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Revelations Page 11

by Butler, Christine M.

Caislyn twirled the green flower by its stem, "mom, how did you know that Dad was worth giving up the rest of your life?"

  "I knew the moment he tried to get away from me."


  "Caislyn, your dad tried to leave me, several times, when we were falling in love. In the end he did actually leave me. He left a note in his place telling me that we could not continue because he could not live with the consequences. He could not live if it meant he would watch his own people kill me, or my family to get to me. I still haven't told him how I found him, and now I suppose I won't get that chance." Caislyn got up and climbed up in the bed with her mother to hug her. "I tracked down Mac's sister and she helped me. She was such a sucker for true love. I suppose that's why I believe your Ash's story. It sounds like something she would do - send him to look over you, knowing that one day it may lead to a love connection."

  "This is all just too much to even think about. Mom, with everything that has happened, I haven't had the chance to ask about you and..."

  "I'm alive, I think that's all that matters right now." Vesta smiled at her daughter. "I think it's time you got some rest, there are a few things you need to think over in your dreams."

  "Yeah, except my dreams seem to get me into more trouble these days."

  "Don't discount the fact that you have so many choices, my dear. One day you may find yourself with limited outcomes and you will long for the days you once thought were so troubled."

  Caislyn didn't say a word, she just kissed her mom on the forehead and crawled back down into her own bed. "I love you, mom."

  "And I love you too."


  Caislyn woke up to the sunshine beaming through the windows of the RV. A moment of panic set in when she looked up and didn't see her mom, but Jaxon quickly showed up to reassure her that Seth had come in to take Vesta down by the fire pit for the ceremony later.

  "For the ceremony? I thought that wasn't going to be until late this afternoon."

  "Caislyn, welcome back to reality. It's currently two o'clock and we need to start getting you ready. I wanted to wake you up earlier, but Vesta said you needed to rest as long as we could let you. "

  "Holy crap! Jaxon, I can't believe you let me sleep so late. How in the world am I supposed to get ready for a wedding in less than two hours?"

  "That's the great thing about getting married in a gypsy camp, they do just about everything for you while you sleep, including get you a dress."

  "A dress? I hadn't even thought of a dress." Jaxon pointed to the dress hanging on a hook on the wall. Caislyn got up and went to look at it. It was a simple white sheath dress that would come down to her ankles with delicate blue flowers adorning the hemlines. A wreath was laying on top of the counter beside it, made of wild vines and the very real version of the same blue flowers that were sewn into the dress. "Oh wow, this is..." Caislyn was at a loss for words as she touched the delicate material, and ran her fingers over the velvety soft petals. "Perfect," she whispered.

  "So, what are we going to do with your hair?" Jaxon had a brush in one hand and a makeup kit in the other, something Caislyn hadn't noticed before.

  "Nothing." When Jaxon eyed the tangled mess of brown hair on her friend's head, Caislyn amended, "aside from brushing it, that is." She picked the flower head-dress up and held it to her head in the mirror. "I think these flowers and vines were meant for something a little wilder than a fancy hairstyle and tons of makeup. You can put most of that away."

  "After seeing you get ready for a rave, I wasn't expecting this."

  Caislyn laughed understanding what Jaxon meant. "No, raves are different. They are like Halloween for me. I get to dress up, color my hair, be a crazier, wilder me." She gently put the wreath of flowers back down on the counter. "This is something altogether different. I don't want to hide behind makeup and costumes. Gregore knows exactly who I am and he should see that when I walk out there."

  "So, why weren't the two of you ever together before now?"

  "I don't know. The timing was always wrong. I guess the fates were making us wait for this."

  Jaxon picked up the emerald flower that Caislyn had left lying on her pillow, "and what about this?" She turned to Caislyn who looked a little torn. "If your dad hadn't bound your powers you may have grown up with Ash too."

