The Izzy and Seb Collection: The Evermore Series Books 1, 2 and 2.5

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The Izzy and Seb Collection: The Evermore Series Books 1, 2 and 2.5 Page 19

by Rachel De Lune

  I read the message once I’m parked in one of his spaces. I fled here without thinking because I needed to feel safe. Seb has been the one to offer me comfort and reassurance, and I desperately need that now. The thought, though, that Seb might not be home at this time twists something in my chest and I can barely keep the hurt inside.

  Phil and I had a fight and I wasn’t sure where else to go. Is it OK? Izzy

  You can wait for me. I won’t be home just yet though. S

  Thank you. See you soon. Izzy

  I can’t sit any longer. I need to go inside and lick my wounds. I rush up to the sixth floor and open his door. Bursting into my room, I fling myself to the bed. As I nestle into the pillows, my body relaxes and the emotional turmoil raging within my heart and my head lets loose. The first wave of tears dampens my eyes and then the pillow. I let my body take over, pulling great sobs from my chest. I let it all out—the guilt, the pain and more guilt.

  This was supposed to be simple. Seb shows me what I craved, the bliss from placing my sexual gratification in the hands of someone else and having it met. Submitting to someone else’s dominant nature. My curiosity satisfied. Simple. Now I know what I’ll be missing if I stay with Phil, but ending our marriage still hurts when I think about it. I thought it would be forever. I’ve given so much to our marriage. Can it really be over?

  Seb has given me vastly more than I expected. Yet I don’t know him. He’s doing all of this for me, and he’s asked nothing in return. Will he send me back when he’s had enough? Is he doing this for other women as well?

  More sobs tear at my chest and I can’t contain them. It’s no use. I’m a mess and can’t think properly at the moment. Everything is in gloom-tinted glasses. As my tears dry, I try to focus on this morning. Things have been building towards this for a while. Meeting Seb just sped it up. But I came to Seb. I wanted to be with him. I’m not going to be able to walk away from Seb. I’m falling in love with him. Oh no, no, no…

  I halt my thoughts, trying to reverse my realisation. I can’t feel like this—not now, not ever. Seb will never settle for someone like me. He must have been with dozens of women, could have any of the women in the photographs. My eyes sting and burn as more tears fall. My face is raw and puffy. I keep my head buried into the plush, now wet, cushions and pull my knees up to my chest.

  I wake as the light shines through the bedroom window and drifts across my face. I must have fallen asleep. Crying out my emotions has helped to focus my situation. I need to acknowledge my marriage is over and deal with what that will mean. That I’ve failed at something that I thought would last a lifetime. I’ll have to leave Phil and start a new life. Easier said than done.

  I need a shower, so I uncurl and head to the bathroom. The pulse of the water washes over me and I will the jets to wash away the ache in my heart. Instead, it merely numbs my senses as I turn the heat as hot as I can stand. It doesn’t erase all of my thoughts from the morning or the emotional break I had on arriving, but it certainly helps.

  I feel Seb before I see or hear him—a gentle caress down my spine, a warm hand snaking around my hip to pull me towards him. It’s suddenly so clear, like turning on a light in a room that was filled with shadows.

  I’ve fallen for him. It was the last thing that I thought would happen, and the realisation hasn’t the best timing. Perhaps all the tears that flowed this morning washed away the final barriers I had built between what my head and my heart were feeling towards Seb. As these thoughts cascade through my mind, he brings me back to the present by sinking his teeth into my bottom lip. I feel it in the pit of my stomach. My thighs tense as need for him washes over me like the water running down my body.

  His lips devour me and bring every nerve in my body to attention. The kiss is wild and holds a hunger—a desire—that has me whimpering. He pauses for breath. I take the moment to adjust to his onslaught. He’s usually so controlled, so planned, but with my emotions so raw, I want to feel his emotions, too. I want to hear him tell me how desperate he is to have me, that he can’t stand the time we are apart. My kisses beseech him to tell me how he feels. His body answers with consuming lips and scorching hands.

