Fallon & Luca

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Fallon & Luca Page 9

by Soraya Naomi

  Apparently, it’s directed at her, because as she touches his arm, he evades her, briefly locking eyes with Adriano to relay something without any words.

  While all of this is going on, I stay quiet, too curious to see how these men are going to weasel their way out of this awkward situation.

  Adriano speaks up first, “She’s in some trouble, and I told her to come here, but I’m taking her home now.” He’s anything but gentle in handling his lady friend and shoves her out of the apartment.

  The front door closes, and I cross my arms over my chest, waiting for Luca to start talking.

  He wipes his hand over his chin and confiscates the water bottle I’ve been clutching to place it on the counter. “Say something, Fallon.”

  In reaction, I release a deep breath. This entire encounter has me speculating about what’s been going on in his life when I’m not around. “Who is she?”

  Luca steps forward to touch me, but his hand stops mid-air when I scowl at him. “She’s a friend of Adriano’s. She called him while we were working.” He gestures toward the laptops. “Look we were working, Fallon. Adriano told her to come here. She got here a few minutes before you arrived and was freshening up in the bathroom. Adriano was planning to take her home after we settled one last e-mail.”

  “Why was she all over you if she’s just a friend of Adriano’s? You know her too?”

  “Yes.” A curt response.

  “You know what I mean. Don’t play coy with me now. How well do you know her?” I’m asking if he slept with her.

  “I’m not attracted to her, Fallon.” He doesn’t quite reply to my question. No answer is an affirmative answer.

  Again, he inches forward and I immediately edge back. Luca’s eyes soften in culpability and defeat.

  “I knew by your reaction to my visit that something was wrong. And then I find a woman in your apartment—”

  “Adriano was here too. I wasn’t alone with her. Don’t make this into something bigger than it is.”

  “Don’t make it into something bigger? I felt the tension. I felt something was off, and the way she wanted to mark her territory with you is unsettling. And don’t think I didn’t notice you dodging my questions until I literally spelled it out for you.” My voice mirrors his frustration.

  “Do you want to know who she is?!” His tone rises in exasperation. “She’s a stripper. Adriano’s the idiot who befriended her. We had business to finish, and it was easier for her to come by here because Adriano couldn’t leave yet. This is exactly what I wanted to prevent.” He waves at the distance between us and expels a harsh sigh.

  Nevertheless, my annoyance level has risen to incredible heights with the stripper confession. “This isn’t sitting well with me. Have there been any other situations where you didn’t want to upset me and, therefore, you omitted things?”

  “I simply want to protect you from any harm.” Luca’s gradually advancing on me and tries to palm my neck, but I shake him off.

  “Harm? What are you talking about? I’m not quite sure you’re getting my point. You will not find a random man – someone you don’t know – in my apartment when you decide to visit me.”

  I swear I witness guilt and anger battling in his expression. “I’m trying here, Fallon. Don’t overreact.”

  “What? Are you serious? You think I’m overreacting?” I grind out bitterly. “You shouldn’t trivialize this.”

  Luca paces back and forth. “Yes...No...Fuck!” he mutters.

  “I’m upset, and I need to be away from you right now.” The unsettling thoughts haven’t been negated by our talk, and I desperately want to leave. “I’m going home.”

  Disappointed, Luca implores, “No, stay. Don’t go like this.” And he cups my cheeks.

  I stop him and lower his hands because I don’t want to be softened by his touch. “No, I want to leave now.”

  His disappointment fades and pure fury blisters to the surface at my rejection. He’s evidently not used to hearing the word no. Luca grabs my shoulders firmly and crowds me. “You’re not going anywhere like this.”

  At his directive tone, I raise my brows and become defensive. “You don’t decide whether I stay or go.” I throw the water bottle into my purse and dash out of his apartment, hearing Luca cursing a string of profanities as I shut the door.

