An elemental.”

  Mara touched his arm. “What is an elemental?”

  Legion turned to her. “An elemental can control the elements. They have a specialty. Air, earth, wind or fire. They are very powerful and were rare.”

  Mara rubbed her forehead. “All druids are rare now.”

  “Yes.” Legion turned back to Tempest. “Who else is he looking for.”

  Tempest swallowed a piece of donut. “He said he needed a botanist. I assumed it was for the mansion grounds.”

  Legion frowned. “A botanist? That could be the daughter.”

  Alana leaned forward, grabbing a muffin from the box. “What is the daughter? I have never heard that term.”

  “She is Mother Nature’s chosen daughter. She can control plants, trees, and alter natural growth patterns in ways those with magic cannot.”

  Mara rubbed her face. “I don’t understand. Can’t magic do anything?”

  Legion shook his head. “No. There is a price if you alter the natural order too drastically. The extent of that price depends on the consequences of your actions.”

  Tempest wiped some powdered sugar from her lips. “What does that mean?”

  Legion sighed. “If you’re cut and you heal a minor injury, there will be no price to pay as the healing was inevitable. You did not change the course of events, only sped them up.” He glanced at Mara. “If you save the life of a dying man, then Mother Nature will even the scales by taking the life of another.”

  Alana coughed on her muffin. “Who would die instead?”

  Legion took a cookie from the box and passed it to Mara. “It could be a complete stranger or your best friend. Compensation is paid and Mother Nature makes that decision.”

  Alana sat back. “I see.”

  Legion eyes narrowed on her. “It is safe to move an object, hiding oneself, things of that nature, but if you alter the natural course of events, there are consequences.”

  Mara scrunched her face. “Aren’t I altering the course of events by seeing the future?”

  Legion touched her face. “That’s the magic loophole. A specialized talent given to you by nature is exempt from this price. You’re the only person who can alter the future. Those that you send to do your bidding will be exempt as well. It’s why you’re the most powerful creature in the world.”

  Mara held the cookie to her lips. “This doesn’t get easier, does it?”

  Legion’s power encased her in a blanket of warmth. “It will. Tempest, were there any other talents mentioned?”

  Tempest offered Thorn the rest of her donut. “He said he needed to find the forgotten. It was a woman connected to an artifact with a symbol scratched off.”

  Legion went stiff. “What kind of artifact?”

  Tempest shook her head. “Some plaque he had. I never touched it. I only heard him talk about it.”

  Legion closed his eyes. “He has an onyx circle. I didn’t think there were any left in existence. The druids housed them at a temple that the mages destroyed.”

  Mara remembered the images in the temple. “You have seen them before?’

  Legion nodded. “I saw Adara’s personal circle. I have not seen the others.”

  “What are they?” Tempest asked.

  “The druids created them at the temple of discovery. They were symbols of prophecy, belief and a diary of a druid’s life. I’m told they have many uses. We have to find out which circle Devlin has and what it does.”

  Alana put her fingers to her lips. “Is it a key to the temple?”

  Legion glanced at Tempest. “Perhaps in the right hands.” He sighed. “Or a map that instructs the intended druids on how to access the temple.”

  Mara frowned. “Why would a symbol be scratched out?”

  Legion rubbed his mouth. “The druid council scratched out the symbol of a druid who turned to dark magic.”

  Mara gasped. “Druids can turn dark?”

  Legion’s eyes flickered. “Any living creature can.”

  Legion’s chest tensed as his bond with Mara intensified. Her pain had lessened, but her curiosity had heightened. She glanced at her sister several times before he stood up. “Let’s have the tea upstairs.”

  Tempest pet Thorn. “Can I stay down here for a while?”

  Daisy descended the steps as if her owner had called her. She padded over to Tempest, stopping to sniff Thorn, before sitting at her feet.

  Legion glanced at the enormous wolf at Tempest’s feet. “Thorn wishes to stay with you. He will heal Daisy’s tissue damage as a result of her time at the mansion. It is causing her some discomfort.”

  Thorn licked Daisy’s face. She rubbed against him, enamored with the large male.

  Tempest smiled. “She likes him.”

  Legion nodded. “She does. Are you okay with him staying with you while we talk?”

  Tempest put her hand on each wolf’s head. The image flashed in Legion’s mind. Thorn understood who and what Tempest was. Her gift was not limited to opening a doorway to the temple. Daisy had seen the young girl for the miracle she was and had protected her. The three held a momentary unity before the image faded away. A rare glimpse at an unalterable path.

  When Natalie stood to follow Mara upstairs, Tempest moved to the couch and lay down. Both animals lay down on the floor in front of her. Her chosen sentinels.

  They proceeded upstairs in silence, moving to the couch and chairs upstairs. Legion remained standing, looking over at his sister-in-law. “Alana, I need to know everything you do.”

