The Rocker Who Wants Me (The Rocker... Series)

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The Rocker Who Wants Me (The Rocker... Series) Page 19

by Terri Anne Browning

  “Dallas, baby, just listen…”

  “I get it, Ax. Really I do. She had you first and she will always have you. But I can’t live with being second. I won’t live like that. For a little while I thought maybe I could deal with it, but I was just lying to myself.” I swallowed hard, not wanting him to see that I was about to literally break into a million pieces at his feet. “This won’t ever work the way I want it to.”

  “You don’t know fucking shit!” he exploded and I found myself taking a quick step back at the rage shining at me from his eyes, not because I was scared he would hurt me, but because this was a side of Ax I’d never witnessed and it was more than a little intense. “Yes, I met her first, but it wasn’t her. It was never her.” He was yelling and each time I took a step back he took another forward, chasing after me. “She was just the chick I hid behind because I was too much of a pussy to go after what I thought I wanted back then. Trust me, sweetheart. It. Wasn’t. Fucking. Her. I thought I was in love with Emmie!” He kept coming and I felt my heart clench at his words. “I probably still would have been delusional about that, loving my best friend in the world from the shadows, while she lived her happy ever after with a man I love and respect.”

  I shook my head in denial. “You aren’t in love with Emmie.” I’d watched Axton and Emmie closely for the last month. I knew for sure that what those two had was more like a brother and sister kind of relationship than anything else. While there was no blood relation between the two of them, Ax and Emmie were closer than any siblings. Over the years I’d seen the same thing with Emmie and Jesse, Drake, and Shane. They made up a crazy family, but the love that they all shared was something I’d only shared with Harper, Linc and Lana.

  “Yeah. I know that. Now. It wasn’t so clear a few years ago. Not until you fell into my life and opened my eyes. I was in love with you from the moment I kissed your perfect lips, Dallas. But I was still an idiot back then. I thought that if I played it cool, like I always do, that I wouldn’t have to admit anything. Who wants to admit something that embarrassing? That I inked some toxic bitch’s name on my skin to hide from something that wasn’t even real? Because that was what happened.” He grabbed the leather bracelet off his wrist, the one I’d never questioned because it had kept that tattoo out of sight. “Last October I realized that this one stupid mistake was keeping me from you more than anything else. Some stupid ink was putting up more walls than I would ever hope to break down. So I got it taken off.”

  My eyes focused on his now bare wrist and all the air seemed to suddenly be trapped in my lungs. It was gone. Completely. There wasn’t even the slightest hint of what had once been there. My jealousy suddenly deflated and all I could do was stare. “Since…” I licked my lips. “Since October?”

  Some of his own anger was starting to evaporate. “Yeah, baby. Since October. The same time I got the Prince Albert for you.” He stepped closer, his hands going to my face to cup my jaw while his thumb rubbed over my cheeks. “I love you, Dallas. No one but you. I never, not for a minute, loved Gabriella. And you more than anyone know that while I love Em, I’m not in love with her.”

  I had to be dreaming. There was no other explanation for the words that I was hearing come out of his mouth. Words that I had been hoping to hear for so long now. His confession, on top of all the other things that had gone on that day were confusing me and I wasn’t sure why I didn’t open my mouth and tell him how I felt right then.

  When I didn’t speak, but stood there staring at him, Axton laughed a little forcefully. “Okay then. Good talk. I have to get going. I take the stage in like ten minutes.”

  Unable to find my voice, I simply nodded. My brain was trying to process everything that had just happened while my heart was yelling at me that I was an idiot and to tell him. Tell him. Tell. Him. I loved him. After another full minute of just staring at each other he nodded, kissed my lips quick and hard, and walked away.


  I stood there for five full minutes before my head caught up with everything. Axton’s words were on repeat in my brain and my heart was sobbing with happiness.

  I love you, Dallas.

  I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath before doing what I should have done when he walked away. I ran after him.