  In hindsight, I realize this wasn’t a good idea. One unplanned visit between us has planted the seeds of mistrust in me. Why is he sometimes so closed-off and cautious to share things with me? There’s a small voice in the back of my head begging to be acknowledged.



  I fist my hands in my hair, knowing I didn’t handle that well.

  Gina’s one of the girls that works at the headquarters’ strip club. She’s as stupid as she is fake, and I cringe at the memory of fucking her. She’s one of the reasons why I don’t drink too much anymore, and incidents like this are why I don’t allow people in my home. Only because Adriano couldn’t leave immediately to get her, did I allow her to come here. Adriano’s soldier was supposed to pick her up and drop her off at headquarters, but we put him on another assignment at the last minute.

  All I wanted was to finish our business quickly and meet up with Fallon. That plan obviously failed. Adriano left without his laptop, but I’m not positive Fallon perceived that as sketchy.

  We actually were working and discussing our software development company, Security Simplicity, whose office is located in the Loop. The company develops and implements special requirements software for businesses worldwide, but actually, the software developments are used for the Syndicate to breach firewalls and government systems.

  Apart from being the owners, Adriano and I are also the investors, which is how we legalize the profit from our drug earnings, making it appear that we’re just two noble and successful entrepreneurs. We visit the office to sign documents or prepare for audits, usually twice a week. Every detail has been covered to ensure the company looks legitimate. We have operational, sales, and finance directors who manage the day-to-day business while we’ve managed to stay behind the scenes as much as possible. The three directors are associates on my payroll, not true Syndicate members. To the outside world, we’re entrepreneurs who avoid the media most of the time; not that uncommon.

  Adriano and I were discussing business when Gina called him, so I made a snap decision for her to wait here because I had to finish updating him. That’s when Fallon decided to stop by.

  And I can’t control Fallon, which both irks and intrigues me. She has a mind of her own, a free spirit that doesn’t consent to giving in to me. And because I love a challenge, she’s reeling me in. Waves of fury and excitement rushed through me at her dismissal of staying here.

  I need to talk to her, but first, the hindrance named Gina will be dealt with. She made the wrong move in coming between Fallon and me, so I text Adriano on my way out.

  Luca: Where are you?

  Adriano: Still riding around the area. I’m guessing Gina won’t be going back to the house?

  Luca: Meet me at the park, all the way in the back.


  Gina’s smugness has vanished and all I see is fear written all over her face as she and Adriano pad across the grass. He joins me on the bench while Gina stands in front of us.

  We both glare at her as I speak, “Where is her boldness now?”

  Adriano shakes his head slowly in mock disappointment.

  “Luca, I’m sorry,” Gina whines. “I wasn’t thinking. You know...I thought you liked me too.”

  Holding up my hand, I hush her. Never have I given her the time of day, except for that one time we fucked, which I barely remember because I was too drunk. What’s left of my conscience obligated me to let her stay after our fucking since I was partly at fault, but she doesn’t know when to shut her irritating trap. Gina’s manipulative and vindictive. And a woman scorned could pose a problem for me personally, though I’m sure she wants to live, so
she’ll disappear quietly. She isn’t a danger to the Syndicate because she has absolutely no incriminating information on us.

  “You don’t belong with us, Gina,” Adriano says. “You’re not to come to the house anymore.”

  She trembles and starts to cry. “What about my stuff at the house? I don’t have any money.”

  “Your things will be sent to you. Adriano will give you some cash,” I explain.

  “Please, I want to stay with you. I’m so sorry.”

  “You should’ve thought about that before you chose to interfere in my life,” I reply and dismiss her with a flick of my wrist.

  Adriano rises and asks, “Will I see you at the house tonight?”

  I nod before he wraps his fingers around Gina’s arm and tugs her with him.


  Sitting at the bar in the strip club at our headquarters, I’m palming my phone, ready to call Fallon as I wait for Adriano, but I need to let her cool off.

