Neon Blood (Neon Helix Universe Book 3)

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Neon Blood (Neon Helix Universe Book 3) Page 26

by Nik Whittaker

  “That’s good. It means you can do it, just try to imagine the world at a pace you can follow. Use your focus to will it to slow down, and your mind will follow.”

  Ally focused on the blur of lights around her, trying to see them again, to force them into a slower pace. At first, nothing seemed to work, then, slowly, they began to reduce in speed, and they began to form into single lights once more.

  “It’s working,” she whispered.

  “Perfect, now you need to disrupt the signal going to the explosives,” Quartzig said.

  “How can I do that? I don’t even know what I’m looking at!”

  “You can navigate through the network by choosing where you want to be. That’s how you travel. Think about your destination, and the rest will happen automatically. The highways work using destinations to determine your route.”

  As he said the words, Ally thought about the explosives and the detonators. A shift occurred as her direction changed. It felt as though she was travelling along a water chute that weaved and turned, threaded with thousands of branches splitting in different directions, but the water was controlling her path. Her journey ended as she was faced with the end of the route. A giant monolith acted as a blockade to the track.

  “I think I see it,” she said.

  “The signal will be coming soon. Only a certain code will activate it, any other signals will be blocked.”

  Ally understood, the data she had arrived with wasn’t the right signal, which is why it had stopped. Looking around, she saw the long path leading away from the monolith. In the distance, a red light was glowing and becoming more prominent.

  “I think I see the signal!” she shouted, the movement speeding up as she felt panic rising inside once again.

  “Stay focused Ally, you need time to disrupt the pathway before it arrives,” Quartzig explained.

  “What do I do!?” Ally shouted the light almost upon her.

  “Block the path, force the signal back the other way!”

  Ally moved forwards into the signal's path, willing herself to stop the light as it arrived. The red illumination engulfed her, and she could feel its energy flowing through her as it pushed back, trying to continue its journey. The pressure continued to build up around her, her mind feeling like it was on fire. Her vision began to cloud, the strain on her mind oppressive as she tried to hold on. Then, a peace surrounded her, the pressure seemed to fade, and her vision began to return.

  “I think I did it,” she sighed, breathing heavy, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, she was kneeling inside the pod, blood dripping on her ground from her nose.

  “Well?” Peter said.

  “I…I think it’s done,” Ally replied, laying back on the metal floor.

  “Is she back?” Quartzig said through the comms.

  “Yeah, I’m back, thank you for the assist, but how did you do that? The voices seemed to grind to a halt,” Ally asked.

  “I can speak at a heightened speed, at a pace you would understand whilst inside,” Quartzig explained.

  “Well, thank you, Q. I don’t think I could have done it without you,” Ally said.

  “So we’re safe from the explosives?” Peter asked.

  “I believe so,” Quartzig replied. “However, you should probably get out of the pod quickly. The bridge has still suffered some damage. The structure around the pod should be stable enough to climb across,” Quartzig replied.

  They began to make their way slowly out of the pod, climbing across the metal railings of the bridge.

  Chapter Sixty-Three


  By carefully climbing across the pod’s tracks, they avoided being seen by the prisoners on the bridge, though since the initial explosions, the prisoners had become more about crossing. Many of them had retreated back to the Blackwater in anticipation of the bridge collapsing and only just starting to dare move back across again.

  From what Xander could tell, the prisoners had used the time to retrieve more firearms and body armour from the prison guardhouses. Looking more like an armed force, they were setting up a line to stand-off against the MPD, who were forming at the mainland side of the bridge. Having seen the sheer population of the prison and looking at the gathered MPD force, Xander felt his stomach drop, the numbers were not in the city’s favour.

  “Hold it!” shouted a soldier as they reached the end of the tracks and arrived at the pod’s docking station. A small group of soldiers held rifles at them.

  “We’re on your side, dammit!” Xander called out. He was getting tired of having guns pointed at him.

  “Prisoners of Blackwater, you are ordered to turn back, or we will open fire!” the guard shouted in reply.

  “Quartzig, any help?” Ally asked on her comms.

  “One moment,” came the reply.

  “Listen, kid, it’s been a long day, and from what I can see, it’s not about to end anytime soon. So, how about you stop pointing that damn thing in my face and let us past,” Xander spoke through gritted teeth.

  The soldier swallowed, trying to keep his nerves down, as Xander held his gaze. Footsteps indicated the arrival of a man who had the look of someone in charge. He surveyed the group up and down before nodding to the soldiers to lower their weapons.

  “Schwartz tells me you’re on the right side in this shitshow?

  The group exchanged puzzled glances before Quartzig chimed in on the comms. “He means me, don’t ask.”

  “Correct, we got trapped over on the island, tried to get away before the breakout,” Xander stepped forward and put his hand out, “I’m Alexander Draven.”

  The man took his hand and nodded, “I’ve heard of you, used to be one of MPD’s top dogs,” the man paused before continuing, “I’m Captain William Irving, the sucker in charge of…whatever this is. What can you tell me? The bridge should have blown by now, but the signal stopped halfway through. We figure it’s an issue with old wiring.”