  The man I loved had just offered me the only thing I’d ever really wanted and I’d just stood there and watched him walk away… Without telling him I loved him back. Fuck, I was stupid, but at least I had a good excuse. Damn pregnancy brain had my head cloudy and making things take longer to compute than normal.

  Which was another thing I needed to tell Ax. We were pregnant. I’d been so disappointed when I’d first seen the pregnancy tests, and I would have walked away and not looked back because of the pain I’d felt at seeing the negative signs. I owed Linc a lot for making me stay a little longer to check the tests again. Five full minutes after taking the first three tests they had shown positive. And the two after that? Positive. And the three after that? All positive.

  I was pregnant, and hormonal. And so happy I was pretty sure that it was illegal in some countries.

  Of course I’d messed it up. I’d let any chance of holding onto my greatest happiness walk away without a word. My mother was right. I was stupid. But that only encouraged me to do what I’d always done.

  Prove that bitch wrong.

  It was completely dark by the time I reached the inside of the arena where the main stage was. Lights were on everywhere but as soon as I stepped inside the arena I knew I was going to have a hard time reaching the front of the crowd to talk to Axton. The stands were full, and the field was overflowing with every one of the hundred thousand plus fans. The band had already taken the stage and Axton was singing their first song of the night.

  All around me there were fans on their feet swaying to the music, singing along. There was a small clearing up closer to the stage, but I had learned quickly throughout this entire tour that that only meant one thing. Mosh pit. No way was my pregnant ass going close to a mosh pit. Fans were bouncing, pushing and shoving each other around. I wasn’t going to chance getting to the stage that way.

  At first I tried to push through the masses, but everyone was packed in tight. So I was left with only one other option. Swallowing a groan, I tapped on the shoulder of the man in front of me. He turned his head and I pointed upward. With a nod he lifted me easily and I got to experience crowd surfing for the first time ever.

  If I hadn’t been so scared that someone was going to drop me I would have actually enjoyed the experience. Hands of all colors and sizes kept me going on a wave and I was quickly pushed to the front of the crowd. Once I was there a bulky security guard lifted me off and I started to run toward the stage.

  The security guard’s hand on my wrist stopped me and I turned to glare at him. “I’m with the band.”

  He smirked at me. “That’s what they all say. Back of the crowd, sweetheart.”

  “Fuck you, dickhead.” I jerked my hand away and started climbing the stage. No way was I going to the back of the crowd when I’d just gotten to where I needed to be.

  I was nearly up on the side of the stage when his arms wrapped around my waist and started tugging me back. I kicked out at him from behind. “Let me go, asshole!” I screamed, which got the attention of the two roadies standing on the side of the stage.

  They quickly recognized me and one of them rushed over to help me while the other ran out on stage and grabbed Axton. He stopped singing immediately and turned his head, spotting me struggling with the guard, who was now winning the tug of war between him and the roadie who had come to help me.

  “What the fuck!” he roared into the mic, making everyone in the crowd stop what they were doing and turn their attention to me. “Let my girl go, you motherfucker.”

  It took the guard a moment to realize that Axton was talking to him. When he did he dropped his hold on my waist and I nearly fell. Strong arms wrapped around my middle and pulled me up onto t
he stage. I was breathing hard from the struggle and tried to catch my breath as I wrapped my arms around him tight.

  “Dallas, what are you doing?” Axton demanded, holding the mic away from him, but his voice still carried a little.

  “I forgot something earlier,” I told him, stepping back enough to see his face. He was sweating already from the heat of the spotlights on him, and his face was tense. Tense because I’d hurt him by not telling him I loved him earlier?

  “What?” he asked with a frown.

  “This,” I whispered as I kissed him hard right there in front of more than a hundred thousand people.

  Without hesitation his arms tightened around me and he kissed me back for a few seconds before pulling away. “Baby, I’m kind of in the middle of something here,” he murmured with a smile.

  “Sorry. Just one last thing and I’ll let you get back to work, okay?” He nodded and I grabbed his microphone. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest it was beating so fast, but I lifted the mic to my lips. “I love you.”

