Nate and Skye: A Fortis Wedding Novella

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Nate and Skye: A Fortis Wedding Novella Page 1

by Wade, Maddie

  Nate and Skye

  A Fortis Wedding Novella

  Maddie Wade

  Nate and Skye: A Fortis Wedding Novella

  Maddie Wade

  Published by Maddie Wade

  Copyright © November 2018 Maddie Wade

  Cover: Envy Creative Designs

  Editing: Black Opal Editing

  Formatting: Black Opal Editing

  This is a work of fiction. Names characters places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as fact. Any resemblance to actual events organizations or persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive non-transferable right to access and read the text of this eBook onscreen. Except for use in reviews promotional posts or similar uses no part of this text may be reproduced transmitted downloaded decompiled reverse-engineered or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system in any form or by any means whether electronic or mechanical now known or hereafter invented without the express written permission of the author.

  First edition November © 2018 Maddie Wade


  Thank you to Linda and Black Opal Editing. You have become so much more than my editor. Your friendship and honesty mean so much and helps me to be able to put out the best book I can.

  Huge thanks you to my beta readers, Greta, Deanna, Shelene and Tracey for helping me give Nate and Skye the happy ever after they deserve.

  To Charlene at Envy Designs, thank you for the gorgeous cover.

  To the readers and reviewers and bloggers thank you for your support. I hope this book is a satisfying conclusion. The reviews you leave are all welcome and so appreciated, I read every single one with a smile on my face.

  My readers, you are why I do this. Your thirst for what I write keeps me typing and working to put out the stories you want to read. Your love for the characters keeps me pushing through when times get tough.

  This book is dedicated to all the romantics that still believe in a happy ever after.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Sneak Peek: Digital Desire Fortis Book 8

  Books by Maddie Wade

  Contact Me

  From this day forward, you shall not walk alone.

  My heart will be your shelter, and my arms will be your home.


  Chapter 1

  “What do you think?” Skye asked as she looked up into the face of the man she loved, her own excitement evident on her face.

  He looked at her with a quirk of his lips. “I love it, but honestly if you love it then that’s all that matters to me,” he responded as he tucked her into his side.

  Skye went up on tiptoe and kissed him lightly knowing that if she kissed him properly, they would never get as far as buying wedding rings later. Pulling back, she looked at her son Noah.

  Noah was not Nate’s biologically but in every other way that mattered they were father and son. Nate played ball with him, did homework with him, taught him what it was to be a man, he even stayed with him when he got sick. They were the perfect example of what a father and son should be, and blood and DNA had nothing to do with it.

  “What do you think champ?” she asked as she ruffled his hair.

  Noah looked up at them and Skye saw the hint of his biological father in his eyes. Hugo had not been a good man, far from it, he had been a bastard from day one, but he’d also paid the ultimate price for it. She couldn’t hate him, he had left her with the biggest gift in Noah and selfish as it seemed, his death meant no more threat for Noah.

  “I like it and there’s plenty of room for a bouncy castle.”

  Skye looked at her son with a smile “It’s a wedding, Noah, not a kids party,” she gently reminded him.

  “A small one won’t hurt though will it?” Nate asked.

  Skye tried to remain firm as she looked at the two men she loved more than life. “Hey, this is my wedding day and I’m only having one, so I want it to be perfect.”

  “Damn right it’s the only one you’re getting,” Nate said as he swooped her back and kissed her soundly.

  She pushed him off with a giggle, but she loved how he was always touching her or kissing her. She never doubted how much he loved her—ever.

  “So, this is it, the venue for our wedding,” she said as she looked around the beautiful room, filled with round tables with pristine white tablecloths. She could just imagine it filled with twinkly white lights, pink and ivory rose centrepieces, and the silver pine cones she and Lauren had spent ages collecting and spraying silver.

  “I can’t believe it’s really happening,” she said as she squeezed his arm.

  “Believe it, baby, because it is happening in four days.”

  “How about we grab some lunch before we drop Noah with Dane and Lauren?”

  “Yes.” Noah thrust his arm in the air. “Can we get Beefy Boy’s?”

  Skye laughed at her son’s enthusiasm but honestly, she couldn’t say no. He had been through so much in his short life and he deserved a treat.

  “Of course we can, but maybe I can get something less calorific, I have a dress to get into.”

  Nate slid his hand around her midriff, his thumb brushing the underside of her breast as he spun her around, causing her to catch her breath at the slight touch. His touch always had the same effect on her and she loved it. Even now he only had to walk into a room and she felt her heart rate pick up.

  “You will do no such thing, you’re damn perfect as you are,” he growled.

  Skye rolled her eyes at his response. “You have to say that, you love me.” She squeaked at the sharp slap on her ass.

