Finding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Finding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  Caleb and Derrick had gotten to work on the demolished bunkhouse as soon as the sun had come up. They’d let her sleep in late, but she hadn’t slept too long. The sounds of them tossing broken boards into a wheelbarrow then hauling it all to a growing pile of debris would’ve awakened the dead.

  Yet, although she’d lived in the bunkhouse for only a few days, she’d teared up when she’d tried to lend a hand. Derrick had turned her around and scooted her toward the barn, telling her they’d take care of the mess if she’d shovel out the big stall. She’d agreed. Anything was better than imagining all her things getting tossed around and torn apart.

  She had no doubt Jilly had clothing already being shipped to her. That part was easy. But what about the other part? Where would they stay from now until they could find a place of their own? She’d slept in the men’s bed last night, but she didn’t want to assume they wanted her living with them. They were independent men who might not want a woman in their home. If they had, wouldn’t they have put her and her sister in a guest bedroom instead of the bunkhouse?

  Crap. Should I just come out and ask them?

  She spat out what she hoped was just dirt. Cleaning a stall was filthy business and she was covered with grime and who-knew-what. She didn’t want to think about how much manure was on her clothes, under her fingernails, and even in her hair. Some of the stuff that floated in the air had drifted down inside the shirt she’d borrowed from Caleb. The next time, she’d make sure to wear a cap and gloves.

  If there was a next time. How could thinking about shoveling manure make her think about ever doing it again? But she knew better. It wasn’t the idea of leaving the ranch that hurt as much as the thought that she’d have to leave Caleb and Derrick behind, too.

  She groaned and went back to work. Only a few more shovelfuls of the shit remained. Once she was finished, she’d get into the shower and stay there until she felt human again. She picked up her pace, eager to finish.

  She finally dumped the last shovelful into wheelbarrow, then took hold of its handles and pushed it to the outside. She groaned at the weight of it and almost lost control of it twice. But going slow and steady helped.

  “Hey, good-looking.”

  Caleb was trying to be sweet. “You must need glasses if you think I’m good-looking right now.”

  “Baby, you’ll always be beautiful to me.” He sauntered over to her.

  “And me,” added Derrick as he came from around the side of the barn.

  Yet once they got closer, they started stepping backward, away from her.

  “Hoo-wee.” Caleb covered his nose, his face twisted into a grimace.

  “Damn, girl.” Derrick backtracked, too. “We told you to shovel the shit, not roll around in it.”

  “Ha-ha. Very funny.” She let go of the wheelbarrow, then fisted her hands on her hips. Hands that sported a couple of blisters. “Okay, I get the not-so-subtle hint. But don’t worry. I’m going inside right now to take a nice long shower.”

  “The hell you will.”

  “How do you expect me to get cleaned up, anyway?” She pointed toward the nonexistent shed. “My shower is out of commission.”

  “We can’t have you tracking horse shit into the house.” Caleb walked over to the barn and picked up the hose. “Naw, baby. You’re going to have to get clean another way.”

  “What other way?” She shook her head, denying the possibility. “I am not going into the pond. No way.”

  “Nope. No pond.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to ask, judging from Caleb’s expression. “I know I’m going to hate myself for asking, but what are you thinking of?”

  He lifted the hose higher. “Strip and we’ll make sure you get clean. Super clean.”

  “And then we’ll get you dirty again,” quipped Derrick. “Down and dirty with us, that is.”

  “Out here in the open?” She glanced around as though expecting to see a group of people waiting for her to put on a show.

  “No one’s going to bother you. And if they do, then so what? It’s not much different than what you’ll do at the club.”

  “I don’t know, Caleb.” He was right. Yet, now that she’d found her men, disrobing for anyone else just seemed wrong. “I’m not sure I want to go that far at the club any longer. Do you know what I mean?”

  The light in his eyes said he did. And Derrick was right along with him as he bent over and turned the faucet. Water burst from the end of the hose.

  “Which is even more of a reason for us to play at home. Get those dirty clothes off, babe. Now.”