  The crowd hooted and snickered because it wasn’t the first time a fan had gotten on stage just to tell a rock star that she loved him, but I didn’t care about their reaction. My eyes were glued to Axton’s as my words seemed to wash over him and his entire body jerked.

  “W-what?” he whispered. “What did you say?”

  Tears blinded me, but I blinked them away. “I love you, Axton. I have for a long time. I… I was just waiting—hoping—for you to say the words first. I need you more than I can ever tell you, but I love you twice as much.”

  From behind Axton I glimpsed Emmie standing in the corner just off stage with Nik right behind her. I expected her to have a murderous look on her face because I had interrupted the show, but she had a beaming smile on her face. Catching my eye she gave me an encouraging nod then winked. I grinned back, more confident for having gotten Emmie’s approval.

  On stage the other members of OtherWorld just stood there, gaping at us. I ignored them all, as I took half a step closer to Axton. “I’m sorry I interrupted your concert. I know that you were really looking forward to it. But I had to tell you… I couldn’t let you go a minute longer without telling you how much I love you. I will always love you.”

  His throat worked as he tried to swallow. “Dallas… Fuck…” He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against mine. “I love you so damn much, girl. So damn much it hurts. And earlier I was scared…” He swallowed hard again. “I was so fucking scared you were going to walk away.”

  I sighed. “I’m a bitch sometimes. But didn’t you say that you enjoyed that about me?” I tried to tease.

  He tried to smile, but the tears shining in his eyes brought more to my own eyes. “Yeah, I remember saying that. Don’t pull that shit again, though. Okay?”

  “I’ll try my best, rock god. Now kiss me and get back to work.”

  Axton shook his head. “Not yet. There’s something I need to do first.” I raised a brow at him as he pulled away and stuck his hand in the front pocket of his jeans before dropping to both his knees.

  My heart lifted to my throat and my mouth opened and closed like a fish as I stared down at him as if he had lost his mind. Because he had, right? What the hell was he doing on his knees?

  He took the mic from my nerveless fingers and with that grin that never failed to melt my panties he held up a ring that rocked my world. Where the hell had he gotten a diamond that big while I wasn’t paying attention? It was perfect. A princess cut pink diamond on a platinum band with smaller pink diamonds surrounding it. I was such a pushover for pink diamonds.

  “Dallas Diana Bradshaw, will you marry me?”

  The crowd had gotten so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop right then. I was speechless as I glanced from the ring to Axton’s hazel eyes. This was real, right? I wasn’t dreaming it like I’d suspected earlier when he had first told me he loved me? Right?

  Ah, fuck. I didn’t care if it was a dream or reality. I was taking it either way. “Yes. Yes. YES!” I screamed so loudly that the entire arena could hear me without the aid of the microphone.

  Around us everyone cheered but I was deaf to it all as Axton put that perfect freaking ring on my finger and jumped to his feet to kiss me breathless. I clung to him, sucking his pierced bottom lip hard. I’d just said yes to Axton Cage. I was going to marry him…

  And we were gonna have a baby.

  Oh shit. I still needed to tell him. Putting my hands on his chest I pushed him back a little. “Um… There’s something I gotta tell you.” His eyes darkened and I knew he was probably thinking the worst. That I had just been screwing with him and that I wasn’t really going to marry him. Fat chance. I’d marry him right then and there if Emmie could supply a minister and a marriage license—something I didn’t doubt she could do even on a minute’s notice.

  Nerves took over again, though. Kids were not something we had ever talked about, although I had seen the way he was with Mia. He was going to make a great dad, but did he want to be one?

  “Just spit it out, Dallas. You’re fucking killing me here,” he said with a laugh that was hoarse with emotion.

  Grabbing hold of my courage, I leaned forward and whispered it into his ear. “I’m pregnant.”