  "I know, Jax." Caislyn reached out for the flower. "I thought about it a lot last night, dreamed about it, about both of them. All I know for sure is that things worked out the way they did. Maybe, if Ash had been around all those years, this would be a different decision or at least a harder one." Caislyn put the flower to the side on the counter. "As it stands, Ash is a stranger with a beautiful magic and not much else to go on. Gregore is real, I've known him for so long I can't picture my life without him. Catronia used to tell me about soul mates, and I always laughed at her for it. She said that Drina, my grandmother, found her soul mate and knew immediately. Same for my mom and dad, who went against everything to be together." Caislyn shrugged and continued thinking out loud. "Maybe the same is true for Gregore and I. Look, he's here, in the place we came to find peaceful refuge. What more do I need to know?"

  "I know how you feel about Gregore. I know it seems like fate that brought you both here to this same place, but I just think it's a little crazy to up and marry a guy you hadn't even slept with until yesterday."

  "Well, I've never slept with Ash at all."

  Jaxon looked up at her friend and shook her head. "Okay, fine, I'll drop it. I just don't want you to... I don't know... I just keep thinking of Rick and what if you don't know Gregore as well as you think? Or Ash? Why do they have to make this so damn crazy?"

  "I wish I knew the answer to that one." Caislyn reached out and pulled Jaxon into a hug. "Thanks for worrying for me. I do know Gregore well enough to know he would never hurt me on purpose. I can't say the same for Ash. That is the best I can do in a day." They pulled apart from one another and Caislyn's face lit up with the smile that blossomed there. "Besides, have you seen Gregore? Don't make me tell you about our time in the tent when we made lightening crash into a tree and knock it down! That was amazing!"

  "Oh, do tell!"

  "You first, I still haven't heard about how the couch got broken." Jaxon laughed at Caislyn and smacked her with the brush she had in her hand.

  "Fine, but let's get you ready while we talk."


  Jaxon walked Caislyn to where the fallen tree was and left her standing there in the arms of Gregore. The pair readied themselves for the ceremony that was about to begin. Together, Caislyn and Gregore, began the long walk down the length of the fallen tree. Here and there Caislyn noticed members of the Vadoma clan beaming in her direction as she went, but her eyes were only for her mother who looked so frail sitting near the fire pit. She was draped in a white shawl that covered most of unhealthy, thin frame. Caislyn was doing this for her mother. Not that she didn't love Gregore, just that she couldn't bare for her mother to have to endure anything else. Caislyn watched as her mom began to cough, and she nearly faltered herself as she lost her footing on the tree's trunk. Gregore's strong grip kept her from sliding off, and he whispered into ear, "Caislyn, she'll be okay. Let's get this done, so you can get her back in the RV for some rest. It's been a long enough day for Vesta already."

  Caislyn nodded and smiled up at Gregore. "Thank you," was all she could manage to say as they continued on their walk down the fallen tree. When they finally came to the end just in front of the fire pit, they were greeted by Andrei. He smiled at the both of them.

  "Caislyn of the Vadoma family," Andrei said as he looked up at Caislyn and held a knotted rope up for all those who were gathered to see, "and Gregore of the Drabek family." He nodded to Gregore as he continued to hold the knotted rope high in the air. "Today, we come forth underneath the Blessing of the Gods to bring our families together as one." Andrei smiled at the two of them again and placed Caislyn's hand on top of Gregore's. Then he draped the rope over their
two hands. "Together you shall enter into this union, to be blessed by all there is and all their ever will be." He wound the rope around both of their hands and allowed the remaining rope to drape back over their arms, nearly hanging down to the tree they were still standing on. "As I bind your union with our family's blessing rope you shall give yourself to one another with the promise of the hand fasting." Andrei began to knot the rope that lie draped across their arms as Caislyn spoke first.

  "As our hands are bound together now, let our hearts be bound for as long as we both shall love."

  "As our hands are bound together now, let our hearts be bound for as long as we both shall love," Gregore repeated.

  Andrei pulled the knot and smiled back up at the pair who were now lost in each other's eyes. "Caislyn and Gregore have now been bound in this union, under the blessing of this family and the blessings bestowed upon them by the Gods." Andrei bowed before them both and then winked at Gregore before whispering, "you may kiss your bride."