  I wrap my hands around his neck and into his hair, trying to get closer to him. I want him all over my body, touching every part of my skin. His tongue plays with my lip and dominates my mouth, and I moan at the sensations he evokes. I’m constantly ambushed by the response of my body to Seb. He brings me to life every time he touches me, as if he has a magical switch. I weaken in his arms. I want him to control and guide me as he always does.

  His hands run through my wet hair, and he gently pulls so I am forced to tilt my head to him. The water runs over my face and down my neck. He dips his head to lick up my throat, and electric shivers shudder through me. Oh my God, I want to come. The water runs into my mouth as he opens it with his lips and thrusts his tongue inside again. His hands are wandering, impatient and demanding.

  He runs both hands down my back, into the dimples at the base of my spine and over my bottom, pulling me closer. His cock sears my stomach, a clear sign of how aroused he is. My hands move to his chest, spreading out, and grasp around his neck. I love feeling his body in my hands. He’s warm and strong and I want to feel all of him.

  Seb’s kisses grow harder, more urgent. He explores my body with his lips. He kisses my cheeks, my throat, my collarbone, and back up to my lips. I slowly move my hands down his chest to caress him, but he grabs my wrist before I reach him. With a show of strength, he forces me against the wall of the shower. I gasp as the cold tiles press against my back. Yes! I’m suddenly desperate for Seb to take the lead, to rule over my body and be inside me. A gentle moan escapes my lips.

  “Shhh, Izzy,” he whispers and lifts my leg around his hip. I tighten my leg and cling to him as his hand runs up my thigh to squeeze my bottom.

  His hand continues to explore over my hip and down my stomach. Dipping between our bodies, he slips his fingers into me, feeling how wet I am. My response shows what Seb does to me. I grind down onto his finger, thirsty for more.

  “Izzy, I want you. Let me have you,” he moans into my mouth.

  Izzy? You called me Izzy? He never calls me Izzy when he’s intimate with me. He always calls me Isabel. A formal reflection of where our relationship lies. Before I can listen to my head, my body gives in to his assault. His lips and teeth are at my throat again, at my ear, and I’m panting hard.

  “Yes,” I keen, unable to stop. My body already trembles. He pauses to cover himself in latex before returning to me. He lifts me above his hips, pinning me to the wall as I wrap my legs around him. He removes his hand, takes his cock, thrusting up into me while he grabs my hips, and pulls me down onto him.

  “Umm,” I purr as he penetrates me. A wave of heat radiates from my core. There is a carnal power in how Seb is taking me, as though he can’t quite get deep enough inside me. I can’t get enough of him. Each thrust is harder, deeper, and I can’t escape him. I don’t want to escape.

  Wet tendrils of hair stick to my face as we get lost in this primal need. My body is coiling already, unable to resist Seb in this most demanding state. Trying to escape the elation that is building with my orgasm, I tilt my head back and close my eyes to keep myself together. I relish the feeling of him filling me, taking me. My respite is only momentary, though, as Seb cups my face and pulls it back to him.

  “Look at me, Izzy.”

  I blink open my eyes through the water to stare into his. Beautiful glinting eyes lock onto mine while he continues to push inside me. It’s so intense, staring right at him with our bodies joined in such an intimate way. My whole body tenses with anticipation. I can’t keep quiet anymore. I gasp and moan louder and louder the closer he gets to winning my climax. The ache in my pussy is ever-present and I long for Seb to take my body to the wondrous high where I lose all senses.

  “Please!” I beg him. It’s all too much.

  His chocolate voice rumbles with raw em
otion. “Come for me, Izzy.”

  My eyes drop, closing off my vulnerability to him as my body starts to fly. I feel the words right through my body. I take a deep breath and let go.

  “Oh… my… yes, yes… yes!” My thighs tighten around him as I ride out the shudders raking through my body. My back slides up and down the wall with each breath.

  “Look at me.” His command forces me to obey him. My pussy clenches around him from the force of my orgasm and I hope he feels it, too. He stares deep into my eyes, making sure we’re as connected as physically possible as he thrusts and pulls down on my hips before he lets go.