  He’d gone into Dom mode and she, as a good sub, would go along. “Yes, Master Derrick. But what will I put on once I’m clean?”

  “We’ll toss those clothes into the washer and give you another shirt to wear. You won’t have any pants or underwear on, but who the hell cares?”

  Caleb chuckled, then squirted her. She squealed, holding up her hands to block the spray.

  “If we have our way, you’d never put on clothes. Ever.”

  She squealed again as the chilly water hit her with more force. His idea was appealing. As long as she could wiggle her butt and flash her titties at them, she’d stay naked in the dead of winter. She toed off her boots, then undid her jeans and let them fall to the ground.

  “Keep going, little sub.”

  “Yes, Master Caleb.” She doubted she could look sexy covered with disgusting manure and dirt, but she gave it a try anyway. Taking her time, she undid one button of Caleb’s shirt, then the next, then the next.

  She was already hot from work, but a different kind of heat spread through her, starting between her legs before moving outward. “Caleb.”

  He understood what she wanted and spurted the stream of water at her again. The shirt clung to her as she undid the last button. Dirt and grime washed away, flowing down in rivulets over the rise and fall of her body. Her nipples pushed against the wet material. Taking hold of the bottom of each side of the shirt, she moved them up and down, sliding them over her breasts, emphasizing their fullness. It wasn’t a wet T-shirt contest, but it was just as good. Maybe even better since she didn’t have on any undies. The shirt had been way too big for her so she hadn’t even bothered to put on a bra.


  Derrick’s appreciation was all she needed to keep going. She swayed her hips, moving to the strains of an unheard song. Caleb kept the spray at her, moving it up to her head when she put her back to him. Her hair was drenched, but at least it was getting cleaned.

  “Bend over, sub.”

  “Yes, Master Derrick.” She spread her legs and leaned forward, bringing the shirt above her ass. “Like this?”

  “Hell, yeah.” Caleb moved closer, sliding the stream of water down her spine until it struck the crack of her ass.

  She bent even lower, positioning herself so the water would hit her pussy. “Mmm, that’s so nice. I feel cleaner already, sirs.”

  “Take the shirt off,” ordered Derrick.

  “Yes, sir.” She faced them again, gave them a look that held all her yearning, and slipped one side of the shirt off her shoulder. With her breast exposed, she fondled herself, and then, lifting her breast higher, she flicked a drop of water off her nipple.

  Derrick groaned, the muscles in his jaw working as the lust on his face grew stronger. “I told you to take it off.”

  She let the other sleeve fall and caught the shirt in the crook of her elbow. “Please, masters, I need you. Aren’t I clean enough by now?” She was soaked from head to toe.

  Caleb came toward her, tossing the water hose to the ground and letting the water flow into the flower bed next to the house. “Derrick, do you have a tie with you?”

  “Yeah. Just happens that I do.” He pulled out a strip of leather they used to tie calves’ legs together.

  Her mouth dried up, a contradiction to the rest of her. Her juices mixed with the water between her legs. “Are you going to tie me up, master?”

; “Yeah. Sound like a plan to me.” Derrick twirled the leather strip. “Just wish I had two strips.”

  “Maybe not. I just got an idea.”

  She almost opened her mouth to argue, but a moment later she was glad she kept her complaint back. Whatever Caleb had in mind had to be good.

  “Go sit on the steps, little sub.”

  His command confused her, but she did as he’d ordered. What else would a good sub do? Taking a seat on the top step, she waited for him to tell her what to do next.

  “Spread your legs.”

  She did, the breeze hitting her pussy and sending an extra thrill through her.

  Caleb handed her the hose. “Here.”

  What did he want her to do? Had he gotten tired of hosing her down? She put the nozzle of the hose under her chin and let the water course down her. Her nipples hardened as she grew even needier. If one of them didn’t touch her soon, she’d have to do something, anything to force them to put their hands on her.

  “Naw. Put it between your legs.” Caleb tossed an order at Derrick, but didn’t take his eyes off her. “Derrick, turn up the pressure.”