  “Yeah, must be,” Ally chirped in almost too quickly.

  Peter, who had remained silent up until this point, stepped forward.

  “The prison has several well-stocked armouries which will, by now, have been looted by the honestly staggering prison population. I would be very wary of trying to take them on with brute force.”

  “I’m sorry, you are?” Captain Irving raised an eyebrow.

  “Reilly Sinclair,” Peter replied without hesitation.

  Ally turned to him at the sound of her surname. A feeling caught inside her throat. She knew they weren’t technically brothers, but he and Prime were the closest thing she had to family.

  “I see,” Irving eyed him. “Well, right now, we don’t have a whole lot of options. We’re not receiving any orders from headquarters after we reported the bridge detonation failed. In fact, we’ve had no communication at all. So for now, we’re just sitting pretty and making sure no prisoners come across.”

  “What about the civilians?” Ally asked.

  “Nothing we can do. The prisoners have them on their side. If we started trying to let them across, the prisoners would just try and mix in with them. Safest place for them is over on the other side as long as the prisoners see them as a bargaining chip.”

  “Where are your orders coming from?” Xander asked.

  “Last direct line we had was from the MPD precinct on twenty-eighth, but like I said, it’s been radio silent. We’re beginning to think somethings happened there, but I can’t spare anyone to go check, we’re already short due to half the force being possessed or whatever the hell happened to them.”

  “Alright then, I’ll head over there and see what’s going on. You need to keep as many people here as possible to defend the bridge,” Xander said.

  “Appreciate it,” Irving nodded. “Any news, let me know.”

  “Will do,” Xander shook the man’s hand again, and they moved past the line and onto the mainland.

  “What about Persephone?” Ally asked once they were out of Irving’s e

  “You and Peter go, I don’t completely trust him, but it seems he wants the same thing we do right now, and if anyone can keep him under control, it's you. If we don’t get this bridge situation sorted soon, it won’t matter if we stop her or not; thousands of criminals will be in the city.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Quartzig said, nodding at Xander. “I left Salem and Bella heading into the Nucleus, I’d like to know they are okay, and if there’s any trouble, you’ll need back up.”

  “I won’t say no to that,” Xander smiled.

  “Are we ready? We really should get moving as fast as possible,” Peter said, looking at Ally.

  “I think so,” she turned to the others. “Be careful!”

  “You too, if we can deal with this, we’ll try and regroup on your position,” Xander replied. “C’mon Quartz.”

  Xander and Quartzig moved down the street quickly; the debris of the riots still cluttering the road.

  “This was done by the prisoners?” Xander said, looking around, he’d seen the fires and blackouts from the island, but seeing it close up, it seemed worse.

  “Yes, they controlled thousands of the population and caused chaos on their way to the bridge. It’s going to take months to repair the damage,” Quartzig estimated.

  “And that’s only if we find a way to stop it from getting worse,” Xander replied solemnly, as they made their way to the MPD precinct.

  Chapter Sixty-Four


  Vladamir had been true to his word. Mollie could feel the increase in her powers, feeling stronger than she had for a long time.

  She knew the power came with a price though, the more she used them, the more the bloodlust would need to be quenched. Knowing that the blood was synthetic, developed by CyBio, the bloodlust was beginning to make more sense. Using the powers would put a strain on blood that flowed through her body, using it up like a battery that needed to be replenished. The fastest way to do that was to consume blood, and the symbiotic nature of the blood created cravings to ensure its survival. She shuddered at the thought.

  The Krovoz were still in the opticians, discussing their options. Three of the Bloodhounds lingered at Vladamir’s side, and the other three had been sent out into the city to gain intel on the current situation as well as adding more recruits to the growing Krovoz brotherhood from the injured and dying civilians left in the wake of the riots.

  “You seem uneasy,” Gregor said to Mollie. Gregor was one of the Bloodhounds, a tall, muscular man almost twice her size, a long, thick beard covered his face, hiding his augmented jaw from view.

  “This isn’t how I saw my day going,” Mollie sighed as she looked up at him. She had known Gregor from her time as part of the gang, back when she was partnered with JJ.

  “The world moves in mysterious ways, but I am glad to have you back in the fold,” he smiled, or at least his beard twitched in a way Mollie assumed was a smile.

  “I just, I thought I was away from all this. I had a life on the Boulevard, my own life,” she replied.

  “Have you seen the Boulevard this evening? I fear there is no going back to any life you had before. That is why Vladamir is trying to create some order. Even if the Blackwater prisoners are stopped, the damage and terror that has occurred will have a long-lasting effect,” Gregor placed his giant hand on Mollie’s shoulder. “This is a good place to be, with a family who will protect one another.”

  Mollie smiled at him, she appreciated the words, but all she could think of was where the others were. She’d not heard anything from them since they had all split up, and the city didn’t seem to be getting any better.

  “We need to move,” Vladamir said suddenly, rising from the operating chair and jumping to his feet.

  “Where to, sire?” Issak, another of the Bloodhound, asked. Issak was almost skeletal, his pale skin tight against his bones with thin but solid muscles bundled like stones under his flesh.