  “Oh God, Izzy!” With the last thrust, he comes deep inside me. I close my eyes and lean my forehead to rest on his, taking a moment to calm my breathing. We stay in that position, the water still flowing down between us, for what seems like forever. He slips out of me and holds me up so I can unwrap my legs, lowering me down into the shower. He pulls me to the centre of the shower and lets the water soak my hair, warming my body in a completely different way than he did a moment ago. I’m pulled into his bare chest as he holds me in his arms and I feel like I’ve come home, secure and blissful in the hazy afterglow of the amazing sex.

  I hope he echoes my feelings. I don’t have the courage to speak of it. I let him wash me, enjoying being soaped from head to foot in vanilla cocoa butter. Silently I pray that he never stops doing this to me—touching me, holding me, cherishing me.

  He washes every part of me before he turns the shower off and grabs a towel to envelop me. The way he took me felt… different, as if he were staking a claim on me, and now? Now he’s treating me as if I may break. My head is dizzy with thoughts as I let him wrap and dry me. But the one thought that predominates is why did he call me Izzy?

  He’s done it a hundred times before, but not once while I was submitting to him. Why now? He places a kiss to my forehead before he dries himself off and leaves me in my bathroom.

  This was the most intense, body-shattering orgasm he’s given me, and we were not Isabel, submissive, and Sebastian, Dominant, but Izzy and Seb, friends and lovers. I’m not sure how to straighten this out in my mind. I hope that Seb will talk to me later. I walk into the bedroom and curl up in bed, exhausted. It doesn’t take me long to drift, but before sleep finally claims me, I’m conscious of one resounding thought.

  I love him.

  “Wake up, Isabel.”

  I hear Seb’s low, velvet voice and I slowly roll over. A smile creeps across my face as I look up into his eyes.

  “Come on, Isabel. Wake up. You’ve been here for hours, and I don’t want to spend the time I have with you watching you sleep.”

  Hearing Seb talk about the time we have together brings me out of my sleepy haze. I glance at my watch and I’m pleased that it’s only two in the afternoon.

  “I’ve had your recent purchases in my house for over a day with the knowledge that you’ve already been playing with some of them without me.”

  I blush as I remember gently slipping the love beads inside me to see what they felt like. Somehow, thinking about that act with Seb being in charge makes it a lot more sexy

  “You’ve made excellent choices with what you’ve chosen. Now that you’re here, would you like to find out what I’m going to do with everything?”

  His words heat my building desire, and I want him to know that I want this, here, with him. I sit up in bed and lean forward to kiss him. I crush my lips against his and slide my tongue between them, staking claim to his mouth. My actions speak for me and tell him how much I want him, how much I want what he does to me. He pulls me close towards him, wraps his arm around me and lifts me from the bed as he stands. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me into his room, locked together in a passionate embrace that I hope is a prelude to much more.

  Seb quietens the kiss, nipping my bottom lip between his teeth before he lets go completely. His eyes sparkle and glint in the light like cut crystal. He sits me down on the bed and all I see is the dominant standing before me. “The thought of using these toys on you makes me a very happy man, Isabel. Would you like to see what happy feels like?”

  I nod. My stomach drops and my sex throbs. I’ve been imagining what Seb could do to me with the items I bought, but the reality will be far superior. Being with him is the best experience of my life. He takes me to places I didn’t think possible.

  “Come with me.” He leads a few feet from the foot of the bed. “I think you’ve ‘seen’ enough for the moment. From now on, you will only feel. If you want me to stop at any point, say ‘black’. Understand?”

  Black if I want to stop? Why not just say stop?


  I suddenly feel nervous and very exposed, but in a turned-on and excited beyond belief kind of way. A red silk blindfold is in his hand. He raises it and covers my eyes. The material is cool and light against my skin and my eyes relax. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, and I feel settled. I trust Seb.

  “Very nice, Isabel.” Seb’s lips brush against my ear as he whispers to me. Butterflies swarm in my stomach. His hands run down my arms and wrap around my wrists. He gently pulls me forward and I go with him. He turns my back to the bed. He pulls my left hand upwards and I feel more silk being tied around my wrist. He removes his hands but my arm remains aloft. There is some movement, telling me that the silk stretches to the tall wooden bed post, but I’m not bound directly to it. He repeats the action with my right arm so I’m standing, tethered to the bed, arms upraised. Seb’s restrained and blindfolded me before, but my chest heaves, sucking in oxygen in anticipation of what he might do this time.