  Camilla, or Cam as we call her, is tending the bar.

  “Cam, can I have a water?”

  She gets a bottle from the fridge behind her and hands it to me. Then she resumes swiping clean the bar counter. “What’s on your mind, Luca?”

  Propping one foot on the foot rest, I lean forward. Cam might be able to help me get back into Fallon’s good graces. “A woman,” I reveal.

  Instantly, her movement stills at my confession and her gaze shoots up to mine. “Well, I never. Has a woman finally captured your attention beyond fucking?”

  “You don’t have to work; sit with me. No one’s here anyway.”

  “Okay. Do tell, Luca.” She stops across from me.

  “I need to make a woman stop being mad at me.”

  “Is she special?”

  “Yes,” I admit and pause, unsure whether or not to tell this to her. “I’ve been with her for almost three months.”

  Cam smiles tentatively and stays quiet, allowing me to continue.

  “I’m tainting her with my presence.”

  “How?” she questions.

  I angle my head sideways. “You know more about what goes on around here than any of the other women, Cam. I see how you’re unobtrusively absorbing this lifestyle.”

  “Does she know about this?” Cam waves her hand around.

  “No. She...she wouldn’t understand. She comes from a completely different background than us, but now she’s been dragged in without even realizing.” I’ve said too much to Cam. Changing the subject, I add, “It’s her birthday Sunday. I have a gift, but I need something extra.”

  “What did you get her?”

  “A few books.”

  Cam scrunches her nose up. “Books?”

  I laugh. “She’ll love them.”

  “What does she like besides books?”

  I try to remember everything Fallon’s told me. “Mostly books...theater, movies,” I answer, twisting the top off the water bottle.

  Cam’s eyes round. “I have an idea. Get your laptop. We can arrange everything online. Do you have a budget?”

  “No budget; give me your best idea.”



  I lie awake in my bed as the sun comes up the morning after my peculiar encounter with Luca. That woman in his apartment and the way he and Adriano reacted has made me wary. This voice in my head is screaming louder and louder that Luca’s holding back from me. Some things just don’t add up, but am I overanalyzing this? I might be; that’s what I told myself last night. His explanation could be true, or not, yet either way, I’ve already fallen for Luca, so I’ve decided that my questions about him aren’t stopping me from pursuing this relationship.

  While I’m scrolling through my phone, Luca texts me that he’s coming over. And not ten minutes later, I buzz him in and unlock my front door before crawling back into bed, where I’m lounging when he appears in the doorway with a silver box in hand.

  Tentatively, he sets the box on my nightstand. “Good morning.”


  The dark circles around his eyes betray that he had a rough night. Luca takes an encouraging breath. “Fallon, I’m sorry about yesterday. Gina’s nothing to me.”

  I wasn’t even worried about the woman per se. It’s the circumstances that had me upset. “I believe you. The situation was just awkward.”

  “I truly get that, and it won’t happen again.” Without asking, he strips down to his boxers and joins me in bed.

  I turn on my side, facing him, and he roams a hand over the curve of my hip.

  “Just be honest with me from now on,” I tell him. “I thought we were committed to each other after dating for three months? I am to you.”

  “I promise that I’m devoted to you, Fallon.” The back of his hand strokes down my cheek. “Can we just forget about yesterday?”

  I trust that Luca’s faithful to me because I can feel it with the way he looks at me and makes love to me. He’s apologized, and I’m really not in the mood to fight. “Fine. I might’ve overreacted a bit,” I admit sheepishly, and he grins at me.

  And with only a few words, he’s somehow managed to make me forget my worries.

  “Can I open my present now, even though my birthday’s tomorrow?” I ask softly.

  He nods with a hesitant smile.

  I sit up and Luca slips behind me with his arms encircling my waist. Greedily, I lift the top off the box and remove the silver tissue paper.

  My heart skips a beat. “Oh, my...” I trace the three volumes of The Count of Monte Christo, each with a different hardcover.

