Her Convenient Dom (Dominant Men Book 2)

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Her Convenient Dom (Dominant Men Book 2) Page 10

by Isabella Kole

  "Oh, Parker, who knew you were such a romantic?" She stood on her tiptoes for a kiss when he put her down, but he stopped her.

  "First things first, wife," he told her as he opened the door for the valet to bring in their luggage. After tipping the man generously, he put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob, then locked it.

  "Now, come here, you." He kissed her—finally—a kiss that told her there was more to come. She allowed herself to become lost in it. It wasn't hard to do; she was lost, already, to every sensation taking over her body at that moment.


  "Parker, slow down. I want to freshen up after the flight. Give me a few minutes, okay?"

  "Whatever you want, baby. Tonight is your night."

  "Tonight, is our night, Parker, yours and mine, the first night of the rest of our lives." Grabbing her bag, she went into the bathroom, took a quick bath and put on the sheer black nightie she'd purchased for her wedding night. She'd bought it last week, hoping something might happen during the honeymoon. She was glad now she'd had the foresight to go ahead and buy it. She'd debated, finally talking herself into going ahead with the bold purchase.

  When she walked back into the bedroom, Parker was sitting on the bed. He looked up, speechless for just a moment. When he found his voice, he said, "My God, Harper, you are a vision."

  She walked to the bed and, leaning over him, kissed him. He pulled her onto the bed and deepened the kiss, demanding, his tongue seeking entrance. His hands began to caress her silky skin.

  She moaned as tingly sensations delighted her senses, and he whispered in her ear, "Baby, Harper, I want you so much."

  He kissed her again, moving to her neck. Removing the nightie, he threw it on the floor. "It's nice, but it's getting in my way."

  She giggled and began caressing his back as he moved his lips to her breasts. "Harper, I can't believe I was willing to be married to you and go without. There's no way. I see that now."


  "Yes, baby?"

  "Don't stop."

  "I have no intention of stopping," he assured her as he nipped at her skin.

  Proving he meant exactly what he said, his lips trailed further and further down her body, leaving a trail of sweet kisses every place they touched. His lips scorched her skin, igniting a fire within. When he had kissed every inch of her body from her head to her toes, he began a trail back up until he reached her thigh. Pushing her legs apart, he found a new place to explore. She moaned as his lips touched her again, igniting a fresh fire that she had no control of. It scorched and burned until she thought she would explode.

  But instead of continuing down the path he had started, he stopped and stood, removing his shirt and revealing the six-pack underneath. Harper could only stare in wonder as she marveled at the beauty of this man she'd agreed to spend her life with.

  Moaning, she said in a husky voice, "Come back here."

  "Not so fast, young lady," he replied in a deep, ragged tone. "We have a long night ahead. There is plenty of time."

  He walked over to a table by the window. Her eyes followed his movements, and for the first time since entering the room, she noticed the bucket sitting on it. There was a bottle of champagne chilling in it, and two flutes stood next to it.

  "Did you order that?" she asked.

  "Compliments of the hotel with the honeymoon suite," he answered as he popped the cork and poured a little of the bubbly into both glasses.

  He brought the glasses over to the bed and handed her one. She sat up, propping her pillows behind her, and took a sip. "Mmm, that's good."

  "Nothing but the best for my new bride." He leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  She smiled. How had she gotten so damn lucky?

  They relaxed and talked about a lot of things as they enjoyed the champagne—the wedding, the children, his company. She was starting to feel relaxed.

  "Are you hungry? I'm thinking about ordering some room service," he asked after he took her glass and set it down.

  She looked at him with wide eyes. "Just like that? You stop in the middle of… You drink a glass of bubbly, and then you want to eat?"

  He grinned. "Uh-huh. You know, baby, you're going to have to learn who is in charge here. What we were doing earlier was just a warm-up."

  She pulled the sheet up, covering her nakedness.

  He kissed her again. "Harper, sweetness, I can assure you that you will be thanking me later."

