Our Star-Crossed Kiss

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Our Star-Crossed Kiss Page 12

by Piper Rayne

  Mack Daddy: The reward comes to those who wait.

  “What are you smiling at? Who’s that?” my mom asks with a happy tone.

  She probably thinks it’s Brock. I can tell that my dad hasn’t told her about Seth’s visit this morning. I’m surprised my dad would keep that to himself, but then again, he might think he can stop our engagement before it comes out to everyone in our lives.

  I think he’s mistaken though. Lately, I feel as though Seth and I are on a train with no brakes, heading down a steep hill. I can only hope we don’t crash and burn at the end of the track.

  Chapter Eighteen


  * * *

  Heidi isn’t the usual client someone thinks of when I mention boudoir photography. In fact, she might be the most attractive woman who’s ever stepped foot in my studio. And she’s not even here for bridal boudoir—she’s here for herself.

  “I’m just off a breakup and I thought this would make me feel desirable again.”

  To get some overhead pictures, I step up the ladder Madison put up for me. Heidi’s outfits have all been red, black, and dark purple, which is a nice change from white lace and soft pink satin I usually see.

  “We get a lot of clients like that,” Madison says.

  I tilt my head when I come down a rung on the ladder. She’s lying, we don’t really, but there’s something to be said for doing this for you and not for someone else. Although I think that the women get a lot from the sessions, even if the pictures go to their boyfriends or husbands.

  “You do? I figured most were bored housewives trying to get their husbands to sleep with them again.” Heidi rolls onto her stomach and shoots her feet up in the air. She’s obviously researched things before coming here because I’ve barely had to direct to her positioning in any way.

  “More bridal than housewives,” I say, snapping her arching her back, her long brown hair lying against her back to the top of her ass.

  “Really? That’s a cool idea.”

  “Why did you and your boyfriend break up?” Madison asks.

  I send her a “shut the fuck up” look. I don’t want Heidi to break down in tears.

  “He cheated,” Heidi says. “With my boss.”

  “Shut up!” Madison screeches.

  “Yep, I lost my boyfriend and my job all in one day. But it was a blessing.”

  I want to ask how long ago all this happened because she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. But I’m not willing to encourage this line of conversation.

  “How so?” Madison asks.

  She and I are going to have to have a conversation about her nosiness.

  “Because it finally got me to go out on my own. I’d been working in real estate under my boss for ages because I dragged my feet to get my broker license. So I finally did it and I’m the broker now. I just opened a small boutique brokerage and now I get a cut of every deal I hire under me.”

  “Good for you,” I say, taking a few more shots now that she’s not talking anymore.

  “Yeah, I’m happy. And the boyfriend thing. Eh, I never want a guy who I have to check his phone or worry when he’s out with his friends. I’m not gonna lie, the next guy will probably pay the price, but I try to remind myself I can’t stop some guy if he’s gonna cheat. There’s nothing I can do.”

  “Good for you,” Madison says and prepares to change the backdrop. We’ve worked together so long, she anticipates the changes I want before I even ask.

  “Yeah, but it messes you up in the head too, which isn’t much fun at the time.”

  “That’s why Seth likes his life vanilla,” Madison says.

  “Vanilla?” Heidi peers up at me with questions in her eyes, and I snap a picture. “As in—”

  “Not in the sex department.”

  She giggles and her eyes get a little heated. I’ve noticed her eye-fucking me a few times.

  “I just don’t want the stress in my life,” I say. “Which means any woman I invite into my life has to be drama-free.”

  Heidi balks. “That’s not a fun way to live. What do you want? A woman to bow down to you? Agree to everything you want?”

  “No, I just don’t want drama. You know. Phone calls all the time. The questions and interrogation of where I’ve been.”

  “Hmm… I hope you like the bachelor life because you’ll never find that.” Heidi looks over her shoulder at the new backdrop. “I’ll be back. I have the perfect outfit for this one.”

  I nod and she disappears into the backroom. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see Evan—or shall I say Juliet, as I’ve named her in my phone.

  Juliet: I’m here. Waiting since the red light is on.

  I hand my camera to Madison. “I’ll be right back. Download what I have so far, and we’ll start fresh.”

  She nods and walks over to the table.

  Evan is waiting outside the room. She’s still in her jeans and T-shirt that says The Bagel Shop. She’s not wearing makeup but still manages to look cute as hell. Even with a little bit of flour in her hairline.

  “You’re early,” I say.

  “Sorry, my mom said she’d close, and I didn’t want to argue. You really need to tell me what happened this morning with my dad, because my mom is acting like I’m still dating Brock.”

  I sit in the chair next to her. “Seriously? Your dad didn’t tell your mom?”

  She shakes her head.

  “I asked for your hand in marriage.”

  She blanches and blinks a few times. “And?”

  “He doesn’t believe us. I mean, he questioned me about you dating Brock and I said that we were secretly dating and that it’s still early, but I really want to lock you down.”

  “You said that?”

  I laugh and place my hand on her leg to stop it from shaking. “In a manner of speaking. I did say I love you.”

