Killian: The Doherty Mafia #1

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Killian: The Doherty Mafia #1 Page 3

by Krane, Kasey

  I looked through the window and saw my brother Aiden getting out of his car.

  “Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, simultaneously emptying the second cup of coffee down the drain.

  Since last night, when we ran from Connor’s car, I had managed to somehow convince myself there was nobody else in the world. That we wouldn’t have to face any consequences.

  Aiden tried to open the front door but it was locked.

  I rubbed a hand over my face and went over to unlock it.

  “Hey,” I said, rushing back to the kitchen.

  “Since when do you lock your door?” At least he sounded chirpy.

  He followed me to the kitchen and started fixing himself a cup of coffee.

  “What’s up?” I asked, keeping my back to him.

  “I came over here to ask you the same question,” Aiden replied.

  There were a few moments of silence between us and I turned to face him. It had to be done. By not looking at him, I was only making him more suspicious.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Sounds like you’re trying to tell me something.”

  I narrowed my eyes at my brother who slowly sipped his coffee. He took his time before answering.

  “I want to know what happened last night,” he said.

  * * *

  Aiden followed me out of the house as I went out the back to the log pile. I avoided his damned question.

  “What are you not telling me?” he asked.

  I grabbed a big pile of logs and started walking back to the house. Aiden carried a few and tucked them under his arm too.

  “There is nothing to tell. Connor got himself a brand new bride last night. You know the story, what do you want me to say?”

  Aiden followed me back into the house.

  “I want you to tell me why nobody’s heard from Connor. Why you’ve been out here since last night. Nobody’s heard a peep from you either.”

  “This is my fucking house. You know, the place I come to sleep at night and drink a cup of coffee in fucking peace in the morning,” I barked at my brother, but Aiden could take it.

  In fact, he mostly ignored it.

  “I was expecting you at the bar last night.”

  “It’s not like I stood you up on a date. You don’t have to get your panties in a bunch,” I snapped.

  I emptied the logs into the fireplace and Aiden did the same. I could sense my brother’s eyes on me. He tried to study me. Trying to figure out if I was lying or what I was lying about.

  “The girl…” he began.

  I glared at him.

  I didn’t want to speak about Reese right now. Not when she was right below us in the basement.

  “What about her?”

  “What was she like? Why the fuck did she agree to go with Connor?”

  I clenched my jaws tight, and I had no idea why a wave of rage washed over me. All of a sudden, I felt like I needed to defend Reese.

  “It’s not like she had a choice in it. She lives in her stepfather’s control. She couldn’t say no.”

  Aiden’s eyes narrowed on me—and at the same time, there was a banging sound on the basement door.


  Reese must have sensed someone else was in the house and decided she was going to try and make her presence known.

  “What the fuck was that?” Aiden looked around the room.

  I was relieved he didn’t figure the sound had come from the basement.

  Another bang and my brother shot me a piercing look.

  “Is there someone else in the house? Someone in your basement?”

  I breathed out deeply and shook my head. I was already battling with the temptation to tell my brother everything.

  “You’ve lost your fuckin’ mind. Now, leave so I can go get some shit done. I don’t have all day to sit around and have a chat with you.”

  I smiled as I spoke, trying to make light of the situation.

  Aiden still looked suspicious but he walked to the front door. I just hoped Reese wouldn’t bang on the door again.

  She didn’t.

  Aiden was gone, and I realized I needed to go check on Connor and the car.

  I’d left too much evidence behind.

  * * *

  I trekked back to the spot where Connor stopped his car last night. Where we’d left him behind. Where Reese shot him. Killed him.

  Pretty soon, more people besides my brother were going to start asking questions about where Connor was. Where his new bride-to-be was. The others wouldn’t be as easy to distract as my brother.

  I didn’t yet know how I’d be answering those questions, but first of all, I needed to take care of the evidence. Most importantly, I needed to take care of the body.

  However, when I got to the car, I didn’t see him there.

  I ran up and yanked the door open. There was no Connor in sight. I looked underneath the car, then ran to check behind trees and boulders nearby. Maybe he’d managed to somehow drag himself somewhere and died there.

  I didn’t see him anywhere. I didn’t even see a trail on the ground to suggest he’d even left the car. It was like he’d somehow disappeared into thin air.

  Did he survive the gunshot? The wound looked pretty convincing. There was no way he could have survived it without help. Did he get help from someone else? Did someone find him?

  I weaved my fingers tightly through my hair in frustration.

  Connor was missing. A body was missing. The car was abandoned. I had no idea what I was supposed to do next. I’d got myself into one messy shitstorm and even though Connor was universally disliked—he was still my father’s right hand. The Mafia boss’ second in command.

  My father’s brother.

  If anyone found out I’d caused Connor’s death to aid some random girl’s escape; I was going to face consequences I wasn’t looking forward to.