  "Parker, oh—"

  "You're pouting. Do you know what happens to little girls who pout?"

  "I am sure I am going to find out."

  Parker smacked her thigh once, watching her expression. "Now, about dinner. What can I order for you?"

  "I'll have a steak, medium well, baked potato with butter and sour cream, and asparagus."

  Her new husband chuckled. "That's more like it."

  He placed the order and then pulled her into his arms. "Now, isn't this nice? Just you and me, relaxing, waiting for our dinner."

  She sighed. She had to admit, he was right. And the wait was piquing her anticipation for what lay ahead later. How long would he drag it out? This man, who was now her husband, was a man of mystery at times. But, no doubt about it, he was definitely calling the shots, and he was making that fact very known to her. She dozed a little, her hand on his bare chest while he played with her soft, blonde curls.

  There was a knock on the door after a little while. After Harper quickly jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom, Parker got up to let the server wheel the cart into the room.

  "Harper, it's safe to come out now," he called out after the server had gone, still chuckling about how fast she'd made a beeline for the other room.

  When she walked out, she was wearing one of the white robes provided by the hotel. She padded barefoot over to the table and looked at the food he had laid out.

  "It looks scrumptious," she said.

  "Sit down and eat up, baby. We have a long night ahead of us," he teased as he cut a bite of his own steak and popped it into his mouth.

  "Mmm, this is so good," she said as she seductively took a bite of her potato. "And the steak—perfect."

  "You little—"

  "Who, me?" she interrupted innocently as she continued to chew her food, batting her eyelashes at him.

  "Eat your food," he said as he continued to dig into his. "I'll deal with you later."

  She giggled and continued eating while running her foot up his pant leg.

  "Harper Jo Bentley, what am I going to do with you?"

  "Gee, I have no idea."

  They finally finished the meal after she had teased him further with dessert. After he placed the tray in the hallway and put the "Do Not Disturb" sign back on the door, he scooped her up off the chair and very unceremoniously plopped her down on the bed.

  "Now, what happens to little girls who pout and tease their daddy?" he asked.

  Little girl? Daddy? Oh, so this was the game now. Ageplay? Nothing had been said about that.

  "I think you may have me confused with Ava, short little girl, about six years old," she replied.

  "That's it, baby, keep it up. I can assure you that I know the difference between my daughter and my wife. Ava would be sent to her room without TV for her punishment. You, on the other hand, get more physical repercussions when you misbehave."

  "Is that so?" she asked as she reached out and caressed his cheek. God, this man was sexy!

  "Come here, baby. I think it's time you learned the ropes." He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her over his lap.

  She could feel his erection as she lay there, waiting for his next move. Was he teasing now, since he was aroused, or was he really going to punish her?

  His hand moved up her leg, pushing the robe up and out of his way. She moaned as his hand came in contact with her right bottom cheek. She began to move to try to ease some of her discomfort. She really needed for him to finish what he had started before di

  "You are a horny little thing, aren't you?" he asked. "I never would have guessed." His finger found her slit, and the juices flowed over it, proving him right.

  "Are you really going to punish me when we could be doing something else?" she asked timidly, not knowing quite what to expect.

  "Oh, Harper, I am so going to enjoy teaching you. This isn't going to be a punishment spanking, by any means. You'll soon learn the difference."

  "You mean there are other kinds?" she asked, confused.

  "Wait and see. Answer your own question for me later." That was all the information he would give her.

  His hand pushed the robe up further, and then she felt him caressing her back, her buttocks and her thighs before he laid his palm against her skin in a sharp smack. Immediately, before she could respond, his middle finger found its way back to her wetness and he began to stroke her. As she moaned in delight, he stopped, and another slap landed on her other cheek. She moved, trying to find relief on his pants-covered hard shaft. He was having none of it, though.

  "Young lady, if you don't stop that—"

  "You'll do what? Smack my ass again?" she asked, interrupting him again.

