Killian: The Doherty Mafia #1

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Killian: The Doherty Mafia #1 Page 1

by Krane, Kasey


  The Doherty Mafia #1

  Kasey Krane

  Savannah Rylan

  Copyright © 2021 by Kasey Krane & Savannah Rylan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  1. Reese

  2. Reese

  3. Killian

  4. Reese

  5. Killian

  6. Reese

  7. Killian

  8. Reese

  9. Killian

  10. Reese

  11. Killian

  12. Reese

  13. Killian

  14. Reese

  15. Killian

  16. Reese

  17. Killian

  18. Reese

  19. Killian

  20. Reese

  21. Killian

  22. Reese

  23. Killian

  24. Reese

  25. Killian

  26. Reese

  27. Killian

  28. Reese

  29. Killian

  30. Reese

  Sneak Peak at Aiden

  About Kasey Krane

  More Books by Kasey Krane

  About Savannah Rylan

  More Books by Savannah Rylan



  My hands shook a little and I clasped them together tightly. Just because he’d commanded me to his office, it didn’t mean something bad was going to happen, right?

  There was a part of me that knew I was kidding myself.

  One of his bodyguards was sent to lead me from my bedroom to Aldo’s office and I followed him close behind. There was something ominous about how quiet the house was. Like a horrible surprise was waiting for me at the end of that walk.

  I’d seen the long convoy of muscle cars pull up into our driveway an hour ago. Big flashy cars with dark tinted windows. I didn’t recognize anyone who stepped out of those cars, and they were all led directly to my stepfather’s office.

  It seemed like an important meeting. So why was I being led to the office now? I couldn’t come up with one good reason how I could contribute. It wasn’t like Aldo had ever given me the impression that I had anything to contribute.

  Next thing I knew, I was standing outside of the big door to his office. I couldn’t hear anything out there because that room was completely soundproof, always had been. I don’t know how I did it, but I’d somehow managed to stop my hands from shaking. I needed to get a grip of myself, or at least pretend to.

  The bodyguard pushed through the door, and I followed close behind, keeping my eyes to the floor. If there was one thing I’d learned over the years of living with Aldo Baron, it was that I shouldn’t be looking at things I hadn’t been invited to look at.

  Eyes down. Head down. No opinions. Leave yourself at the door. Leave yourself far behind.

  “Look up so we can all see your face,” Aldo’s voice boomed heavily in the room, startling me into action the moment I stepped in.

  When I looked up, I saw the room dotted with men. Men I didn’t know. Men all staring at me, making my stomach sink because it seemed like they knew something I didn’t.

  My hands shook again. I inadvertently clenched my stomach, trying my best to not curl into a ball to hide from their piercing gazes. Lesson number two: when men like them looked at you this way, it meant something bad was coming. Usually, they ignored me.

  Aldo was at his big desk, his signet ring sat heavily on his pinky finger while he tapped it with a metallic clank against his glass of whiskey. Cigar smoke hung heavily in the air and made my eyes water. But I’d been commanded to look up, so that’s what I did.

  My stepfather had a grin on his face which betrayed something like pride. Pride?

  Aldo had never been proud of me. He had nothing to be proud of. Yet, he looked at me and then around at the faces of the other men facing him. The men who had already examined me closely.

  I felt like I was being graded as a prized piece of cattle. Every inch of me measured and classed. I was self conscious of my body, the clothes I wore, the way my breasts heaved with sickening anticipation to hear what this was all about. They saw everything, and I couldn’t hide anymore.

  Aldo stopped tapping his ring against the glass and sucked in a mouthful of cigar smoke.

  “So, tell me, gentlemen, will she do?” he said.

  * * *

  “It’s your lucky day, Reese. Today is the day you get to meet your future husband,” Aldo said. That grin still lingered on his face while I felt like he’d just driven his fist into my chest.

  My future husband?

  I knew this day would come. It was inevitable. It had hung over me all my life like a dark cloud following me around everywhere I went. Aldo Baron was going to choose my husband for me. There was nothing I could do to change that fact about my life, but I didn’t see it coming today.

  I hadn’t woken up this morning and known I was going to meet the man I would be bound to for the rest of my life.

  In that moment when the words left my stepfather’s mouth, I forgot about the first rule. Boldly, I looked from face to face of the men in the room, my heart pounding heavily in my chest. Which of these men was it?

  Most of them looked older. Paler than me. Irish. Men who stared right back with grim faces like they didn’t approve of what they saw. Maybe they’d all reject me and Aldo would have to change his plan. It was my only hope—that I wasn’t good enough for them.