  “The bridge to Blackwater, it appears the MPD have the prisoners in a stalemate, but the tide could soon turn. Perhaps we should lend our assistance.”

  “Work with the MPD?”

  “Yes, Issak, if we are seen as allies with the MPD, our control of the Underpass is more likely to have their official support. Giving us much more influence on the Boulevard as a whole,” Vladamir explained.

  “But I thought we were looking to take over the city, above and below!” Issak shouted.

  Vladamir darted across the room at a speed faster than any of the others could register. His hand was grasped around the throat of Issak.

  “Do not question me, Issak,” Vladamir whispered, his mouth close enough that his breath displaced the long bleached-white hair of Issak’s fringe.“You do not have the intelligence to understand the long term designs I have for this city,” he released his grip, the marks of his fingers still showing on the gasping Bloodhound’s throat. Vladamir turned to look at the other Krovoz, who had been watching in silence.

  “We will assist the MPD with their stalemate and gain their favour. This will allow us freedom and movement across the city without obstruction to recruit and increase our ranks. Ready for a takeover at a time of our choosing, rather than mopping up the scraps of another’s failed plans.” Vladamir explained, Mollie knew that despite his show of force, the others would also be doubting his intentions. His speech was to appease them. A round of approval came from the gathered Krovoz, but Vladamir’s eyes moved to Mollie’s, his eyes locked with hers. “Let’s move,” Vladamir shouted, continuing to hold eye contact.

  As they poured out into the streets, the three Bloodhounds who had been scouting the city joined them, along with a large group of newly sired recruits. Mollie looked around at the amassed group. Its numbers seemed to continue to increase as they walked along the Boulevard. Her chest felt tight as she realised that these newer members were originally civilians from the city that had been turned during the riots. Gregor, who had chosen to walk beside her, noticed the look on her face.

  “You realise that these people were mostly dying? Suffering from the wounds and pain inflicted during the attack. Your anger should not be towards Vladamir, he saved them from agony and death. Your rage should be focused on the prisoners. Those incarcerated on Blackwater were murderers, rapists and terrorists who take pleasure in their acts, that prison was created only for those who the city deemed unworthy of redemption.”

  Mollie nodded, she understood, but that didn’t stop her from feeling of sickness at the sight of so many people being drawn under Vladamir’s spell.

  As Blackwater bridge came into view, Mollie saw the amassed MPD forces that had set up camp at its entrance. On the bridge itself she could make out the outline of the gathered prisoners. They were camped about halfway across, presumably out of range of any weaponry the MPD had.

  “Halt!” A voice shouted over a loudspeaker. Vladamir held up a fist. In a split second, the entire Krovoz gathered stopped instantly. Mollie had felt the urge to stop come through her mind as Vladamir commanded them all through the blood. Holding up the fist was more for a show of power to the MPD. After a second, Vladamir took three precise steps forward, then paused, indicating himself as the group's leader.

  A man from the MPD walked forwards, despite protests from some of the soldiers around him. The man walked up to Vladamir until they were only two meters apart.

  “What in God’s name is this?” the man waved at the crowd of Krovoz.

  “Your back-up,” Vladamir replied, smiling.

  “Back-up? I don’t even know who the hell you are?”

  “My name is Vladamir, you may not know me, but I’m pretty big news in the Underpass,” Vladamir winked.

  The man’s face didn’t show any emotion; instead, he just looked behind Vladamir at the crowd then back at him.

  “Oh, you’re Vladamir. We know who you are, we keep our eye on the gang activities in the Underpass. Why are you here?”

  “As I said, we’re here as your back-
up. Do you think we want those criminals infiltrating the city any more than you do? May I ask, to whom am I speaking?”

  “Captain William Irving, and to be honest with the madness that’s been happening in the last few hours, I’m almost willing to accept your help. But how can I be sure you’re on our side? From what I’ve been hearing, your cronies have been causing chaos just as much as the prisoners!”

  Vladamir tilted his head slightly, a look of disappointment.

  “Please, my people have been trying to help. Saving the poor souls who were too wounded to save themselves.”

  A high-pitched hum began to fill the air, slowly getting louder.

  “What the…” Irving turned back. In the sky, a red glow was rising above the bridge like a firework.

  “I think the time for discussion is over Captain, let us join you in this fight and prevent the city from falling any further!”

  The red light reached the end of its arch and began to descend, its destination the front line of MPD forces at the end of the bridge.

  “Take cover!” Irving shouted,

  The red light arrived at the ground, the impact causing an explosion that was exacerbated by triggering several explosives from the MPDs stockpile. Immediately following the explosion, a loud chorus of shouts stemmed from the bridge as the prisoners began to charge.

  Irving turned glanced back to Vladamir, his expressions a mixture of fear, shock and anger. “You follow my orders and harm no civilians. Understood?”

  Vladamir smiled, bowing ever so slightly in agreement before looking back at his brotherhood and spoke to them through his mind.

  Defend our city, protect our own, and increase in our brotherhood.

  Chapter Sixty-Five


  Salem and Bella were about to open the maintenance hatch to the Nucleus when the flash of an explosion somewhere in the distance lit up the sky, followed by a deep rumble moments later. A surge of warm air drifted around them.


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