Killian: The Doherty Mafia #1

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Killian: The Doherty Mafia #1 Page 9

by Krane, Kasey

I reached for his knee, stroked it gently. What was I doing? Was I really trying to console him? This man, who kept me prisoner. He could kill me anytime he wanted to.

  But Killian didn’t seem to notice that I was touching him. He didn’t seem to notice the world around him at all.

  “And then we were in. Our family was in too deep to get out. We owed people favors and money. The debt was big, and in a way, we had proven ourselves. My father had proven himself as a capable leader.”

  He turned to me, blinking hard like he’d finally woken from a dream.

  I found my voice.

  “I…I lost my mother too. She took her own life. Depression.”

  Killian clenched his jaws, said nothing—almost like he wasn’t capable of feeling sorry for me at that moment.

  “And I…also lost someone else who was close to me. Someone who truly made me happy,” I continued.

  I couldn’t get Charlie’s name out.

  It suddenly struck me that we had a shared history. A past that was more similar that we imagined. We’d both lost someone we loved. Someone we could have protected. Should have protected.

  Maybe, just like me, he hadn’t been able to forgive himself either.

  “So, you’re right about one thing, Reese,” he said. My name on his lips startled me. “It isn’t worth loving someone. There is no such thing as a happy relationship. It doesn’t matter because they don’t exist. It’s just a waste of time because in the end, it’s all lost.”

  I leaned towards him and he reached for my face. He stroked my bottom lip with his thumb, hard, like he was trying to rub something off.

  I felt a lot of things. The weight of his emotional burden was on my shoulders too. I felt the need to comfort him. Even though I knew I owed him nothing. Not even my friendship.

  And yet, I wanted to alleviate his pain.

  I grabbed his wrist, dragging his hand away from my face to my breasts. He cupped me. His thumb flicked my stiff nipple through my clothes. My lips parted with desire. He could see it in my eyes.

  I needed to have him inside me.

  * * *

  We stripped each other’s clothes off hurriedly. He breathed hard, trying to forget. When his pants came off, I held his cock in my hand and stroked him hard. His fingers found my pussy. I was already so wet for him.

  He lifted me off the floor and pushed me back into the wall. I wrapped my arms around him. His cock throbbed against me, growing harder and bigger.

  His greedy mouth was all over me like he wanted to taste every inch of me. My mouth. My neck. My breasts and nipples.

  I shuddered in his arms. His hot breath made my skin tingle joyously. I just wanted that sweet release.

  I thrust my hips out towards him. He grabbed my ass and pulled me in closer. I guided his cock to my pussy.

  When he finally thrust himself inside me, I cried out with pleasure.

  We were in each other’s arms. I was in his lap, with my legs spread out around him. His cock was buried deep inside me. I could feel every hard inch of him.

  He thrust again. Our bodies slammed together. My back was against the hard cold wall, but I wasn’t cold at all. I was burning up.

  I cried out again when he pulled out and plowed into me. I looked at his face. He stared deep into my eyes. I didn’t know what he was trying to find. I hoped he didn’t find it.

  He thrusted again, quickly picking up a rhythm that sent my body soaring high above.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes!” I cried out. “Harder. Fuck me harder. Please.”

  He obliged.

  His cock went in deeper. Harder. Stronger. I reached down between our bodies so I could flick my clit.

  It felt so good, like nothing had ever been before. I wasn’t thinking. My mind was black. Dark. But empty.

  The harder he fucked me, the less I thought. Our breaths mingled. He covered my mouth with his, sucking and slurping my bottom lip. At that moment, he possessed me completely and I wanted to belong to him.

  Nobody had ever made me feel like this before.

  His thrusts became faster and I knew I was just about balanced on the edge of my orgasm.

  “Come for me, you beautiful thing,” he murmured softly in my ear.

  The contrast of his soft voice with the way he plowed into my body was too much to handle. I dug my nails into his strong muscular back, looked into his eyes and came.

  He groaned under his breath with another deep thrust and then he came too.

  We were staring into each other’s eyes as we came. I felt his seed shoot deep inside me, filling me up. My juices were damp between my thighs.

  I was deliriously joyous at that moment. Like nothing else mattered. Not the past and not the future.

  I didn’t care what happened to me after this.



  I hadn’t spoken about what happened to my mother with anybody in years. Not since it actually happened.

  My brothers, father and I had discussed it with almost mechanical precision. Like a procedure we needed to take care of. We had to eliminate the DiMaggios and we executed that plan.

  Since then, every thought I had about the night my mother died was bottled up inside me. The guilt I felt. The pain. The memory of her. The loss.

  Everything was locked away.

  It wasn’t something I indulged in, talking about my feelings. It was a weakness and I never let it show. It had changed me for life and I knew there was no coming back from it.

  I had lost the person I loved most in this world. The only person I had allowed myself to love. And it was my fault. I was the oldest son. My father had left me in charge, and I had slept in my room when the men came in and took our mother’s life.

  I would never forgive myself for that.

