Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set

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Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set Page 111

by Lani Lynn Vale

  But she didn’t pull it away once she was over, and we’d made it all the way to the house before she said, “Wrote all over my car with shoe polish. Saying I was a ‘boyfriend stealer’ and that I ‘split up loving homes for a living.’”

  I blinked. “That’s it?”

  Her head dropped, and she looked down at her feet.

  “It’s enough to tell me she knows where I live,” she growled. “Which is enough for me. It’s never ending. And she never gets caught!”

  I yanked her arm, causing her to face plant into my chest. “Which officers have you spoken with?”

  “Johnson and Howell. They’re detectives,” she said softly into my shirt.

  I leaned my head down and kissed her forehead. “I’ll figure out something, baby. But you’ll be staying with me tonight. Okay?”

  She leaned her head back. “I can’t. I have to work early in the morning, and you have a daughter here. That’s just not done.”

  I furrowed my brows in confusion. “What’s not done?”

  “You don’t have your girlfriend stay the night when you’ve only known her less than two weeks,” she explained.

  I didn’t draw attention to the fact that she just called herself my girlfriend and instead focused on what she was having a problem with.

  “My daughter’s seven going on twenty-two. She knows that daddy dates, and she’s old enough to not freak out when a woman stays over. I don’t make a habit of doing it; in fact, I haven’t had anyone stay over since she was three. If it makes you feel any better, you can sleep on the couch,” I told her.

  She laughed. “You’d give me the couch and not your bed?”

  I shook my head.

  “Absolutely. You’re about five-foot-two, at best, and I’m six-five. There’s no way on God’s green earth that I’d waste a night sleeping on the couch that is at least a foot and a half too short for me. You can handle it, I can’t.” Then I turned to toss a grin her way. “I’d offer for you to sleep in my bed with me, but I rather doubt that you’d take me up on that offer.”

  “Whatever,” she muttered, reaching her car that was parked in front of my place. “Help me bring the food in.”

  She opened the backdoor to her car, a newer model Camaro, and pulled out a large grocery bag, followed shortly by a zippered green polka-dotted Tupperware container.

  “This is the bread and chicken,” she said. “And this is the potatoes.”

  I took all that she handed me, and she followed me inside with a bag of her own.

  “I have to cook the potatoes a tad longer to melt the cheese on top, but should be good after that. I also brought some sweet tea,” she explained as she opened the front door.

  I went inside, happy to see that Reagan was doing what I suspected was her homework, as she was supposed to do.

  “Good job,” I said to her as I passed. “Whatcha working on today?”

  “Compound sentences,” she muttered distractedly.

  I winced.

  I was never very good with English in school, and still wasn’t. I dreaded the day she asked me to help her.

  Those were the days I’d probably be sending her to my mother or sister.

  Was it a rule that all women were good at English?

  “Compound sentences?” Lennox asked. “Aren’t those kind of advanced for her age?”

  I nodded. “Probably. She’s in ACL, or accelerated curriculum learning. She reads at a tenth-grade level, and she’s as smart as a whip. Something she’ll use against you, too, if you’re not careful.”

  She smiled. “Those are good skills for a young girl to have. I graduated early. It sounds to me like she’s on the same track.”

  I paled thinking about my baby girl being two grades ahead, which also meant she’d be in high school when she wasn’t even a teenager.

  Fuck me.

  A knock sounded at the front door, and I hastily dropped my bags onto the counter, happy to get out of this conversation and thinking about my little girl being around little douche bags two years older than her.

  “Be right back,” I muttered.

  She nodded as she started to pull things out of her bags. “That’s fine.”

  Not surprisingly, I passed a ‘still engrossed in her studies’ Reagan on the way through the living room.

  The fact that she didn’t get up to answer the door wasn’t surprising.

  Opening the door, I was surprised to find James and his wife, Shiloh, at the door.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  He nodded toward the living room, and Shiloh brushed past me with a smile and a pat on the shoulder while James stayed where he was.

  His eyes moved down to Reagan, and he smiled before he made a head gesture for me to follow him outside.

  I did, closing the door behind me.

  “What’s up?” I asked him.

  He winced.

  “Fuckin’ Detective Howell,” he muttered. “I overheard him talking to another detective today about your girl.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, her car was vandalized again.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I heard that. I also heard that the car wasn’t the only thing vandalized. The neighboring car that was beside hers also had a lovely note pinned to the window, as well as about fifty cars of the surrounding neighbors. All of the cars had a vivid description of her life, her whereabouts, where she shops, what she eats. It also had her finances, her cell phone number, her parents’ cell phone numbers, and parents’ address. And a picture of her.”

  My mouth dropped open.

  “What the fuck?” I growled.

  He shook his head. “That was all I got before Howell saw me standing there. I asked him more, but he refused to expound.”

  I shook my head in confusion. “She didn’t say all of that. Does she know?”

  James shrugged. “No fuckin’ clue. But I asked Luke to talk to Chief Rhodes, knowing you’d ask for the camera feed from her neighborhood. Except when he had it pulled, the tape was fried. They got nothin’ in the hour and a half time period.”

