Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set

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Code 11- KPD SWAT Box Set Page 117

by Lani Lynn Vale

  Motherfucker, but I’d been dealing with her for the past three days!

  “Corrinne, what in the ever-loving fuck are you doing here?” I roared.

  Yes, I roared.

  I might have been a little louder than I intended, but I couldn’t help it. I was pissed!

  To find out that she was the one responsible for all of Lennox’s torture, after all this time, really rubbed me the wrong way.

  Corrinne spun around, took one look at me, and started running.

  “Do not move!” I boomed.

  She didn’t get too far, though.

  Because the men who always had my back were there.

  Downy materialized from the opposite side of the house, catching Corrinne before she could even get farther than the property line.

  Corrinne hissed and spit, clawing at Downy as she tried in vain to get away from him.

  Even though he didn’t know the situation in all its entirety, he knew three things.

  One. I was pissed. Pissed enough to yell at whoever was in the ski mask.

  Two. Someone was in a ski mask, covering all facial markings and identifying features.

  Three. The person was running. When a police officer said do not move, and you moved, that was probable cause, allowing Downy to lawfully detain the suspect.

  Corrinne screamed in helplessness as Downy detained her, pushing her hands behind her back and attaching cuffs to her wrists.

  Knowing she was in capable hands, I rounded on Lennox and pinned her with a glare.

  “What have I told you about walking alone at night? You have a motherfucking stalker!” I said loudly, shaking in anger.

  Lennox crossed her arms and glared at me.

  “What the fuck do you care? How about you just go fuck your date and leave me the hell alone?” she hissed.

  I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “The only woman I’ll be fucking tonight is you. Now answer my goddamn question,” I ordered intimidatingly.

  “You can shove that question up your mother…”

  I slammed my mouth down onto hers.

  Pouring the last three days of pain, suffering, and need into it.

  I only let up when I felt her weight start to sink into me.

  Her eyes were wide and filled with something I couldn’t quite recognize when I finally let her up for air.

  We both panted as we stared into each other’s eyes.

  “She wasn’t my date,” I whispered fiercely.

  She blinked.

  “Then who was she?” she whispered back.

  “Another officer’s wife. He got called out while we were leaving, and I was to take her to her father’s bar where she’d left her car,” I explained softly, studying her face and eyes.

  “Not that this isn’t sweet and all,” an annoying voice drawled from behind us. “But do you want me to call this in?”

  I looked over my shoulder at Downy, who now had Corrinne sitting on the grass with her feet crossed underneath her.

  “Yeah, we’re calling it in,” I told him. “Corrinne’s in need of a little intervention.”

  “What’d she do to you?” Lennox whispered from my side.

  I looked down, gathered her to me, and said what I should have said three days ago instead of yelling at her about something she had no control over.

  “Filed for partial custody.”


  A pin drop could’ve been heard, and I could feel the storm brewing in the way Lennox’s body became tighter and tighter.

  Then, with a mighty explosion, she flew out of my arms and started screeching at the top of her lungs.

  “Under no circumstance are you to give that child to that hateful bitch! She was the bane of my existence in college, and I dreaded every single fucking day that I had to go to school. The only thing that kept me going was knowing I was passing my classes, and she was not. The only way I knew that was because I was tight with the professor who once caught Corrinne in the process of beating me up outside of English Lit class. I don’t care what you have to do, run away to Mexico, put a hit on that woman. I don’t care. Whatever you have to do, do it. But don’t let her get her hands on that sweet girl. She’d eat Reagan up and spit her out, and we’d all be lucky if she lived through the year. Especially now that she knows that you are with me. I don’t know what it is about me, but she hates me,” she hissed.

  I blinked.

  Then I stepped forward until my mouth was next to her ear, and my body was pressed up against hers.

  “Let’s not mention taking a hit out on her in front of six cops… okay?” I whispered softly.

  She sniffed delicately but made no promises, and it took all that I had not to start kissing her again.

  God, that woman had my heart.

  “That true?” Downy asked loudly.

  I turned to find him on one knee in the dirt beside Corrinne, looking into her eyes.

  Luke, Nico, Foster, Miller, Michael, Paxton, and Bob, Lennox’s next door neighbor, whom I’d met a few days prior, were all standing around in a half arc at Downy’s back.

  “Stupid bitch is just like his bitch sister. They both stole my boyfriends from me. I couldn’t get to the sister, but I sure could get to this one,” she hissed.

  My eyes narrowed, and I’d taken two steps toward Corrinne’s direction when a delicate hand grabbed onto my fingers and started to pull me back.

  It wasn’t enough to make me actually stop physically, but it was enough, mentally, to make me think again.

  Which was also enough to stop my feet from moving forward.

  “Get her out of here,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’ll be walking back to the bar to change out my tire, and I’ll meet y’all there.”

  That last part was said as I looked at Lennox, and her eyes were downcast.

  “I’m so sorry,” she breathed. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  I snorted. “Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.”

  And it would be.

  I’d make fucking sure of it.