  And I didn’t understand what made me talk about it with Reese all these years later.

  Maybe it was because she was my prisoner and I had control over everything she did and said. Maybe it was because I knew she had very little opportunity to ever repeat it to someone else.

  Or maybe—and this was a theory that was beginning to dawn on me but I didn’t want to admit—it was because I’d never met anyone like her.

  There was something about the way she looked at me that made me want to keep talking to her.

  It was like she understood. Like she actually gave a shit about how I felt. When she told me she knew what it felt like, because she had been through similar experiences, I actually believed her.

  And then I took her. I released all that pain and grief into her and she received it without complaint. She took it, no matter how rough and hard I fucked her, like it was exactly how she wanted it.

  I put on my clothes and watched her put on hers too.

  I didn’t want the night to end here. The idea of leaving her there and going upstairs to my bedroom didn't entice me. I wanted her with me. Was that weird?

  I’d never sought companionship before. At least not female companionship. To me, all a girl was good for was fucking. For the release. Then their job was done.

  But that wasn’t all Reese was good for.

  “Come upstairs with me. For tonight,” I blurted before I could stop myself.

  She looked up at me. There was no mistaking the shock on her face.

  “Really? Is that what you really want?” she asked.

  I knew there was a chance she would try and run away. I had opened myself up to more opportunities of messing up. Could I really trust this girl? No matter how she made me feel.

  “Yes, that is what I really want,” I replied.

  Reese smiled at me and I realized I loved it when she looked at me like that.

  * * *

  Reese put the bag of popcorn in the microwave while I swirled cocoa in two big mugs of hot milk. They started popping and startled her, making her jump backwards.

  “Oh! I forgot they’d do that!” she exclaimed with a giggle.

  I’d given her a fresh shirt to wear and thrown her white t-
shirt in the machine along with her jeans and underwear. So at that moment, she was wearing nothing but my shirt.

  I was even tempted to offer her use of my shower, but I decided to leave that for another day. It would give her something to look forward to.

  “So what are we going to do?” she asked. The popcorn was all done and she emptied it into a big bowl she found in one of the cupboards.

  It was strange how quickly she’d made herself home in my kitchen.

  One moment, she was imprisoned in my basement, and the next moment, she was popping corn in my microwave.

  I shrugged. “We could watch something on TV.”

  Her eyes lit up.

  “Okay, yeah, that sounds good. What will we watch? The last thing I want to do is fight over the remote with you,” she said, blushing a little.

  “There won’t be a fight because you don’t get to decide,” I said, carrying the mugs of hot cocoa out to the living room.

  She followed me with the bowl of popcorn.

  “Oh, yeah, sorry I forgot that you’re still in complete command.”

  “I am.”

  We looked into each other’s eyes and I wanted to make sure she didn’t doubt me. Just because I invited her up here and gave her all these special treats, didn’t mean something had actually changed between us.

  She gave me one nod as an acknowledgement.

  “Good. Sit down. We’re watching Doctor Strange,” I said.


  I was surprised she even knew what I was talking about. I didn’t expect that from a girl like her.

  Reese eagerly sat down on the couch, curling her arms around the bowl of popcorn.

  “I didn’t peg you for a Marvel girl,” I said, sitting at the other end of the couch.

  Some distance needed to be maintained so I didn’t pounce on her immediately. My cock did all the thinking ever since Reese entered the picture and I needed to get my head straight.

  “So what did you peg me for?” she asked.

  I switched the movie on and handed her one of the mugs. Reese’s eyes were sparkling, her lips curled deliciously. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep my hands to myself all night.

  “The kind of girl I keep running into in my life. The kind of girl who never holds my attention,” I replied.

  Reese bit down on her lip, like she was pleased with my answer. Then she stuffed a handful of popcorn in her mouth, making me laugh.



  I couldn’t make sense of what was happening to me.

  In one moment, I felt the urge to get up and run for the door. If only I could somehow manage to get outside.

  I didn’t know where we were exactly. I was aware we were in a woodland area—but surely, someone would hear me if I screamed, right?

  And then in the next moment, I didn’t want to go.

  The movie absorbed me, even though I’d watched it before. I didn’t think my mind could feel this free. That I could sit here in my prisoner’s home and actually enjoy a movie, while my future was completely unclear.

  From time to time, I shot stares over at Killian. He drank his hot cocoa while staring at the screen. I wasn’t completely sure, but it seemed like he went out of his way to keep his gaze averted from me. He didn’t want our eyes to meet.

  Could I blame him?

  It was like every time we looked at each other, we started a mini bonfire.

  That had to be one of the major reasons for why I couldn’t convince myself to leave.

  This was the perfect opportunity. He wasn’t even making an effort to stop me. I just couldn’t make myself get off the couch.

  Was I falling for this man?

  Or was I just trying to be sensible?

  Maybe I was right when I decided Killian was my best chance of survival.

  The sex was amazing. He was very hot. And I would probably never experience sex that blew my mind like that again, but did that mean I had to allow him to keep me imprisoned?