  Gregore didn't hesitate for a moment, he leaned in and kissed Caislyn, but forgot that they were both still tied up in the rope, so when he tried to lift his hands to grab hold of her, Caislyn's hands came to, catching her by surprise and knocking them both off balance and off the tree. They tumbled down to the ground and stopped just short of the fire pit.

  "Caislyn!" Vesta gasped.

  A roar of laughter erupted from both Gregore and Caislyn, "I should have known this would happen," Gregore was mumbling.

  Andrei called out to those around them, "that must have been one hell of a kiss. No wonder the Gods blessed this union." Laughter broke through the crowd and welcomed the night as the sun began to sink behind the horizon. Music started up and dancing followed shortly after. Andrei helped Caislyn and Gregore out of their hand bindings so they could go enjoy the party too.



  Gregore was spinning Caislyn in circles, dancing amongst the rest of her gypsy family when she caught sight of her mom, in the middle of a painful-looking coughing fit. "Gregore," she started to say as she pressed her hand to his chest and stopped him from spinning her again, "my mom doesn't look so good. We need to get her back to her bed so she can rest." Gregore turned to look and simply nodded at Caislyn as they began to head in that direction. Merriwyn beat them to it, already there ordering some of the sturdier, less inebriated, young men to help her get Vesta back to the RV. Caislyn walked back with Merriwyn as the young men carried her mom. "Is she going to be alright?"

  "The treatments aren't working as well as I had hoped. I am going to need to go after supplies soon." Merriwyn was ringing her hands together as she spoke, but tried to put on a small smile for Caislyn, "nothing to worry about tonight, dear. Go, enjoy your new husband for a while. I've moved Seth and Jaxon in with Vesta and myself for the night. They've had plenty of time to honeymoon, don't you think?" Merriwyn winked at Caislyn and gave her a conspiratorial grin.

  "But..." Caislyn began to protest.

  "I will have none of that! You go, enjoy your night! I will take good care of your mom and I promise I will send Jaxon to get you if we need you."

  Caislyn went to hug her mother and tell her goodnight before the guys took her inside. "I guess you don't need any wedding night advice huh?" Vesta began laughing as her daughter turned a couple shades of red, but the laugh turned into another violent coughing session.

  "Mom," Caislyn said as she put her hand on her mother's shoulder, trying to give comfort when she had nothing else to give.

  Jaxon interrupted, "Nope, no advice needed, and the whole camp knows that now!" Vesta smiled up at her and nodded to the young men who were holding her to take her inside.

  "I can't leave her like this." Caislyn said as she started to head into the RV. Jaxon stepped in her way.

  "Nope, you are over there tonight," she pointed to the RV that was parked next to the one they were standing in front of, "I'll come get you if she needs you. Right now, someone else needs you more." Jaxon looked back over Caislyn's shoulder to Gregore who was standing there looking a bit helpless and defeated. "Seriously, Cais, she's in good hands. Vesta's just had a long day and she needs some rest. It's okay, go enjoy your night." Jaxon thought a moment and then continued on with a wicked grin across her face, "maybe try not to have too good a time, you don't want to keep your mom up all night with the noises!"

  "Jaxon!" Merriwyn called from inside the RV, then a volley of laughter followed from the guys who were inside.

  "Ha! Ha! Jaxon!' Caislyn said as she turned and walked over to Gregore. "I guess it's you and me in here tonight." Gregore never said a word, he simply scooped Caislyn up off her feet and carried her inside. Caislyn let out a little screech and another round of laughter cropped up from inside Vesta's RV. "Greg, you remember that spell you guys use for the raves?"

  Gregore looked at her curiously as he put her down on the couch in the RV, "what spell?"

  "You know, the quiet spell, so no one can hear the party from outside the building?"

  Gregore's grin kept growing as he nodded to her and then walked to the door, placing his hands on it. He bowed his head and began mumbling some words that Caislyn couldn't quite make out. After a few minutes he lifted his head and turned back around to her, "okay, that should do it."

  "Should we test it out?" Caislyn asked as she sat there on the couch watching him stalk towards her.

  "All night!" Gregore responded as he scooped a giggling Caislyn up in his arms again and carried her back to the bedroom.