  Alana gave him a disinterested look. “About sex, men, travel... you should be more specific.”

  Conner chuckled as Legion crossed his arms. “About me... the dragons and druids.”

  Alana shrugged. “You’re a myth.”

  Legion’s eyes flicked gold. “We both know that isn’t true.”

  She squinted. “Are you really the size of a mountain range when you’re in dragon form?”

  Legion sighed. “Surely, there was more pertinent information about the dragon leader than his size.”

  Alana winked at Mara. “Depends on what part we are talking about.”

  Mara put her hand to her mouth, but he felt her laughter.

  Legion raised an eyebrow. “That’s hardly
an appropriate question for your sister’s mate.”

  “Mara can tell me later.” She fiddled with a button on her jacket.

  Mara coughed. “I am so not telling you that.”

  Alana gave her sister a dirty look. “Why not? If I am supposed to hook up with one of them, at least you could tell me if it’s worth my while.”

  Mara covered her eyes. “God, Alana, could you be crasser?”

  Alana nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Legion shook his head in disbelief. “You’re the seeker?”

  Alan winked at him. “Yup, and you are both stuck with me. I plan to make Blue’s ass miserable if he tries to tie me down too.”

  Legion squinted. “Blue?”

  Alana picked some lint off her cotton pants. “The dragon who thinks he’s my mate.”

  Legion’s eyes went wide. “He talks to you?”

  Alana nodded. “In my dreams. I thought the blue dragon represented something else. I guess that’s his natural form. The bastard is persistent.”

  Mara glanced at Legion. “Do you know the blue dragon?”

  Legion’s gaze narrowed on Alana. “I know all fifty-six of them. I need more than his color to narrow it down.”

  Alana pulled out her pocket knife. “All I know is he is asleep and thinks I am a dream. Since he’s real, I would like to keep it that way.” She began flicking the blade open and shut.

  “Draco is a blue. Since he has been awake for a few weeks, it isn’t him.”

  “Not him then, but if he doesn’t get here with the sandwiches soon, I’m going after him. A girl’s got to eat,” Alana said.

  “You just had a muffin. Draco was kind enough to return to the bakery and get you sandwiches when you needed more sustenance.” Legion’s smile was slow in coming. “I look forward to your courtship, Alana. I’m sure it will be... enlightening.”

  Alana glanced up at him with hard eyes. “Prick.”

  Legion shrugged. “Perhaps. It doesn’t change the fact that we need to find that onyx circle.”

  Chapter 19

  Legion touched Mara’s face. While she smiled, her pain concerned his dragon. “Are you okay?’

  Mara touched his hand. “I will be. What is our next move?”

  Legion squeezed her hand before releasing it. “We need to figure out where Devlin would keep the artifact.”

  Mara grabbed her teacup from the coffee table. “If I had to guess, then I would say the gallery. It has an exclusive security system and houses pieces worth millions of dollars.”

  Legion shook his head. “Those security measures are meaningless to a druid or dragon. The circle will manifest a security system of its own in order to hide it from magical beings.”

  Mara sipped her tea. “That makes sense, but the circle is thousands of years old, it would be worth millions of dollars on the black market. Devlin would need to protect it from human predators and magical ones.”

  Legion raised an eyebrow. “I had not considered its monetary worth.”

  Mara cleared her throat. “No, I don’t suppose you would. Can you tell if there’s a magical spell protecting it, if you’re close enough?”

  Legion rubbed his chin. “Perhaps, but that does not guarantee I can break the spell.”

  Mara smiled at him. “We should go to the gallery. If we go during operating hours as patrons, we can walk around and see if you get any vibes.”

  Legion turned her face to his. “It’s a good idea.” His thumb caressed her lip. “You are eager to find the circle, but your heart is laden.”

  Mara glanced at the door. Alana and Natalie had gone downstairs to check on Tempest. “My family betrayed me. Alana and my mother had a secret bond and planned to keep me oblivious to my heritage. Would I have ever known if I displayed no power?”

  Legion shook his head. “You would have lived out your life in the human world and never known about the druids. The rules about secrecy are to protect creatures of magic. Your mother was following a set of laws laid out thousands of years ago, and they swore Alana to that secrecy. I am not sure why you failed the preliminary druid tests they give young girls to see if they have dormant magic present, but I imagine it was the temple protecting you.”

  Mara pulled from his grasp. “It still hurts.”

  “I know. You mentioned you had a minimal ability of telekinesis. How come your sister and mother never considered that dormant power would mature?”

  Mara bit the side of her cheek. “I never told them. Only Natalie knew about the TK. Kids at school already called me a freak because of the shop my parents owned. I didn’t want to add to it.”

  Legion took her hand. “Understood. I know it will be hard, but you have to forgive your sister.”