  "You know, for such a sweet girl, you have a smart mouth," he said as his hand cracked down again, this time, once on each cheek. As before, he immediately went back to her slit to check her flow. "Okay, I can see that you are going to explode on my pants if I don't do something soon." He picked her up and helped her back to a lying state against the pillows. Then he stood up and quickly stripped off the rest of his clothes. When his cock was finally freed from his shorts, it sprang to life and was pointed straight toward her.

  Harper's eyes grew wide. She had only been intimate with Shawn, and he was nowhere near the size of her new husband. Wow, could her body even handle that thing?

  "It's okay, baby. I'm not going to hurt you. Not ever. Remember, you trust me." He lay down beside her and pulled her into his arms.

  He gently caressed her face before he lifted her chin and kissed her. He started out slowly, working up to a passionate invasion of her mouth. Moving to her neck, shoulders, and, finally, her breasts, he began to suck on one pert, hard nipple before giving the other one the same attention. Her belly was next on the trail of his roaming tongue. When he reached her clit, he moved down so that he was comfortable and began to work the same magic there.

  Harper was in Heaven. Shawn hadn't liked oral. At least, not with him doing her. Come to think of it, he had been a selfish lover most of the time. She'd never given it much thought until now. Of course, she had no experience to compare him with back then. Now, well, she was learning fast.

  Enough about that loser. She had a real man in bed now, and she was going to enjoy everything he did to her. She had no objection to submitting to him and letting him run the show tonight. She moaned as he continued to please her with his tongue while his hand reached under her to cup her bottom. He squeezed, and she yelped. He was right. She was about ready to explode. That never happened to her. At least, not up until now. She arched her hips up and spread her legs obscenely for him. That was all it took. She came apart, moaning and writhing as he continued to work on her with that magical tongue.

  "Pppparker!" she screamed.

  Finally, he stopped and moved up to hold her. "That's it, sweetheart, let it go." He rained sweet, soft kisses on her face as she began to settle back down.

  When he was sure he'd satisfied her and she had calmed and was ready for more, he moved over so that he was on top of her. Through desire-glazed green eyes, he looked at her and whispered, " Am I hurting you?" When she nodded, he said in a whisper, "I want you… Harper?"

  "Yes, Parker, oh, yes, I want you now."

  He didn't reply, just positioned himself and entered her swiftly, taking her with him to lands unknown. He moved slowly at first, building the tempo to a crashing crescendo. They soared above the clouds together, entering the sea of desire, the waves crashing toward them, closer and closer, until they met in one final swoop. Wave after wave of sensation overtook Harper again as she cried out. It hadn't taken long at all for her to come again. This was new territory for her. With Shawn, she almost never had an orgasm, and the few she did have, in all their time together, were nothing compared to this. She thanked her lucky stars that she had not wasted precious time waiting to consummate this marriage. It may be a marriage of convenience, but she couldn't have asked for a better wedding night.

  "Harper…" her new husband whispered softly as he met his own release "… Oh, Harper."

  They lay quietly for several minutes after. When they finally returned to reality, he kissed her and teased, "I told you you'd be feeling good tonight, didn't I?"

  "Yes, you did, but I had no idea it would be like that."

  "Harper, you had a sexual relationship with Shawn," Parker reminded her. "You're not new to this."

  "I did, that's true, but it was nothing like what we just did."

  "You're going to be so good for my ego, baby." He kissed her again before he asked if she wanted more champagne.

  "Not particularly," she replied. "But go ahead if you want some."

  He got up and went into the bathroom. After cleaning himself, he brought a clean, warm cloth into the bedroom and washed her. Then, he got two bottles of water from the minibar fridge and handed one to her. "Hydrate," he ordered.

  She took a sip and settled back against the pillows. "Parker, are you glad we decided to consummate the marriage?" she asked in a serious tone as she leaned up on one elbow.

  "What kind of question is that?" he asked curiously.