  His immediate reaction scared me. I couldn’t see his face with my lips so close to his ear, but his body stiffened up and I heard him suck in a deep breath. Biting my lip I pulled back just enough to meet his eyes. “You can’t fucking tell me shit like that and expect me not to make love to you right here and now, Dallas,” he said in a tight voice, but there was a grin on his face. “You’re about to kill me with happiness here, baby, and I still have a show to do.”

  Giggling with pure happiness I wrapped my arms around his neck again. “Sorry, babe. I’ll try harder.”

  He smacked his hand across my ass. “I love you, woman.” A quick, hard kiss that made my toes curl and then he was stepping back. “Go stand with Em, while I try to finish this thing. We will talk as soon as I’m done.”

  Blowing him a kiss, I walked off stage and right into Emmie Armstrong’s arms. She was practically dancing with excitement. “Oh my gods! That was the sweetest thing ever.” She kissed my cheek. “Welcome to our fucked up family, Dallas.”

  Nik kissed my cheek. “What she said,” he assured me with a grin.

  When the music started up again I turned to watch my rock god do what he did best, and smiled the entire time.


  My heart was about to jump out of my chest.

  Somehow I kept my shit together long enough to close the show. By the reaction of the fans I must have done a good job because they were screaming for more. I could have sung the songs in my sleep I knew them so well, and I had my stage act down pat, so I wasn’t really worried as I did the show I’d been looking forward to all year on autopilot. But I couldn’t handle another minute without touching, kissing, holding my girl.

  I barely gave anyone else a glance as I ran off stage and grabbed Dallas. Lifting her into my arms I carried her down the stairs and around the stage toward the exit. I didn’t feel an ounce of her weight in my arms as I walked out of the arena, past the almost deserted merchandise stands and tents and out of the gates. Taxies were lined up along the side gate and I opened the back door of the first one I came to before placing her inside. When I was seated beside her I pulled her onto my lap and told the driver to take us to the Sheraton.

  It took exactly ten minutes to get there, and I kept my lips on some part of Dallas at all times. When the driver pulled to a stop, a valet opened the door for us and I tossed a hundred dollar bill at the driver before getting out and reaching for my girl. I’d arranged for a hotel room earlier in the day because Dallas hadn’t been feeling well and I wanted her to have a real bed and bathroom to herself tonight. Now we were going to put it to better use than I had originally planned.

  The guy at the front desk kept giving Dallas a smile as I checked in a
nd he handed over our keys. I just barely kept my possessive growl locked inside. Fucker needed to keep his damn eyes to himself or I was going to beat them out of his head. With a curt nod I picked Dallas up again and carried her to the elevators. When the doors were closed behind us and the elevator started moving upward to our floor, Dallas giggled. “You don’t have to carry me everywhere, you know. I’m pregnant, not crippled.”

  “Shut up and let me enjoy this, woman.” I kissed the tip of her nose.

  She pursed her lips together, trying her best to fight a grin as the elevator rose. When the doors opened again I stepped out and carried her down the hall to our room. She put the keycard in to unlock the door and I opened it before kicking it shut behind us. The king size bed was welcoming and I placed her carefully in the center before kicking off my boots and falling down next to her.

  Now that we were completely alone, I couldn’t find the words to tell her what was going through my head. As if sensing it, Dallas cupped my cheek in one hand and traced her thumb over my lips. “I love you so much, Ax.”

  Like it had on stage earlier tonight, my throat closed up with emotion and I had to swallow hard to be able to even breathe for a moment. It felt like I’d been waiting my entire life for her to say those freaking words. “I love you too, baby.” The words came out choked and hoarse and I cleared my throat. “I love you so fucking much, Dallas.”

  “I really am sorry about earlier. Seeing her wrapped up in your arms like that hurt and I went a little crazy. Why didn’t you show me your wrist before tonight, though?” She grabbed my hand that was tattoo free and traced her fingertips over the skin that had once been inked.

  “Because I wanted you to trust me first. I don’t know. Hell.” I blew out a tired sigh. “I hoped I could make you love me enough that you wouldn’t care about that fucking tattoo.”


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