  Amazingly, she blushed. “So you want me to pleasure myself with this?”

  “Yeah. You know what I mean.”

  “Good thinking, man.” Derrick twisted the knob. Water rushed out at an even greater pace.

  She slid her hand between her legs and opened her folds. Then, with a wicked look at them, she focused the hose at her clit.

  “Oh, yeah.” The power of the water felt wonderful as it put up an unrelenting pounding against her aching clit. She laid back and moved the end of the hose closer. It wasn’t as good as having their hands, their mouths on her, but it was a good second. She’d give them a show and, if she was lucky, they’d let her come. The first release was always the least powerful, but it would get her ready for the climax they’d give her.

  She closed her eyes, enjoying the pressure her clit was taking, but then opened them. Nothing was better than watching their faces. Their gazed locked on her pussy, their heated expressions adding more enjoyment for her. The rise of their cocks showed in the tenting of their jeans.

  Moving the hose up and down slightly, she started squirting the water against her pussy. Up and down she went, teasing herself. But teasing could only be tolerated for so long.

  “Please, masters, would you help me?”

  They understood what she meant, but both shook their heads.

  “You can add a finger, if you want.” Derrick came closer and took one of her legs. He squatted down, getting a better view.

  She slid her hand between her legs. The difference between the water and her own juices was there, her own moisture adding a slickness that the water didn’t have.

  When Caleb came to her other side and skimmed his palm along her leg, she started rubbing harder. Her wet hair trailed behind her and the warm sun beat down on her.

  “That’s it, baby. Rub harder. Faster.”

  She rubbed harder and faster and was rewarded with a smile from Caleb. Soon her hips started moving on their own, thrusting back and forth as she plunged two fingers into her pussy. Bringing them out, she brought them to her lips and sucked the sweetness off.

  “Do it again, then give your fingers to me.” Derrick clenched his jaw, his gaze never wavering.

  She rubbed her pulsing clit again, then slid her fingers lower, diving in farther than before. Pumping her fingers, she added her thumb against her clit and matched the strokes in her pussy.

  “Oh, oh.” Her hand trembled, trying to keep hold of the hose as the whirlwind of passion swirled inside her. “I’m going to… Oh, please. Please, touch me.”

  “I’ll touch you, all right.”

  “Like hell you will.”

  Derrick shoved Caleb’s shoulder, but Caleb managed to get to her before him. Pushing her legs farther apart, he snatched the hose from her and tossed it away, spraying both himself and Derrick.

  With a groan, he put his body between hers and crushed his mouth to her pussy. He sucked, pulling her nub into his mouth as he drove his tongue inside her pussy. She bucked, her back bumping the step she leaned on, but she barely felt the pain. Clutching his hair, she urged him not to leave.

  Like a tornado that formed from a tiny swirl of wind and rain, her need spun bigger. She braced herself, her body instinctively readying for the point where it could no longer contain the power of her climax. Although he touched only a part of her, Caleb controlled every bit of her being, both physical and emotional. Her body trembled against the internal pressure cooker that was about to blow.

  Derrick got behind her, his legs supporting her shoulders, his hard crotch resting against her head. He fondled her breasts, kneading them, pinching her sensitive nipples until she didn’t know which man made her cry out. She lost her hold on Caleb and held on to the edge of the step.

  Just as she was sure she’d pass out, her body ripped apart, finally giving in to the delicious torment of her masters. She cried out, but the cry was soon muffled by Derrick’s demanding, possessive kiss.

  Her vision blurred, her thoughts rolling as the orgasm shook her. She had no energy, relying on the men she loved to give her theirs.

  And love them she did. She’d known it before, but now she felt that love in her bones. In her very soul. Every relationship in the past paled in comparison. Every idea of romance and love was wiped away.

  When they pulled away from her, she thought she’d feel bereft and abandoned. Instead, she felt more alive than she ever had. They’d given her so much and she could only hope she could give them a small part back in return.