  "I just wondered. I can't understand why we thought we should wait. It really makes no sense to me now."

  "All I can say is, even if we hadn't had that little talk, it wouldn't have taken long for me to decide I had to have you. I would have gone crazy knowing you were mine but not really."

  "I've wanted you from the start."

  "Really, you have? Oh, it's a good thing you didn't tell me that before. I might not have been able to keep my hands off you. It's been a struggle as it is."

  "I-I had no idea."

  He held his bottle up in a toast and indicated for her to do the same. "To my wife, a formidable partner in every way."

  Harper added her own toast by saying, "To my husband, the man who has taken me on the adventure of a lifetime."

  "I could take that to mean several different things, Harper."

  "Take it however you want to," she teased as she took a sip of the cool water.

  He chuckled as he teasingly smacked her thigh.

  They snuggled together on the bed and watched a movie after that, falling asleep in each other's arms. Near dawn, she woke to find her new husband watching her.

  "You okay?"

  "I am, now that you're awake." He kissed her and pulled her on top of him.

  I've died and gone to Heaven was her last thought before she began another adventure with the man she so desperately loved already.

  When Harper and Parker awoke later that morning, the sun was shining brightly through the window of their Miami hotel room. She looked over at the man lying next to her and smiled, remembering the lovemaking they'd shared earlier. Who knew I'd be lying next to Parker Bentley when I first fell for his green eyes and sexy smile that night we met last spring? Things like that just don't happen to Harper Jo Easton.

  "Penny for your thoughts," her sexy new husband said as his eyes opened and met hers.

  "I'm thinking we ought to get out of bed at some point today," she replied, although getting out of bed was the last thing she wanted to do.

  "We could go down for lunch; I'm sure we've missed breakfast by now."

  "We could, or we could call room service and stay right here." She gave him the most seductive look she could manage. Apparently, it worked, because he took her in his arms.

  "Harper, Harper, Harper, what did I ever do before I met you?" He kissed her, a passionate kiss that spoke to her so
ul, arousing desires that even she didn't know she possessed.

  "You probably were a very frustrated man, I'd say."

  He threw his head back and laughed. "Yes, I guess I probably was. But if last night and this morning are any indication of what being married to you is going to be like, I'll never be frustrated again." And to prove his point, he began caressing her arm as he kissed her again.

  She grew bolder as the kiss deepened, and she began exploring his magnificent body. She grew bolder still and sat up, straddling him. He looked at her in surprise before treating her to the sexy smile that belonged only to him. He began caressing her breasts.

  "Harper, my Harper, " he said huskily as she began to ride him. They rode into the sunset together until they both were totally spent, Harper, again experiencing the ultimate satisfaction, and Parker, marveling at the woman he'd chosen to be his wife of convenience.

  She rolled over and started to get out of bed, but he pulled her back and kissed her again. "Harper, my wife, my lover, " he murmured.

  She returned the kiss, and when he finally released her, she got up. "Let's go have lunch now."

  "That's it? After all that, you want lunch?" he teased.

  "Have to keep up my strength, you know. Chasing two kids and keeping up with you is going to take a lot of energy."

  "Okay, okay. Maybe we can go for a swim later and stroll down to the shops to pick up some gifts for Ava and Aiden."

  "Sounds good, but you've never told me about the rest of our week. Are we staying here, or is there more to this trip? Somehow, I get the feeling this isn't everything you have planned for us."

  "No, baby, you're absolutely right. Tomorrow, we leave on a cruise for three glorious days in the Bahamas."

  "Parker, are you serious? I've never been on a cruise. Oh, you are so good to me." She ran back to the bed and kissed him again.

  "Go, woman, get in the shower now, or we'll never get out of here today. And I told you I was going to spoil you rotten, so get used to it."

  "We really should call the kids tonight, and see how they're doing."

  "We will, baby, we will. Now hit the shower." He shooed her into the bathroom.


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