meerschaum A type of tobacco pipe
Mercury The messenger god of the Romans, often portrayed with winged sandals
mimosa Any of the plants within the Mimosa genus, which are often characterized by sensitive leaves. The Mimosa pudica, for example, has leaves which fold in on themselves when touched
mitre A headdress worn by bishops
morocco Flexible goatskin leather originally made in Morocco
opera glass A form of short telescope used at the opera
pedlar Someone who travels around selling goods
pennon A flag or banner
pianoforte A piano
pigeon wing An American dance step
Pinkster The festival of Pentecost
polliwog A tadpole
poor box A collection box, usually in a church
porringer A small bowl with a handle
portfolio A thin case for carrying documents, maps, etc.
rag-picker A reference to the practice of collecting and selling old clothing and other discarded items. It is generally used as a disparaging remark in the novel, however, rather than as a literal description of what the children do
rasp To grate or file with a rough implement
reef To roll up part of a sail in order to reduce the area exposed to the wind
reveille A military waking call sounded on a bugle or by a drum
roan A cow or horse with a coat of a main colour, interspersed with another colour
ruff A projecting frill worn around the neck, particularly during the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods
sabot A simple shoe made from a single block of wood
sack A silk garment attached to the shoulders of a dress and forming a train
Salmagundi A dish of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs and onions
sepulchre A tomb or room in which a body is interred
skein A length of thread
sluice A structure which controls the flow of water via a sliding gate
sooth Truth; truly
spartan Showing indifference to comfort and luxury. The term derives from the reputation of the Spartans in ancient Greece
staccato Each sound and note distinct and separate from the rest
States General The legislative body in the Netherlands from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries
stiver A small coin formerly used in the Low Countries
stop A set of pipes in an organ in a particular range or tone; also the knob which turns particular ranges on and off
strongbox A lockable metal box
sugar-loaf hat A conical hat popular during the Tudor and Stuart periods, and again after the French Revolution
surcoat An outer coat often worn over armour
tack A sailing technique, used when sailing into the wind, involving changing course repeatedly in a zig-zag fashion
tiffin A light midday meal
tippet A long strip of cloth, often worn as a scarf or forming part of a hood
top A toy that could be made to spin
treadle A lever operated by the foot to impart motion to a machine
tucker The lace on a bodice or at the front of a dress
vox humana “Human voice” (Latin). An organ stop with a tone believed to resemble the human voice
warming pan A brass pan filled with hot coals placed in a bed to warm it
watch-paper A disc, often made of paper or silk, inscribed or painted with a design, picture, etc., and inserted as a lining in the case of an old-fashioned watch
water bug Any of various insects living in or on the water
winsome Attractive, appealing
The Silver Skates Page 29