  I clenched my teeth.

  What was the point of living in the gated community if the residents couldn’t count on you to watch over their things while they couldn’t?

  Wasn’t that the point of a camera?

  “Of course,” I said. “I hate Howell. She told me earlier that he was on the case and I just cringed. Why does that man have to be so annoying all the time? It’s like he’s working against us. Doesn’t he see that we’re all on the same fucking team?”

  James nodded. “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you what I heard. I saw her walking up with you, and thought you’d be interested in hearing it now, instead of later.”

  I nodded and opened the door to the house, making a mental note to talk to both Luke and Lennox after dinner.

  The most heavenly smell in the world wafted up to my nose the moment I crossed over the threshold of my front door, and the smell carried me all the way to the kitchen to find Lennox and Shiloh talking animatedly about the merits of cooking the potato before it was fried.

  “What’re you cooking?” I asked the kitchen as a whole.

  “Scalloped potatoes, fried chicken, homemade rolls, and asparagus,” she answered quickly.

  Asparagus wasn’t my favorite, but I could deal. I knew for certain that Reagan hadn’t tried it, so it could turn out to be a good thing for her to try new foods.

  “Cool,” I said. “Lennox, you remember James.”

  Lennox nodded. “Yeah, I do. Nice to see you again, James.”

  James nodded once at her, and his eyes went down to the chicken on the counter.

  “Planning on feeding an army?” he asked.

  I’d been silently wondering the same thing, but I’d managed to keep that thought to myself.

  James, however, didn’t have the same self-control as I did.

  “I usually cook for the entire ER, when I do have time to
cook. I don’t know how to cook normal sized portions,” she admitted bashfully.

  “Well then, I’ll just have to do you a favor and stay for dinner,” Shiloh grinned, rubbing her hands together forcefully.

  James snorted. “My wife can’t resist carbs.”

  “Hey, you said just this morning that you liked what carbs did to my…” James covered Shiloh’s mouth before she could get any further, and I shook my head.

  The two of them were awesome, but when they fought it was like trying to separate two junkyard dogs from their bone. Impossible and eerily captivating to witness.

  “Well,” Lennox said, opening the oven door to produce her potatoes. “Time to eat!”


  “Are you sure this is okay?” Lennox asked worriedly.

  I sighed and brought her into my room, shut the door, and then locked it.

  “My daughter sleeps like the dead, and it literally takes me picking her up and standing her in the shower before she’ll move from Zombie Reagan to Awake Reagan. Trust me, she won’t care,” I urged, pulling her with me to the shower.

  She reluctantly followed, practically dragging her feet the entire way.

  “Your daughter’s really good,” she admitted as I pulled her inside.

  I nodded distractedly as I stuck my hand into the shower and turned the water to hot.

  “I have to thank my mom for the manners,” I confessed. “My way of doing things is just to take. Reagan’s is to ask. Which I guess is a good thing, mostly.”

  “It’s a very good thing,” she agreed. “She’d fit right in at some of the dinner parties my parents forced me to attend.”

  I stuck my hand into the water, testing the heat.

  Satisfied with the degree, I turned to Lennox and slipped her shirt over her head.

  “You’re lucky I had an extra set of scrubs in my car, or you wouldn’t have gotten me to stay,” she said, raising her hands up to allow the shirt to move without getting caught on her shoulders.

  I snorted. “You were staying. I didn’t care what devious thing I had to do to accomplish that, either.”

  She flipped her hair out of her eyes and looked at me worriedly.

  “I’m going to have to go change my number and think about moving again, too. This time I think I’ll try a guarded gated community,” she whispered, shivering slightly.

  I’d told her, after Shiloh and James had left, about what the fliers that’d been pinned to all of the cars had said and she’d paled.

  Here was a woman who greatly valued her privacy, and one person single-handedly ruined it for her.

  “I’ll go with you to get the new phone before you have to be at work, and I’ll take you on the way to the station. As for the gated community part…it happened, but like I told you earlier, it’s more than obvious to me that she has some help somewhere. Whoever she is, she had to have help. It doesn’t make sense that she can do all the things she’s done to you without at least one witness pointing her out,” I explained.

  She shivered as she got rid of her bra, followed quickly by her pants.

  Then, suddenly, I lost my train of thought as all the blood rushed from my head, and straight to my dick.

  As she yanked her hair out of her ponytail, she kept ranting about her circumstances.

  “I can’t even live my life. It’s like every day I wake up and wonder if this’ll be the day she goes too far,” she muttered. “Well, obviously today was the day. And it was the first time I woke up without my mind immediately going there.”

  As she spoke, I started to empty my pockets onto the bathroom counter, then slowly started on my clothes.

  When she caught onto the fact that she couldn’t park at a mall without worrying, I shucked my pants, letting them drop to the ground around my ankles.

  “Why does this water feel like it’s coming out of a jet?” she asked, going up onto her tippy toes and pulling the showerhead off the hook.

  Once she had it in her grasp, she started to twist the head as I got into the shower behind her.