  Then my gaze landed on the tall, muscular man in the corner of the room. He had dark hair and dark eyes, a bony chiseled face with big lips. He stood with his arms crossed over his big chest. He was glaring right back at me with an intensity that hit my soul. I couldn’t look away. I’d never looked into eyes like his before. His gaze traveled from my face to my heaving breasts, down to my hips and then the spot between my legs.

  He wanted to see everything, and I wanted him to look.

  Even though I could sense everyone else’s eyes on me, I stared back at this man. Handsome, sexy, too good to be true.

  Was it really possible that my stepfather had chosen him as my husband?

  “Connor Doherty, meet your future wife,” Aldo’s voice said again.

  I blinked, expecting this handsome man to react but he didn’t. Instead, he clenched his jaws, gave me one last sweeping look, then looked away.

  “She’ll do.” A thick voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked in that direction. Older. Heavier. A sagging jawline. Those were the physical features that defined Connor Doherty. That, and the oily smile that was pasted on his face as he drew closer to me.

  “Get excited, sweetheart, I’ll give ya a wedding night to remember,” he said with a laugh that made his belly jiggle.

  * * *

  Bottles of cheap Prosecco were popped open because apparently it was a celebration. They were celebrating the union between the Baron family and the Dohertys. I’d heard of them in passing before. Aldo conducted some big business with them, the details of which I’d never been told.

  Even though I was going to be the link that would connect them, I stood in the corner, staring at the men sloshing drinks and lighting each other’s cigars.

  My mind raced. This man was going to be the father of my children? This was the man I would have to be loyal and respectful towards all my life? This man?

  The front of Connor Doherty’s shirt was wet from spilling Prosecco all over himself. I coul
d see how yellow his teeth looked as he laughed. I hoped it was just the dim lighting in the room, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t the lighting in the room that made him unflattering. He was an old creepy man who didn’t have any interest in looking after himself.

  I was sure I was going to be sick. I didn’t know if I could do it. Pretend. Follow Aldo’s command. Live this life.

  What was the alternative?

  Even death sounded sweeter. Maybe I could just end this now.

  My eyes darted frantically around the room until they landed on the handsome stranger in the other corner again. For some reason, he wasn’t participating in the festivities. He silently smoked a cigarette by himself, keeping his eyes on me.

  My nostrils flared as I tried to keep my tears under control. It was like I was silently screaming at him from across the room. Screeching to make my voice heard. The cigarette burned between his lips, he squinted his eyes against the smoke that rose up.

  I didn’t know what he was trying to say, maybe he wasn’t saying anything. Maybe I was imagining it all. Why would he care? I was already written off to a man who made me sick. Who scared me.

  “What are you doing still hanging about here?” Aldo’s snappy voice cut through the others in the room. They all looked in my direction. Connor puckered his lips to blow me a kiss, making my stomach flip.

  “Go pack your fuckin’ bags, girl. You’re leaving now.”

  For several moments, I couldn’t comprehend what had been said. He wanted me to leave now? Today? To go away with this man and his family to somewhere I’d never been before?

  Aldo glared at me with his narrowed eyes.

  I had to follow his command. I had no other choice.

  Giving one last look at the man in the corner, I ran out of the room as tears trickled down my cheeks.

  Who was I even running to? I had nobody to comfort me. If my mother was around…if I had her to stroke my hair and take me into her arms…she would have reminded me that I had no choice in the matter. That if I didn’t follow Aldo’s commands willingly, I’d be physically forced into following them.

  Then she would have reminded me of what happened the last time I failed to listen to him.

  That was all the reminding I needed. It wasn’t like I’d forgotten.



  I didn’t have many bags because I didn’t own many things. Besides, Aldo didn’t give me enough time to pack, sending men to my bedroom soon after he’d sent me there. They were waiting to escort me out to the driveway where the Dohertys were waiting to take me away.

  It was the fear of the unknown that made my stomach flip.

  Aldo had been a monster to me and my mother all our lives, but he was a known monster. I didn’t know what the future held for me or where I was being taken. Marriage to Connor Doherty would not be a bed of roses, that much I could predict.

  The men carried my bags to the cars outside, while I followed them with weak steps. I wanted to run. I was desperate to run, but I had nowhere to go.

  Outside, the others stood, talking loudly and shaking hands. Aldo had given me away and I didn’t know if I’d ever see him again, but he didn’t give a shit. He didn’t even look at me.

  The man with the dark eyes came forward, gripping my elbow tightly. I’d been assigned to him. His touch calmed me and I looked up at him pleadingly.

  I hadn’t heard him speak yet. I didn’t know what he sounded like, but looking into his eyes was the only thing that kept me standing. Stopping me from collapsing straight to the ground.

  I looked back at Connor who was talking to my stepfather. They were deep in conversation about something I couldn’t hear. I noticed the way he’d brushed his thinning hair over the top of his balding head. It was the face I’d be staring up at night while he stretched himself over me. While he fucked me. Impregnated me.