  Chapter 14

  Police officers give more than just tickets. Sometimes they give shits, too.



  “What happened?” Lennox asked as I slid into bed beside her.

  Instead of answering, I rolled into her, giving her a hot, wet kiss before I rubbed the tip of my nose along the bridge of hers.

  “We took her in. Questioned her. The only thing we were able to get her on was a violation of her restraining order. She’ll serve a maximum of twenty days in jail and/or have a fine of two-thousand dollars. That’s the worst of it, too. She could get off scot-free, which is more than likely since it’s her first offense,” I explained, blinking when she turned the light on to look at me.

  My breath caught as I caught sight of what she was wearing.

  One of my SWAT shirts.

  The one I’d given her to wear when she’d stayed the night at my place a week ago.

  It swamped her five foot two frame, hanging off one shoulder and covering her all the way to her thighs.

  “What happened to all the times she vandalized my property?” she asked, hurt evident in her voice.

  I smiled at her sadly.

  “Circumstantial. He says she says. It can’t be proven,” I explained.

  She frowned and looked down at her hands. “She won’t stop. It’s going to keep happening. Had I not walked home today, I would’ve never known.”

  I leaned forward and pulled her into my arms, grabbing her wrist and wrapping my hands around her back.

  “I’ll find something. After the week she’s given me, she’s going down. Had I put two and two together sooner, I would’ve figured something out to make sure she wasn’t able to do it anymore. I can’t believe I hadn’t realized that was her fucking married name. How stupid can I be?” I growled against her neck.

  Closing my e
yes, I breathed deep, taking in the smell of her hair, and the sweet scent of her lotion.

  Then I noted her stillness.

  Leaning back, I looked at her.

  Her eyes were wide, and lips tight.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You never told me she made your last week horrible,” she whispered softly.

  I winced.

  “Yeah, apparently the state finally collected on some back child support as a result of some state sweep that collected money from over a hundred and fifty thousand back child support parents. Corrinne being one of them,” I cleared my throat. “When I wouldn’t put the money back into her account immediately, she told me I’d be sorry. And I sure as fuck was.”

  “What’d she do?” she whispered, leaning forward until her forehead was pressed against mine.

  “She filed for partial custody, and the judge that’s overseeing it expedited it. I’ll have to see her in court next week to discuss it,” I explained.

  My head was pounding, and all I wanted to do was sleep. Wrap my arms around her and sleep for a solid twelve hours.

  Which wouldn’t happen since I had to go pick Reagan up at her friend’s house by nine in the morning and have her at her softball game by nine forty-five.

  And seeing as it was nearly two, I didn’t have high hopes of getting twelve hours.

  “Bennett?” Lennox asked softly into the dark.

  I turned my head until I was facing her.

  My beard tickled her mouth and chin as we came face to face, mouth to mouth.

  “Yeah, Nox?” I whispered tiredly.

  “I fucking love you,” she whispered fiercely.

  I blinked, all tiredness leaving my pores as I said, “What?”

  “You heard me, you big bastard. You made me fucking love you,” she spat.

  I laughed.

  She sounded so irritated by the fact that I had no other recourse but to laugh.

  “You don’t have to sound so outraged by it,” I laughed.

  She made a sound in the back of her throat, then threw herself at me.

  I landed on my back, and laughed, pulling her until she was straddling my body.

  Her sweet ass was pressed against my hips, and my cock, which was more than a little out of control, was pillowed in between the cheeks.

  She leaned down, pressing her mouth against mine.

  “If you break me, I’ll never let you forget it,” she whispered.

  Suddenly serious, I moved my hands up her arms, past her neck, and up to her head.

  Cupping it with both hands, I did a half curl until I was mouth to mouth with her once again.

  “I’ll never let anything hurt you. I can’t see the future. I can’t tell you how tomorrow will look for us. All I can tell you is that I’ll never treat you with anything but respect. I’ll never let you down, and I’ll never be unfaithful. If we are happy, then I’ll be here. But if it does go bad, which I don’t see happening, then I’ll leave you with a piece of me. You’ll forever have me. My support. My caring. And I want the same promise from you. Because Reagan loves you already. She asks about you every day. And I want her to know you without you holding back. You’re mine, and I’m yours until we both decide differently. I’ll never leave you without talking it out with you first. We’ll both have to be on the same page. But honey,” I said, a promise in my voice. “I don’t see this going bad, because I fucking love you, too.”

  I felt a tear meet my lips right before I smashed my mouth against hers.

  Her lips tasted of salty tears, but I didn’t care.

  Neither did she.

  My tongue swept into her mouth, rubbing sensually along hers as we both fell to the bed.

  “Motherfucker,” I breathed when she started to undulate her hips, rocking the globes of her ass, and the heat of her pussy along the hard ridge of my cock.

  My hands left her face and traveled down to rest on her hips as I urged her to move faster.

  She ignored my hints and, in fact, stopped completely.

  I groaned as she let me up for air, her mouth traveling down to my neck, and then farther down to my chest.