  Her gaze moves up and locks with mine. It’s filled with questions. Maybe because I take pictures of women all day long, but I can often read what a woman is thinking.

  “I had to. We wouldn’t get married if we didn’t love one another.”

  She nods. “Yeah. Totally. Yeah.” But she still seems shaken.

  “He wants a family dinner this Saturday. And he wants me to propose to you then. Is it possible your mom does know but she’s trying to act surprised?”

  She shakes her head. “That’s not my mom’s style. She’d question me for sure. Why does my dad think it’s not real?”

  I shrug. I’ve been trying to figure that out all day. What did I do to give off that vibe? “I think maybe it’s because he thinks we would’ve come to them sooner with the fact we were dating. Or that they would’ve heard it from someone who saw us around town together.”

  Her head falls into her hands. “We should’ve done the dating thing first and then gone into the engagement. We went too big too soon.”

  I squat in front of her and take her hands. “We did not. We had to go big. And they’ll believe us as long as we make it believable on Saturday.”

  “Okay. That’s the whole reason we did the game thing, right?”

  “Exactly. We got this. They’ll believe us,” I try to assure her, but she still covers her face with her hands.

  The door squeaks open and Madison stares at the scene in front of her as though she doesn’t understand what she’s looking at.

  “We’re doing so much lying,” Evan murmurs.

  I shoo Madison away with my hand and she closes the door.

  “It’ll be worth it. I hate lying too, but this is for our future and theirs. They just don’t know it.” I place a finger under her chin and guide it up so she’s looking into my eyes. “I know you haven’t had to put this much trust in me since that time I held the rope so you could climb out of the Bruggers’ backyard before Hercules got you.”

  She smiles and shakes her head. Seems she remembers when we were eight and made the stupid decision to antagonize the Bruggers’ mutt because of a bet
from the Hinkle twins. We put pieces of steak in our pockets and jumped into the backyard and whoever lasted the longest won. Won nothing but the bragging rights of being the winner. Which was me, FYI.

  “But.” I wait for her to look at me and our eyes lock. “I’ve got us. Just let me take the lead and we’ll come through this okay. I promise you.”

  She nods, and I suck in a breath in the hope that I’m promising something I can actually deliver.

  “I gotta go finish up this shoot. I’ll be back.”

  “Okay.” She nods.

  I stand and my hand is on the door when Evan calls my name. I turn to face her.

  “Thank you, Seth.”

  “You’re welcome,” I say and cross my fingers hoping this all works out.

  A half an hour later, Heidi leaves and I send Madison home, since that was our last session of the day. Evan joins me in the studio, looking around with surprise on her face.

  “It’s nice in here.”

  “Did you expect a dungeon?” I ask, sitting to download the shots from today.

  “I’m not sure what I expected, but not something so beautiful.” She thumbs through the backdrops that hang from the wall. “The bed is a little unnerving. How many naked women do you see a day?”

  “Not many.” Which is true. “A boob here and there when they switch positions, but honestly, I try to act like I didn’t see anything so they’re not embarrassed.” I thumb toward the door. “That client was pretty open though. I’m not sure she would’ve cared.”

  “She was really pretty,” Evan says and sits in the giant black velvet chair.

  I take my camera off the dock. “Want me to shoot you?”

  “No!” she screeches and stands.

  “Okay.” I hold the camera pointing toward the floor.

  “Are they all that pretty? I mean, now that I’m your fiancée, I feel like I need to keep better tabs on you.” Evan laughs, but it’s hollow.

  There’s a part of our arrangement that Blanca brought up the other night that we haven’t even discussed. Neither one of us can date while we’re fake engaged. Which means, no sex.

  “Are you going to put a tracker device on me?” I slide my wheeled chair closer to her.

  “No. You’re not really mine. You can do what you want.” She looks at her fingers, entwining them in her lap.

  “I’m not going to do anything though.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Please. You can continue to live your life as long as no one finds out.”

  Seeing her so unsure of herself makes my chest tight. I scoot the chair across the floor until I’m directly in front of her. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  Maybe it’s a habit of being in this room and wanting every woman here to have the feeling of being wanted and desired. Or maybe it’s just that the woman in front of me is so damn perfect, and she has no idea.

  “Oh my God, stop. I am not having this conversation with you.” She moves to stand, but I lightly grasp her wrist.

  “Tell me Floyd knew what he had?” The voice in my head is telling me to abort this mission, but I can’t.

  “Seth. We’re pretend, remember?” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

  I shake my head. “I might be pretending that I’m your fiancé, but I’m not pretending to notice how hot you are.”

  With her foot, she pushes the edge of my chair so I slide across the room. When I stop, I lift the camera and snap a picture of her. Her blush jumps off the tiny screen on the camera, and her shy and embarrassed look is sexy as hell.

  “Evan Erickson, one day you’re gonna be under me naked in a sheet.”

  Her eyes widen. “What?”

  “I’m going to photograph you,” I say.

  She swallows and nods. “Oh yeah, of course. Photograph.” She stands. “I better get home.”