  Luca’s lips press against the side of my neck. “Good?”

  Amazed, I glimpse at him over my shoulder. “Good?” I practically yell and point to the books. “This will get you laid.”

  With a chuckle, he kisses my cheek.

  “Wait. It can’t be a coincidence that you just happened to get me the ones with the covers I didn’t have yet.”

  “I checked to see which volumes you had. You told me the second time we met in the coffee shop that you purchase your favorite books with all the different covers, and I noticed that you hadn’t completed your Count of Monte Christo collection yet.”

  I’m still riveted by my new additions, but my thoughts wander to something else entirely as Luca’s fingertips trace the sensitive skin on the inside of my thighs and he groans appreciatively.

  “Your skin is so soft to the touch, dolcezza. You’re consuming my thoughts. All. Day. And. Night.”

  I’m pleased I’m not the only one starting to feel that way. “Same goes for you.”

  He lets out a quiet laugh. “I have another gift for you,” Luca whispers while still hugging me to him. “Look underneath the books in your box.”

  I rummage through the silver tissue paper until I’ve found a black envelope. Tearing it open, I take out tickets to The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. I’ve always wanted to see that show on Broadway in New York, but I’m confused when I see the date and time. “Are we—”

  “Yes. Pack your bags. We’re flying to New York to attend The Phantom tonight.”

  I shriek in delight and spin around, peppering kisses all over Luca’s face.


  The Phantom is two-and-a-half hours of sublime theater. And afterwards, Luca and I sleep in the Presidential Suite at a nearby hotel to spend the next day, my birthday, together.

  When I come out of the bathroom dressed in only my towel, he’s on the phone in the living room with his back to me. Music is playing, but as I step closer to him, I hear his muffled words.

  “Don’t start. I’ll take care of it tonight. No, I’ll call you later,” he replies in an authoritative tone to the person he’s speaking with.

  I walk up to him and loop my arms around his middle, and at first, he tenses up, but then he cuts the call and turns in my embrace, nuzzling my neck. “Hmmm, I already missed your addictive scent...I was waiting for you. I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

�s how relationships work. Sometimes you wait. You better get used to it,” I retort playfully while lacing my fingers through his hair. My nails gently scrape his scalp, making him growl in appreciation.

  He lifts his head, and he’s clearly both shocked and amused, asking with a mischievous smile, “Is that a challenge, Michaels?”

  “Absolutely,” I breathe.

  “I love a good, feisty challenge,” he says in a low voice and then snatches the towel off me, leaving me standing naked before him.

  A cold rush of air sweeps over my skin as I take in his dark expression. But the darkness isn’t fueled by lust. There’s a menacing undertone on his handsome face.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, concerned.

  In reply, he hugs my naked form and sucks in a deep breath. “I hate that this weekend with you has been interrupted by a phone call from work.”

  “Well, you don’t have to be upset about it.” I try a lighthearted tone as the upbeat intro guitar notes of ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ by Van Morrison start to play from the speakers in the room. Without realizing it, I sway my hips to the music and Luca’s hands trail down to my behind. “Do you have to leave now because of that call?”

  “No. We can stay in New York for a couple more hours.”

  “I’m glad,” I say, and simply because I love this song, I start singing along.

  And I twirl around Luca. Standing behind him, I rake my nails over his chest and down his abs to the top of his khaki-brown slacks, smiling at him when he cranes his neck.

  Yet in a flash, he captures my wrist and swivels me back around to face him. Luca clasps my left hand in his right while he pulls me flush against him, his fingers digging into my hip, and we dance freely together. His hand slides up my side to stroke the underside of my breast with his thumb and then back down my hip. He leads me effortlessly, never missing a beat.

  We sway together from left to right without breaking eye contact. Our dance has blown away the rigidness in his body. His intensity shattered by little ole me. I’d like to believe that I’m the only one that reaches him on this fundamental level.


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