  “There’s a maid that comes in once a week,” I said, taking the showerhead from her hands, turning it onto the shower portion before hanging it back up. “She messes with the shower head and makes it do that.”

  I crowded into her back, letting my erection rub along the crack of her ass.

  The water poured down onto us, and my eyes closed as Lennox turned and started a head to toe scrub with a bar of soap she found at the top railing.

  Usually, I used a men’s two in one body wash and shampoo, but I was enjoying having her hands rub the bar of soap along my abs and thighs.

  “God,” she said, sounding sympathetic. “You really need to get some more sun. Your legs are whiter than my sheets are at home.”

  I snorted and reached for the shampoo I’d bought by accident when I thought it was men’s.

  Turns out it was a woman’s shampoo and smelled like flowers. Something that I couldn’t use because I wasn’t fond of smelling like a chick, and something Reagan couldn’t use because it made her eyes burn.

  “I don’t have time to sunbathe. It’s not often that I’m ever without pants, and if you’re seeing my bare legs, you probably won’t be thinking about their whiteness for long,” I told her honestly.

  She smiled.

  “I use the greenhouse in my back yard,” she said, picking up the bar of soap once again. “During the summer I go out there and open all the blinds and lay by the window picking up some sun.”

  She started to soap up her breasts, and suddenly I lost all cognitive thought as I watched the suds slip down her chest. Bubbles formed on her bare belly and then sluiced down the apex of her thighs.

  “Bennett?” she asked huskily.

  I tore my eyes from the woman’s beautiful pussy and met her eyes.

  “Yeah?” I rasped, licking my lips.

  She smiled. “I’ve never had shower sex.”

  Chapter 9

  I sew because fuck you. That’s why.

  -Coffee Cup


  “I’ve never had shower sex,” I confessed softly.

  His grin practically blinded me as his warm body crowded mine, pinning me to the cool shower wall as he did.

  “You know,” he said, running his lips against my neck. “I can’t say that I have, either. Oh, it’s seen a lot of pull time, but it’s yet to actually be broken in by a true fucking.”

  I gasped as his fingers found the tips of both breasts.

  “I think I could help you and your shower with that,” I said huskily, eyes hooded as I looked up into his gorgeous honey eyes.

  He growled against my neck before dropping his head, lifting my breast up by pinching the nipple between both of his fingers and using the point of his tongue to tease the very tip.

  Thoroughly driving me insane.

  “Oh, fuck,” I gasped, my hips bucking as he pinched harder.

  “Naughty mouth,” he breathed, lifting the other breast up with his hand cupped around the lower swell before sucking the entire thing into his mouth.

  He pulled hard, swallowing the engorged tip like a starving man ready for his next meal.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” I panted as my knees started to knock together.

  He chuckled, withdrawing until the tip of my nipple fell from his mouth with a soft pop. Then he started to lap at it, licking the water that was dripping down my chest.

  Taking a step back, he fisted his hand into my hair and started to guide me down to my knees.

  His thick, jutting erection was only inches from my mouth when I finally settled to my knees, and I wasted no time leaning forward and sucking the large head into my mouth.

  He grunted and shoved forward inadvertently, pumping his cock into my waiting mouth as he began to fuck my face.

  He used my hair as leverage as he rocked his hips, the hard length of his cock thrusting had me struggling to open my mouth w
ide enough, and within less than a minute, my jaw was already aching.

  I didn’t care, though.

  Especially after I looked up, seeing the pure pleasure emanating from Bennett’s eyes.

  “You suck me so good,” he growled, eyes darkening as he watched me watch him.

  But when I went down the next time, pushing him as far down into my throat as I could make him go, he gasped and yanked me roughly from his cock.

  “Hands and knees,” he ordered, dropping down to his own beside me.

  I turned, presenting my ass to him, wiggling it slightly.

  He breathed out a small laugh as he lined his massive cock up with my entrance and slowly started to sink inside.

  The water from the showerhead eased his way, making him slip all the way in until he was bottomed out inside of me.

  The familiar burn I felt every time Bennett’s length entered me, hit me the next moment, soothing me and exciting me at the same time.

  As he started to thrust, I lifted my hands and placed them on the shower wall in front of me, my hot hands cool against the tile.

  “God, your pussy is driving me wild,” he gritted out.

  I started pushing back, making the impact of his hips against mine more violent and carefree.

  My orgasm started to slowly build through my veins, thickening and pooling in the heated expanse of my core.

  My clit was distended as his hand unclenched one of my hips and circled around until he had two fingers on either side of it.

  No direct contact.

  He knew what I liked.

  I’d told him exactly what felt the best, and he’d listened.

  “Fucking come,” he groaned, pushing his hips forward in a hard snapping motion.

  The sound of our bodies slapping together, the water only adding to the sound, had me panting in delight.

  My pussy was on fire as he started to work my clit even harder, and when he finally started to move his hand at a frantic pace, I came.

  Long and hard.

  My core clamped down on his cock, coaxing the orgasm that I could sense right on the edge of his control into fruition.

  The moment he felt my muscles contracting, he started to thrust wildly, hips moving as I took all that he had to give.


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