Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set

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Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set Page 67

by Lani Lynn Vale

  “Oh, God,” I groaned.

  It took everything I had not to reverse our positions, throw her onto her back and force her to take my cock as I rode her hard and fast.

  She didn’t need that, though. Not this first time.

  Hell, probably not anytime soon. If ever.

  “You feel so good,” she breathed. “I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  I licked my lips. “Kiss me.”

  She leaned down, forcing my cock farther inside of her as she gave me the kiss that I asked for.

  It was sweet, something that I wasn’t used to having.

  Something that I planned to never give up because I found that I liked her brand of sweet.

  When she went to pull away, I leaned forward and captured one of her nipples with my mouth, doing a half crunch as she rode me now for real.

  Faster and faster until I was sure if she didn’t hurry up and come, I was going to blow without her.

  But she came through, leaning back suddenly so my cock tunneled in, hitting a different part of her, and ripping her nipple from my sucking mouth in the process.

  She didn’t seem to notice any pain, though, she was too busy clamping her pussy down onto my cock, causing my eyes to cross as I joined her.

  My release poured out of me, shooting into her like I’d never felt before.

  The wetness of her pussy and the feeling of her muscles proved too much for my senses. I poured everything I had out of me and into her in short, jerky bursts.

  “Unhhh,” I grunted, bucking my hips as she rode me through both of our orgasms.

  She collapsed onto me, my cock still jerking in the aftermath, as we both breathed hard.

  “I liked it,” she whispered softly.

  I snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, I liked it too. A lot.”

  She kissed my jaw but didn’t move any more than that, and I found myself not wanting to either.

  Here I was happy, and we could act like the real world didn’t exist.

  All that was here was Mercy and Me. My Mercy Me.

  Chapter 8

  I like three things.

  1. Tattoos

  2. Men

  3. Beards

  If you have all three of those things… we can get married Tuesday

  -Secret thoughts of Mercy


  My face burned as I thought about how I’d just practically went all dom-woman on Miller.

  First, I’d practically forced him to have sex with me. Then I’d mauled him, attacking him like I was a woman possessed. Then I made him go home.

  What the fuck was I thinking?

  The bad part was that he’d actually left!

  Here I sat by myself, fifteen minutes later, wondering what the hell I’d just done, my mind still in a fog.

  He’d disappeared out the front door without a backward glance, and I still sat on the floor beside the couch…his juices combined with mine, leaking out of me, wishing he’d come back.

  Just when my mind started to drift toward a place where it really didn’t need to be, keys started jingling near the front door, and then it was thrown wide open.

  I managed to snag a pillow off the couch and cover the majority of my body when Miller strode right back in, his arms filled with drinks and food.

  “I hope you like hamburgers, because I’m fuckin’ starving. My brother ate all my Captain Crunch this morning, and we’ve been running around all afternoon long. I haven’t eaten since sometime last night,” Miller said as he sat the stuff on the coffee table directly in front of me.

  “Not that I don’t like looking at you naked, but you might drip into some questionable places, and I’d have to come over there and lick it off. Then I wouldn’t be eating like I really need to be. I can feel my blood sugar dropping as we speak,” Miller teased as he started pulling out packages.

  I watched as he sat a cup, literally a fucking paper cup, full of fries down in front of me. Followed shortly by the world’s largest burger.

  “What did you get me?” I asked with wide eyes as I poked at the massive mountain of foil.

  “Burger with cheese. Lettuce and tomato,” Miller said around an enormous bite of food.

  I shook my head and started unwrapping the burger.

  It smelled divine, but I couldn’t help but freak out a little.

  He was acting so normal. Like something monumental hadn’t just happened.

  Like I hadn’t just had the best orgasm of my life… the first time I’d had sex after being… I squeezed my eyes tightly shut at that thought.

  I didn’t want to bring Mitch into this. He had no place in my thoughts anymore. Not ever again.

  Except I couldn’t make my heart collaborate with my head. I had tons of reasons I shouldn’t be thinking about Mitch right now. First and foremost, because I didn’t like him. Second, because I’d just had the best sex of my life. Third, because I was pretty positive that I was going to get to do it again if the look in Miller’s eyes was anything to go by.

  His eyes hadn’t moved to above my chin the entire time we’d been eating. He’d been staring at my boobs, my belly, and anything he could see over the coffee table.

  “You’re thinking too hard. Just let it be,” Miller said, placing his hamburger down and looking at me with sincerity as he said it.

  I swallowed hard.

  Then my mouth sort of spewed its contents in a massive word vomit.

  “I like you. I like you a lot. I want to have sex again, and I want to do it soon. But I feel like I shouldn’t have liked it. I feel like I should be in a corner right now, crying my eyes out because I just had sex for the first time since I’ve was raped. I could be pregnant right now, and you offering me a hamburger instead of thinking this was earth-shattering, is just crazy to me,” I spilled.

  Everything I was feeling right then was poured out of me and straight into his ear.