  Jaxon and Seth were getting cozy on the fold out couch in the living room area of the RV. She didn't mean to do it, but she started listening in to the conversation that was going on in the other room between her mom and Vesta.

  "Please, Merriwyn, I must know. Everyone keeps tiptoeing around what happened to Mac. I know you're thinking that it will hurt my recovery, but not knowing has me so worried that I can't even focus on getting better.'

  "Vesta, we are unsure what has happened."

  "He wasn't there, at the castle with me, was he?"

  "Caislyn says he was there a couple days before the attack, she saw him in one of their dream visions."

  "But..." Vesta tried to encourage her to continue on.

  "Jax, did you hear anything I just said?" Seth was poking at Jaxon's arm, annoying her and breaking her concentration so she lost part of the conversation she was eavesdropping on.

  "Shh," She hissed at Seth.

  "So, he might be..." Vesta's voice dropped too low for Jaxon to make out the rest of what she said, if anything.

  "Vesta, I'm sorry, I just don't know." There was silence for a few minutes and Jaxon noticed the look of disapproval on Seth's face.

  "What?" She questioned. "How else am I supposed to find out about anything. Everyone always conveniently forgets to tell me. A girl has to come up with her own information hotline!"

  "Jax," Seth started, but quickly stopped as Jaxon jabbed him in the ribs and shushed him again.

  "We should have told her." It was Vesta, sounding weaker than before.

  "Told her what, Vesta."

  "About the blessing. She should know what it means."

  "Vetsa, you said yourself, if we told her she would be stubborn about it and do her best to see that the blessing went unfulfilled. Then there would be no protection for her against the prophecy and those who blindly follow it."

  "She should know about that too, Merriwyn, both of the girls should know the full extent of what is going on." There was a moment of quiet silence and Jaxon strained to hear, thinking she may have been missing something. "I'm not certain how much time I have left. The Ordeal has left me powerless and drained."

  "Don't talk like that, Vesta. I just need the right herbs and supplies to get you back to..."

  "You always were the optimist, Merriwyn." Vesta broke into a round of coughing before continuing in a raspier whisper, "we both know what is happening here. Your herbs may bring me back
for a while, they may postpone the inevitable, but they can't bring my magic back and without it..." there was a pause for more coughing, "I am withering. It is the natural course for a witch."

  "It is, if you were fifty years older, maybe." Merriwyn huffed at her friend. "You have got to stop talking like this. I may be the eternal optimist, but that daughter of yours needs you. So, you need to start thinking positive too. Don't you want to be here to see your grandchild born?"

  "We don't know..."

  "Don't we?" Merriwyn snapped. "The blessing brings fertility, you and I both know that. A baby will be made tonight, and the blessing will ensure that it survives to be delivered. If nothing else keeps you going, let that thought warm your soul. There's enough magic floating around here to keep you going for years to come."

  Another coughing fit broke from Vesta before she answered, "I am tired."

  "Then by all means rest tonight." Merriwyn told her and then she added, "and be ready to fight again in the morning, because I am going to have to leave for supplies."

  Jaxon turned over to look at Seth when he began to speak, "not a word of this to Caislyn."

  "What? But why? She needs to know."

  "No, she doesn't."

  "Seth! Yes, she does. She needs to know that Gregore's gonna knock her up, she needs to know that she's going to be bringing a baby into the middle of all this mess." Jaxon flung her hands around her wildly, "I mean look at where we are. We are sharing an RV in the middle of a gypsy camp because it's not safe for us to be anywhere else. What happens when the people who want us dead find us? What happens when they hurt Caislyn's baby? I think she would want to know. And I don't think she's wanting to plan a family right now. And what about her mom? She needs to know, she needs to be prepared. It will kill her if she loses her mom too."

  "Shh," Seth cooed to Jaxon as he grabbed her and held her tight. "You are right, and you just said exactly what Merriwyn was worried about. The blessing that was bestowed upon Caislyn was old magic. There has never been a woman who received the blessing that didn't end up with a baby right away. It's part of the magic."


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