  I growled with frustration, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it now. Not until I found out more.

  I wasn’t looking forward to facing the mafia. Answering my father’s questions about last night.

  Maybe I should have roped Aiden into the events. Maybe I needed more support than I thought I did.

  Either way, right now, the only thing I could do was return to my house and see what Reese was up to.

  I thought about her as I walked back. I knew I needed to teach her some kind of lesson for banging on the door earlier, but I looked forward to seeing her too.

  Even though she was solely responsible for getting me into this mess, I couldn’t forget about all the reasons why I’d saved her in the first place. Because she had no idea how fuckin’ sexy she was with her big doe eyes, and that deer-in-the-headlights look on her face. Her helplessness made her even more delicious and I hadn’t stopped thinking about her since I first saw her.

  Despite the consequences, I wouldn’t have changed a fuckin’ thing about last night. Now I had her all to myself and I wanted to make the most of it while I had the chance.



  I knew he heard me banging on the door earlier. I knew I took a huge risk by doing it, but there was someone else in the house. I heard the car drive up outside and then voices upstairs. I was determined to make myself heard, hoping this stranger could help me.

  But nothing happened. The voices stopped. Then the car drove away and all was silent upstairs.

  I was surprised Killian hadn’t even come down to punish me for my actions. But I knew he eventually would. It was only a matter of time.

  I had another plan cultivating.

  I’d already noticed the gun he kept strapped to his waist at all times. It was one of the first things I’d noticed about him when I checked him out. All I had to do now was grab it before he could stop me.

  If I had a gun in my hand it would put me on the same playing field as him. I wouldn’t be a weak little darling anymore.

  So I sat on the floor, waiting for him to turn up.

ually, I heard his footsteps outside the door, then the metal door unlocked.

  I stood up and walked to the bottom of the stairs, staring up at him. I already expected him to be pissed off about the sounds I made earlier. So my window of opportunity was going to be limited. However, I had no choice but to take the opportunity now.

  Killian stood at the top of the stairs, glaring down at me with his beady dark eyes. Sharp brows, like his nose. Chiseled jawline.

  My throat was dry and I forced the lump down my throat. When I looked him over, I couldn’t locate his gun because his shirt was untucked and falling over his waist.


  He walked down the steps slowly. I backed away a few feet. I needed to get my hands under control, shaking like leaves in a storm.

  “You haven’t been on your best behavior,” he said, approaching the last step.

  It was now or never…and I couldn’t afford to wait around for never.

  I lunged at him, throwing myself against him. He caught me by both arms as I reached for his waist, feeling about quickly for the gun.

  I couldn’t find it.

  In that split second, I looked into Killian’s eyes and he squinted at me. He’d figured out what I was trying to do and he caught a fistful of my hair in a bunch.

  But instead of pulling me off him, or dragging me around the room like I expected him to do, he pinned me closer to himself. We were so close, I could feel his hot breath on my face.

  “And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he growled.

  * * *

  Just when I thought he was going to kiss me, Killian shoved me away. I toppled backwards and fell on the floor, and he walked up to stand over me. Big and strong, I was no match to him.

  “You looking for my gun?” he asked in a surprisingly calm voice. I could see the rage in his eyes though.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You tried that bullshit earlier too. Banging on the door. Did you really think it was going to work? You think I’d let you get away?”

  I sat up, meeting his gaze determinedly. It was important that I didn’t show any signs of weakness because that would be equivalent to admitting my guilt.

  “I want you to set me free. I’m not trying to get away.”

  Killian clenched his jaws and fists simultaneously.

  “You want me to believe that?”

  “You can believe whatever you want, I’m just telling you what it is. Where will I go even if I escape? I have nowhere to hide. Nobody to go to.”

  His eyes narrowed at me and I hoped I was starting to convince him. I stood up slowly.

  “You’ve been so good to me. All you have to do is let me go now, help me get away. I’ll be indebted to you for life.”

  “You’re going nowhere,” he said deeply.

  Another mistake.

  He wasn’t going to be taken for a fool.

  I breathed in deeply, filling my lungs with the stale cold air of the basement.

  “And you better fuckin’ stop trying to escape now before you get hurt. You wouldn’t want that would you?”

  “I’m not trying anything,” I protested again.

  Killian stepped up closer to me, closing the few feet of distance between us.

  “You’re a liar, and you should be putting that lying mouth to better use.”

  I watched the way his lips moved and the only thing I could think about was kissing him.

  Was that what he was thinking about too? Did he want me to kiss him?

  My lips parted as we watched each other breathe. He looked me over; my breasts, my hips, my legs. I noticed I was wet all of a sudden. He did that to me. Just by looking at me.

  What was wrong with me?

  My breasts heaved as I tried to come up with a different plan.

  I needed to improvise.

  I had to get to that gun I knew was on his body somewhere.