  He raised his eyes in surprise at me for being so open and honest. “I know you don’t feel that you should’ve enjoyed it… but so the fuck what if you did? Every woman isn’t the same. Yes, what happened to you was traumatizing. And yes, it was tragic… but you don’t have to wallow in your tears to have grieved over what was taken from you. You did that already, and you’ve had the support of your friends. You didn’t like the situation that you were in, so you fixed it. Granted, it was a little unorthodox asking that of me, but I was more than willing. If I wasn’t, then I would’ve told you so. I was mostly worried about you. Don’t beat yourself up, and just let it go.”

  I found myself smiling at him. “Isn’t that a children’s song?”

  “What? Don’t beat yourself up?” he asked in confusion.

  I shook my head. “No, let it go.”

  He shrugged. “Who the fuck knows that? I don’t have any kids.”

  The unspoken ‘yet’ hung in the air as we stared at each other with wide eyes.

  I opened my mouth and closed it again, unsure of what the hell to say.

  In the end, I decided to eat my burger and find the offer funny.

  Nobody could say that Miller wasn’t an honest guy.

  “What do you usually get on your burger?” he rumbled, watching me bite into the tasty treat.

  I pointed with my free hand at the burger. “This,” I said around a mouthful of food.

  “I usually get chili-cheese fries and a milkshake for my sides, though.”

  He raised his brows at me. “Now you’re speaking my language!”

  I cracked a smile and continued eating, grabbing the million ketchup packets and tearing each individual one open before I started smothering my fries in them.

  “That looks gross, though,” he said, eyeing the way that the ketchup drenched the top of my fries. Not a single white space was left.

  I shrugged. “I’m a ketchup person.”

  He snorted. “That, I can tell. I bet you put ketchup on your eggs, too.”

bsp; I grinned around a mouthful of burger and reached for the plastic fork in the bag.

  “I put ketchup on everything. Even my ham and cheese sandwiches.”

  He made a fake gagging gesture and shoved twelve fries in his mouth.

  “Have you thought about when you’re going back to work?” he asked curiously.

  I nodded. “I don’t actually ‘work.’ I supervise. I call around, pay bills, collect payments. Which I’ve been doing from underneath my comforter since…” I hesitated and grimaced, but he nodded in understanding.

  “That’s kind of cool, what you’re doing. How did you get that up and started?” he questioned, taking a sip of his drink.

  I eyed my to-go cup, but took a drink anyway, trusting him.

  He’d spent a lot of time with me in the last week and knew exactly what I liked.

  I smiled when I tasted not one, but four drinks. “You got me a suicide?”

  He nodded. “I felt like a dork getting a little bit of every drink they had, but it was fun. I don’t see how you mix all those carbonated drinks, though.”

  I shrugged. “YOLO.”

  He turned his head in confusion. “YOLO?”

  “You know, YOLO? You only live once? The song?” I confirmed.

  He shook his head with exaggerated slowness.

  “Not a fuckin’ clue,” he said with wide eyes. “Then again, if it’s pop or R&B, I don’t listen to it. I’m more of a classic rock kind of man. I only listen to it when I’m working out and lifting weights. There’s a certain ‘tone’ one should set while doing that. It should get your adrenaline pumping. Not make me want to be a girl.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed at my reaction.

  “You’re horrible,” he muttered.

  I shrugged. “Do you want to watch a movie?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. I want to play some cards.”

  I leaned forward, my bare breast touching the cool wood of the coffee table, causing me to shrink back in surprise.

  “Shit,” I hissed.

  “Out of curiosity, why aren’t you dressed yet? I was gone for nearly twenty minutes,” he asked as he finished the last of his fries.

  I blinked, wondering how I should tell him that I’d been wallowing over the fact that he’d left me.

  “Umm,” I said. “I was… ummmm.”

  He grinned.

  “You thought I’d left, so you were laying there in a depression?” He offered playfully.

  “More like I was trying to think of ways to torture you for leaving without a backward glance,” I said dryly. “You’re saying I couldn’t do a thing to you to torture you?”

  He shook his head. “I’m a SEAL, baby. You can’t do anything to me that I haven’t experienced before.”

  I launched myself at him.

  Challenge accepted.


  We laid there in silence for a few moments, both of us allowing our heart rates to return to normal before either one of us moved.

  I was now wearing Miller’s button-up shirt, and he was tickled to death. Or so he said.

  I’d worked up quite a sweat trying to convince him that I could torture him to death with tickles. But it’d worked differently than I’d expected. He’d started laughing at my inability to tickle him, and I’d taken it upon myself to prove to him that he was ticklish somewhere.

  In the end, it’d been his laughing at my failed attempts that got him.

  “Do you think you’re pregnant?” he rumbled quietly.

  The sweat on my skin was cooling rapidly, and goosebumps started to roll over my skin.

  Was it bad that I wanted to be pregnant with his child?

  I’d always wanted to be a mother.

  In fact, when I’d originally entered the relationship with Mitch, I’d been thinking about that going into it.

  My biological clock had been ticking, and at the age of twenty-nine, it was time, at least, in my opinion. I was ready to be a mother.

  That’d been why I’d chosen Mitch.