  “I say it because I mean it and it’s true. I love your curves, not a second goes by that I don’t want to be touching these curves,” he said as he palmed her ass, before following the curve of her waist up to her breasts. She sucked in a breath as she glanced around to see Noah completely pre-occupied with the piano at the other end of the room. “Feel what you do to me, Skye,” he said hauling her against the hard shaft of his cock.

  Skye felt her body respond as the languid assault on her senses continued as he kissed her neck. “Okay a burger it is,” she answered as she let him kiss her neck.

  “Good girl,” he said as he pulled away and looked at her through eyes almost black with desire.

  “How about we get that burger and the rings and then while Noah’s at Dane and Lauren’s you can show me all the other reasons you love my curves?” she asked with a cheeky smile.

  She heard the growl that rumbled up his chest. “Noah, let’s get going buddy,” he called. “I have an afternoon of making love to my fiancée planned,” he whispered just for her ears.

  Skye smiled with complete contentment. Life was perfect.

  * * *

  As they settled in the booth at Beefy Boys, Nate cast his eye around the room, evaluating everyone for potential threats. Finding none, he picked up the menu and looked at it but not really seeing it though. He was too busy thinking about what he wanted to do to Skye when they got home later.

  They had moved back to his home after Will had upgraded all his home security. He and Skye had wanted Noah to have a more normal, stable
home and while he loved the Cunningham Estate, it didn’t offer the privacy they craved. Plus, he wanted to start his marriage to Skye in their own home.

  “Nate, are you listening?” Skye said sharply as if she had said it a few times already.

  “Sorry, what?” He looked up at her as she and Noah looked amusedly at each other. Damn he shouldn’t be zoning out like that but, God, she had got him so hot under the collar and other places.

  “I asked if you had picked up the suits yet?”

  “Oh uh, no not yet. I have my best man doing that.” He smirked knowing Dane was going to kick his ass for this.

  “What about your sister? What time is she getting in?”

  “They get in tomorrow around lunchtime. I’ll collect them and then go pick up your friend Lacey from the airport.”

  “Okay good. My parents get in the day before the wedding thank goodness. The less we see them the better. My father is already going to have an apoplexy when he finds out Uncle Reg is giving me away.”

  Nate reached out and grasped her hand in his. “Relax, it will all be fine,” he said rubbing her wrist with his thumb. “Is the cake done?” he asked leading her onto a subject she could control. He saw her smile and visibly relax as she talked about the cake and how it was her best yet.

  God, he loved her so much. Never could he have imagined his life being so perfect, but Skye and Noah had given him something he could never have imagined. He loved Noah like his own and even if they were lucky enough to have biological children one day, he couldn’t imagine loving them more. Noah was his first son and that would always be the case. He watched as Skye talked to Noah about the menu options and felt a completeness fall over him. He could not wait to make her his wife. He had always believed in true love but had never quite known the extent until he’d met Skye and fallen head over heels.

  God help anyone that gets in the way of this wedding.

  Chapter 2

  “I swear to Christ, Drew, if you’ve got me a stripper. I’m going to kick your ass!” Nate exclaimed as they walked into Saxty’s bar.

  He hadn’t really wanted a stag do but the others had insisted, stating that Kanan and Zack had already done them out of one and they were not doing him out of this one. He had agreed when Skye had encouraged it and said she was having her hen night the same night.

  He’d had a busy day between collecting Lacey from the airport and chasing a lead on Chopper that pointed towards the Columbian jungle and one of the larger drug cartels there. Chopper had gone silent since September and the helo attack, where Dr Margo had been killed.

  It was still crazy to him that some of the team had these mad abilities that allowed them to do things that were unimaginable. It was so good to see Daniel happy again though, the man had suffered so much since the death of his first wife Claire. Nate had known her from school and he knew she would be happy he had found someone he loved as he did Megan.

  Unfortunately, Will seemed to have picked up the pissed-off and angry baton and was running with it. He couldn’t remember seeing Will in the gym so often and it was really showing. He had bulked up by a good fifteen pounds of muscle. Nate had a feeling it had something to do with a certain Detective that had blown him off.

  “I haven’t got you a stripper,” Drew grumbled and then smirked. “Well not a conventional one.” He waggled his eyebrows as they all got their drinks and walked to a nearby table. He was so pleased to see all his friends here. He wished his oldest friend Tiny was still alive to see this, but he would have a pint for him.

  “So, what do you mean not a conventional stripper?” asked Alex Martinez the Eidolon operator and Ex-Delta Force man.

  “Yeah that was my question,” Jace said.

  Drew lifted his pint and took a sip of the pale ale he loved. Drew sat back and grinned at the men. “I can’t say but you will all find out.”