  Mara looked away. “I’m not sure I can.”

  Legion hated the sadness on Mara’s face. With all his power, he could do nothing to remove the ache in his mate’s heart. The betrayal burned through their shared bond. “I do not believe it was your sister’s intention to hurt you. She believed she was protecting you.”

  Mara shook her head. “I don’t care what anyone says. Alana shouldn’t have kept this from me. It destroyed our relationship, and knowing my mother had a hand in it, is devastating.” She waved her hand erratically. “I hate this. All I wanted was to go to art school and be normal, not be the last seer and have the weight of the dragon species hanging over me. I can’t breathe.”

  Legion touched her face. “Let me show you the beauty of our world. Since finding out you are druid, you have not had a moment’s peace.” He picked her up, ignoring her protests as he carried her to her bedroom. He stood her up after closing the door. His blazing eyes dared her to deny his claim. To refuse the fire that burned within them. She could feel it now. His lust. His fury. The anger he had not courted her as he should have. His blind belief in her betrayal festered like a blister in his soul, and only she could bring salvation.

  He peeled her clothes off, letting her know with each intense gaze he would accept nothing, but her full surrender and intense pleasure. His emotions rippled through the bond. Anticipation. Arousal. Desire. A wicked smile formed on his lips, before he bent his head to draw an erect nipple into his lips.

  She moaned. Her body melted against his, every nerve ending as inflamed as his. He sucked the erect bud hard, then licked away the sting of pain. His mouth was hot. Hungry. Demanding.

  She moved her hips against his bulging jeans, her hands desperate as they pulled open the button fly to allow his thick cock to spring free. Her hand caressed the velvet shaft as she tried to get closer to his body. Heat and lust electrified the surrounding air. “Please, Legion,” she whispered.

  Her ragged plea raced over his skin and thundered in his ears. His hand slipped down her stomach to the slick heat between her legs. She moaned low as his fingers parted the silky flesh. His fingers moved inside her; it took only seconds before she began moving her hips to ride his hand.

  Legion’s body hardened to the point of pain. Will alone kept his body from flying apart. The steady burn of desire fueled the magic raging within him. All centered on the beautiful woman, moaning in his ear. He needed her like this, begging him for release, accepting that he alone had the power to fulfill her needs. Her fingers bit into his skin like claws. The luscious sting made him growl his pleasure. “Tell me you are mine.”

  “I am yours. I will always be yours.” Mara gasped between rhythmic thrusts of her pelvis.

  He backed her up, laying her on the bed like a magnificent banquet. Her hair spread out on the white bedspread like black satin. Accenting green eyes that glowed like liquid emeralds. Her power confined within and very much alive. A fire that matched his own. He held her gaze as he knelt between her legs. The honey spiced scent that called to him was too much for the animal in him to ignore. She provided a banquet and he would feast.

  She arched off the bed when his teeth grazed the inside of her thigh, nipping the skin before sucking her clit into his mouth. The sweet flesh caressed h
is tongue as he sucked ravenously, needing the throaty moans of lust the escaped with each lash of his tongue. He took his time, pulling every drop of her essence from her body, only to send her spiraling into orgasm and start again.

  She fisted his hair, almost ripping the fine hairs from his scalp. “It’s too much.”

  He rose above her, resting his straining cock at her wet entrance. “It’s never too much.” He thrust deep, holding her hips when she threatened to come off the bed. He held her locked in an endless cycle of deep thrusts.

  She clutched the bed, locked in a series of orgasms that didn’t end. The lights flickered, the bed shook, and pictures on the side table fell to the ground. Nothing came between them. His body melded with hers, as did his soul. All while his shaft continued to penetrate deeper and deeper into the only salvation that existed for him.

  Her muscles tightened around him, constricting his cock in a velvet vise. He roared through his release, emptying himself inside her as he gripped her hips against his body. He lay over top of her. Exhaustion a rarity for him.

  Mara tapped his side, “Legion, you’re heavy.”

  He smiled, rolling to the side to flip her on top of him. “I like it this way too.”

  Mara lay her head on his chest. “I can’t believe you have any energy left.”

  Legion pulled her down, kissing her. “That was just the appetizer. Get dressed, we are going flying.”

  Mara pulled on a pair of jeans and a pink sweater. He loved the tussled look of her hair. The errant black strands fell into her eyes as she put on her boots. He took her hand, smiling at her when she glanced over his naked body. “Trust me.”

  They walked out the small landing at the top of the stairs. She looked around. “You can’t shift here you will annihilate my home.”

  Legion winked as wings protruded from his back. “I know.” He jumped into the air, flying upward, shifting to his full form and seating her on his back at the same time. Fear and excitement streaked through their bond.

  Mara held onto the two raised scales that acted like handholds on his back. “How did you do that? I didn’t know you could sprout wings in your human form.”


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