  He was stable relationship material.

  Everything I thought I’d wanted.

  What I hadn’t realized, though, was that I would be placing myself with a man who wasn’t mentally stable.

  My first clue should’ve been the way he’d refused to move out of his mother’s house. The second should’ve been his mother herself.

  “I don’t know. I want to say yes…” I said softly.

  “I hope you are too. You’re not the only one who wants a baby. A family to call his own. You and I aren’t so different. I have my scars that I don’t want brought out into the light, and you have your scars that you wish were taken back into the shadow. But I guarantee you this,” he said softly. “I won’t ever leave you, and I won’t ever do anything to you that’ll hurt you. I’ll be your shadow who makes sure you’re always protected. This I swear to you,” he rasped against my forehead.

  I love you, was on the tip of my tongue, but instead I just hugged him. Hard. Or as hard as I could. He didn’t seem too affected by the severity of my hug, though.

  Something must’ve been on the tip of his, too, because when he leaned back and looked into my eyes, I saw questions there. However neither one of us said a word.

  He held me. Spoke to me. Teased me.

  And let me tell you something, it was perfect. Exactly what I’d needed at that point in time.

  One thing was clear, though.

  It’d be nearly impossible to be so close to him and not do anything with him again.

  One time was not going to be enough. At least not for my body.

  Chapter 9

  I want to play hide and seek. And your penis and my vagina are the two main players.

  -Mercy’s secret thoughts


  I returned to work, for real, a week later.

  The night before had been fraught with nerves, and Miller had held me throughout.

  I was nervous to be seen.

  Life went on like it’d never even happened, yet I still got looks.

  An inconspicuous glance here, a sly glance there. They thought I didn’t see, but I did.

  And I wanted to kick their asses.

  Even the bitch, Sarah Higgins, who was currently sitting across the diner from me snickering into her menu as she spoke to her husband, Devon Higgins.

  I pulled out my phone and texted Miller, even though I knew he was working today.

  Hey, he said to text him anytime! This counted, right?

  Mercy Me- I’m getting made fun of by two grown adults. One of which is the man I dated in high school.

  Miller answered nearly immediately.

  Miller Genuine- Where are you?

  Mercy Me- Catfish Charlie’s.

  His response took longer than I thought it would, so I put the phone into my pocket and started to fish out some money for the drink I’d ordered.

  I’d yet to get any food because the waitress was too busy talking to her fellow co-workers and casting me covert glances when she thought I wasn’t looking.

  Well, my first solo outing had turned into a big pile of shit. Maybe I wouldn’t be going to the Greater Business League of Kilgore’s big dinner tonight. In fact, I might come down with a stomach bug between now and then. Especially when Devon got up and started heading my way.


  He slid into the booth on the other side of me and smiled his ‘I’m so charming’ smile. It was the one that had gotten him every girl he’d ever wanted… everyone except for me.

  He would’ve gotten me, too, had I not overheard him talking to his friends about how he was going to ‘tap that bean-pole’ after the football game.

  Now, I know that I’m not the curviest woman on the block, and eleven years ago I was even worse. But you didn’t act like that. Not when you’d sweet-talked the girl into going out with you with your silver tongue.

  He’d been
pissed when I’d stood him up for his date and then had refused to talk to him anymore. I think it was more because his ego was bruised rather than him being truly upset.

  He’d gotten over it quite quickly, mostly by fucking the most popular girl in school, Sarah Higgins. They’d been married for a long time now and had three beautiful kids that they ignored.

  “Devon,” I greeted him neutrally.

  He grinned, giving me a glimpse of his straight white teeth.

  “How are you feeling, Mercy?” he asked casually.

  Way too casually. He was either fishing for something or here to rub my nose in it.

  “I’m fine. Your wife looks pissed that you’re over here,” I said, chancing a look in Sarah’s direction to see her glaring daggers at me.

  Jesus, but the woman really hated me! It’s not like I ever went out with him! I accepted a date, and then never went! That should be the end of it, yet it wasn’t. The rivalry had gone on for nearly eleven years now.

  I got a new car, she got the same kind but with more options on it.

  I got a new house, she bought the one next door and added an addition on it.

  I went to the community college to get my business degree, she went to a four-year college and got her bachelor’s degree in the same.

  On and on it went. Sure, they could be coincidences, but they weren’t. I knew she was doing it just to show me that she could.

  I wasn’t even anything.

  I still couldn’t understand it.

  Why me?

  “She and I have a bet. She says you have a boyfriend, and I told her the boyfriend was the one…”

  His words froze in his mouth as he got a look at something over my shoulder.

  “Move,” Miller’s very pissed off voice said.

  In fact, words couldn’t even do justice to how pissed off he looked.

  Devon startled.

  I did as well.

  Miller just kind of showed up out of nowhere. I hadn’t even heard the bell on the door jingle with his entrance.

  Devon stood slowly to his full height.

  I’d always thought that Devon was what I would consider ‘big’ and ‘built.’

  That was until I saw Miller, in the next moment, make his way up to within inches of Devon.


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