  My flesh prickled with goosebumps, and another wave of desperation washed over me.

  What else would he do to me tonight? Hit me? Hurt me? Aldo had signed me over to this man, to do with me as he pleased.

  The man whose hand was on my arm, tugging me gently in the direction of a waiting car.

  “Help me,” I hissed at him frantically, on the verge of tears. “You have to help me, now. Please. Let me go.”

  I searched his brown eyes. He clenched his jaws and breathed in deeply. His grip on my arm didn’t weaken and that’s when I knew it wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t going to help me and my fate was sealed.

  I had misjudged him.

  * * *

  He grabbed me by both my arms and shoved me into the backseat of the car roughly. I was grossly mistaken about this man. What made me think he was on my side? He was one of them.

  Just because he was handsome and stared at me like he wanted to rip my clothes off, didn’t mean he was willing to help me. I meant nothing to him. Just like I meant nothing to the rest of them either.

  I cried out, trying to crawl away from him to the other end of the seat, but he grabbed me by my ankles, pulling me back towards him.

  “Do you fuckin’ realize what you just asked me to do? You want me to help you get away?” he growled.

  My throat was dry, I couldn’t breathe. I watched as he pulled out a Zip Tie from the pocket of his pants. What was that for?

  Over his shoulders, I could see Connor still talking to Aldo at the front of the house.

  “Look at me. Look at me!” the man growled.

  I had no choice but to stare into his eyes again.

  “That guy is my uncle, do you understand what I’m saying? We’re family. Helping you escape is like writing my own death sentence.”

  He spoke as he snapped the Zip Tie over my wrists, holding them tightly together with his big strong hands.

  Wait. So he wasn’t not helping me because he didn’t want to. He wasn’t helping me because he couldn’t. But because he knew we would both die trying to get away?

  What did that mean? That he was sympathetic to me? That he knew what kind of danger I was in, wishing he could help?

  The Zip Tie was tightly secured around my wrists now.

  “You shouldn’t have said that, you know. You shouldn’t have fuckin’ asked me for help. I wouldn’t have had to do this,” he continued.

  His voice was as deep and sexy as his eyes were. My gaze danced over his sharp jaws, the pointedness of his nose, the fullness of his kissable lips. Why was I attracted to this man who was holding me captive, keeping me imprisoned in the back of this car?

  “I had to try. I had to say something,” I spoke in a whisper.

  He grunted, straightening himself up.

  “Fair enough,” he said, slamming the door.

  Connor approached the car and I curled into the backseat. My eyes filled with tears again. The car heaved and sank when he threw himself into the front seat.

  “All cozy back there, sweetheart?” he asked with a sheepish smile.

  He’d seen the Zip Tie on my wrists. He could see the expression of utter fear on my face. He knew what this was about.

  “Killian. Get the fuck in!” he shouted out the window.

  Killian. The man I wished I hadn’t spoken to. He got in beside me in the backseat and I moved as far away from him as I could. This was a nightmare I couldn’t escape from. It wasn’t a dream anybody could wake me from.

  “You’re going to your new home, sweetheart,” Connor said, eyeing me up in the rearview mirror as he started the car.

  A low cry of despair escaped my lips because I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch. You better start acting grateful by the time we get there, by the time this night really begins,” he roared. His tone had changed all of a sudden and I realized there were many sides to this man I was going to be married to. Sides to him that would hurt me and keep me under his foot.

  The car started and I looked out the window at Aldo’s house for the last time.

  When I was younger, I was naive en
ough to think I would be happy when this day came.

  * * *

  When I was younger, there were a lot of things I was naive about. I was a kid when my mom married Aldo Baron and I hadn’t been inundated into the life yet. The life I was going to lead.

  He was cruel and controlling, slowly draining the life force out of my mother every day.

  At first I was mad at her. I was mad at how controlling my new stepfather was. But we were rich. We lived in a swanky big mansion. I was a teenager who assumed the world was my oyster and that some day, I’d be able to escape him and this life.

  I was wrong about everything.

  There was no escape. I had no choice. My life wasn’t my own anymore. The wealth and luxury that Aldo lived in, didn’t belong to me. Every aspect of my life, like my mother’s, was going to be controlled by him. I had nobody to turn to for help, least of all my mother who was slowly slipping away from me and the world.

  I pressed my eyes closed in the backseat of the car that was taking me away from all that. Taking me to a new life that was going to be even worse. Worse than the life Aldo had given me all these years?

  I’d never imagined it, but now I was afraid Connor Doherty would be capable of far worse atrocities than my stepfather was. He would use and abuse me sexually. He would make my life hurt in every way possible and I wouldn’t be able to run away.


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