  And he couldn’t do it forever.

  Was he actually going to kill me at the end of this? Or maybe he would let me go?

  I looked over at him again and Killian was focused on the TV screen. I couldn’t tell if he knew I was looking. I examined him in profile, as briefly as possible before I looked away.

  He was so handsome. In an effortless way. Almost like he carried his ridiculously good looks as a burden. Like he would have been far happier if he was more ordinary looking.

  So I was attracted to my captor.




  At some time, it would have to stop.

  Just because we had amazing sex, it didn’t mean we would also have an amazing relationship. Besides, it didn’t seem like Killian knew how to be in a relationship. And why would he choose me?

  The girl he unwillingly rescued from the claws of his disgusting uncle.

  This guy could take any woman he wanted, and from the looks of it—he already did.

  “Eyes on the screen.” He spoke without looking at me.

  He’d caught me staring from the corner of his eyes. I quickly did as I was told. Embarrassed that he caught me looking.

  Ashamed a little that he knew I couldn’t help myself.

  * * *

  The movie was done and we took the bowl and mugs back to the kitchen sink.

  In an even more surprising twist to the night, we had a heated discussion about the movie, Marvel history and characters. I knew he was amazed that I knew so much and had a genuine interest in this stuff.

  I was also secretly glad to be able to talk to him about it.

  Take my mind off the fact that I wanted him to throw me on that kitchen counter and fuck me hard.

  Killian stood at the sink and quickly washed the dishes. All I could do was stand behind him and stare at his wide muscular back. I knew what he looked like without his clothes on. All muscles. Big and strong. He didn’t break a sweat when he plowed into me. He could lift me up like I weighed nothing in his arms.

  He was the kind of man who knew how to handle my curves.

  Already, I could feel my pussy getting wet for him.

  I had never initiated sex before. In my short sexual history with guys, I was always the one asked to lie down in bed so the guy could climb up on top of me and do his business.

  With Killian, it was completely different. I felt that tension between my legs. An uncontrollable urge to throw myself at him. Beg him to take me.

  How much lower could I demean myself?

  He turned to me, wiping his hands on a paper towel. He caught me staring again. This time I wasn’t just embarrassed but worried that he’d think I was planning something.

  I definitely wasn’t.

  In fact, I’d completely forgotten about trying to get away.

  “Spill it out, Reese. What do you want?” he asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.

  My eyes traveled over him. His tanned complexion and perfectly sculpted body. He was wearing a tank top, so I could see every bicep, the outline of his rock hard abs.

  “I think you know what I want, Killian.”

  He took a slow step towards me. He examined me too, and there was very little left to his imagination. His shirt was oversized and hung over my shoulders, revealing a deep and heavy cleavage. The shirt barely covered my pussy or my ass.

  “I want to hear you say it, Reese. If you don’t say the words, you’re not going to get it,” he replied.

  He walked around me, until he stood behind me. When he smacked my ass, I gasped from the thrill of it. He smacked it with force enough to make my skin tingle. I wanted him to do it again.

  I wanted him to show me all the ways that I belonged to him.

  “I want you to fuck me again.” I gladly said the words.

  * * *

  Killian reached for me, tipping me backwards as he lifted me up in his arms.

  “For just this once, your wish
is my command,” he said, smiling.

  I was smiling too. My body was already on fire with the thought of all the things he could do to me.

  I didn’t know where he was going to carry me. To the porch so we could have sex outside in the woods? His bedroom so he could fuck me on his bed?

  He kicked a door open at the end of the hall and carried me into the most luxurious bathroom I had ever seen.

  The decor and setup of this bathroom did not match the otherwise ordinary looking interiors of the rest of his house. Clearly, Killian enjoyed spending time relaxing in here.

  It appeared to be his oasis.

  The bathroom decor was a mixture of stone and wood. The walls were like the inside of a cave, with damp green ivy crawling all over them too. In the corner was a glass shower cubicle, but that wasn’t where he was taking me.

  In the center of the bathroom was a big bathtub in an oval shape. The inside surface of the tub was luminescent white like mother of pearl.

  He put me down before he got the water going.

  All I could do was stare at him and stare around at the bathroom.

  “Wow!” I exclaimed.

  He had a smile on his face when he threw me a look over his shoulder. He added what looked like bath salts to the water while it filled up.

  “It’s the one luxury I’ve allowed myself,” he said.

  I walked around the room, looking over the little details he’d added to the decor. The black stone floor was shiny and clean. The lights were dim and sexy. It even smelled like a spa in there.

  “So this is where you bring all the girls you want to impress?” I said.

  He shot me a look.

  “Firstly, I’m not trying to impress you. Secondly, I don’t bring anyone in here.”

  “So I’m the first girl you’ve brought to this version of a man cave?” I asked.

  Killian pulled his shirt off and undid his jeans.

  “Yes, you are.”

  It sent a thrill down my spine. Why did he bring me here? Because he thought I was special? Because he told me about his mother and his past? Because he pitied me?


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