  “Teach me.”

  Derrick touched her cheek. “Are you up to it?”

  She wasn’t about to tell him how spent she was. “Seriously? Master Derrick, you don’t know me at all, do you?”

  She could’ve wept at the love on his face. “Yes, I do. You’re the best damn sub a man could ever want.”

  It was tough, but she pushed away from him and got to her feet. Caleb took her arm to steady her. “Show me what you’ve got.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Masters.”

  “Be careful what you ask for.” Caleb led her onto the porch, then motioned for her to put her hands on the railing.

  She bent over, the breeze wafting over her still-wet body. Knowing what they wanted, she planted her feet apart and stretched out.

  The first slap wasn’t unexpected, yet it still caught her off guard. She yelped out of surprise, but not from the sting of it.

  “Bro, you’re missing out.” Caleb landed another spank to her left butt cheek.

  “Like hell I am.” Derrick took to her other side and slapped her, flattening his hand against her right butt cheek.

  The spankings came fast and furious then, the stings singing through her flesh to blend together. Somehow, they met between her legs and in the middle of her pussy. Her climax had taken all her strength, but their spankings gave it back. Once again, her pussy flooded with her juices.

  “Tell us that you’re ours.”

  Did Caleb mean what she hoped he did? “I’m yours, Master Caleb.” She dared to add, “In every way possible.”

  “Are you our sub, babe?” Derrick reached out and tweaked her nipple at the same time that he spanked her yet again.

  “Yes, sir. If that’s what you want.” Still filled with the need they’d created before, her body revved up, speeding faster than ever before to get her ready.

  “Of course we do. Didn’t we say so?”

  “No, Master Caleb. You never really said it out right.”

  “Then I’m saying it now.” He grabbed a hunk of her hair and tugged her head back. His face was only inches from hers, the gleam in his eyes both scaring her and exciting her. “You are our sub. No one else’s. Agreed?”

  “Yes, Master Caleb. No one else’s.” She couldn’t help but smile. Everything she’d hoped to find by moving to Pleasure, Texas, was becoming a reality.

  “We want y
ou to be ours and ours alone. If you still want to waitress, then okay, but no other men can touch you. Agreed?”

  It was almost everything she’d wanted to hear. Almost. “Yes, Master Caleb.”

  “Good, girl.” Derrick’s hand slid down her back, then in between the crevice of her butt. She moaned as his finger dove into her dark hole. “I’m going to fuck you from behind. Tell me your color.”

  “Green, sir.”

  He squeezed her tit. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

  “I want you to fuck my ass, sir. Please.”

  “Good, because that’s what’s going to happen.”

  Caleb slapped her butt again, then stepped back. “Hang on. I’ve got another idea.” He started unbuttoning his shirt.

  “You do get good ideas, little brother. Let’s hear it.”

  “Molly, go out to the barn and get one of the lead ropes.”

  Derrick backed off, removing his hand from her anus. “What’s so different about tying her up?”

  “Just hang on and you’ll see.” He waved at her. “Get moving, baby.”

  She was disappointed at the delay, but she didn’t want them to see. Instead, she hurried down the stairs and hurried across the yard between the house and the barn. Once inside the barn, she went over to the tack wall and grabbed one of the ropes the men used to snap onto a bridle and lead a horse.

  Whatever they had in mind would be fine with her. The more time she spent pleasing her masters, the better. If she fulfilled no other purpose in her life, making her men happy would be enough. She rushed back to the porch, but halfway there, she came to a stop.

  She couldn’t help but take a moment to admire them. They’d taken off their clothes and were waiting, hands on their hips like two superheroes with their cocks pointing straight out. If she’d seen the sight at any other time, she might have laughed. But with her craving still rising inside her, with the need to prove to them that they’d made the right choice in making her their sub, laughing was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Derrick reached out his hand. “Give it here.”

  She came up the steps feeling like a princess from a different age returning to her handsome warrior lovers. After handing the lead rope to Derrick, she let Caleb bind her hands together with the short leather stip.


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