  He brushes my neck with kisses and tiny electric currents spark at each contact point. His hands snake down my stomach and follow the contours of my body until he cups my pussy.

  “If I slip my finger between your lips, will you be wet for me?”

  Yes. God yes.

  I can’t speak, but as I try to articulate something, I open my mouth and a tiny gasp escapes, betraying how turned on he’s made me.

  “I think you like this, don’t you, Isabel?” He thrusts his finger inside me without any resistance, demonstrating how slick I am. As quickly as he entered me, he pulls away, leaving me with no physical contact. I can’t hear anything except for my heartbeat. The anticipation builds again and it’s a heady mix of lust, nerves and excitement.

  Seb’s tongue lightly flicks my right nipple before he sucks its tightening bud into his mouth. It sends more lightning strikes through me, this time directly to my clit, and my soft panting replaces my heartbeat in my ears. He moves his head and pulls my right nipple into his mouth, continuing to use the left as a plaything between his finger and thumb. Oh yes, please, keep doing that. He twists both nipples now and I feel needy and desperate. “I think if I keep doing this, I may be able to make you come. What do you think?” As if to make his point, he pinches my right nipple hard and I squeal. “Oh yes, Isabel. But not today. Let’s see how you respond to this.” He replaces his fingers with something cold. A burning sensation replaces coolness in a single moment as he clamps my delicate tip. The hot rush gives way to a tingling sensation as he clamps my other nipple. My attempt to quiet my whimpers is lacklustre. My mouth drops open and I pant loudly. “Not so scary now, are they? You look fucking delicious with this chain across your chest. If I want to get a reaction from you, all I need to do is—”

  He gently tugs the chain. “Umm” My nipples strain and throb.

  “Oh yes. Perfect.”

  I try to focus on something other than my aching breasts, but Seb isn’t touching any other part of me. My body is drunk on a whirlwind of intense pleasure.

  A low buzzing reaches my ears. It’s the vibrator. Its cool, firm head presses against my inner thigh and tickles my skin with its dull vibrations. Seb slowly draws the vibrator upward toward my pussy. He lightly skims my swollen lips and back down my other leg. He leisurely draws patterns with the top of the vibrator over every inc
h of my legs. Up and down, up and down. Each time he passes the apex of my thighs, I tilt my hips to achieve greater pressure where I want it.

  Finally, Seb places the tip directly on my clit and it sends me into a breathless panic. I pull against the ties on my wrists and widen my legs. I can feel all the tiny sparks building around my clit, my sex weeping at Seb’s assault on my body. But as I feel my muscles tighten deliciously, the vibrations stop.

  “Nooo.” I pull deep breaths into my lungs, the tension in my limbs waning, and the rush of my orgasm dissipates. Seb thrusts his finger inside me. His fingers explore me, inside and out, coating my pussy in my wetness. He hits harder, finger fucking me and building a deeper wave in the pit of my stomach.

  I hear them again—the vibrations—and they signal another onslaught of pleasure. But I’m starting to feel overwhelmed. Seb’s quietly going about my sexual torture and I’m desperately on the edge.

  Seb focuses his attention—and the toy—on my exposed and very wet pussy. He draws the tip back and forth through my wet lips. I wait eagerly for the head to breach my entrance and finish what Seb started with his fingers. He plunges the vibrator inside me, filling me up. My release dominates my thoughts.

  “Don’t come, Isabel.” His warning has me fighting against my body. Seb turns up the vibrations and I moan and mewl in response. I am so close to that beautiful edge, but he pulls on my nipple chain and I cry out, not expecting the pain to intensify my feelings of pleasure. He removes the vibrator.

  “No, please!” I’m desperate to come. Seb has worked my body to a crescendo, playing each erogenous zone in time. My clit throbs and my arms ache. I can barely feel my nipples. They are just a numb tingle. But Seb doesn’t let me finish. He continues his mix of stimulation, bringing me to that gloriously divine crest, but stopping a heartbeat away from where I want to go. The pleasure is growing darker, ebbing closer to pain, and my head is muddled.


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