  “I mean it, Drew. I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m used to being threatened by you lot,” said the youngest Fortis man who was already attracting the attention of the young women giggling in the corner. Drew had matured a lot in the last two years. Gone was the uncertain, untrained young man who did not know where he fitted in and in his place was a trained operative who was a whiz with computers and martial arts. The only thing Drew lacked was operational experience and he was picking that up in droves. Especially after helping Emme and Shane out earlier this year with the serial killer case.

  “Ah, poor baby.” K chuckled as he grabbed Drew in a headlock and dragged his knuckles over his head good-naturedly.

  “Get off,” Drew responded as he punched the older man in the shoulder.

  “So how does it feel to be two days away from the ball and chain?” asked his friend Stoner, who sat beside Ice. The two had been in the parachute regiment together and Stoner and Ice now ran a corporate team building company that put salesmen and bankers through their paces in an attempt at building the team ethic and bond that you got in the service.

  “It feels amazing. I can’t fucking wait,” he replied with a grin.

  “Amen,” Zack and K said together, as the other two married men of the team. Groans from Stoner and Ice made him laugh.

  “Seriously, one woman for the rest of your life?”

  “Not everyone is a man whore,” Nate said with an amused smile “and how the fuck you two will ever settle down when you only ever share a woman I don’t know.”

  Stoner and Ice had begun sharing women when they were in the para’s and now it was very rare to see them with a woman each. He personally didn’t get it, but he was a selfish bastard and the thought of another man touching Skye made him want to puke.

  “Don’t knock it until you try it man,” Ice winked.

  “Wait! What? You share women?” Drew asked with a look of interest on his face.

  “Yeah, it’s amazing, you should try it,” Stoner replied with a wink.

  “Do not be filling his head with ideas like that. My fiancée will kill me,” Dane said. He was engaged to Drew’s sister, Lauren.

  “He’s a big boy,” Jace said as he slapped Dane on the shoulder.

  Drew started talking to Ice and Stoner about their exploits.

  Nate turned his attention to Dane and Jace as he finished his pint. “So, have you guys set a date for your weddings yet?”

  Jace groaned and Dane chuckled. “Lucy is like a woman possessed trying to find the perfect venue. She wants a beach wedding and I think she has convinced Lauren that she and Dane should make it a double wedding. Which is fine with me,” he said holding his hands up.

  “So, when is it?” Liam asked as he joined them and placed his pint on the table.

  “This coming summer but not sure exactly yet. We’re leaving it to the ladies to decide that as it depends on a few things like when everyone stops popping out babies.”

  “Hey, don’t knock it because I have superior sperm,” Daniel replied with a huge grin.

  He and Zack fist bumped smugly, and Nate prayed that one day he and Skye would have that joy.

  “What about you, Jack? Any woman on the horizon?” Jace asked his cousin and leader of the Eidolon group.

  Jack looked up and frowned before shaking his head. “Not me, I’m happy for all of you but marriage and kids aren’t for me. I had my lucky escape and I won’t be risking it again. All I need is my job and a willing woman every now and then and I’m happy.”

  “Yeah right, and control of every person in your vicinity,” Will sniped angrily. It was so unlike Will to be that way that everyone went silent for a beat before Jack responded.

  “Don’t fucking sulk just because you didn’t get your own way. We aren’t fighting over mum’s last Yorkshire pudding now, Will.”

  “No, we’re talking about you using the tech and facilities available to you to help me, your brother, out,” he snapped back.

  “No, you want me to use funds that aren’t mine to find a woman you fucked or want to fuck just because she won’t answer y
our calls.”

  Will stood up suddenly and looked at Jack angrily as his older brother took a sip of his pint. “Just remember I didn’t want it this way,” he growled before he shoved his way past Alex who was coming back from the bar with a round of drinks almost making the man spill the lot.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Zack asked as he took the tray from Alex.

  Jack shook his head. “He wants me to use the Eidolon resources to find this Detective he likes, and I said no. He hasn’t taken it very well.”

  “I personally don’t see the problem with it myself but you’re the boss,” Alex said as he downed his shot of whisky and passed one to Nate.

  “Come on, mate, things are too buttoned-up in here, this is a stag not a fucking wake. Get that down you.”

  Nate took the whisky and knocked it back. The burn felt good as it went down and settled warmly in his belly. He liked Alex, the man was fun, and an excellent operative and a damn fine cook. It was always good going on missions with Alex as they didn’t have to survive on cheese toasties and soup for weeks. He wondered why he had never settled down. There was a story there he was sure, but he wouldn’t ask, and he doubted Alex would share.

  A commotion at the front of the bar had his head turning. He groaned when he saw the drag queen sashing towards their table as men and women looked on in interest. A few even whistled as the sexily dressed man played up to it. Nate turned to Drew who was laughing as he filmed Nate with his phone.


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