  Is it just wishful thinking or did she really not object when she thought she’d be naked underneath me in a different context? I don’t know whether to hope I’m right or not. Is it possible that Evan doesn’t want to go back to being enemies after this is over? What would that even mean?

  Chapter Nineteen


  * * *

  I offered to pick up my parents to take them to the Ericksons’ for dinner, because I figured my dad would either refuse to go or drag his feet. So I was surprised when my mom said they’d see me over there.

  Could my parents be over the feud and want to move on? Doubtful.

  Me: I’m on my way. How’s your parents’ mood?

  Juliet: They’re playing music in the kitchen while they finish up dinner. My dad is actually smiling.

  Me: I’m worried.

  Juliet: Yeah, it’s creepy. Come and get me before they force me to join a cult.

  Me: Don’t worry, I’ll never let them take you away from me.

  Juliet: Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Oh Romeo, wherefore art thou?

  I laugh as I head to my car, surprised that she came up with that without knowing what I named her in my phone. I only programmed her number under that name as a reminder that she’s off-limits—like Juliet was to Romeo. When they ignored that fact, they both ended up dead. It’s a perfect reminder that I need to keep my hands off of Evan. No matter how much I replay our kiss in my mind and what it would feel like to do it again and again and again.

  Me: Lock yourself in your room and fight them off. I’m on my way.

  My last message goes unanswered and I start my car to head over to the Ericksons’ house. On the short ride over, I run over in my head why my parents would willingly go over there without me having to put them in straitjackets and drag them. Why are they so eager?

  Then my mind wanders to Evan and how even though we’ve only been in this charade for a short time, I feel as if I can hardly remember a time when she wasn’t in my life. It’s as though the twenty years apart doesn’t even exist anymore. All the memories of us together keep replaying in my head, refreshed as if I stored them in a “never forget these” box in my brain.

  Pulling up to the curb of the Ericksons’, I see that my parents’ car is parked right in front and they’re not in it. They must have gone inside without me. What the hell is going on?

  I told my parents that Mr. Erickson insisted I propose to Evan in front of everyone tonight and not to tell Evan’s parents that I’d already proposed. My mom felt as though she was keeping secrets, but my dad said he didn’t give a shit and the whole thing is ridiculous.

  I climb out of my car, and Evan walks out of her apartment above the garage as I walk up the driveway. Her curly hair is down and styled, along with a fresh face of makeup and a dress. Damn, I’m wearing slacks and a button-down, but maybe I should’ve worn a suit.

  She jogs to meet me and presses her body to mine, her arms wrapping tight around my neck. “Seth,” she coos.

  I hold her, unsure where this affection is coming from.

  She whispers in my ear, “Our dads are in the backyard. I’m going to slide the ring inside your front pocket, so act like you wish you could sweep me upstairs and make love to me instead of having dinner with all of them.”

  Finally something I don’t have to lie about. So I kiss her neck, and her one hand slides down my side, then I feel a tug on my pocket.

  “We’re all good,” she says.

  “Son, you don’t kiss your girlfriend on the lips when you see her?” my dad yells from the backyard where he’s standing next to Mr. Erickson. My dad has a beer in hand but I notice that Mr. Erickson doesn’t.

  “They’re cordial,” I say in a low voice to Evan.

  “More than cordial, they’re actually talking,” she says.

  “Don’t be shy, Seth, kiss her,” my dad says.

  I place my hands on Evan’s face. “Ready?”

  She nods and I place my lips on hers, not adding my tongue into the mix.

  “Sad, son, just sad,” my dad says, shaking his head.

  I step back and release Evan. “Well, I don’t li
ke PDA.”

  “Come on,” Evan says and leads me to the kitchen, where our moms are talking over cutting vegetables.

  My mom beams at me, and for the first time in I don’t know how long, nothing about it looks forced.

  “Hey, Mom.” I kiss her cheek.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Say hello to Mrs. Erickson.”

  Evan’s mom wipes her hand on her apron. “Please, call me Jenny. We’re all adults now.”

  Her arms open wide and I glance at Evan, who shakes her head like she doesn’t know what’s going on either. It’s like nothing happened and if they’d remained friends, this is exactly where they would’ve ended up.

  “Where are Eli and Elsie?” Evan asks, stealing a cucumber from the salad.

  “Oh, Elsie took Eli to Los Tacos and for some ice cream. It’s just the six of us tonight.” Mrs. Erickson glances over her shoulder at my mom with a grin that isn’t even close to sly. “Why don’t you two set the table?”

  I move to follow Evan into the dining room.

  “Hey, Seth,” my mom calls. “Have you heard from the Food Channel yet? I haven’t and wondered if they reached out to you?”

  My gaze goes to Mrs. Erickson, but she’s not where she was a second ago. Where the hell did she go? “Nothing yet.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t miss a call or anything? I was at the grocery store today and saw Lucy from Porterhouse. She was upset because they weren’t chosen.”

  I shrug. “Maybe they’re waiting to notify the winners.” Please accept my answer. Please let this go until I’m ready to tell you what I signed off on.


  Mrs. Erickson walks back into the kitchen from the garage with a roll of paper towels. She smiles sweetly at me.


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