  She sucked gently, nipping the skin of my collarbone before going farther down.

  She found my nipple with that perfect mouth of hers, and gently circled the diameter of it with her tongue, flicking it lightly and driving me wild.

  “God,” I said, bucking my hips when she sucked it fully into her mouth.

  My hands went to her hair, and suddenly she let my nipple go and started to dip even farther until her mouth was hovering over my erection.

  I could feel her hot breath through the fabric of my underwear, and I strained upwards to urge her to act. To take my cock into her mouth like I wanted her to.

  She giggled when it bumped her face, and I breathed a sigh of relief when she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my boxer briefs and started to lower them slowly.

  I lifted my hips once again to help her along as she tugged the underwear down.

  Once the band was free of my erection, my cock popped out of its confines and reared up to smack her on the chin, causing her to burst out into giggles.

  I, on the other hand, wasn’t laughing when she took me into her mouth.

  That hot, sweet, beautiful mouth.

  My knees widened to allow her more room to fit between my legs and inadvertently allowing her complete access to my balls.

  She cupped them delicately in her hand while she started to suck on the tip of my cock.

  The dual pleasure was enough to send my orgasm from not there, to there, all in a span of seconds.

  “Goddammit,” I said, urging her up. “I’ve not had you in nearly a week and my control is shot. Get up here and ride my cock so I can come inside you.”

  She giggled around my cock, took one long suck, and let it fall free from her mouth with a loud pop.

  “Oh, fuck,” I breathed as I felt her breasts trail against the wet tip of my dick before she climbed up my body, positioned my cock at her entrance, and slowly sank down.

  She felt like heaven.

  Like taking a long drink after being outside for hours in the hot sun.

  It was bliss. Pure, unadulterated bliss.

  Her pussy walls clung to my cock as she started to lift up, and she clenched as she slammed back down.

  The backs of her thighs slapped against the top of mine in an erotic pattern as she plunged down, then lifted back up.

  My hands went down to her ankles so as not to hinder her in any way.

  The fact that I couldn’t see her was getting to me, too.

  Which was surprisingly exciting when I felt her hand trail down my chest, and even farther into the trail of hair that led down to the root of my cock.

  When her hand met the base of my cock, she trailed it up mere fractions to where her pussy was spread open for my dick. Impaling her and stretching her wide.

  Knowing she was feeling our connection, and knowing what I was feeling in that moment, my orgasm started to slowly inch back up into imminent release levels once again.

  Loosening my hands from her ankles, one hand went up to play with her breast, and the other went down to circle her clit with the pad of my thumb.

  She gasped when I found the right spot and started to slam down onto me even harder.

  My cock hit the end of her, bumping into her cervix with each plunge, and I had to grit my teeth to keep from blowing to pieces before she came herself.

  “Hurry,” I pleaded through gritted teeth.

  She gasped and stopped moving as her pussy walls started to clench down onto my cock, strangling a groan from my throat.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged, but she was beyond hearing me.

  I could feel her body arch as she screamed out, and I lost any and all ability to think.

  Taking over, I flipped her until she was on her back, and started to pound into her.

nbsp; Her body was limp, but I was a man possessed as I pushed her legs back to her chest, went up to my knees, and took her like a wild beast.

  Eyes closing in bliss, I finally let go and started to pour my cum into her still clenching sex.

  She screamed as her orgasm continued to take her, and I let out my own shout as the last dregs of my release poured out of me and into her.

  Then the irrational thought of her swelling with child, my child, stole into my brain and took root.

  I wanted more kids.

  I wanted three more kids.

  And I wanted to be young enough to enjoy them.

  I wanted them with a woman like Lennox, who cared so much for them that she’d sacrifice her own happiness to give them everything that they needed.

  And I wanted them with a woman who would love me. Love them.

  And that was Lennox.

  The only thing I had to convince her of, was that she was that woman.

  But that wouldn’t be happening until I’d at least gotten five solid hours of sleep.

  Which was my last thought when I rolled off of Lennox’s body, pulled her into my chest, and promptly fell asleep.

  What I didn’t hear was Lennox’s quiet tears and her declaration that she’d love me forever.

  Chapter 15

  Police officers don’t shoot to kill. They shoot to stay alive.

  -Fact of life


  “Where are you going today?” Paxton asked as I drove him to his car the next morning.

  “Working at Truman Smith from two to eight. Then back home I guess, why?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road in front of us.

  I was upset.

  Paxton knew I was upset.

  He was trying to broach the subject carefully so he wouldn’t get Ludacris-Lennox, as he liked to call me when I was in one of ‘those’ moods.

  And I was trying not to talk about it, as per our usual.

  There was just something about gay men as your best friends, though.

  Melissa knew when I was pissed and didn’t want to talk. She’d let me be.

  Paxton, however, never let me be. He pecked and pecked and pecked until I told him exactly what was bothering me, and usually that wasn’t in a very nice way.

  “Alright,” Paxton asked after another few minutes of me ignoring him. “What’s your fucking problem now?”


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