  “Yes, you’re right, I can think of something else I could be doing instead of talking,” I said, falling down on my knees in front of him.

  Killian stood with his feet planted firmly apart. He knew exactly what I was talking about, and finally, it looked like he was pleased with something I said.

  * * *

  I was on my knees, looking into his gorgeous eyes, with my mouth parted seductively. I wanted him to know I was ready for anything. I was ready to take him in my mouth and make him feel good.

  I ran my hands up his legs, feeling the muscular strength of his body. He laid one hand down on my head, weaving his fingers into my long hair, stroking me like I was his pet.

  There was a gentleness to his touch that I didn’t expect from him. From those dangerously harsh eyes.

  The more he touched me like that, the wetter I got.

  “This is what you want from me, isn’t it, Killian? This is why you saved me and brought me here.” I whispered the words and he watched my lips move. His eyes were frozen on my face. I knew he pictured his cock in my mouth.

  I needed to get to his gun and maybe if I could get his pants off, I’d make him vulnerable, and then I’d have a real chance of escape.

  But this was hot. I was wet. I was starting to lose focus.

  Killian grunted and I reached for his zip. I undid it slowly. No sudden movements to startle him.

  “I know you want me,” I hissed,pulling his pants down. The answer to my question was staring me in the face. His cock was hard and big in his pants. He was awake for me.

  There was a part of me that wanted to forget about the gun and just focus on his perfect body.

  I was aware I was supposed to be afraid of him. I was supposed to be scared for my life, but I wasn’t. Not in this moment when I could see the kind of control I had over his body. My body reacted to his pleasure.

  His pants fell to the floor around his ankles and I licked my lower lip. I wanted him in my mouth just as much as I wanted him to believe this was real. I wasn’t pretending anymore. My pussy throbbed for a taste of him. To feel that cock inside me.

  And what a big glorious cock it was. Erect in his underwear.

  I purred like a cat, reaching for him again. I wanted to see it. See him completely naked, but before I could do it, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me up.

  “Just behave yourself and don’t make me punish you,” he growled.

  I was so taken aback by his sudden change that I said nothing. He pushed me away and pulled up his pants.

  I heard him mutter something harsh under his breath and then he turned to leave the room. He didn’t have his gun on him today. I’d clocked that already.

  My attempt at stealing it and earning my freedom was wasted. Now he knew what I was capable of and he armed himself against any such future attempt.

  I watched with heaving shoulders as he walked back up the stairs, leaving.

  Killian, so far, had ample opportunity to really hurt me. Punish me for all the shit I’d already pulled on him. But he didn’t.

  What did that mean?

  I had to keep reminding myself not to become too hopeful and naive. Killian was not my friend. No matter how he made me feel when he touched me.



  I needed a drink to calm myself. Reese touching me was way too much to handle.

  I’d been fantasizing about her for what felt like ages—even though I only met her for the first time last night. But she’d been on my mind every waking and sleeping moment since.

  Now, we were so close to doing something.

  She looked like she wanted it as much as I did but I knew she was playing a game. She wanted to see just how much control she had over me.

  The one thing I was quickly beginning to discover about Reese Deville was that she was no idiot.

  She may have had that deer-in-the-headlights look on her face, but she was smarter and stronger than any other girl I’d met. She wasn’t naive and she knew how to take care of herself. M
aybe she had no choice but to acquire those skills while living in a household with her stepfather.

  Aldo Baron couldn’t have been easy to live with.

  But the last thing I needed was to pity Reese.

  Pitying her and trying to rescue her from the cruelty of my uncle was what got me in this shit in the first place. And now I needed to make sure I didn’t repeat the same mistakes. I needed to think with my head and not my dick. Although, this girl made it really hard for me.

  Yeah, pun intended.

  I poured myself a shot of vodka and drank it in one go standing at my kitchen sink. My cock still throbbed in my pants and I didn’t know what I was thinking.

  Why did I assume that taking a shot of vodka was going to keep my desire in control?

  I took another shot and growled under my breath.

  How was I going to control this girl? How was I going to control my burning need for her?

  Did I have to control it?

  I rescued her from Connor. I brought her to my place. I had her locked up in my basement—for what? If not to gain some pleasure and enjoyment from it. Right?

  I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Armed with some liquid courage, I decided I needed to get back down to the basement and lay down some ground rules.

  Reese Deville needed to understand she had to cut the bullshit. I was her only hope for survival, and I hadn’t decided what I was going to do with her yet.

  * * *

  She remained sitting on the floor with her back against the cold wall of the basement.

  My mind ran full speed. I tried to decide if I needed to give her a few blankets. A pillow?

  I’d brought down a plate of scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee that had gone cold. Wasn’t I being kind enough to her already?

  She didn’t touch the food I put in front of her, but I figured she was just waiting for me to leave before she ate any of it. It wasn’t going to work this time, because I had different plans for her.


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